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八年级上暑期英语测试   第一部分:听力 (20分) Ⅰ.听句子,选择正确应答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分) (   ) 1. A. I agree.        B. We are glad to.  C. Of course, we will. (   ) 2. A. Not at all.   B. No, I won’t.      C. Yes, I do. (   ) 3. A. It doesn’t matter.   B. Not at all.  C. Right. (   ) 4. A. No, I won’t.       B. Not at all.      C. I’d be glad to. (   ) 5. A. Twice a week.   B. For a long time.       C. No, I don’t. Ⅱ.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读一遍。(5分) (   ) 6. A. They are running.   B. They are fighting.   C. They are talking happily. (   ) 7. A. No, he doesn’t.    B. Yes, he does. C. No, he doesn’t, but Wang Junfeng does. (   ) 8. A. Played basketball.  B. Flew a kite.     C. Swam. (   ) 9. A. Milk.           B. Coffee   .       C. Orange juice. (   ) 10. A. At 4:15.       B. At 4:20.         C. At 4:30. Ⅲ.听对话,判断正(T)误(F)。对话读两遍。(5分) (   ) 11. Li Lei and Jane will play football on Sunday. (   ) 12. Jane sometimes goes swimming on Sundays. (   ) 13. Li Lei’ s father often go to see his brother on Sundays. (   ) 14. Jane and her father often go out on Sundays by bike. (   ) 15. Li Lei doesn’t think fishing is interesting. Ⅳ.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分) (   ) 16. Who was a good player? A. Peter.           B. Sam.         C. The goal keeper. (   ) 17. When did the match start? A. At three.        B. At four.     C. At seven. (   ) 18. What was the result(结果) in the first half of the match? A. 1 to 0.          B. 0 to 0.      C. 2 to 0. (   ) 19. When did Sam kick the ball to the right corner of the goal? A. In the first half of the match. B. At the beginning of the match. C. At the end of the match. (   ) 20. What was the result of the match? A. 0 to 0.          B.0 to 2.       C.1 to 0.   第二部分:笔试 (100分) Ⅰ.单项选择。(20分)  (   ) 1. He prefers ____ to ____. A. swim; to skate                            B. swims; skating C. swimming; skating                     D. to swim; to skate  (   )2. We will ____ the city football club. Would you like ____ us? A. join; to join                             B. join; take part in C. take part in; join                            D. join; to take part in (     )3.—What’s the matter          Li Lin?          —She has the flu . A.in         B.with       C. at     D. on (   ) 4. — Congratulations! Li Ming, you’re the winner in the running race. Are you happy? — Yes, but very tired ____. A. as well           B. too              C. either           D. as well as (   ) 5. — Hi, I’m Xiao Li, I’m very glad to ____ friends ____ you. — Me too. I’m Xiao Wang. A. get; like        B. make; with       C. get; with        D. make; to (   ) 6. They are busy ____ now ____ themselves up. A. exercise; building                       B. doing sports; cheer C. exercising; to build                     D. do sports; build (   ) 7. —Maybe you should             a dentist.           —That’s a good idea.          A.look       B. read      C. watch   D. see (   ) 8. This is a ____ passage(短文). Can you read it for me? A. 200 word             B. 200-word     C. 200-words        D. 200 of words (   ) 9. It’s bad for us to eat ____ chips. A. too much             B. too many     C. much too     D. many too (   )10. ---       do you watch  TV? --Twice a week.         A.How long  B.How many  C.How much  D. How often (   ) 11. -       did you live in that village ?      ----About    five years .         A.How long  B.How many  C.How much  D. How often (   ) 12. When the children  saw the       film , they  became        .           A. exciting , exciting        B. excited, excited            C.exciting , excited          D. excited , exciting (   ) 13. Would you mind         with me ?        A.not  to go  B. not going  C. to  go  D. to not go (   ) 14. Could you please         baseball  here ?        A. not play  B. not playing  C. not to play  D. playing (   ) 15. We should  keep          in the reading  room.          A. quite  B. quietly   C. quiet   D. quickly (   ) 16.---       to have  dinner  with me next week? ---Yes,  I 'd like  to . Thank you.         A. Would you like  B.Do you like  C. Would you  D. Do you (   ) 17. --Don't  worry, Madam.  Your daughter  will be     soon.          ---Thank you , doctor .         A. nice   B. good  C. well  D. right (   ) 18. Tom enjoys       computer  games .        A. play  B. playing  C. to play  D. plays (   ) 19. I  always  have great  fun          every  morning.        A. run  B. runing  C. running  D. to run (   ) 20. I see Li  Lei           English  almost  every morning.       A. read   B. to read   C. reading   D. reads Ⅱ.完形填空。