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小学五年级英语期末测试 听力部分 一、选出你所听到的单词 (  )1.A. size     B. sit     C. side     D. six (  )2.A. lesson   B. listen  C. like     D. let (  )3.A. look     B. clock   C. luck     D. book (  )4.A. hot      B. got     C. not      D. lot (  )5.A. bit      B. big     C. bag      D. best 二、根据问句选择答语   (  )1.A.It's Tom's.            B.It's my mother's            C.It's my brother's. (  )2.A.It's Sunday.           B.It's warm.                  C.It's big and new. (  )3.A.It's Wednesday         B.It's windy                  C.It's mine. (  )4.A.She's an engineer.     B.He's a bus driver.          C.Mr Green is a doctor. (  )5.A.He can swim very well.        B.I can sing English songs.       C.She can draw a horse. 三、听到的句子哪部分与所给句子不相符,将标号写入括号   (  )1.What is your bike like? It's new.                 A    B              C (  )2.Mr Brown is our English teacher.           A        B        C (  )3.We have English, Chinese and maths this afternoon.                  A        B          C (  )4.I'm going to the museum this Sunday.        A                  B        C (  )5.Tom can use a computer very well.        A   B         C 四、按照听到句子的内容,选择括号中的单词   (  )1.      are you going?                          A.When      B.Where     C.Whose (  )2.We have English      Monday and Thursday.     A.on         B.in       C.at (  )3.I want to      a coat.                        A.read       B.buy      C.play (  )4.Whose      are these?                         A.jacket     B.dress    C.coats   笔试部分 一、判断每组单词中划线部分的读音是否一致,可√或“×”   (  )1. A. about    B. now    C. know   (  )2. A. early    B. hear    C. bear   (  )3. A. tree    B. three    C. train   (  )4. A. watch    B. after    C. garden   (  )5. A. teacher    B. weather    C. speak   (  )6. A. bright    B. like    C. night 二、填入所缺字母     1. My aunt is a g  d d  ct  .     2. How m  ch is this v  st? It's tw  nty yuan.     3. What d  es his m  ther d  ? She's a s  nger.     4. What's the w  ther like  n Hong Kong?     It's a s  nny. 三、将中文与相应的英文连线     1、踢足球        A. the Summer Palace     2、颐和园        B. go to school     3、音乐厅        C. play the piano     4、上学          D. music hall     5、弹钢琴        E. play football  答案:1.E    2.A    3.D    4.B    5.C 四、将下面的单词,按类抄写在横线上     winter, sweater, the Summer Palace, engineer, skirt, shop, autumn, blouse, singer, spring, policeman, post office     1、衣物              2、职业              3、季节              4、场所 

资料: 29.3万


