Unit2ThereisaparknearmyhomeLesson8教学设计一、教 学 目 标 知识目标: 通过这两节课的学习,使学生复习并初步掌握there be句型的用法。学习本单元描述地址方位,指路和问路的用语。 能力目标 :学习有关的描述地址方位的用语以及相应的词汇和本单元描述地址方位,指路和问路的用语 情感态度与价值观: 1.提高学生在真实的场景中运用语言进行交际的能力 2. 提高学生的学习兴趣,巩固和扩展所学知识二、教学重点 in front of,building,restaurant,between,post office,next to, supermarket,right,left, 1) there is …near/in front of … 2)next to the hairdresser is a clothes shop.on the left /right of the restaurant is a cake shop. 三、教学难点 复习并初步掌握there be 句型的用法和含义。 There’s a park near my home .There are many trees in front of the building.四、教具、学具的准备 picture, tape, tape recorder, photos 五、教学方法 Audio-lingual Approach, Cognitive Approach 六、教学过程 (一)导入新课 chant: left, left, turn left.Right, right, turn right. Left, left, put a book on your left. Right, right, put a pen on your right.(二)呈现新课
1.给小组以本课中的新词命名:bank, clothes shop, restaurant, hair dresser. 2. Listen and do T: I’m in the restaurant.(T shows the word card of restaurant) S: Group restaurant stand up and say: restaurant, restaurant, I’m in the restaurant. The teacher teaches new word as the same way. 3. Greeting: I live in Jinghong city. Look! This is my neighborhood. This is my house. Is it tall? This is Xinzhi book store. It’s near my home. You can see many interesting book in the book store. Have you been to Xinzhi book store? What kind of book did you usually buy from Xinzhi book store? What is near your house? 4. Students discus in groups. And students answer these questions.(三)巩固提高,本课小结 1. Listen to the tape and point. 2. Listen to the tape and repeat. 3. Listen to the tape and answer questions. 4. Read the text in groups. 5. Group work: draw a map of your school’s neighborhood and try to introduce it in your group. (四)作业布置 Try to draw a map of your neighborhood 七、教学反思一、设计理念及本节课的亮点1、充足的课前准备。从接到通知起,我就认真钻研教材,确定了教学内容。因为这个课时讲的是介绍自己生活的小区,和生活实际连接比较紧密,学生会比较感兴趣。并花一个多星期仔细研读文本,深入了解教材编排的特点、意图及文本折射出的深层次的内涵,大胆取舍与整合,由于时间关系。另外,我还花一个双休日的时间制作了丰富生动的多媒体课件,一些建筑物的图片让学生看图片说单词,很好地为我的课堂教学服务。2、充分的个人素质展示。本人上课情绪饱满,充满激情,常常与学生同欢笑,共忧愁。我上课时肢体语言充分,带领学生在视觉、听觉、肢体等全方位动起来,本堂课上根据需要语调时升时降,避免学生疲劳,讲课有条不紊,抓住大多数学生,时常鼓励学生,学生在老师的情绪感染下快乐地学习英语。我还努力运用全英语的课堂教学用语组织教学,给学生创设一个听英语、说英语的环境。3、成功的激励、奖励机制。以往我的英语课上,我的激励、奖励是口头形式的,学生都知道陈老师的表扬是这样递进的:Right(对了)—Good(好的)—Verygood(很好)—Great
(很棒)—Wonderful(棒极了)—Excellent (太棒了),平时学生都很在乎老师的口头表扬,我也乐得这样做,操作简便,效果较好。二、存在的不足和需要改进的地方1.Practice 环节不够流畅,教师应该先引导,再让学生完成。 2. 课堂中,对学生的评价语言较为单一。丰富多样的激励性语言更能激发学生的学习欲望。