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湖北省宜昌中学2012-2013学年七年级英语下学期期中测试试题 人教新目标版(满分:120分;考试时间: 70 分钟)同学们,衷心希望你们在英语学习中获得进步和快乐。请认真审题,仔细作答。Good luck!第一部 分  听力部分一、听力(本题有15小题,第一、二节每小题1分,第三节每小题2分,共20分。)第一节:听小对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择符合对话内容的图片。每段对话读一次。  第二节:听小对话,请从A、B、C三 个选项中选择最佳的选项。每段对话读一次。6. Where does Lucy live?A. New York   B. Toronto    C Tokyo7. Why does Jimmy want to be a teacher?A. busy      B. exciting.      C. interesting.8. Where is the library?      A. Next to the hotel.   B. Behind the supermarket.  C. Across from the park.9. What does Sam think of lions?      A. Dangerous.         B. Love ly.            C. Cute.10. How’s the weather there?  A. Pretty good     B. Terrible.     C. Not bad.第三节:听一封朋友间的来信,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成本题的信息记录表。来信读两次。Photos People Activities  Placesthe first photo Tom ____11____ at a poolthe second photo _____12_____ are playing soccer ____13_____the third photo Tom and Lily _____14_____ ____15_____ 11. A. is swimming        B. is boating        C. is running12. A. Jack and Bob        B. Tom and Bob    C. Mike and Jack13. A. on the beach      B. on the playground   C. under the tree14. A. are writing          B. are singing     C. are shopping15. A. in the street         B. at a mall         C. in the supermarket 第二部分  笔试部分二、单项填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。16 . --- _______ is your pen pal from?   --- He’s from Australia.    A. What        B. Where      C. How       D. Who17. ---Is there a video shop near here?---__________.A. Yes, it is.     B. Yes, there is.   C. Yes, there are.   D. No, it isn’t. 18.--- Excuse me. Where is the library?---It’s______ the restaurant.             Moon Street        第18题A. on     B. in   C. next to   D.across from19.--- Jim , do you want to go swimming with me?--- Sure. This TV show is very ______________.        A. boring     B. fun     C. exciting     D. interesting20.---Why does he like Pandas? --Because they are _______ cute.A. kind of   B. a kind of     C. all kinds of     D. kinds of21. --- Jane, ________________________    --- A policeman.   A. how is your brother?         B. what does your brother do?       C. where is your brother?         D. how old is you brother?22.--- What is Li Lei doing?    --- He’s buying some bananas in a ______.   A. post office    B. bank     C. police station    D. fruit shop23. Listen! My sister_______ the piano in her room.A.play    B. is playing   C. plays   D. playing24. Li Lei is only 8 years old, _____ he can speak English very well.   A. because     B. or       C. so      D. but25. ---Do the people in Australia speak French?   --- ____________.   A. Yes, they are.   B. No, they aren’t.    C. Yes, they do.     D. No, they don’t.26. ---Hi! Jim. How’s the weather in Wenzhou?   --- Terrible! _______, so I can’t play football with my classmates on our school playground.   A. It’s rainy.      B. It’s sunny .      C. It’s cloudy.     D. It’s fine.27. _______ work late. They’re very busy when people go out to dinner.A. Policemen    B. Waiters    C. Bank Clerks     D. Actors  28. ---What do you usually do when it is raining?---I  often ______ TV. A. are watching    B. watch    C. watches    D. watching29. --- Why do you like _______? --- They’re cute and they’re from China,A. lions   B. pandas    C.  koalas  D.dolphins30. ---   _______     --- Oh, great!A. How’s it going?             B. What are you doing?  C. Where is the bank?           D. What do you usually do on Sunday? 三、完形填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。I am on vacation in Wenzhou with my friend Betty. Wenzhou is a beautiful city   31   many interesting places. During the day we visit some beautiful places, and   32   we listen to music in the hotel . We are having a good time here.The weather here is pretty good. It’s usually   33  , so people can enjoy the sunshine in Wenzhou.  