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Part I ONE LISTENING COMPREHENSION SECTION A  10 points Directions: In this section, you’ll hear 4 conversations between 2 speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by 3 choices. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter (A, B or C) on the question booklet. You will hear each conversation Twice. Conversation 1 1. How many languages has the man learned to speak? A. One.                   B. Two.                  C. Three. 2. What is the man? A. A salesman.                    B. A guide.                  C. A college student. Conversation 2 3. What are the students going to do?   A. Have a dictation.         B. Have an exam.       C. Write a composition. 4. What should the students pay attention to? A. Handwriting.       B. Speed.      C. Handwriting, punctuation and speed. Conversation 3 5. Where does the conversation most probably take place?   A. In the classroom.          B. In a restaurant.          C. In Miss Gao’s office. 6. What does the man want to do?   A. Make friends with Miss Gao.   B. See Miss Gao.                     C. Know his son’s progress. 7. What subjects is Tom weak in?   A. Math and science             B. Chinese and science.      C. Chinese and music. Conversation 4 8. How did the woman learn the news?   A. From the newspaper.        B. On the radio.                C. 0n TV.    9. How many people died in the earthquake?    A. 20                               B. 24                           C. 16 10. What are the two speakers most probably?   A. Students                      B. Teachers                   C. Actors SECTION B  5 points Directions: In this section, you’ll hear mini-talk. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you’ve got. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS. You’ll hear the mini-talk TWICE.                                              Bicycles   Bicycles are very popular in parts of the world, such as 11. ___________________.   The advantages of bicycle    It’s conveniet to 12. _____________.                          People can get around enjoying beautiful scenery and 13. ____________ at the same time. Before bicycles women wore 14. ______________ instead of short skirts and trousers. The final result? Sports shorts. 15._________________, men and women had more opportunities to meet together.   PART TWO LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE SECTION A  15 points Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. 16. You can feel better, look better and have more energy if you eat the right food and exercise            _______.    A. secretly        B. perfectly      C. regularly      D. successfully 17. It will be well worth trying ______ you don’t succeed at once. A. unless                B. whether                C. in case       D. even though 18. If ______, the poisonous gas can cause people to be ill.    A. breathing in      B. breathed in       C. breathe in     D. to be breathed in 19. We often have a heated discussion over _______ the teachers say in class.    A. whatever        B. how        C. which        D. that 20. Teachers should set a good example ______ their students, because what they do and say has a great effect ______ them.    A. for; to         B. for; in        C. to; on      D. to; to 21. I’ ve won a holiday to Hainan next month, when I ______ my mum with me.    A. will be taking     B. have taken     C. take      D. will have taken 22. Jack, as well as his friends who _____ fond of football games, ______ traveling with the team.    A. are; are        B. are; are          C. are; is      D. is; is 23. I wish I ______ your advice last time, otherwise I wouldn’t have been cursed by others.    A. took      B. would take       C. take         D. had taken 24. ______ surprises me most is ______ we won’t have any class this winter vacation. A. That; that       B. What; that      C. That; which     D. Which; which 25. It is about 150 days since we _______ to the High School Attached to Hunan Normal University. That’s to say we _______ here for about five months.    A. came; have been    B. came; have come    C. came; were   D. have come; have been 26. Healthy diet should _______ some nutrition (营养素), _______ sugar, protein and calcium.    A. contain; included                 B. containing; including   C. be contained; included             D. contain; including 27. Was it on 15 Octiber 2003 ______ the Chinese astronaut Yang Liwei succeeded in landing on the moon? A. which        B. what          C. 不填        D. that 28. In Shangri-la, there are vast grasslands _______ the lakes, _______ look like jewels.    A. surrounding; which    B. surround; that   C. surrounding; which    D. surround; that 29. The math problem was the most difficult one I had ever met, but I _____ to work it out at last.    