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选出合适的答语。 (    )1.What day is it ?         A. It’s Monday.       B. It’s fine.        C. It’s six. (    )2.When is Children’s Day ?         A. It’s in June.      B.It’s in January.   C. It’s in March. (    )3.Is your birthday in February ?         A. Yes, I am.          B.It’s in February.   C. No, it isn’t. (    )4.When is your birthday ?         A.It’s in April.      B. I’m seven.         C. I like April. (    )5.Which season do you like best ?         A.Fall.                B. I like May.         C. It’s cool. (    )6.Is your father’s birthday in April? A. Yes , he is .       B. Yes, it is .        C. It’s in Apr. (    )7.What day is it today ? A.It’s Tuesday.       B. It’s Feb.6th.       C. It’s in Feb. (    )8.Who has a birthday in May ? A. Amy.                B. Amy’s .            C. Yes, she is . (    )9.What class do you have in the afternoon? A. I have science.     B. I have noodles.     C. I can paint. (    )10.Happy New Year! A. The same to you .   B. All right.            C. Sure. (    )11. Who has a birthday in October?         A. Me.                 B. Yes, it is.           C.Sarah’s . (    )12.What are you doing ?         A.I’m making a cake.  B. I can make a cake.    C. Let’s make a cake. (    )13.Does she have a computer ?         A. Yes , she can .     B. No, she doesn’t.     C. Yes, she is. (    )14.Let’s make a birthday care for Grandma.         A. I have no time.     B. Good idea.            C.No, I don’t. (    )15.Is your mother’s birthday in May ?         A. Yes, she can.       B. No, she isn’t.       C. Yes, it is. (    )16.Happy birthday , Dad.         A.Thank you .          B. You, too.             C. It’s in Sept. (    )17.Is your mom’s birthday in June?         A. Yes, she is .       B. No, it isn’t.         C.Yes, she can. (    )18.When si Children’s Day?          A. It’s in July.      B. It’s in May.          C. It’s in June. (    )19.Who has a birthday in March ?           A. Mike .             B. Mike’s  .             C. There’s one. (    )20. What’s the date ?           A. It’s Monday.      B. It’s Feb.8th.          C. It’s February. (    )21.Happy New Year.           A. OK.                B. The same to you.        C.Are you happy ? (    )22. When is our National Day?           A. It’s June 1st.    B.It’s Oct.1st .           C. It’s Aug.1st. (    )23.How many seasons are there in a year ?           A. There are four.        B. There are seven.   C. There are twelve. (    )24. Why do you like summer ?        A. It’s sunny today.       B. I can swim.         C.Yes , I like it. (    )25.When do they have math class?        A. It’s 9:00.              B. At 9:00.            C. On Monday.  (    )26.What do you often do in summer ?         A. I often swim.           B. I can swim.         C. I am simming . (    )27.How are you today ?         A. I’m fine , thanks.     B.How are you ?        C. Thank you. (    )28.What are you doing ?         A. I often do housework.   B. I’m cooking dinner.   C. I can cook the meals. (    )29.What’s the man like ?         A.He’s short and thin.     B.He’s reading.      C.He’s in the study. (    )30.What do you have on Tuesdays?          A.We play ping-pong.        B. We have math class.   C. I’d like some pork. (    )31.Would you like to go to the Children’s Center with me ?         A. Sure.                  B. No, I don’t.         C.Yes, I can. (    )32.What’s the girl doing ?         A.I’m flying kites .     B.He’s flying kites.     C. She’s flying kites. (    )33.Hello.Who’s that , please?         A.Who are you ?          B.This is Nina.          C. I’m Nina. (    )34.See you later.          A.Let’s meet at five.   B. Let’s go .          C.Bye. (    )35.Can I speak your mom, please?          A. No, she isn’t.       B.OK. Please hold on.    C. No, thanks. (    )36.May I speak to your sister , May ?          A. Speaking.             B. Who are you?           C. Hold on , please. (    )37.Who has a birthday in January ?          A. Me.                   B. It’s Jan.13th.        C. Yes, it is. (    )38.What can you do ?           A. I can jump .         B. I’m jumping.          C. I jump. (    )39.How’s everybody doing ?          