Unit 8 Our things

Unit 8 Our things


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I. Teaching aims and demands: 1.Help the students to grasp the following words do, has, about , Walkman, comic, CD, watch, radio, computer, scarf, sticker, hair clip, locker, apple, pear, a pair of, sunglasses, besides, snack, can, Coke, trainer, pet, goldfish, duck, children, rabbit. 2. Enable the students to master these structures (1)The use of  have, has Do you have a/any …?Yes, I do. /  No, I don’t. I have ….   She  has …. What about …? (2) Whose …is it/ are they?  It’s / they’re…. Are these … yours? Yes, they’re mine. No, they are not mine. 3.Make the students know and be able to use the possessives my—mine,  your—yours, his—his,  her—hers, our—ours, their—theirs, Andy—Andy’s 4.About pronunciation [  ] what, not, shop, dog         [  ] door, four, short, ball [ u ]good, put, look, book         [ u:]zoo, shoe, ruler, blue, [з:]nurse, her, bird, thirteen      [  ]open, doctor, colour, teacher II. Teaching aids  pictures, slides, a computer, a tape-recorder Ⅲ. Difficulties and important points The use of the possessives-------yours, mine ,hers, theirs, ours Ⅳ. Teaching Method   The Eclectic Teaching Method Ⅴ. Time allocation Two class hours are needed for this unit Teaching plan for the 1st period Teaching procedures Step 1   Free talk /duty report and revision 1.     Free talk /duty report 2.     Review the possessives (adjective form) presented in Unit7  by means of talking, showing pictures or some real objects T: Whose … is it / are they? S: It’s / They’re my/ your/his/her/our/their … T: What is it/ are they like? S: What colour is it/ are they? Step 2  About some new words        1.          Showing some pictures by multi-media or some real objects. Teach: comic book, model plane, tennis, Walkman (show the phonetic symbols as well) 2.          Page 38  our things 3.          Readingafter the tape Step 3   Presentation 1.          Ask T: Do you have a Walkman?   Do you have many comic books? S: Yes, I ___________.   No, I ____________. T: What about your cousin/ your friend …? 2.   Show the pictures on Page 38( Learn to say) Who are they? What’s this ( in ________’s hand)? What are they saying/ talking about? 3.  Listen and retell/ repeat 4.          Practise the dialogues in Learn to say Step 4    Listening 1.          Listen to the tape while showing the pictures on Page 38 2.          Practise reading the names of the objectives 3.          Listen and match Step  5  Speaking 1.     Show the pictures of Listen and match T: Whose ball is this? Is it Nick’s ?   Whose radio is that? Is it yours? Whose computer is it? It’s his, right? S:… 2. Ask and answer (1)   Listen to the tape (2)   Practise reading the dialogues in this part (3)   Please make your own dialogues. Use the sentences in your books. 4.          Show the words in the box. Talk about the possessives. Step  6   Workbook 1.         Page 100, Part One 2.         Page 101, Grammar Homework: 1.     Listen and read 2.     Memorize the new words in this unit 3.     Memorize the possessives on Page 39 4.     Preview the next part of this unit Teaching plan for the 2nd period Teaching procedures Step 1   Free talk /duty report and revision 1.          Free talk 2.           Have a dictation (1)          I have a comic book. I have some comic books.( 一般问句再肯定否定回答) (2)  They have a computer. This is Andy’s radio. That is mine. (3)  Lily has a watch. (4) My cousin has a pair of glasses. Step  2  Reading 1.     Brief instruction (show the pictures on Page 40 and free talk about them) What are these? They are lockers. InBeijingSunshineSecondary School, there are lockers for students. The students can put their things in them. This is Suzy’s locker. What about this one? What about that one? … What do they have in their lockers? 2.     Read through the passage (1) What’s the general idea?            What’s the passage mainly about? (2)          How many children are mentioned in it? Who are they? (3)          Do they have many things? 3.          Read it again. True or False. … Page 101Reading 4.          Read it once more. Answer some questions.  (or Ask and answer by the students themselves) 5.          The exercise on Page 40. 6.          Any difficulties or problems? 7.          Retell the text in your own words. Step  3   Grammar  1.     Exercises “Can you finish the exercises on Page 41. I will give you several minutes.” 2.     Check the answer and practice reading 3.     Task Find the owners of some objects. 4.     Conclusion. Step  4   Pronunciation 1.     Revise how to pronounce the letters : a, e, i, o, u. (1)          cake, be, bike, coke, student (2)          bag, ben, this, dog, but, bus 2.     Listen carefully 3.     Open your books and discuss with your neighbours. Put each word in its correct place in your books. Step  5   Workbook 1.     Page 101  Reading B 2.     Page 100  Listening Step  6    Task 1.     Read the text in Part A and know how to complete the table 2.     What about Red Green groups and Blue, Yellow groups. Homework: 1.     Listen and read 2.     Memorize the new words and useful phrases in this unit. 3.     《衔接教材》Page 20 and Page 21 Exercise 3, 4 4.     Revise Unit 8 5.     Preview Unit 9

资料: 29.3万