A. tried         B. managed        C. succeeded       D. failed 30. In recent years, medical science _______ control over several dangerous diseases, but some of them are returning.     A. achieved        B. achieves       C. has achieved       D. had achieved   SECTION B  12 points Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with word or phrases that best fits the context. One day, an old beggar went to the village. He knocked at the door of a rich man to beg for food. This was a big house and at the side was built a granary (谷仓) with a big padlock.     The owner of the house was  31   and he was known for never helping anyone. The beggar _32   his reputation but still pleaded (恳求). “Will you give me a bit of butter or milk?” The miser said   33 , “No! Go away at once!” “Perhaps you can sweep out a bit of grain or beans for me,” the  34   beggar continued. “There isn’t anything in my house!” “How about a little bit of bread?” the beggar 35  . “Only a mouthful of food and I will be very grateful.” “Go away! I don’t have bread!” “How about some  36  ? I am thirsty.” “I don’t have water.” The beggar then said  37   to him, “My friend, why are you here? You should go to some kind-hearted people to  38   food because you are  39   than anybody else.”                                                               The miser in this story is really  40  in a material sense, but he is extremely poor in a moral sense. Rich people  41   compassion ( 怜悯) and conscience are not welcome in the society. They are likely to maintain temporary wealth but not everlasting wealth.    So when we  42  our stomach, don’t forget to feed our soul at the same time. 31. A. a manager            B. an explorer          C. a painter          D. a miser 32. A. was short of    B. was proud of       C. was aware of    D. was tired of  33. A. surprisingly     B. impatiently          C. strangely         D. sincerely   34. A. hungry           B. crazy                  C. scary           D. ashamed 35. A. insisted           B. ordered               C. disturbed                D. claimed  36. A. food              B. water                  C. money           D. bread 37. A. happily           B. officially            C. sadly             D. fully 38. A. look for                 B. search for            C. wait for           D. beg for 39. A. richer             B. poorer                C. better                   D. braver 40. A. wealthy                 B. perfect                       C. poor                D. priceless 41. A. about             B. in                       C. with              D. without 42. A. have              B. own                    C. feed              D. empty   SECTION C   4 points Directions: Complete the following passage by using ONE word that best fits the context. Howard carter is one of the most famous explorers the world has ever known. He was bright and  43  about the world outside his hometown when he was very young.      44  the 1920s, he had become an explorer,  45  for the tombs of the Egyptian kings. In 1922, Howard Carter made his most amazing  46  of all, in the Valley of the Kings, in Egypt, where he found the tomb of King Tutankhamun.      47  , not long after the tomb had been opened, people in Carter’s team began to fall ill and die strangely. Within seven years, 21 people who had  48  to do with the opening of the tomb died.    Some people say the deaths were just  49  . Others believe that they were the  50  of the mummy’s curse. However, still others believe that there is a scientific explanation, because inside the tombs there are many viruses.          PART THREE  READING COMPREHENSION  24 points SECTION A Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.                                     A Making a film takes a long time and is very hard work. Writing the story for the film may take many weeks. Shooting (拍摄) the film often takes at least six months. Actors and cameramen work from very early in the morning until late at night. Each scene has to be acted and re-acted, filmed and re-filmed, until it is just fight. Sometimes the same scene has to be acted many times.      The film studio is like a large factory, and the indoor stages are very big indeed. Scenery of all kinds is made in the studio. Churches, houses, and forests are all built of wood and cardboard. Several hundred people work together to make one film. Some of these people are the actors and actresses. The director of the film, however, is the most important person in a film studio. He decides how the scenes should be filmed and how the actors should act.      Most people go to see a film because they know the film stars are in it. Sometimes the film may be very poor. It is best to choose a film made by a good director. Some famous directors make their films very real; people feel that they themselves are among the people in the films. 51. Making a film is ________ .     