高三英语冲刺单项选择精选题 4

高三英语冲刺单项选择精选题 4


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186、_______ from his family for over two years, he is now eager to go back home.A. Having been separated           B. Being separatedC. Separating                          D. Having separated187、The boy is not ________ he used to be; he looks ________.A. what; strong   B. what; stronger   C. that; strong    D. that; stronger188、_______ lying on the floor, the old man was immediately taken to hospital.A. Finding    B. Being found    C. Found     D. Having found189、— I have a very bad cold.— Well, have you ever heard of a saying which goes “_______ a cold and starve a fever?”A. feeding     B. to feed    C. fed     D. feed190、— What are those men nover there?— _________ Green Peace.A. A group calling themselves       B. A group called by C. Called by                             D. Calling191、In that country about 80 percent of the population _____ farm.A. live on      B. lives on     C. live by      D. lives by192、The animal is ______; we must do something to save it.A. dangerous    B. a danger   C. in danger   D. dangerous one193、Not until he got to the factory _______that he had lost his papers.A. he found    B. did he find       C. had he found    D. has he found194、— Sir, we have failed to work out this problem. What is exactly the right way?— Look. Only in this way ________ , but you boys _____ a wrong way.A. you can work it out; take            B. you can work out it; takeC. can you work it out; take            D. can you work it out; took195、— How soon could they cover the distance?— ____________.A. For two hours       B. During the two hoursC. After two hours         D. In two hours 196、People at weekends go walking and _______ in the country, ________”bush”.A. camping; called             B. camp; calledC. to camp; calling             D. camping; calling197、They have rich and beautiful forests _____ in the south of the country.A. grown    B. growing     C. planted      D. planting198、The meaning of the word is various ______ different situation.A. depends on    B. depending   C. depending on    D. depended on199、— Will you go with us to the National Park?— Well, it _______.A. depending   B. depends   C. depends on     D. is depended200、________ to an Australian home, you will probably eat outside and cook meat on the open fire.A. Asking   B. Being asked    C. If asked     D. If asking201、— Do you know where Mary is?— She has gone away ____ the weekend. A. at    B. on    C. during    D. for202、_____ the office work, he came to the sitting room and relaxed a while.A. Finishing    B. Being finished    C. Having finished   D. Finished203、Meeting _________, managers left the room one by one.A. finishing    B. being finished   C. having finished   D. finished204、_______ in the Kooris for years, I decided to learn their langyage.A. Being interested             B. interestingC. Having interested           D. To be interested205、From the classroom window we saw a huge snake _____ the yard.A. crossing   B. cross    C. across     D. having crossed参考答案:ABCDA  ACBDD  ABCBC   DCDAA206、— Why not take _______ friend with you? Then you can share ______ cost of the car.— That sounds like a good idea.A. a; a    B. the; the    C. a; the    D. the; a 207、— I am sorry to have shouted at you. I didn’t mean to be so rude.— You were very angry. Anyway,  __________.A. you’re welcome     B. that’s right    C. it doesn’t matter   D. I’m sorry about that208、— How often do you go to see your parents?— __________.A. In no time   B. After a while   C. In a short time    D. From time to time209、They believe that the spirit stays with the body for three days, ______someone always stays with the dead person.A. so during this time     B. so during whichC. during this time         D. so when210、Because it was snowing hard, buses could _________ get through, _____did taxi appear on the street.A. both; and     B. either; or    C. not only; but also    D. neither; nor211、No dictionary can ______all the English idioms.A. tell     B. show       C. say      D. cover 212、As a writer, she succeeded in calling ______ to many of the terrible wrongs that existed at that time.A. interest     B. attention      C. notice       D. mind213、He who is proud of his wealth has rarely _____else to be proud of.A. anything    B. something    C. everything   D. nothing214、— She was in clas on Friday afternoon, but no one has seen her since.