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09-10第一学期期末八年级英语模拟试卷 一.   请选出可以替换划线部分的正确选项.(5分) 26. We had a great time on the school trip. A. spend much time  B. had fun         C. take a time 27. She is a famous actress. A. wellknown       B. alive           C. athletic 28. Thanks for taking care of my dog . A. taking out of      B. feeding         C. looking out of 29. The little girl always helps her mother do chores. A. lessons.          B. homework       C. housework 30. The boy likes his birthday gift. A. program         B. golf             C. present 二. 选择填空.(15分) 31. ---Can you____yourself? ---Of course. I am twelve years old now. A. look at          B. look for          C. look like         D. look after 32. ---Do you often _____the Internet? ---Yes, I do. A. play             B. surf             C. look            D. swim 33. ---What’t ____with you? ---I have a sore back. A. matter           B. the matter         C. the wrong       D. a matter 34. He does’t go to bed ______eleven every day. A. because          B. after             C. until           D. when 35. ---When ______you born ? ---On December 12,1991. A. was             B. were             C. are            D. did 36. ---Do you think that English is ____of all the subjects? ---No, Idon’t think so . A. more difficult     B. most difficult       C. the most difficult  D. difficult 37. The boy is ___young ___go to school.. A. too, to           B. so, that            C. too, that        D. very, to 38. I think maths is ____than Chinese. A. interesting                            B. more interesting  C. the most interesting                     D. the more interesting.        39. I______the chess game .I am very _______ A. won, interested    B. got, important       C. won, excited    D. came, thankful 40. Don’t forget ___the door when you leave. A. close            B. closes             C. closing         D. to close 41. ---What are you going to ____in the future ? ---A cook. A. do              B. be                C. study           D. work 42. The man spent twenty minutes ____for the bus . A. wait             B. waits              C. waiting         D. waited 43. ---What ____you ___last Sunday? A. did, do           B.do, do              C. are, do         D. are, doing 44. ---You are better than me _______singing. ---You are very kind to say so.      A.on               B. for                 C. to            D. at 45.---Could you please sweep the floor? ---yes, I_________. A. can              B. could               C. sure          D. think 三,完形真空.(15分) A Dear Tom , How was yourday off? Did you have fun camping? I didn’t have a very _46___day. I visited my cousins.It   47__all day.In the morning, I stayed in the house. Watched DVDs, _ 48___ computer games, and read. In the afternoon, Uncle Martin put some of his old things out in the yard and had a yard sale! However, __49__ came to the sale because the weather was so bad. _50__ we brought our umbrellas and raincoats.so we didn’t get wet. See you soon! Nick 46. A. bad      B. fun           C. tired        D. terrible 47. A. snowed   B. was sunny     C. rained       D. was windy 48. A. had      B. got           C. played       D. visited 49. A. no one    B. anyone       C. someone      D. everyone 50. A. Firstly    B. Secondly      C. Thirdly       D. Luckily B Mr and Mrs White never remember things clearly.They always _51___something. For example, Mr White sometimes goes to work on Sunday morning because he thinks it is _52___. And MrsWhite sometimes forgets to cook supper for the family. One summer, they were going to _53____ to New York for their holiday. They got to the airport only twenty mintues__54___the plane took off. But suddendly Mrs White said she must ___55__ Linda, their daughter, not to forget to lock the front door when she went to school. But then Linda was at school, and they couldn't tell her about it by   56__. So they went to the _57__. Mrs White wrote a short   58___ to Linda ,and Mr White bought a  _59___and an envelope; Soon the note was ready; They put the stamp on the envelope and   60___ it in the letterbox. But suddenly Mrs White began to cry. The short note was still in her hand. She had put the plane ticket in the envelope. 