Unit6 How many? 教学设计

Unit6 How many? 教学设计


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 Unit6 How many? 教学设计作者: 丫丫轩时间: 2019/8/21 16:34:33分类: 无分类一.Teaching aims1.Ss can read the words of numbers from11 to 20,Ss can read the new words “won” “only”.2. Ss can understand the story with the help of the pictures and read the story correctly.3. Ss can act out the story and make a new story.                                                                                                                                                                                          二.Teaching key points1.Read the story well.                                                                                                                                  2. Consolidate and apply the sentence pattens: “How many…do you have?” “I have...”三.Teaching difficult pointsMake a new story.四.Teaching adds1.T:PPT,some apple cards, sentence cards and a basket .2.Ss:English books.五.Teaching proceduresStep1 .Warm-up and lead-in1.Greeting and Free talkT :Hello , children.Let’s begin our class.Now ,please look !How many books do you have?” Ss:one.T: Yes,only one. T:How many pens do you have?(同时板书课题 Unit6 How many?)S1:threeT: good.2.Look at the PPT and answer. Now let’s Look at the PPT and answer: How many bananas/ apples do you see? Ss answer the questions:...3. Ss have a race to pick up the apples in classStep2. Presentation.1.Show Zoom’s and Zip’s photo.2. Watch the video and answer questionsT:Let’s watch and answer:Who won?3.Watch the video again and answer questionsHow many apples does Zoom/Zip have?S1:…S2:…4.Reading practice.(1) follow the tape to read the story sentence by sentence. (模仿Zoom/Zip声音读,添加肢体动作读表演,男女生分开读等形式的朗读 )(2) pair reading .(3) Reading show.choosing two pairs to show .5.Make a new story.(1) An example ( T show it on PPT)(2) Ss work in pairs to make a new story(3) New story showChoosing one or two pairs to show .6.Homework.(1) Follow the tape to read the story,and show it with your friends.(2)Adding an ending to the story.

资料: 29.3万


