2010届高三英语复习题:Unit 16 Social and personal

2010届高三英语复习题:Unit 16 Social and personal


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2010届高三英语复习题:Unit 16 Social and personal 习题精选 A 1. There’s a narrow winding_____________ from our village to the next one.   A. road  B. street  C. highway  D. traffic 2. Don’t stand there — you are ___________.   A. in the way B. on the way C. in the road D. on the road 3. Give me your ________ for refusing.   A. reason  B. cause  C. excuse  D. course 4. Arrows mean when they point in opposite________.   A. directions  B. distance  C. manners  D. corners 5. Scientists are watching for the earliest________ of harmful effects on the world’s weather.   A. marks  B. tracks  C. instance  D. signs 6. She asked for a ___________.   A. news  B. furniture  C. drink  D. information 7. Something is the __________with my foot.   A. business  B. matter  C. affair  D. thing 8. Will you be at the party ___________Tuesday?   A. next  B. the next  C. on next  D. in next 9. Chess is________.   A. a very slow games   B. very slow play   C. a very slow game   D. a very slow play 10. “What kind of ___________do you want?” asked father.   “The pet store has many kinds.”   A. umbrella  B. dog  C. book  D. bike B 1. He won the first ________ in the competition.   A. prize  B. price  C. pride  D. reward 2. He never changes his________  — his shirts are always dirty.   A. cloth  B. clothing  C. clothes  D. dress 3. There’s a ________. of course, to what any person can do.   A. limit  B. bit  C. degree  D. top 4. It’s on the top shelf, out of________.   A. distance  B. reach  C touch  D. breath 5. He threw the box out of the window and it fell to the________ outside.   A. flat  B. floor  C. field  D. ground 6. Good governments depend not only on effective persuasion but also on the effective use of________.   A. force  B. position  C. control  D. strength 7. The boy got a ________ B in the composition test.   A. grade  B. degree  C. size  D. class 8. The man took great ________ to keep out of debts.   A.aches  B. hurts  C. pains  D. difficulties 9. I’m afraid you have no ________ but to come along with me.   A. choice  B. selection  C. election  D. possibility 10. My brother did not find army life to his __________.   A. like  B. favour  C. taste  D. quality

资料: 29.3万