A. very easy       B. very difficult      C. quite interesting     D. quite funny 52. The director of a film ________ .     A. says how each scene should be filmed     B. tells the actors and actresses how they should act     C. is the most important person in a film studio     D. all the above 53. Which of the following statements is NOT true?     A. Writing the story for the film is a part of making a film.     B. The indoor stages in the film studio are very big.     C. Shooting the film often takes many months.     D. All of the people in film making are actors and actresses. 54. The best title for the passage is "________ ".     A. Making a Film      B. Actors and Actresses      C. A Director     D. Writing the Story                                    B If you've been joining in chat room conversations, or trading e-mail with net pals(网友), you have become one of the millions who write in a special, short form of English. Throughout the world, every night children and their elders are "talking" online ─ many of them are talking at the same time. It's fast: trying talking to six people once. It's convenient: three or four words per exchange. It takes cleverness, concentration and quick fingers. And it requires very simple language. There's neither time nor space for explanations. Why waste valuable time telling six friends you have to leave for a moment to take care of your little brother when BRB (=be right back) will do? Want to enter a conversation? Just type PMFJI (=pardon me for jumping in). Interested in whom you're talking to? Type A/S/L, the common request to know your pal's age, sex and location. You may get 15/M/NY as a reply from your pal. If something makes you laugh, say you're OTF (=on the floor), or LOL (=laughing out loud), or join the two into ROTFL (=rolling on the floor laughing). And when it's time to get back to work or go to bed, you type GTG (=got to go) or TTYL (=talk to you later). People want to write as fast as possible, and they want to get their ideas across as quickly as they can. Capital letters are left in the dust, except when expressing feeling, as it takes more time to hold down the "shift" key and use capitals. Punctuation(标点) is going too. 55. When people are online, they talk by _______. A. using body language B. drawing some strange pictures C. making phone calls D. making use of an especially short form of English 56. The sentence “There's neither time nor space for explanations” means that ________. A. people should use words properly B. people should know what time it is when they are talking C. people online have to express themselves in a simple way D. people should communicate in a funny way 57. If you get 17/F/NY as an answer to your A/S/L, it means_________. A. the people on the other end is 17 from New York and he is fine B. you are talking to a girl who is 17 and lives in New York C. you are talking to 17 girls who are from New York D. the people you are talking to is a 17-foot tall New York girl 58. Which of the following is a way to save online time? A. People seldom use capital letters or punctuation marks.    B. Many people draw pictures.    C. People only use the mouse instead of the keyboard. D. People never use the "shift" key.                                 C Adventure Vacations People like different kinds of vacations. Some go camping. They swim, fish, cook over a fire and sleep outside. Others like to stay at a hotel in an exciting city. They go shopping all day and go dancing all night. Or maybe they go sightseeing to places such as Disneyland, the Tai Mahan or the Louver. Some people are bored with sightseeing trips. They don’t want to be “tourists”. They want to have an adventure--a surprising and exciting trip. They want to learn something and maybe help people too. How can they do this? Some travel companies and environmental groups are planning special adventures. Sometimes these trips are difficult and full of hardships, but they’re a lot of fun. One organization, Earth watch, sends small groups of volunteers to different parts of the world. Some volunteers spend two weeks and study the environment. Others work with animals. Others learn about people of the past. Would you like an adventure in the Far North? A team of volunteers is leaving from Mormons, Russia. The leader of this trip is a professor from Alaska. He’s worried about chemicals from factories. He and the volunteers will study this pollution in the environment. If you like exercise and cold weather, this is a good trip for you. Volunteers need ski sixteen kilometers every day. Do you enjoy ocean animals? You can spend two to four weeks in Hawaii. There, you can teach language to dolphins. Dolphins can follow orders such as “Bring me the large ball.” They also understand opposites. How much more can they understand? It will be exciting to learn about these intelligent animals. Another study trip goes to Washington State and