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浙江省富阳市2012-2013学年第二学期期中教学质量检测七年级英语试卷I. 听力部分(30分)一、听句子,选答语。每个句子读两遍。(共5小题,记10分)(   )1. A.They are very tall.  B.They eat leaves of trees.  C.They come from Africa.(   )2. A He is Australian.  B.He’s reading a book.   C.Toronto is his favorite city. (   )3. A.They are cute.    B.That sounds interesting.     C.He’s interesting.(   )4. A.No, we don’t.     B.I can go out with my friend.  C.No, we can’t.(   )5. A.At six thirty.     B. On Monday .             C.In the morning.二、听对话,回答问题。每段对话读两遍。(共5小题,记10分)听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7两个小题。现在,你有10秒钟的时间阅读这两个小题。(   )6. What is David doing?       A.He is running in the hallway.     B. He is eating in the hallway.                       C. He is eating in class.(   )7. What is Peter doing?       A.He is running in the classroom.   B. He is listening to music in class.                       C. He is listening to music in the hallways. 听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。(   )8. Where is Amy now?       A.At Bill’s home.     B. At home.      C. At school.(   )9. What time does Amy have to get up on Sunday morning?       A.At 6:00.           B. At 7:00.       C. At 8:00        (   )10. What does Amy do on Sunday afternoon?       A.Do her homework.   B. Learn the piano.    C. Look after her brother. 三、听独白,回答问题。独白连读两遍。(共5小题,记10分)听独白前,你有25秒钟的时间阅读有关材料和5个小题。听完独白后,你有25秒钟的时间来选择有关选项。独白连读两遍。(   )11. Tom is from _______.       A. the USA         B. China            C. England(   ) 12. What language can Tom speak?       A. Chinese.          B. English.          C. Both A and B.(   )13. What is Bill doing?       A. Swimming.        B. Painting.          C. Watching TV.(   )14. Tom thinks science is ________.       A.interesting          B.boring            C. exciting (   )15. What does Tom want to be?   A.A player.           B. A doctor.          C. A movie star.                                  II.笔试部分(90分)四、单项选择(共15小题,计15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案(    )16. Mary can play_______ piano, but she can’t play _______ soccer.        A. the; the     B.the; /         C. / ; the            D. / ; /(    )17. Betty can sing and dance. She can join the ______ club.A. swimming       B.sports            C.English      D.art(    )18. ________ your sister _______ homework in the evening?A.Do; do     B.Does; does     C.Do; does      D.Does; do(    )19. Tom eats dinner early ______ the evening, but _______ Sunday evening he                  eats dinner late.A.in; on      B.in; in         C.on; on         D.in; at(    )20. Sometimes she _______ a train to school, sometimes she goes to school         ________ bus.A. takes; takes  B.by; takes     C.takes; by       D.by; by(    )21. My home is ________ walk from our school.A.ten minutes  B.ten minute    C.ten minutes’    D. ten minute’s(    )22. --- Don’t talk in the library.        --- _______ , Mr Wang.A. Excuse me   B.I’m sorry    C.Thank you     D.You’re right(    )23. “ ______ talking!” means “ ______ talk!”A. No; No      B.Don’t; No    C.No; Don’t     D.Don’t; Don’t(    )24. We have _______ rules in our school.A. lot of       B.many too      C.too much      D.too many(    )25. Miss White is a _______ teacher, and we all like her.A.friend       B.old          C.friendly       D.interesting(      )26. --- Where is Julie?         --- She is _______ in the supermarket.        A. sleep       B.taking         C.shopping     D.read(      )27.Look at the photo! Lisa is ________.A. run        B.runing          C.runs         D.running(      )28. There isn’t ______ milk in the glass.A.any          B. a little          C. many           D.some     (      )29. How does your father _______ home every day?        A.get to       B. get          C.arrive in       D.arrive at(      )30. I like penguins because they are ______ interesting. A.a kind of    B.kinds of         C.kind of         D.kind         五、完形填空(共10小题,计10分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。  I have a very healthy life. I always  31  at six. I usually exercise  32  six fifteen to seven. Then I quickly  33  a shower and eat breakfast. After that, I always brush my teeth and go to school at eight. I have lunch  34   a quarter to twelve. I  35  home from school at half 36  four  37  do my  38  . I have  39  at seven thirty. I go to  40  at ten.31. A.get              B.get to            C.get up32. A.at               B.from             C.to33. A.take             B.takes             C.has34. A.at               B.from             C.in35. A.get              B.get to             C.go to36. A.to               B.pass              C.past37. A.or               B.and              C.but38. A.houseworks       B.homeworks        C.homework39. A.breakfast         B.lunch             C.dinner40. A.school           B.bed               C.the bed 六、阅读理解(共15小题,计30分。)    