51. A. remember   B. forget     C. do        D. buy 52. A. Sunday     B. Saturday   C. Monday   D. sunny 53. A. fly         B. drive      C. run       D. walk 54. A. when       B. after      C. while      D. before  55. A. talk        B. speak     C.tell        D. say  56. A. telephone   B. radio      C. bus       D. now 57. A. post office  B. school     C. hospital    D. airport 58. A. note       B. story      C. text        D. book 59. A. letter      B. stamp      C. ticket      D. pen 60. A. took       B. got        C. pushed     D. dropped 四.阅读理解. A Joe Mills had two children.One of then was six,and the other was four .In the evening the children liked to play and they didn't want to go to bed early.Joe was always busy .when he came back ,it was often after bedtime for the children.Joe’s wife was unhappy about that,because Joe didn’t help her to take care of the children. On Saterday Joe  was at home .He got a good idea.He thought he could sing very well.If he sang to the children when they went to bed ,he thought it would help them to fall asleeo very soon .He did this for several times.Then one Saturday he heard his son speak softly to his younger sister ,”Close your eyes.Don’t move .When Dad sees we  were  asleep,he will stop his terrible singing.” 61. In the evening the children __________ A. were busy. B. played for a long time . C. never went to bed very late. D. were unhappy. 62. The children often went to bed ____________ A. because they were afraid of him/ B. after Joe got home . C. when they heard Joe came in . D. before Joe came back home. 63. Joe’s wife wanted him to _________ A. sing for the children B. go to bed without washing himself. C. come back earlier to help her. D. punish the children. 64. Joe’s singing __________ A. made the children sleep very quickly  B. made the children very happy. C. woke up the children . D. made them feel terrible. 65. We can infer from the story that __________ A. Joe will go on singing B. Joe will stop singing later. C. Mrs Mills will sing instead of Joe. D. children won’t love their dad any more. B           CHARLE CHAPLIN 1889—Born in London Mother-Dancer Father ---Actor not having much money. 1894—Started dancing and singing for money. 1904—Joined a traveling theater company and went to America 1910—Someone gave him a role in a film        Went to Hollywood 1914—Became a film director 1914—1966Made many funny films 1977—Died in Switzerland.people were very sad   66. Charlie Chaplin was born in _________ A. England      B.America         C. France        D. Japan 67. Charlie Chaplin’s parents_________    A. were famous in Hollywood B. had a traveling theater company C. were not very rich. D. made a lot of money as dancers. 68. Charlie became a film actor in _________. A. 1894    B. 1904   C. 1910   D. 1914 69. Charlie began to make money when he was ________years old. A. 18      B. 5      C.21      D.15 70. Which of the following is WRONG? A. When Charlie died ,nobody was sad. B. Between 1914and 1966,Charlie made many funny films. C. Charlie died in Switzerland D. Charlie was only 15 when he came to the USA.   五.阅读理解填词。(10分) Jack was ten years old .And he was a very lazy (懒惰的)boy. He didn’t like d_71_____any work. He had to go to school,of c__72_______,but he didn’t study hard there and tried to do l___73___work. His father and mother were b_74___doctors. And they hoped that their son would become one too when he g_75__up .But one day Jack said to his mother,“when I finish school,I want to be a cleaner.” “A cleaner?” his mother asked .She was very s__76_.“that is not a good  j_77___.Why do you want to become a cleaner?” “Because I would only have to work one day a week,”Jack answered at o___78_. “Only one day a week?”his mother said .”What do you m_79_____?And how do you know?” “Well” Jack answered,“I know that the cleaners came to work on T___80__every week,because I only see them on that day.?” 71. d_________  72. c__________  73. l_________  74. b__________  75. g__________ 76. s_________  77. j___________  78.o_________  79. m_________  80. T__________ 六.句子翻译。(15分) 81. 你们学校的郊游怎样 ________ _______ your school ________? 82. 你是什么时候出生的? ________ _______ you ________? 83. 即使你再小也可以开始学东西。 You are never _______ young ________ start __________ things. 84. 我打算成为一名职业篮球运动员。 I am ________to __________a ____________basketball player. 85. 请你倒一下垃圾好吗? ________ you please _________out the _________? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

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