2013-2014学年八年级英语上学期期中检测题 人教新目标版

2013-2014学年八年级英语上学期期中检测题 人教新目标版


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江苏省泰州市洋思中学2013-2014学年八年级英语上学期期中试题 人教新目标版(考试时间 120 分钟   满分150分)第一部分 选择题(95分)一、听力(20分)(一)听对话,从A、B、C三幅图中找出与你所听内容相符的选项(听两遍)(   )1. Which watch is the boy's?         (   )2. Which subject does the man like best? A.     B.      C.  (   )3. Who’s Sandy’s friend?       (   )4. How does Ann usually go to school?       (   )5. What time will they meet at the school gate tomorrow?       A. At 6:45      B. At 7:15      C. At 7:45       (   )6. What is Sandy doing?       A. She is lying in bed        B. She is reading in bed     C. She is playing with a cat in bed (   )7. How often does the girl play softball?A.Once a week.     B.Twice a month.    C. Twice a week. (   )8. How many friends does Amy have in this new school?       A. She has the most friends           B. She has no f riends  C. She has as many friends as the others (   )9. Who is the best at singing?       A. Mike         B. Lucy           C. Bill (   )10. How long does Sandy stay at school every day?       A. For about 8 hours      B. For about 7 hours      C. For more than 7 hours 二.听对话和短文,回答问题    听一段对话,回答第11—12小题(   )11. What are they going to make for lunch?        A. Hamburgers      B. Hot dogs       C. Sandwiches (   )12. What should Mum do first?        A. Put some tomato sauce on bread     B. Put a sausage(香肠)and some vegetables on bread C. Pick a piece of bread 听第一篇短文,回答第13—15小题Three meals in AmericaMeals  Time  Food Breakfast  before 8:00 a.m. eggs,   13  , bread, fruit juice and coffee Lunch    14    sandwiches, fruit and cookies Supper 6:00—8:00p.m. meat or chicken, turkey and duck,  15  , vegetables or salad (   )13. A. some apples     B. some meat        C. some fish(   )14. A. 11:00—12:00    B. 11:00—13:00     C. 12:00—13:00(   )15. A. potatoes or ric e   B. tomatoes or fish   C. bananas or cakes听第二篇短文,回答第16-20小题(   )16. How many terms are there in a school year in America?        A. One       B. Two      C. Three(   )17. When is the first term?A. From February to June B. From Febru ary to SeptemberC. From September to January  (   )18. At what age can a child go to school?        A. Five         B. Six      C. Seven(   )19. How many subjects do the high school students take each term?A. Four                B. Five      C. Four or five(   )20. Why do many college students have to work after class?        A. Because some work is helpful to their students.        B. Because they need to get money for their studies.          C. Because the teachers ask them to do so.二、单项选择(20分)(   )21. There is      softball here. Shall we play      softball after lunch?        A. a, a    B. the, the   C. a, the  D. a, /(   )22. The old man had      money of all ,but he raised       money for Project Hope.        A. the fewest, the most      B. the least, the most C .the less, the more        D. the least, the more(   )23. British people  say “football” while Americans say “____”.        A. fall       B. eraser     C. vacation     D. soccer(   )24. ―Don’t  play in the street. It’s dangerous.       ―        .        A. No, I don’t.  B. No, I won’t.  C. Yes, I will.  D. Yes, I won’t.(   )25. Tim       an hour doing his homework and listening to music      him 10 minutes.        A. costs, spends   B. spends, take   C spends ,  takes  D. takes , costs(   )26. What ______ your school life ______?  A. does; like   B. do; like     C. is; like   D. is; likes(   )27. Please             the bus and             the lights, will you?        A. put on, turn into    B. get up, take off    C. get on, turn off     D. get in, get off(   )28. ―Shall we take Linda to the Great Wall?       ―        .        A. No, I won’t.   B. Sounds great    C. I don’t think so.     D. I hope not.(   )29. The pictures about the city are not so amazing as      about the countryside.        A. one   B. ones   C. these    D. those(   )30. My little brother is generous   ____ his friends. He likes to share his toys      them.    A. to, with   B. for, with   C. for, to D. to, for(   )31. ―I think Betty is very helpful.       ―       . She always gives her seat to others on the bus.        A.I agree.   B. Me, too.   C. Really?     D. I’m afraid she isn’t.(   ) 32. Don’t         the window open while you are asleep .        A. leave      B. left     C. forget      D. forgot (   )33. Mr Li always advises us           English as often as possible.        A. speak    B. to speak    C. not to speak    D. not speak(   )34. ―Jim,        read books while you are on the bus.       ― Ok, thank you.        A. don’t  B. doesn’t C. won’t  D. can’t(   )35. They live 20 kilometers      the school, but they still walk to school every day.        A. away     B. far    C. far from    D. away from  (   )36. —Mum, there are no pears for a salad. Shall we use oranges        ?       —OK.        A .too   B. already   C. instead of   D. instead(   )37. Something          when I stayed in Nanjing with my friends last week.        A. go wrong B. goes wrong  C. went wrong  D. going wrong(   )38. Thanks for keeping the secret      me. I’ll keep the secret      myself.A. to, for   B. for, to   C. for, with  D. at, to(   )39. You look so tired. Why not               ?        A. stop to have a rest       B. to stop to have a rest    C. stop having a rest        D. to stop having a rest(   )40. —What do you think of the new camera?        —It’s cheaper, but                 the old one.         A. not better than  B. as good as  C. not so good as  D. as better as三、完形填空(15分)Mr Clarke works in a middle school. He likes reading and often   41   some books from the library. He keeps   42   to the radio every morning and reading   43   after supper. So he knows much and teaches well. His   44   admire him very much. Mike, Mr Clarke's little son, is only nine. He  45   likes reading books. And he often asks his father some questions. Mr Clarke always thinks he's too  46  to understand him and chooses   47   ones to answer. Of course the boy is not pleased with that.     