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。APeople go to work in different ways. They work from Monday to Friday. Some people go to work on foot because they live near their workplaces. Some people go to work by bike because they live far away from their workplaces, or they like riding bikes. They think it's good for their health. Today more people have their own cars, so they can go to work in their cars. In the south of China, many people even go to work by boat because water is around their houses. Will people go to work by plane? I think so,if necessary. 41.Some people go to work on foot because _________.   A.they don’t have any cars.   B.they live near their workplaces.   C.they they live far away from their workplaces.42.Some people go to work by bike because _________.   A.they live far away from their workplaces.   B.they are busy.      C.they are tired.43.Today more people go to work _______.   A.by car            B.by bus         C.by subway44.In the south of China,many people go to work ______.   A.by plane           B.on foot        C.by boat45.They work on __________.   A.weekends           B.weekdays       C.Sundays B Dear Zhang Qian,Thanks for your letter. You want to know about my favorite sport and instrument(乐器). Now let me tell you. I like swimming very much, and I like volleyball, basketball, and ping-pong, too. Swimming is my favorite sport. I am good at playing the guitar and the violin, too. My favorite instrument is violin. I often play the violin on weekends. What about you? What’s your favorite sport? Do you like to play the violin or the guitar? Please write to me soon.                                                                                                                           Yours,                                                                       Li Ping                                                                                         46.This is ____________.  A.a message         B.an ad        C.an e-mail47.______ is Li Ping’s favorite sport.  A.Swimming          B.Running      C.Jumping48._______ is Li Ping’s favorite instrument.  A. Piano   B. Violin    C.Guitar49. Li Ping often plays the violin on ________.  A.Monday             B.Friday      C.Saturday and Sunday50.Li Ping doesn’t like ________.  A.soccer             B.basketball     C.volleyball                                   C        Many people like animals. Now a lot of people keep animals as pets(宠物). Usually people like to keep dogs, cats, fish and other animals. Many young people keep animals because they think these animals are interesting. Some old people keep pets because they don’t live with their children.  Molly lives in No.25 Garden Street. He is a doctor(医生), but he helps dogs. People usually call him The Dog Doctor. When their dogs get sick(生病), they call him on the telephone. He goes to the people’s houses and helps them. He gives the dogs the right medicine(药物). Wherever(无论) he goes, he is always welcome.51. What kind of animals do people keep? A. Dogs.   B. Cats.    C. Fish.   D. All of the above.52. Why do old people keep pets? A. Because they don’t live with their sons and daughters. B. Because they don’t have children. C. Because they think animals are interesting. D. Because they like animals are interesting.53. Does Molly help animals? A. Yes, he is.  B. Yes, he does.  C. No, he isn’t. D. No, he doesn’t.54. What is the best title? A. A Dog Doctor.     B. A new Pet Store. C. Pets and doctors.     D. An interesting animal.55. Where does Molly live? A. In a hospital.      B. In a city. C. In a garden.      D. In No. 25 Garden Street. 七、词语填空(共10小题,计10分) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯(每个单词限用一次)。   smart  danger  save  help  for  forget   from  symbol  lose  elephant   Hello. We are students    56 __ Thailand, and we want to save the elephants. The elephant is one of Thailand’s    57 __. Our first flag had a white elephant on it. This is a symbol of good luck.  Elephants are    58 __animals. They can play soccer or music. They can also draw very well. People say that “ an elephant never    59 __”. Elephants can walk   60 __ a long time and never get lost. They can also remember places with food and water. This    61 __ them to live.  