What’s the matter 单元测试

What’s the matter 单元测试


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Unit 5 What’s the matter单元过关测试 笔试部分(100分) A卷(60分) I.找出与化线部分词义相近的词或短语。(5) (   )1.What’s the trouble with you?I’ve a cold. A.What’s the matter              B.What’s matter with C.What’s the matter with          D.You’ll have better (   )2.It’s best for you to take some cold pills. A.You’s better to          B.had a good time         C.You’d better            D.You’ll have better (   )3.—Did you enjoy yourself last May Day? —Yes, Idid.         A.have agood time   B.had a good time     C.this time    D.last time (   )4.I’m sorry he isn’t in right now.         A.then            B.now         C.this time          D.last time (   )5.—Can you take the message for him?             —OK         A.give him the message                 B.give the message him         C.to give him the message               D.gave him the message II.单项选择。(15) (   )1.—Hi,may I ask you some questions,Dr.Lee? —Sure,go _______.     A.head          B.ahead        C.front          D.aheaded (   )2.Kangkang’s mother is calling him _____the kitchen.    A.of              B.from          C.to           D.in (   )3.Must we keep the window ____all the time?         A.opening        B.open        C.to open          D.opened (   )4.Please tell my father _____take care of himself.         A.too              B.on          C.to           D./ (   )5.Which foods are good and which foods are bad ______your health?         A.of            B.for            C.in          D.off (   )6.—Must we wear a face mask?         —No,you_______. A.can’t          B.may not       C.don’t have to     D.mustn’t (   )7.—How are you,Nick? —Not so well.I feel______. A..terriblely         B.terrible     Cterribly          D.badly (   )8.You should brush your ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_____twice a day. A.toothes                     Btooths          Cteeth          Dteethes (   )9.You’d better ______tody. A.to not work     Bnot work        C. not work      D. to work not (   )10.We should drink plenty ____water every day A. for            Bof               C.on           D.off (   )11.You’d better not ear _____meat. A.too much      B.too many        C.much too      D.many too   (   )12.I love the book very much .But I_____read it _____today. A.couldn’t ,until   B.can’t,until     C.don’t;until     D.didn’t until (   )13.My dear friend ,don’t woiiy ____us A.on             Boff              C.aboud        Din (   )14.I’m very sorry to know that ____you ____your sister are sick. A.and;or          B.both;or       C.both;and          D.both;for (   )15.You mustn’t stay ______-late ever day.         A.of             B.up            C.for            D.on III. 完型填空。(10)     It was a very cold morning.Some children were _1_ on the ice.It was snowing _2_but they enjoyed themselves there.Mike,the tallest boy,skated fast and he _3_ that there was a hole _4_ the ice.He _5_ into the water.The other children called out loudly for help._6_ at the moment a young worker _7_by and heard them.He put his bike by the side of the river _8_ ran to them.When he pulled Mike out of the _9_,he was all wet.Then he sent Mike to a hospital._10_that the young man hurried to work. (   )1.A.walking          B.skating         C.sitting (   )2.A.hardly           B.hard            C.heavy (   )3.A.didn’t see        Bcan’t see.         C.heavy (   )4.A.on              B.in front of        C.in (   )5.A.jumped          B.felt             C.fell (   )6.A.Just             B.Only            C.When (   )7.A.passed           B.was passing      C.past (   )8.A.and             B.but             C.then (   )9.A.ice              B.snow           C.water (   )10.A.Before          B.After           C.And IV.阅读理解。(30)                     A     Early to bed,early to rise,makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.     This is an old English saying.Have you ever heard it before?It means that we must go to bed early in the rvening,then we shall be healthy.We shall also be rich(wealthy) and clever.     This is true.The body must have enough sleep to be healthy.Children at a young age should have ten hours’ sleep ever night.Children who don’t have enough sleep may not be wise and they may not become wealthy!     The body also needs exercise.Walking,running,jumping,swimming and playing games are all exercises.Exercise keeps the body strong.     Exercise also helps the blood(血液) to move around inside the body.This is very important.Our blood takes food to all parts of our body.The head also needs blood.Exercise helps us to think better! (   )1.If we get up early and go to bed early, we’ll _____.       A.have enough exercise   B.be heathy   C.think better    D.have stron (   )2.If.a child doesn’t have 10 hours’ sleep, maybe he _____. A.become wise                 B.won’t do well in his work C.goes to school in time          D.has enough sleep        (   )3.A. person needs exercise because _______.         A.It makes him healthy      B.he has a lot of homework.  (   )4.Exercise makes the _____move quickly and smoothy .         