follows orcas. We call orcas “killer Whale”, but they’re really dolphins—the largest kind of dolphin. This beautiful animal travels together in family groups. They move through the ocean with their mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Ocean pollution is chasing their lives. Earth watch is studying how this happens. Are you interested in history? Then Greece is the place for your adventure. Thirty-five hundred years ago a volcano exploded there, on Santorum. This explosion was more terrible than Karate or Mount Saint Helens. But today we know a lot about the way of life of the people from that time. There are houses, kitchens, and paintings as interesting as those in Pompeii. Today teams of volunteers are learning more about people from the past. Do you want a very different vacation? Do you want to travel far, work hard and learn a lot? Then an Earth watch vacation is for you. 59. From the passage, on an adventure trip, people ______. A. may not spend much time on sightseeing B. won’t meet some difficulties or hardships C. can’t enjoy them D. can’t learn something 60. If you want to learn something about people of the past, you can _______. A. join the team to Hawaii          B. join the team to the Far North C. join the team to Washington      D. join the team to Greece 61. The word intelligent in paragraph 4 means _______. A. exciting         B. beautiful        C. large     D. clever 62. Which of the following is false? A. Some people find sightseeing trips boring. B. Earth watch is planning all these special adventures. C. The number of orcas is decreasing. D. 3 volcano explosions in all broke out 3, 500 years ago in Greece. SECTION B  4 points Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and the required words limit. Write your answers on your answer sheet. It's one of the world's greatest mysteries — how did the ancient Egyptians build the pyramids? It's as worrying as the riddle of the Sphinx. And the truth is, no one really knows how they built the pyramids. But amateur Egyptologist Maureen Clemmons has a theory. She thinks that kites may have been used to build the pyramids. "If you look at the top center of every monument , you see wings," Clemmons said. "I think the Egyptians have been trying to tell us in pictures for 3000 years that this is how they built the pyramids." Her idea — to build a pyramid, you control the desert wind using kites to lift the stones. She got a team of aeronautic engineers from Caltech to help her test the theory. "At the beginning, we were very critical of her ideas but then we started to think more about it and we said, 'why not? let's try it,'" said Mary Gharid of Caltech. The engineers worked out the math and designed a system of nylon ropes and pulleys (滑轮). Each pulley is four times the amount of weight a single kite can pull. "So, we're using one kite in 15 mile per hour winds to lift up a three and half ton block," said Caltech student Emilio Castano. Yesterday, in the Mojave Desert, they put their theory to the test using a nylon kite, three pulleys and an obelisk(方尖塔) that weighs nearly four tons. The wind speed had to be just right. And unimaginably, it worked. There was more than enough force to raise the obelisk. The total airtime is only twenty-five seconds. But the fact that it can be done doesn't necessarily mean that's how the ancient Egyptians did it. "There's absolutely no evidence (证据) for kites in ancient Egypt," said Professor Carol Redmount of UC Berkeley. "There's no evidence of pulleys as we know them today." 63. What is Maureen Clemmons’s theory? ( No more than 10 words ) _________________________________________________________. 64. Who helped her test the theory? (No more than 5 words) ________________________________. 65. Did Mary Gharid support Maureen Clemmons’s idea? (No more than 3 words) ____________________________. 66. Why did Maureen Clemmons’s theory prove not true? (No more than 12 words) _________________________________________________________.   PART FOUR  WRITING SECTION A  10 points Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information for the passage. Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answer. Many people believe they are supposed to drink eight glasses of water a day, or about two liters(升). Why? Because that is the amount of water they have been told all their life. But a recent report offers some different advice. Experts suggest people should obey their bodies: they should drink as much water as they feel like drinking. The report says most healthy people meet their daily needs for liquid by letting thirst be their guide. The report is from the Institute of Medicine, which provides scientific and technical advice to the government and the public. The report contains some general suggestions. It says women should get about 2.7 liters of water daily and men about 3.7 liters. But wait—in each