A. I’m fine.         B.Just fine.        C. They are playing football. (    )40.What’s your gandfather doing ?           A.He’s old.         B. He likes cooking.          C.He’s cooking . (    )41.What can fish do ?           A.They can fly.      B. They can swim.            C.They can walk. (    )42.What’s Father Elephant doing ?          A.She’s walking .   B. He’s walking.             C.No, he isn’t. (    )43.What’s his favourite sport?          A.Jumping.            B. Cats.                      C. Apples. (    )44.What do you see ?          A. I see a monkey.   B. I can see a monkey.    C.It’s sleeping in the tree. (    )45.Is the man running in the park ?          A.Yes, he does.         B. Yes, he can .            C. Yes, he is. (    )46.What do you see in the picture ?          A. I see two tigers.     B. I can see two tigers.    C. I have two tigers. (    )47.What are the elephants doing ?          A.They are walking .    B.It’s walking.           C. Yes, they are. (    )48.Are the kangaroos jumping?          A.Yes, they can.        B.Yes, they are.           C.Yes, they do. (    )49.What’s the weather like in winter in Harin ?          A.I like winter.        B.It’s snowy.              C.It’s Friday. (    )50.What are you doing now?          A.She’s singing.       B.She can sing.             C. I’m singing. (    )51.How old is her aunt ?          A.She’s 25.            B.She’s well.              C. I’m fine. (    )52.Which month do you like ?          A. I like fall.         B.I like Monday.            C.I like May. (    )53.How many birds do you see ?          A. I have two.          B.I see two.                 C. I can see only one. (    )54.Where are the animals?          A.They are cute.      B.They’re eating lunch.    C. They’re at the zoo. (    )55.Can elephants really fly?          A.Yes, they can.       B. No, they can’t .          C. Yes, they are. (    )56.Where are they?        A. They’re in the woods.   B. It’s in the woods.    C.There are some bears. (    )57.Are your classmates watching insects?         A.Yes, he is .           B.Yes, they are.         C.Yes, they do. (    )58.Is your Miss Li’s birthday in October ?          A.Yes, he is.           B.No, it isn’t.         C.Yes, she is. (    )59.What are you doing ?          A. I’m jumping .       B.They’re jumping.       C.He’s jumping . (    )60.Let’s go on a field trip.          A.Great.                 B.Yes, I do.             C.I like a field trip. (    )61.Is Mike taking pictures of the lions?          A. Yes, he is.           B.Yes, she is.          C.No, it isn’t. (    )62.What’s Grandma doing ?          A.She can cook.          B.She’s cooking.        C.She often cooks. (    )63.How are your parents?          A.He’s fine.           B.I’m fine.              C.Very well, thanks. (    )64.Are they playing chess?           A.No, they are watching ants.   B.Yes,they are.      C.No, they don’t. (    )65.What’s your sister like ?          A.She llikes music.  B.She’s very active.    C.She is listening to music. (    )66.Are you cleaning the classroom?          A.Yes, they are.       B. No, we aren’t.        C.No, we are. (    )67.Whose birthday is in May ?          A.It’s Tom’s .         B. Tom.          C.That’s right. (    )68.Where’s Chen Jie ?          A.She’s reading .   B.She’s in the study.  C.They’re on the playground. (    )69.What can you see ?          A. I can see two birds.   B. I can fly kites.     C. I often do housework. (    )70.Thanks so much.           A.All right.            B.You’re welcome.      C.Do say so. (    )71.Can I speak to Mr Li ?           A.No, you can’t.        B.Who are you?         C.Speaking . (    )72.What’s the date today ?           A.It’s Monday.          B.It’s Nov.25th.        C. It’s in May. (    )73.What is your brother doing ?          A.He’s reading books.   B.He is strong.  C. He’s in the classroom. (    )74.Is your mother’s birthday in August?          A. Yes, she is .          B.Yes, it is.        C.Yes, she does. (    )75.Which season do you like best ?          A. I can fly kites.       B.It’s windy and cool .  C. I like fall best.

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