34   today it’s raining and a little cold. I’m  35  I can’t go to the beach . I really want to play beach volleyball. Now, it’s 5:30 in the afternoon. We’re in  36  hotel room. It’s raining hard.  37  the people in the street! Some are walking fast or  38  ,   39  are waiting for taxis. Where are they going? Oh, they’re going home after work. I hope the weather is fine soon. I want to  40  more places in W enzhou.31. A. with   B. and   C. for   D. to32. A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. during the da y D. at night33. A. rainy     B. cloudy   C. windy   D. sunny34. A. So      B. Or        C. But       D. Because35. A. shy   B. sad   C. happy   D. excited36. A. your   B. his   C. our   D. its37. A. Look for  B. Listen to  C. Look at  D. See38. A. running   B. reading  C. writing  D. swimming39. A. some   B. other   C. any   D. others40. A.go    B. walk   C. play   D. visit 四、阅读理解(本题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。(“打*的斜体单词在第6页的小词典中有附注解。)                                       A   Jim and Lucy are brother and sister. Jim is 18 and Lucy is 16. They are students. Winter vacation is coming and they want to find something *to do during the winter vacation. Now they’re reading the newspaper want ads at home.Ad11:                    Ad2:                      Ad3:                               41. In Ad1, they need ________.A. a waiter   B. a reporter  C. a nurse      D. a tutor42. What can Mr Green teach people?A. To swim   B. To dance  C. To play chess  D. To speak English 43. Jim  joins the chess club. When does he go to the club?A. Every day.      B. Every Friday afternoon.  C. Every Sunday afternoon.    D. On weekends.44. Jim wants to be a waiter. Which telephone number can he call?A. 865-78312   B. 883-99950   C. 886-55777   D. 891-3457645.  Lucy has no classes during the winter vacation. Why can’t she have the job as a waiter?A. Because she  is 16 years old.   B. Because she is busy during the winter vacation.C. Because she is a girl.     D. Because her parents don’t agree. B     Now lots of families keep* pets in their houses. Most pets are     small animals.  Dogs are the favorite pets. The second favorite are cats and the third favorite are birds. These small animals are very cute and friendly. People usually have them as their family members. They give them nice nam es and let them wear beautiful clothes. They also give their pets nice food to eat. They buy food for their pets in pet shops.    Pets are all very happy. Many pets have their houses and beds. They often go out to relax and take a walk with people in the morning.   Some children like pets because they need a friend to play with at home. Many old people keep pets at home just because they often feel* lonely.  They have them as their children and they love them very much. So, pets are very important.*I think every family needs pets. 46. Most people like to keep ______ animals at home.A. small  B. white   C. big   D. black47. People give their pets _____and _________.A. nice names,  nice books   B. pet sho ps, nice books C. nice names, nice food   D. pet shops, nice food48. The pets often_________ with people in the morning.A. take a shower  B. play soccer  C. take a walk  D. listen to music49.The word “lonely” means(意思) _________ in Chinese.  A. 孤独的  B. 快乐的  C.紧张的   D. 有趣的50.The writer thinks__________ .A. pets are dirty     B. people don’t need pets at homeC. people don’t like animals   D. pets are very important.