case, that is more than eight glasses. There is one important difference. The report does not tell people how many glasses of water are needed to meet these guidelines. This is because the daily water requirement can include the water content in foods. As you might expect, the Institute of Medicine says people need to drink more water when they are physically active. The same is true of those who live in hot climates. Depending on heat and activity, people could need twice as much water as others do. All this, however, does not answer one question. No one seems sure why people have the idea that good health requires eight glasses of water daily. It may have started with a misunderstanding. How much water people should drink every day   The 67. ________ of water people need daily Traditional view men eight glasses women 68. __________   A 69. ________ report men about 70. ______ liters women about 2.7 liters  while having 71. ____________ or in the hot 72. _________ men 7.4 liters women 73. _______ liters Experts’74. ________ People should drink as 75. ________ as their bodies need, 76. ________ the water from other foods.   SECTION B Directions: Finishing the sentences according to Chinese, one word for each blank. 6 points 77.   有些人认为成功和运气有关。 Some people think that success _______ _________ _______ _______ with luck. 78.   刘翔一到香港,就受到市民们的热烈欢迎。 _______ _________ _______ Hongkong, Liu Xiang received a warm welcome from its citizens. 79. 请记下我的电话号码。万一有什么重要事情,可以打电话给我。 Please _______ _______ my telephone number. You can call me ______ ______ anything important happens. 80. 他的醉酒驾驶导致了一场严重的交通事故,造成三人死亡。     His drunk driving _________ ________ a serious accident, causing three people to die. 81. 大自然给香格里拉提供了无数的自然宝藏,使得这片土地成为当地人民的幸福家园。     Nature _________ Shangri-la ________ endless natural treasures, making the land a happy home for the local people. 82. 我们坚信我们所付出的努力总有一天会得到回报的。     We are convinced that what we have done will ________ ________ one day.   SECTION C  10 points Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below.   In an English class, your teacher showed you a picture and you were required to do the following: 1. Describe the picture simply. 2. What do you get from it? 3. About 100 words.     ______________________________________________________________________________   ______________________________________________________________________________   _______________________________________________________________________________   _______________________________________________________________________________   _______________________________________________________________________________   _______________________________________________________________________________   _______________________________________________________________________________   _______________________________________________________________________________     听力材料 Conversation 1 W: Having visited so many different countries, you must be able to speak several different languages. M: I wish I could, but French and English are the only ones I have ever learned to speak. W: Have you ever tried Chinese? M: Yes, but I gave up halfway. The Chinese characters are too difficult to practise. W: How about Japanese? M: I had studied in a Japanese class for two or three months, but the more I learned, the more difficult the grammar became. W: Do you like traveling? M: No, I don’t, but I have to. I work in the sales department. Conversation 2 M : Close your book and get your paper ready. Now, we' 11 have a dictation. W: Yes, sir. M : Listen carefully and I'll read it through first. While listening, try to catch the main idea of the dictation. That way, you'll find the dictation easier. W: All right, sir. M: When taking the dictation, you should pay attention to your handwriting, punctuation and speed. Are you ready? W: Yes, you can start, sir. Conversation 3 W: Come in, Please! M: Hello, Miss Gao. I'm sorry to trouble you. W: Not at all. Sit down, please. Would you like a cup of tea? M: Yes, please. Thank you. W: What can I do for you? M: Yes, I’ ve come here to ask about my son Tom's progress. W: OK. Tom is a clever boy,but he doesn't work hard at some subjects, I'm afraid. M: What subjects is he weak in? W: He is weak in Chinese and Science. M: Is he? What can I do? Can you help him? W: I will ask him to study harder than before. I will help him to study Chinese and science. M: Thank you very much. Conversation 4 M: I heard there was an earthquake in Xinjiang yesterday. W: Yes. I watched the news on CCTV. M: Were there any deaths? W: Yes, it was reported that about 20 people were killed,including 4 children. And a lot of people lost their homes. M: We must do something to help them. What shall we do? W: Our class is going to put on some performances to collect money for them. M: What a great idea! I’ll join you. Section B     Bicycles are very popular in parts