(10分) It was cloudy that day. A man was sitting in a   21   office. He was telling the doctor about his   22  . “I like football, doctor,” he said. “Please help me. My life has   23   been a good one since I became   24   in football and it is getting worse and worse. I can’t even   25    well at night. When I close my   26  ,  I’m out there in the football field   27   after a flying ball. When I wake up, I’m more   28  . What can I do now?” The doctor sat back and said, “You   29   to do your best not to dream about football. Before you are falling asleep, try to  30   about something else. If you do that, I think you will be better.”? (   ) 21. A. teacher’s     B. doctor’s?      C. post         D. master’s (   ) 22. A. problem        B. medicine         C. question     D. patience (   ) 23. A. even           B. ever?           C. never        D. already (   ) 24. A. good           B. interested?     C. like         D. well (   ) 25. A. read           B. awake?          C. sleep        D. do (   ) 26. A. eyes           B. doors?          C. books        D. ears (   ) 27. A. flying         B. jumping?        C. riding       D. running (   ) 28. A. careful        B. tired?          C. important    D. quick (   ) 29. A. have           B. must?           C. may          D. can (   ) 30. A. see            B. talk?           C. teach        D. think Ⅲ.阅读理解。(40分) (A) China’s tennis pair Li Ting and Sun Tiantian took part in the women’s doubles in the Athens Olympic Games on August 22nd, 2004. All the Chinese felt very glad because it was the first historic(历史性的) gold medal (金牌) for China from the Olympic tennis court.? Li Ting, born on January 5th in 1980 in Hubei, is 180cm tall and 72kg. She took part in many games and did very well. Her teammate Sun Tiantian was born in Henan on October 13th, 1981. Sun is 175cm tall and 64kg. The two girls seldom go home because they have to train(训练) for many kinds of games. They miss their families but they know training is more important than staying at home. (   ) 31. Li Ting and Sun Tiantian took part in ____ in Athens Olympic Games in 2004. A. the women’s singles             B. the women’s doubles C. the men’s singles               D. the men’s doubles (   ) 32. They won the first historic gold medal for China from the Olympic ____ court.? A. table tennis         B. tennis       C. basketball           D. football (   ) 33. Li Ting was born on ____ in ____. A. the fifth of January, 1980; Hefei    B. the twelfth of October, 1981; Hefei C. the fifth of January, 1980; Hubei    D. the twelfth of October, 1981; Hubei  (   ) 34. The underlined(画线) word “seldom” means ____. A. often                B. not often    C. usually          D. always (B) A man had a parrot. Every day the man said new words to the parrot. “Hello!” he said to it. And then, “Good-bye!”? One day the parrot was not in its cage. It was flying about the room. The man came into the room and saw the parrot. “What are you doing?” the parrot repeated. The man laughed, then he went out to visit his friends. That evening a thief came to the house. He walked round the house and looked into the windows. There was no one at home. The thief broke the door and went into the bedroom. He stole(偷) many things from the house and put them into his bag. The bag was soon full. The thief carried it and walked to the door. There was no one there. “What are you doing?” a voice asked. The thief jumped high into the air and dropped his bag. Then he ran out of the house and down the road. “What are you doing?” the voice said again! “Hello! Good-bye!” 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。? (   ) 35. The parrot is a kind of bird that can be trained(训练) to talk. (   ) 36. The thief got into the room to visit his friend. (   ) 37. The thief ran out of the house because he was very frightened.  (   ) 38. It was the man who said “What are you doing?”  (C)      Students  learn  their lessons  in class . In class  teachers  teach them. Students  sit in  the classroom  listening  to the teacher . This is  a way of  learning  .Is this  the only way for  students  to learn something ?Of course not .There is another  way to learn . That is  students  can teach  themselves . For example  , if you  can not remember  something  when you are doing  yourhomework , you can look at  your book  to find  the answer . This is a way to teach  yourself . And it is  not a difficult  thing. We  can do this  at any  place and  at any time.    How do  you  teach yourself ? The first  thing you  must do is reading . Read something  you are interested  in , or you have to  read. The  second  is that you must ask yourself  questions .If the question is something  you don't  understand  or you want to know more about , you can write down these questions . The  third is to answer  the question yourself  by thinking  hard, by  reading the text or other books ,and sometimes  by asking other people . This is the way of  teaching  yourself . And you must do this  all by  yourself . If you keep  doing like  this for a long time , you are sure to succeed (成功) in your study . (  ) 39.Listening  to the  teacher  is         for students  to learn  something.    