—She _____ an accident.A. might have   B. might have had    C. may have   D. ought to have had215、The city ____ by an army of 600 men was difficult to take.A. defending   B. to defend    C. having defended    D. defended216、Two fifths of the police _____ in the school near the town.A. has trained   B. have trained    C. has been trained   D. have been trained217、We would like to go and thank him ourselves, but we _____ out his address yet.A. haven’t found   B. hadn’t found   C. didn’t find   D. don’t find218、Was it because it snowed last night ____ he didn’t come? A. why   B. that      C. when        D. then219、The purpose of the research had a more important meaning for them than ______.A. ours    B.  with us      C. for ours it had     D. it did for us220、Believe it or not, he came _______.A. drunk home last night        B. home last night drunkC. home drunk last night        D. last night home drunk221、Work starts every day at 7 a.m. and goes on until late afternoon _____ a break at midday .A. by   B. with  C. for       D. after222、Perhaps this is the only market ____ you can get such cheap goods.A. that     B. of which       C. by which        D. where223、We _______ at the house as we _______ of buying it.A. looked; were thinking           B. looked; had thoughtC. were looking; thought           D. were looking; were thinking224、— Did you enjoy the book? — Yes, it was so interesting that I couldn’t _____ it.A. get rid of   B. break away from    C. keep away from   D. tear myself away from225、_____ all the inventions have in common is ____ they have succeeded.A. What; what   B. That; that    C. What; that     D. That; what参考答案:CCDAD  DBABD  DABDC  BDDDC226、One of the orders that we received was that we ______ there on time.A. get      B. got to    C. arrived       D. would get227、Thank you very much. Without your help, I _______the exams.A. could not pass               B. could not have passedC. did not pass                  D. could not passed228、We have already placed an order ____ that company _____ the machines.A. for; with     B. for ; for    C. with; for     D. to; with229、He is _____ an American as an apple pie.A. so      B. the same       C. as the       D. as 230、We all look forward ____ your beautiful country.A. to visiting    B. to visit     C. to      D. visiting231、_______, I cannot accept your invitation. Hopefully, we’ll get together some time next year.A. To my regret     B. To regret    C. Regretted     D. For my regret232、— You should not have said that to her. It hurt her.— I know. I regret ___________.A. to have done that       B. to do that     C. having done that    D. I have done that233、— Shall I give you a hand?—I can handle it. ______.A. Thank you     B. Thank you all the same   C. it doesn’t matter   D. That’s all right234、— Did you telephone the manager’s office?—Yes. He _______ back by noon .A. was expected    B. expected    C. is expecting    D. is expected 235、________, he has finished his job ahead of time.A. As is expected               B. Which is expectedC. It is expected                D. It is as expected236、I’d like _______ trip to Shanghai . Do you want to go with me?A. to have another                    B. havingC. taking                               D. to make another237、— I like your house very much.— Thank you, but this house is ________.A. badly in need of paint            B. bad in need of paintingC. badly in needing of paint         D. badly in need of painting238、________, no one is sure who discovered America .A. As a matter of fact           B. As the fact of matterC. As the matter of fact         D.As a factual matter239、As I ______, I suddenly remembered that it was your birthday.A. to feed my cats         B. am feeding my catsC. had feed my cats       D. was feeding my cats 240、The history of nursing ___ the history of man.A. as old as                B. is old, also oldC. that is as old as        D. is as old as241、— Do you enjoy listening to records?— I think records are often ______ an actual performance.A. as good as or better than      B. as good or better thanC. like good or better than       D. as good as any other242、— Does this bus go to the 84th street?— No, 30th street is _______.A. the rather the bus will go       B. as far as the bus goesC. only so far as the bus is going  D. far as the bus is going243、_______, you can stay the whole summer.A. Whoever it concerned       B. As far as I’m concernedC. As you are concerned        D. Concerning you and me244、My glasses cost me ______ the lost pair that I bought.A. times three                    B. three times more than C. three times as much as      D. as much three times as245、— Do you regret paying fifty dollars for the dog?— No, I would gladly have paid ____ for him.A. as much twice         B. twice so muchC. much twice            D. twice as much参考答案:ABCDA  ACBDA  ADADD  ABBCDD

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