Unit 1(仁爱)

Unit 1(仁爱)


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Unit 1 一、教学目标 语 言 知 识 类别 内  容 课次 要求 语 言 1知道字母名称的读音 2了解单词的重音,能够准确地读出所学单词 3初步了解元音字母的读音规则 4初步了解语调的变化   掌 握 词 汇 good, morning,  hi, hello,  I , am, I’m,  are, you, yes, nice,to,meet, too, welcome, China, thank 1A 掌 握 see, let, us,let’s begin, stand up,please,class, sit down,mom, this, is, my, teacher, Mr.,how, do 1B fine,good-bye,bye,afternoon, and,OK 1C bye-bye 1D excuse, me,  what,your, name,where,be from,Canada, the, no, not, she, he, Japan 2A her,his,England,they, aren’t 2B zero,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten, telephone,number 2C Evening 2D eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen, sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen, twenty, How old ...?,phone,in,grade,who, who’s,that 3A in  English, it, an, orange,spell, a,car, pencil,apple,double,ruler,eraser, pen,desk,book,blackboard 3B years old,now, school, same, but,friend,these,egg,those, bus, box,cake, schoolbag 3C age, ID number, high, junior high school 3D 理 解 Miss 1B Later 1C the U.S.A., oh,Washington,DC, New York 2A Cuba 2B Cheers 2D BeijingRen’aiInternationalSchool 3C   语 言 知 识 语法 1.掌握动词be在不同情况下形式上的变化 2.掌握动词be的缩写形式 3.掌握不定冠词a和an的区别 4.掌握所学可数名词单、复数的变化 5.掌握基数词0~20的写法 6.指示代词(Demonstrative pronoun): this, that, these, those 句型 1 Are you Michael?          Yes, I am./No, I’m not. 2 Is she Jane?           Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t. 3 What’s your name?                My name is Sally. 4 Are you fromWashington,DC?         No, I’m not. I’m fromNew York. 5 Where are you from?                 I’m fromCanada. 6 Where is he from?                   He is fromJapan. 7 Where are they from?         Maria is fromCubaand Jane is fromCanada. 8 What’s his/her telephone number?    His/Her telephone number is (010)8267-6790. 9 How old are you?                     I am five. 10 What class is she in?                She is in Class Eleven, Grade Eight. 11 What’s this/that in English?       It’s a car. 12 What are these/those in English?    They’re oranges. 掌   握 功能与话题 1.了解问候、认识、告别、感谢,谈论来自哪里、年龄、年级、班级、电话号码等交际功能的基本表达形式。 2.能理解和表达有关下列话题的简单信息:电话号码、个人情况、体育明星、国家、城市名称等。 (1)问候 Good morning/afternoon/evening. Hello!Hi! Nice to meet you. Nice to see you. Welcome toChina! Thanks. How do you do? How do you do? How are you? I’m fine. Thanks. / I’m OK,thanks. Cheers! (2)告别 Good-bye! Bye. See you later. See you. Bye-bye. (3)个人情况 What’s his/her name? Where is he/she from? What class are you in? How old are you? What’s your phone number? (4)语言交际困难 What’s this/that in English? It’s a car. How do you spell it?C-A-R, car.    

资料: 29.3万


