Visiting relatives 模拟试题

Visiting relatives 模拟试题


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Module 2 Relationships Unit 1 Visiting relatives 【模拟试题】(答题时间:30分钟) 一、图画词语配伍                A                 B                 C                 D (   )1. The Forbidden City  (   )2. The Great Wall   (   )3. Tian’anmen Square (   )4. The Summer Palace   二、单词 A. 请根据句子意思及首字母完成单词 1. I forget(忘记) my pen, so I have to b_______ one from Simon. 2. I don’t know the way to Sandy’s home. Let’s go there t________. 3. No one knows what will h_______ in 2050. 4. We can get books from the school l_______. 5. My father and my mother are b_______ doctors.   B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空 6. Susan swims very well. She is a good ________.(swim) 7. Lily always helps her mother clean the house. She is very______(help). 8. My brother often ______(play) basketball on Wednesday afternoon. 9. Thank you very much for ______(write) to me. 10. Every day Millie spends half an hour ______(read) English.   C. 用适当的介词填空 11. It’s very cold ______ winter in Jurong. 12. The Chinese New Year usually comes ______February. 13. The first class begins _______ eight o’clock in our school. 14.We often go to Hongshan Zoo _______ Saturday. 15. We celebrate National Day _______ October 1st.   三、单词组句 1. letter, I, had, a, from, mother, my, have,        ________________________________ 2. tickets, are, the, very, air, expensive,           ________________________________ 3. a, the, slow, is, bit, train,                    ________________________________ 4. to, week, we, like, would, with, you, next, stay,  ________________________________   四、阅读短文,然后完成表格 Dear Mom and Daddy, I have been in the USA for a month. I miss (想念) my life in Beijing. But I am very happy, because I made a lot of friends here. Now I will introduce (介绍) some of my friends to you. Jack is from New York. He is very tall and handsome. He often helps me with my English study. Kate is from Los Angeles. She often plays tennis with me. She is tall and strong, and she is a good player. She loves China very much. She learns Chinese from me. Oh, I must stop writing now. I must go to bed. Best wishes to you! Yours,    Wang Bin    Name Wang Bin Jack Kate Country City Looks like   【试题答案】 一、图画词语配伍 CDAB   二、单词 1. borrow     2. together    3. happen    4. library    5. both 6. swimmer     7. helpful    8. plays    9. writing    10. reading 11. in     12. in    13. at    14. on    15. on   三、单词组句 1. I have had a letter from my mother.   2. The air tickets are very expensive.   3. The train is a bit slow.      4. We would like to stay with you next week.   四、阅读短文 Name Wang Bin Jack Kate Country China the USA the USA City Beijing New York Los Angeles Looks like tall and handsome. tall and strong

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