A.body     B.blood     C.children     D.head  (   )5.Which of the followings is NOT TRUE? A.exercise is good for a person’s head . B.A child should have 10 hours’ sleep . C.It’s good for you to get up early and go to bod early . D.If you have enough blood , you’ll be wise . B Nearly all our food comes form the soil .Some of us eat meat , of course , but animals live on plants .If there were no plants,we would have no animals and no meat.So the soil is very necessary for life.The top of the ground is usually covered with other plants.There ma be dead leaves and dead pants on the grass.The waste matter(粪) form animals also falls on it. All soil needs food.If we do not give it any,the plants will be weak.Farmers found that animals’ easte is the best food for the soil.But chemical fertilizers(化肥) are also very useful.The same crop(庄稼) should not be grown in the same place every year;it’s better a different crop.A change of crop and the use fo a good fertilizer will keep the land good. (   )1.Which of the followings is true? A.All our food comes from the soil.       B.Most our food comes from soil. C.None fo our food comes from the soil.   D.All our food comes from animals. (   )2.What would happen first without plants? A.Pelple would have more crops.         B.Animals would die. C.There would be more food.            C.There would be less soil. (   )3.What does the writer tell us in the first paragraph(段落)? A.     Leaves,plants,grass and waste live on each other. B.      There would be no animals without meat. C.      There would be no plants without animals. D.     People,animals,plants and soil live on each other. (   )4.Which is the best food for soil in the field? A.Chemical fertilizers.              B.Plants and grass. C.Animals waste.                  D.Different crops. (   )5.Why do we often grow a different crop in the same place every year? A.     Because we can keep the soil rich this way. B.      Because wb don’t have enough land. C.      Because we want to have a different food. D.     Because we do this as a habit. (   )6.What is the best title for the passage? A.Soil and Waste                  B.Plants and Animals C.Food and Waste                 D.Soil and Food C         Different countries and different people have different manners(礼貌).We must find out their customs(习俗) so that they will not think us ill-mannered(不礼貌).Here are examples of the things that a person with good educatiol does or does not do.         If you visit a Chinese family,you should knock at the door first.When the door opens,you’ll not move before the host(男主人) says “Come in,please.” After you enter(进入) the room,you would not sit down until the host asks you to take a seat.When a cup of tea is put on a tea taloe before you or sent to your hand,you will say “Thank you and receive it with two hands,not one hand,or they will think you rae ill-mannered.         Before entering a house in Japan ,it is a good manner to take off your shoes.In European countries,even though shoes sometimes become very dirty,this is not done.In a Malaysian house, a visitor always finishes a drink or the food to show that he has enjoyed it .This will make the host pleasant. 1.Does the writer think it is necessary to know different customs in different countries? __________________________________________________________________ 2.When can you enter the room if you visit a friend in China? __________________________________________________________________ 3.In which country do you have to take off your shoes when you enter your host’shouse? __________________________________________________________________ 4.Why does a visitor always finish the food at dinner in his friend’s home in England? ___________________________________________________________________ B卷(40分) .I.用正确的词形填空。(5) 1.       A:What’s the matter? B:I have a toothache. A:That’s too _________(badly). 2.       We should often drink lots of ____________water(boil). 3.       Did he _________(hurt)his right leg? 4.       Let me take a look at _________(your)leg. 5.       You should eat a lot of fruit and drink plenty of ___________(water). II.根据汉语提示,完成句子。(5) 1.What’s the matter ? Do you          (感冒)? 2.You should go to see a            (牙科医生)。 3.I can’s leep well at night . I have a       (背诵)。 4.The       (疾病)spreads very quickly。 5.Kangkang taught himself on the          (互连网)。 III用适当的介词填空。(5) 1.       If we read tll much in the poor light,it’s bad ________ your eyes. 2.       Id anything wrong ________you? 3.       Shall I take you ________the hospital? 4.       You’d better drink some hot rea _______honey. 5.       Thank you ________telling me. IV.补全对话。(10)        A:Good morning,doctor.        B:Good morning.What’s __1__with you?        A:I don’t fell __2__today.I’m __3__Ihave a cold. B:Open your _4_and let me have a look at it.Do you have a good rest these days? A:No,I’mver busy,and I’m__5__every day. B:It __6__very serious.You have just got a cold. A:Must Itake any medicine? B:No,you __7__.But you must have a rest and drink more __8__.Ihope you’ll feel better soon. A:__9__.Good-bye,__10__. B:Bye. V.书面表达。(15)               假设上周六你参加了朋友的生日聚会,请用英语写一篇80个词的短文,叙述有关情况。要求包括下列内容: 1.  聚会的时间、地点和参加人员。 2.  生日礼物和聚会过程。    

资料: 29.3万