小词典 五、词汇运用(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)  根据短文内容和所给汉语提示,写出短文空白处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Dear James,   My name is Bob. I live in Toronto, Canada. Toronto is a beautiful and ___51__(干净的) city. It’s a good place for us to live. My house is __52__ (在……之后) the airport. In my neighborhood there is a big park. It’s in the __53__(中心) of my neighborhood. In it, there are many trees. The ___54__(树叶) on the trees are always green all the year. When it is sunny and __55__ (暖和的) , my sister and I go to the park and __56___(躺) on the grass. I often read some ___57_ (故事) books and my sister just__58__ (睡觉). When it is __59  (夏天) , we go to the beach to play volleyball. When we are playing volleyball, my mother is __60___(惊讶的) we can play in this heat.   I hope you can come to my home on vacation!                                                                                 Lilei   六、任务型阅读(本题有5小题,每小题2分,共10分)阅读动物们的自述,猜猜它们各是什么动物,并把动物的编号(A、B、C…)分别填入答卷纸上相应的空格内。 A          B          C           D               E                                                                                                                                                                  七.补全对话:(本题共有5 小题,每题1分,共10分)A. But she wants to be a policewoman.B. Where does she work?C. What about your mother?D.I see, most people always don’t like their own (自己的) jobs very much.E. She thinks it’s interesting.A: Anna, does your mother work?B: Yes, she does.A:___66____.B: In a bank. A: What does she do?B: She is a bank clerk.____6 7_____.A: Why?B:___ 68____.A: But it’s dangerous to be a policewoman.B:I think so.____69_____.A: My mother is a policewoman and she doesn't like it.B:_____70_____.八.书面表达(10分) 假设你有一位笔友Mary,请根据下面表格中信息介绍她的情况。Name: Mary Age: 14From: Sydney, Australia Language: English and a little ChineseFavorite Sport: basketball Favorite Subject: music (relaxing) math (fun)Favorite Animal: dolphins(smart, beautiful and friendly) Favorite movie: Dragonball  (exciting)Family: parents and a brother (Nick) Want to be: a reporter (interesting)要求:1. 文章必须 涉及表格中所有信息,可适当拓展;     2..条理清楚,语句连贯、通顺,标点正确;     3. 字数:不少于65个词。宜昌中学二0一三年春七年级英语期中检测听力材料本部分共有三节。第一节:听小对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择符合对话内容的图片。每段对话读一次。1. W:Tom, where is Bill from? M:He’s from England.2. W:Mike, what’s your favorite animals ?M:My favorite animals are pandas.3.W:Hi! Lilei! It’s sunny today. Do you want to play pingpong with me?  M; That sounds good.4. W:Henry ,where is Mary ? Do you know?M:Over there, she is playing the guitar.5. W: What do you want to be, Jim?M: I want to be a doctor.第二节:听小对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳的选项。每段对话读一次。6 W: Steve! Where does your pen pal Lucy live? M:  She lives in Toronto. 7. W: Jimmy, what do you want to be?  M: I want to be a teacher. Because I think it is interesting..8. W: Excuse me, where is the library?M: Go straight. It’s behind the supermarket.9. W: Sam, there is a big lion in the zoo. Let’s go and have a look!M: I don’t like it. It’s too dangerous.10. W: How’s the weather there?  M: Terrible. It’s windy and cold..第三节:听一封朋友间的来信,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成本题的信息记录表。来信读两次。Dear Susan,      Thank you for your letter. How are you? I like your photos very much. Here are some photos of my family. I hope you like them, too. In the first photo, I’m swimming at a pool. I am very excited. In the second photo, you can see two boys. They’re my cousins. Their names are Jack and Bob. They are playing soccer on the playground. In the third photo, my sister Lily and I are shopping at the mall.             Write to me soon.                                                              With loveTom听力测试到此结束,请同学们继续答题。 宜昌中学二0一三年春七年级英语期中检测(参考答案)一、听力  四、阅读理解41-45 DCBCA    46-50 ACCAD五、词汇运用 分为4个档次评分:第一档(9-10分):包含所有信息,语言准确、丰富、流畅,有所拓展,基本无拼写和语法错误;第二档(6-8分):遗漏个别信息,语言单调,没有拓展,或者存在一些语言用法错误;第三档(3-5分):遗漏部分信息,语言单调,没有拓展,词汇和句式用法错误较多。第四档(1-2分):只能写出一两句。附加题阅读理解: 1-5  BCBBD选词填空答案:6. traveling  7. with       8. doesn’t      9. places         10. help  11. to buy    12. So       13.one        14. coming       15. thanks  

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