2010届高三英语复习题:Unit 14 Satellites

2010届高三英语复习题:Unit 14 Satellites


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2010届高三英语复习题:Unit 14 Satellites 一、单项选择 1.----What do you feel like ______  today?  ----I feel like ______ to see the film “Modern Times”.    A.doing; going  B.doing; to go   C.to do; to do  D.do; go 2.I wish _______ football after class.Will you _______ us?   A.playing; join    B.to play; join   C.play; take part in  D.played; attend 3._______I know, the exhibition is free.   A.So well as  B.So long as   C.So far as  D.As well as 4.The sick are rather difficult ______ .   A.to be taken care  B.to be taken care of   C.to take care  D.to take care of 5.The decision should not be changed _______ made.         A.unless  B.once  C.as  D.while 6.Is this the way ______ you do it?         A.how  B.by which  C.in which  D.with which 7.Signals sent up from the earth _____ the satellite, and then returned to the earth.    A.hit  B.beat  C.set for  D.started for 8.We'll ______ the plan until it is finished.     A.carry up    B.carry out   C.carry away    D.carry forward 9.You should always remember to ______ your tools after work.   A.put aside  B.put up  C.put to  D.put away 10.We should be able to _____ true friends from false ones.         A.say out  B.recognize  C.tell  D.speak out 11.That was the window ______ which the thief got into the house.     A.through  B.by  C.in  D.of 12.There was no way ______ the problem could be solved.   A.in that  B.which  C.that  D.on which 13.Sally wrote us a letter, ______ that she would come to visit us soon.       A.to say  B.say  C.said  D.saying 14.Coal is used _____ us warm.      A.to keep  B.to keeping   C.for keeping  D.kept 15.The girl was sitting at the table, _____hard on the maths problem.   A.work  B.working  C.to work  D.to be working Key:1~5  ABCDB  6~10  CABDC  11~15  ACDAB 二、完形填空   On the morning of May 5th, 1975, the astronaut named Henry Jackson was given a very careful medical examination.Then he was sent   1   the launching (发射) position, 2   the spaceship Astra was   2   to be launched.After Henry Jackson   4   his special space suit, a lift took him   5   to the rocket (火箭) , which was 65 feet above the ground.   The count-down started, “six, five, four, three, two, one, zero, 6   ”and the rocket immediately left the earth   7   very high speed.     8    two and a half minutes, 9   was moving at 5, 000 miles an hour.When the Astra was 425 miles above the earth, it   10   for 20 minutes.Then Henry Jackson left 11   and swam around in space.He was   12   by a life-line that would help him   13   the spaceship.   As he moved about in space, he kept 14   photos with his specially-made came   15   what he did and saw.  16   he used the life-line to pull himself back to the spaceship.Then the Astral   17   to fall back.48 hours after the flight   18   Henry Jackson and his spaceship fell down in   19   , where a   20    helicopter (直 升飞机) picked him up.   The flight was carried out exactly as it was planned and was really a great success.When the results of the trip were announced, the whole nation cheere reat joy. 1.A.for   B.to  C.out  D.up 2.A.which  B.that   C.what  D.where 3.A.waiting  B.flying   C.standing  D.moving 4.A.has to  B.wore   C.put on  D.took off 5.A.forward  B.down   C.back  D.up 6.A.go on  B.begin   C.lift up  D.turn off 7.A.on         B.in    C.at  D.by 8.A.Before  B.After  C.Since  D.When 9.A.the astronaut  B.the plain  C.Henry Jackson  D.the rocket 10.A.stopped         B.waited    C.dived  D.flew 11.A.his space suit  B.the rocket   C.his spaceship  D.the earth 12.A.defended  B.fixed  C.lifted  D.hung 13.A.return to  B.get into  C.walk in  D.find out 14.A.to take  B.making  C.to make  D.taking 15.A.on  B.at     C.of  D.for 16.A.Afterwards  B.Fortunately  C.However  D.Constantly 17.A.decided  B.began  C.wanted      D.planned 18.A.was started  B.starting  C.has started  D.had started 19.A.an Atlantic  B.the Atlantic  C.Atlantic  D.some Atlantic 20.A.remaining  B.landing   C.waiting  D.army Key:1~5  BDACD  6~10  CCBDA  11~15  CBADC 16~20  ABDCB 三、阅读理解   Have you ever seen the man in the moon? If you look closely at the moon on some nights, you can see the face of the man in the moon.Some people say that they can see an old man carrying sticks.Others see a girl reading a book.These pictures are made by the mountains and plains of the moon.   Long ago people in England used to tell their children that the moon was made of green cheese (奶酪, 乳酪) .Everyone knows that this is not true.The moon is a large round rock.It is completely bare: there are no trees or planet on the moon.There are no rivers or seas.There are no living things.It never rains on the moon, and everything is covered with dry, white dust.Not even a sound can be heard on the moon.Where the sun shines on it, the moon is very hot.In the shade, however, it's as cold as ice.The moon is much smaller than the earth.It does not weigh as much as the earth.If you went to the moon, you would weigh six times less than you do now.Even a fat man would be able to jump high off the ground. 1.According to the information the underlined sentence tells us, find the wrong statement out of the following.         A.You weigh six times on the earth more than you would do on the moon.   B.A Person would weigh ten kg on the moon if he weighs seventy kg now on the earth.   C.You weigh six times on the earth as much as you would do on the moon.   D.The weight of an object on the moon is one seventh that of it on the earth. 2.From the last sentence you may know that ______ .        A.there is no gravity (引力) on the moon   B.the gravity of the moon is much smaller than the earth's   C.a fat man could jump as high on the moon as on the earth   D.a fat man would be able to jump higher than a thin man on the moon 3.The word “bare” in the second paragraph (段) probably refers to _______.      A.without clothing  B.without decoration   C.not more than   D.empty or almost empty 4.What does the writer mainly tell us in the article?        A.Some pictures of the moon are made by the mountains and plains.   B.Some beautiful tales (传说) about the moon.   C.What the moon is really like.   D.Sometimes the moon is very hot, and sometimes it is as cold as ice. 5.The most suitable headline (标题) for the article is ______         A.The Face of the Moon   B.The Moon's Picture   C.The Moon Is Smaller Than the Earth   D.A Large Round Rock Key:1~5  CBDCA   四、书面表达 写一篇观看澳星发射的日记. (字数100左右) 内容提要:   1.你今年五月四日去西昌 (Xichang) 卫星发射基地 (satellites launching site) 观看长征2号发射澳星的情况.   2.火箭高达三十多米, 看上去雄伟壮观 (grand and magnificent) .   3.火箭点火时放出团团浓烟和巨大火舌 (masses of heavy smoke and big tongue of fire) .   4.两分钟后卫星进入地球轨道 (an orbit round the earth) .   5.人们听到成功的消息, 欢呼雀跃.   Today I went to Xichang, the satellites launching site to watch a man-made satellite made in Austratia launched.It was carried up by the Long March No.2 Rocket, which is about 30 meters high on the launcher.It looks very grand and magnificent into the sky.When the rocket started, it gave out masses of heavy smoke and big tongue of fire.Two minutes later the rocket with the satellite reached an orbit round the earth in space.When people heard the successful news announced, we all jumped up and cheered for a long time.I will never forget the wonderful day.  

资料: 29.3万