But elephants are in great    62 __. People cut down many trees so elephants are    63 __ their homes. People also kill    64 __ for their ivory. We must   65 __ the trees and not buy things made of ivory.     八、单词拼写(共10小题,计10分)根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填一词)。66. I can’t play the g_______, but I can play the piano.67. Peter wants to j________ the swimming club very much.68. My father usually takes a s_________ after getting up.69. I e__________ watch TV or play computer games on weekends.70. It takes me about 15 m_________ to get to school.71. Her dream will come t_________ .72. We have to w_______ school uniforms on Monday.73. Please be q________ in the school library.74. My sister likes dogs because they are f_________ and smart.75. Steve is not eating. He is d_________ a cup of tea.九、书面表达(共1题,计15分)假如现在是晚上8点,请你根据Jim提供的信息,写一篇短文描述Jim一家此刻的活动情况。要求:使用现在进行时态;不少于60词。     Person     Activity   grandparents     watch TV      father   read newspapers      mother     do some cleaning      sister    play the piano     Jim    do his homework     __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________七年级英语答题卷       题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 总分得分        阅卷人        复核人         听力部分(30分)一、听句子,选答语(共5小题,计10分)1._______  2._______  3._______ 4._______  5._______ 二、听对话选择答案(共5小题,计10分)6._______  7._______  8.______  9._______  10._______ 三、听独白,回答问题(共5小题,计10分)11._______ 12._______ 13.______ 14._______ 15._______       笔试部分 (95分)四、单项选择(共15小题,计15分)16._______ 17._______ 18._______ 19._______ 20._______21._______ 22._______ 23._______ 24._______ 25._______26._______ 27._______ 28._______ 29._______ 30._______五、完形填空(共10小题,计10分)31._______ 32._______ 33._______ 34._______ 35._______36._______ 37._______ 38._______ 39._______ 40._______六、阅读理解(共15小题,计30分) 41. ________  42.________ 43._________ 44.________ 45._______46. ________  47.________ 48._________ 49.________ 50._______51. ________  52.________ 53._________ 54.________ 55._______七、词语填空(共10小题,计10分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯(每个单词限用一次)56._______   57._______  58._______  59._______  60._______61._______   62._______  63._______  64._______  65._______八、单词拼写(共10小题,计10分)66. ______  67. _______  68. _______  69. _______  70. _________71. _______ 72. _______  73. _______   74. _______  75. _________九、书面表达(共1题,计15分)                                                      ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 富阳市2012-2013学年第二学期期中考试卷                七年级英语听力材料一、听句子,选答语。每个句子读两遍。1. Where are the lions from?2. What’s Tom doing?3. Let’s go and see the pandas.4. Can you go out on school nights?5. What time do you usually get up? 二、听对话,回答问题。每段对话读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7两个小题。现在,你有10秒钟的时间阅读这两个小题。W: Hey! David. You know the school rules. Don’t eat in class.M: Sorry, Ms Clark.W: Mike, don’t run in the hallways.M: Oh, sorry, Ms Clark.W: Hey, Peter, don’t listen to music in the hallways. Peter!M: He can’t hear you, Ms Clark.听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。W: I must go home now. I enjoyed the food. Thanks for having me, Bill.M: Why, Amy? It’s only six o’clock now.W: I have to go home and do my homework.M: But tomorrow is Sunday.W: Oh, but I must get up at 7:00 on Sunday morning.M: What are you going to do tomorrow?W: A lot, I have to learn the piano at 8:00 o’clock. In the afternoon I have to look after my little brother.M; That’s too bad.三、听独白,回答问题。独白连读两遍。(每小题2分,共10分)听独白前,你有25秒钟的时间阅读有关材料和5个小题。听完独白后,你有25秒钟的时间来选择有关选项。独白连读两遍。Hi, my name is Tom Johnson, and I am 15 years old. I’m from New York. Now I’m in Beijing International School. I can speak a little Chinese. I like swimming and painting. But I don’t like science. It is boring for me. My favorite subject is music. I have a brother, Bill. He is only five. He’s watching TV now. I like soccer very much. My favorite player is David Beckham. I want to be a player like him.   富阳市2012-2013学年第二学期期中考试卷        七年级英语参考答案一、听短对话,回答问题(共5小题,计5分)1. C  2. B  3. B  4. C  5.A二、听较长对话,回答问题(共5小题,计10分)6. C   7.C   8. A   9. B  10.C三、听独白,回答问题(共5小题,计10分)11.A  12.C  13.C  14. B  15. A四、单项填空(共20小题,计20分)16---20 BDDAC   21---25 CBCDC   26---30 CDABC   十、完形填空(共10小题,计10分)  31-35 CBAAA  36-40 CBCCB十一、阅读理解(共15小题,计30分)   A. 41-45 BAACB  B. 46-50 CABCA   C.51-55 DABCD 七、词语填空(共10小题,计10分)56. from   57.symbols  58.smart    59. forgets    60. for 61. helps   62.danger   63. losing   64. elephants  65. save八、单词拼写(共10小题,计10分)66. guitar   67.join   68. shower  69. either  70.minutes71. true    72.wear   73.quiet    74. friendly   75.drinking九、作文(略)    

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