of the world, such as China and India. It is very convenient to go to work by bicycle, especially during the rush hour. You can also ride a bicycle on weekends in the suburb enjoying the beautiful suburban scenery. Sure, bicycles allow you to get around and exercise at the same time. Believe it or not, the bicycle was once a tool of sexual liberation. Let' s forget the hard seat for a moment. Before bicycles became popular, women stayed at home and appeared on the street covered. Bicycles put an end to that, offering the ability to go where you wanted under your own power. Women liked bicycles very much. Of course, it's hard to ride a bicycle in a long skirt, so women wore shorter skirts, and even trousers. The final result? Sports shorts. As a result, men and women had more opportunities to meet together.                                                Keys: 1—5 BAACC      6—10 CCBCA 11. China and India    12. go to work   13. exercise    14. long skirts    15. As a result   16—20 CDBAC     21—25 ACDBA     26—30 DDABC   31-35 DCBAA     36-40 BCDBA      41-42 DC 43. curious        44. By            45. searching        46. discovery   47. However       48. something      49. coincidence      50. result(s)   51—55 BDDAD     56—60 CBAAD     61—62 DD 63. Kites may have been used to build the pyramids. 64. Aeronautic engineers from Caltech. 65. Yes, she did. 66. Because there’s no evidence for kites and pulleys in ancient Egypt.       67. amount   68. eight glasses     69. recent / medical     70. 3.7    71. physical activities 72. weather / climate     73. 5.4    74. suggestion / advice    75. much   76. including   完成句子 77. has something to do     78. On arriving in     79. write / take / put down; in case 80. resulted in / led to       81. provides / supplies; with     82. pay off   写作 In the picture we can see a man, who is not realistic, lying there thinking good luck might happen to him one day. However, an old saying goes: No pains, no gains. We all know that chances usually look upon those with favor who are ready to act. But in our society today, there are still some people living in a world of fantasy without working hard. Of course everyone wants to succeed and have a better life. We can’t imagine how a man can succeed if he never tries. So let’s try hard no matter how many difficulties and failures we will meet on the way. Only by working in a down-to-earth manner and advancing step by step, will chance and success finally come to us.         答案解析: 16. C “经常或有规律地锻炼”。 17. D  尽管你不会马上就获得成功,但很值得去尝试一下。 18. B  If breathed in.=If it is breathed in. it指毒气,假如毒气被吸入,会导致人生病。 19. A  whatever引导宾语从句,no matter what只能引导状语从句。 20. C  set an example to sb. 为某人树立榜样  have an effect on sb. 对某人有影响 21. A  我下个月去海南度假,到时会带妈妈一起去。 22. C  who指代friends, 所以谓语要用are。句子的主语是Jack,谓语用单数is。 23. D  虚拟语气。与过去事实相反,wish从句用过去完成时。 24. B  what引导主语从句;that引导表语从句。 25. A  since从句用一般过去时态。come是非延续性动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,故用延续性的状态动词have been。 26. D  contain指容纳或包含,侧重所含的量与成分,include侧重于对比整体与部分,常用于解释或补充说明。 27. D  本题考查强调句型It is / was…that的用法。 28. A  surrounding the lakes作定语修饰grasslands; which 引导非限制性定语从句。 29. B  昨晚的数学题是我(昨天以前)遇到的最难的题,但我把它解答出来了。manage to do sth. 设法做到了某事。 30. C  根据in recent years 和but some of them are returning判断用现在完成时。   爱惜财富,是对自己劳动的尊重;如果把财产看得高于一切,那就是让财产占有了自己。当一个人被财产占有时,他就没有了世人的情感和爱心,没有了由爱而来的幸福。人们只会说:瞧,这个有钱人真可怜。 31. D  结合上下文可知,miser指“吝啬鬼”。 32. C  be short of“短缺”, be proud of表示“为…自豪”,be tired of “厌烦、对…厌倦”,be aware of “知道、了解”。 33. B  吝啬鬼从来不肯帮助别人,所以“不耐烦”地拒绝对方。 34. A  35. A “饥饿的乞丐”多次请求,“坚持”要miser给他“哪怕是一口饭吃”。 36. B  由后文“I am thirsty.” 和“I don’t have water.”可知。 37. C  由于吝啬鬼再三拒绝,最后“乞丐悲哀地对这个吝啬鬼说”。 38. D  39. B “你应该去找一些善良的人讨些饭吃,因为你比谁都要穷!” 40. A  故事中的吝啬鬼在物质方面确实是富有的,但在精神方面却穷得可怜。 41. D “没有同情心和良知的富人在社会中是不会受到欢迎的”。 42. C “在填饱肚子的同时,一定别忘了丰实我们的心灵”。   51. B 从第一句“Making a film takes a long time and is very hard work.”可知拍电影不是件 易的事。 52. D 从第二段最后一句“The director of the film, however, is the most important person in a film studio. He decides how the scenes should be filmed and how the actors should act.”可 提炼出A, B, C三个内容。 53. D 从第二段“Some of these people are the actors and actresses.”可判断D项的“All” 绝对。 54. A 从全文可知,B, C, D的标题都过片面,A可涵盖全文内容。 55. D 细节题,从第一段可知。 56. C 根据后一句推断。 57. B 从本句“Type A/S/L, the nearly universal request to know you pal’s age, sex and location.”可知“A/S/L”是“age, sex and location”的缩写。 58. A 最后一段“…left in the dust”意思是“丢在脑后”。按下“Shift”键键入大写字母太费时间,因此聊友常常不使用大写字母,标点符号也省掉了。 59. A 从Some people are bored with sightseeing trips. They don’t want to be “tourists”. They want to have an adventure可知,喜欢冒险的游客不喜欢观光。 60. D 从Are you interested in history? Then Greece is the place for your adventure (如果你对历史感兴趣的话,你可以去希腊)可知答案。 61. D 从倒数第3段作者教海豚说话,海豚能学会一些,可见作者口中的海豚很聪明。 62. D 从 Thirty-five hundred years ago a volcano exploded there, on Santorum. This explosion was more terrible than Karate or Mount Saint Helens可知文章并没说Karate和Mount Saint Helens火山是什么时候爆发的,所以D项不对。

资料: 29.3万