A. not a way  B. the best  way  C. the  only way  D. not the  only way  (  ) 40. In teaching  yourself  , the first  thing you must do is      .    A. writing  B. reading   C. asking   D. answering (  ) 41. A clever  student  usually  likes         .   A.asking  questions   B. answering  questions   C. finding  answers   D. teaching  others (  ) 42. If you want to succeed , you''d better  learn         .    A. how to  teach others   B. how to teach yourself   C. to read  and write  carefully  D. how to ask questions                    (D)    In the  world  today , all of the  people  need  recreation (消遣). We can  not work  all the  time  if we are going to keep healthy  and enjoy life .    Everyone  has his own  way of  relaxing  .Perhaps  the most  popular  form (形式) is to take  part in  sports . There are  team sports , such as  basketball  and football . There are  also  individual (个人的) sports , such  as swimming  and running . Skating  and mountain  climbing  are the most popular  recreation  for people  who like to be outdoors.   Not  everyone  who enjoys  sports like to take  part in them. Many people  like watching  them on TV or listening  to them on the radio. So many people  like some forms  of indoor  recreation  ,such as watching TV, singing and dancing . It doesn't  matter  whether  we like  indoor  recreation  or take part  in outdoor sports . It is important  for everyone  to relax from  time to time , and enjoy some forms  of recreation.  (  )43.People  want to take part in sports in order to     .    A. keep healthy  and enjoy life  B. make  friends    C. find a good job   D. make more money (  ) 44. Outdoor  sports  include (包括)       .    A.watching  TV   B.singing  and dancing   C.listening  to the radio  D. skating  and mountain  climbing (   ) 45.Why  do many people  like watching  sports on TV or listening  to them on the radio ?               A.Because  they like  sports  but don't like to  take part  in them.   B. Because  they don't enjoy sports.   C. Because  they  don't  enjoy life.   D. Because  they don't  need  recreation. (  ) 46. The passage  mainly  tells  us that         .   A. basketball  is a kind of team sports   B. eveyone  who enjoys  sports  should take part in them   C. different  people  have different  ways of  relaxing D.indoor  recreation is not as  important  as outdoor sports                        (E) In 1896, the first modern Olympic Games was held in Athens, Greece. From then on, many countries had successfully held the Olympics, such as England, France, Germany, Canada, the U.S.A., Spain and Australia. After more than a hundred years, the Games returned to its hometown in the year of 2004.When a country hosted the Olympic Games, they always made an emblem(会徽). The emblem of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games was a white circle of olive branches(橄榄枝) in the sky.? In 2008, Beijing will host the Olympics. Its emblem is “Jing”. It means the capital of China and it is also like a runner or dancer. The running figure(人形) of the emblem shows the spirit(精神) of the Olympics: Faster, higher and stronger.? 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。? 47.When was the first modern Olympic Games held?? ___________________________________________ 48. What do people make when they hold the Olympic Games?? ___________________________________________ 49.Does the character(图案) of “Jing” mean the capital of China?? ___________________________________________ 50.What’s the spirit of the Olympic Games?? ___________________________________________ Ⅳ.词汇。(10分) (A) 用所给词的正确形式填空。 51. Who        (invent) basketball in 1891? 52. Nick        (visit) his aunt with his parents next month. 53.Would you please           (not speak )  so loudly ? 54.I want          (play )  baseball. 55. They're sure         (win)  tomorrow.  (B) 根据汉语提示完成句子。 56. Tom        (花费) two  hours  in the Net Bar(网吧) every week. 57. Swimming is a good way to  keep          (健康). 58. There       (将要) be   more tall buildings in Beijing in 2008. 59. Kangkang is very         of  (喜欢)sports. 60.Playing  soccer is very        (流行)all over the world . Ⅱ.情景交际。(10分) 在空白处填入合适的句子补全对话。 A: Tomorrow is Sunday.   61 ? B: I’ m going to visit my uncle’s farm with my father, Betty. A: Where’s his farm?   62  ? B: No, not very far. It’s about half an hour’s walk. A: May I go with you? B: Sure. A:   63  ? B: We’ll go there by bike.? A:   64  ?? B: Let’s meet at the park gate. A: OK. But when shall we meet? B:   65   seven in the morning. A: All right. See you tomorrow. B: See you. 61.                                       62.                                       63.                                       64.                                       65.                                        Ⅶ.书面表达。(10分) 在你的生活中总有挥之不去的记忆 。除了学习,还有什么是你特别喜爱的事情?也许你活泼好动,球类、游泳、田径是你的钟爱,也许你有艺术天赋,唱歌、跳舞、听音乐、绘画是你的乐趣,也许集邮是你生活中的一部分,也许……  请根据以上提示,将你的爱好及与之相关的故事写信告诉远在美国的笔友Shirley 。 要求:(1)选择你的一个爱好写;(2)语句通顺,意思连贯,中心突出。 (3)80词左右。   Dear  Shirley .       Thank you for your last letter .You asked  me to tell  you something about my hobby .         答案页 第一部分:听力 1. A  B  C  D  2. A  B  C  D  3. A  B  C  D    4. A  B  C  D   5. A  B  C  D 6. A  B  C  D  7. A  B  C  D  8. A  B  C  D    9. A  B  C  D   10. A  B  C  D 11. A  B  C  D  12. A  B  C  D 13. A  B  C  D  14. A  B  C  D  15. A  B  C  D 16. A  B  C  D  17. A  B  C  D 18. A  B  C  D  19. A  B  C  D  20. A  B  C  D 第二部分:笔试 1. A  B  C  D  2. A  B  C  D  3. A  B  C  D    4. A  B  C  D   5. A  B  C  D 6. A  B  C  D  7. A  B  C  D  8. A  B  C  D    9. A  B  C  D   10. A  B  C  D 11. A  B  C  D  12. A  B  C  D 13. A  B  C  D  14. A  B  C  D  15. A  B  C  D 16. A  B  C  D  17. A  B  C  D 18. A  B  C  D  19. A  B  C  D  20. A  B  C  D 21. A  B  C  D  22. A  B  C  D 23. A  B  C  D  24. A  B  C  D  25. A  B  C  D 26. A  B  C  D  27. A  B  C  D 28. A  B  C  D  29. A  B  C  D  30. A  B  C  D 31. A  B  C  D  32. A  B  C  D 33. A  B  C  D  34. A  B  C  D  35. A  B  C  D 36. A  B  C  D  37. A  B  C  D 38. A  B  C  D  39. A  B  C  D  40. A  B  C  D 41. A  B  C  D  42. A  B  C  D 43. A  B  C  D  44. A  B  C  D  45. A  B  C  D 46. A  B  C  D  47_________________________________________________________________. 48_________________________________________________________________. 49. _________________________________________________________________. 50. _________________________________________________________________. 51.__________.52___________53._________54._____________.55.________ 56.__________.57___________58._________59._____________.60._______ 61.                                       62.                                       63.                                       64.                                       65.                                       Ⅶ.书面表达。 Dear  Shirley .       Thank you for your last letter .You asked  me to tell  you something about my hobby._______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Unit 1  单元测试 听力材料: Ⅰ. 1. Will you come and cheer us on? 2. Would you mind my smoking here? 3. I’m sorry for what I said. 4. Will you come and join our baseball club? 5. How often do you do sports? Ⅱ. 6. W: Jeff, you are always so careless! M: I tried my best. W: You missed a goal. Shame on you! M: Alice, you shouldn’t speak to me like this. Q: What are Jeff and Alice doing? 7. M: Wang Junfeng, do you play baseball much? M: No, seldom. How about you, Xu Jian? M: Quite a lot. Q: Does Xu Jian like playing baseball? 8. W: Tom, what did you do after school yesterday afternoon? M: I played basketball with Jack and some other boys. W: Do you often do that after school? M: No. Sometimes I play football. Sometimes I go swimming. Q: What did Tom do after school yesterday afternoon? 9. M: Sue doesn’t like milk at all. She likes orange juice very much. W: Yes, I think so. Q: What does Sue like? 10. W: There is going to be a football game in the afternoon. M: When will it start? W: At 4:30. Q: When will the football game begin? Ⅲ. W: Hello, Li Lei! M: Hi. Will you come and play football with us on Sunday, Jane? W: Sorry, I can’t. My dad will take me out in his car. M: Do you often go out? W: Sometimes. We also go swimming on Sundays. M: Do you like swimming? W: Yes, I do. By the way, what do you do on weekends? M: Dad and I often go to see my uncle on Sundays and sometimes we go fishing. W: Is it interesting? M: Of course. Ⅳ. Sam is a good player. Last Saturday, there was a football match. The match started at three o’clock. Both teams played very well. It was very exciting, but there was no score in the first half of the match. After having a rest for ten minutes, the two teams continued the game, but there was still no score, either. Until it was almost the end of the match, Sam kicked the ball into the right corner of the goal. The goal keeper could not catch the ball, so it went into the goal. At the end of the match, the score was 1 to 0 for Sam’s team. 参考答案: 第一部分:听力 Ⅰ. 1-5     CAACA Ⅱ. 6-10        BBACC Ⅲ. 11-15       FTFFF Ⅳ. 16-20       BABCC Ⅱ. 16. What are you going to do    17. Is it far from here    18. How shall we go there    19. Where shall we meet    20. Let’s make it Ⅲ. 21-25       BACBC    26-30        ADBAD Ⅳ. 31-35       BBCBB 36-40        TFTFF 41-45        BABCD 36.In 1896. 37.An emblem. 38.108 years.? 39.Yes, it does. 40.Faster, higher and stronger. Ⅴ. 51. run     52. losing      53. better      54. invented        55. will visit    56. spends two hours     57. keep fit/ keep healthy      58. There will be    59. fond of              60. practice Ⅵ. 61. invented        62. real        63. on      64. throw   65. no    66. into         67. had     68. get     69. members 70. players  

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