One day Mike read  48  about the lights and was  49  it. When his father told him to do some housework, he went on thinking of it.  He asked him    50    questions, and his father answered all. Then his father said proudly, "Fathers always know   51   than sons!"     The boy thought for a while and said, "  52  !"     "Oh? Why?"     Mike didn't answer  53  asked instead, "Who invented the lights?" "  54  ," answered Mr Clarke.    "Why didn't his father invent them, then?"    Looking at his son, Mr Clarke didn't know  55  to answer it!(  )41.  A. finds    B. sells C. buys D. borrows(  )42.  A. watching B. listening C. . going   D. touching(  )43.  A. newspapers B. letters C. stories D. messages(  )44.  A. teachers B. parents C. students D. classmates(  )45.  A. also B. never C. even D. only(  )46.  A. old B. young C. clever D. able(  )47.  A. more difficult B. the easiest C. easier D. the most difficult(  )48.  A. everything B. nothing C. something D. anything(  )49.  A. worried about B. interested in C. afraid of D. angry with(  )50.  A. few B. little C. a few D. a little(  )51.  A. more B. most C. less D. least(  )52.  A. So do I B. Neither am I C.I agree   D. I don't think so (  )53.  A. and B. or  C. but D. so (  )54.  A. Thomas Brown B. Allan Smith C. Thomas Edison  D. Ron Jenkins(  )55.  A. when B. how C. where D. which 四、阅读理解(40分)( A )    A boy once found a far(罐子) full of nuts and raisins (葡萄干)in his mother's kitchen and he put his hand in to help himself to hold as many as he could. When he tried to take his hand out of the jar, however, he found that the opening was too narrow for his fist to pass through."What shall I do?" he cried. "My hand will be stuck in this jar forever." Just then his mother came in."Really?" she said. "There's nothing to make such a fuss(大惊小怪) about it. Try taking half of the nuts and raisins in your hand and you'll find it will come out of the jar quite easily."(   )56. Where did the boy find the jar?        A. In his bedroom        B. In the kitchen C. Outside the door       D.  In the yard(   )57. What did he want to do?       A. He wanted to help his mother do houseworkB. He wanted to take many nuts and raisins C. He wanted to move the jar to his roomD. He wanted to break the jar to take the nuts (   )58. He didn't pass through the jar because the jar's op ening was too________.        A. small     B. narrow    C. wide     D. big (   )59. His mother asked him to_________.        A. take half of the nuts and raisins in his hand  B. throw all the nuts and raisins C. break the far                         D. put the nuts and raisins into the jar (   )60. The story mainly tells us that__________.        A. taking more nuts is very difficult for a boy B. people can't be too greedy(贪婪的)C. the jar is very dangerous for little boys D. Mother helps the boy take nuts and raisins (B)We all need to do exercise. Doctors say it is good for us. It makes your heart and body strong. It also gives you more energy(能量). And you will feel better about yourself. It’s best to exercise twice a week. Twenty minutes each time is enough.There are many ways to exercise. You can walk, run, play sports, or swim.Many people go to special places to exercise. They are called “Fitness Centers”. These places have a lot of equipment. Some people buy equipment for their homes. But it is very expensive. Exercising can be fun. Friends can exercise together at a fitness center. Or, they can play sports together.How do you exercise?(   )61. According to  the article, we should exercise           .        A. every day            B. 20 minutes a week C. twice a week          D. twice a month(   )62. At  fitness centers,              .        A. you can buy expensive equipment B. people can do many kinds of exercisingC. it is very expensiveD. exercising is not fun (   )63. Which kind of exercising is not in the article?        A. Sports.     B. Swimming   C. Running     D. Dancing(   )64. Which sentence about exercising is true?        A. Exercising is expensive.     B. Exercise is good for your heart.             C. Only doctors exercise.      D. Friends never exercise together.(   )65. What is the main idea according to the article?        A. Exercise equipment is expensive         B. Playing is a good way to exerciseC. Everyone should exerciseD. Fitness centers are popular    (C)Riddih Shah, 10      Students will use computers and e-textbooks. E-textbooks will be like a disk(硬盘). So instead of carrying lots of heavy textbooks, students will only carry a few disks and read books from them. Learning will become easier and more interesting.Naomi chen, 10      I think multimedia(多媒体) will help schools. We don’t need to buy new dictionaries as often, because the school will buy a few sets of multimedia software(软件). There will be lots of e-dictionaries in them. Those will be enough for the whole school.Linda Sakami, 10Teachers will use movies, tapes, TVs and multimedia to teach. Students will be able to take classes by watching TV or on the Internet without a classroom teacher.Lauren Ortiz, 9In the future, even if you are ill, you can still learn your subjects by connecting(连接) your computer with the school network for free.(   )66. Who is the youngest of the four students?        A. Naomi Chen.         B. Linda  Sakami. C. Lauren Ortiz         D. Riddih  Shah.(   )67. What does Riddih Shah think schools of the future will be like?        A. There will be no teacher in the classroom.B. Multimedia will be used in schools.C. Students will learn on computers at home.D. Students will only take a few disks to school.(   )68. According to the passage, learning will become ________ in the future.        A. easier     B. more boring    C. cheaper    D. more difficult(   )69. They all think that _________ are needed for learning in the future.        A. TVs      B. disks          C. movies    D. computers(   )70. What is the best title for the passage?        A. No Schools in the Future        B. The Future of SchoolsC. You Won’t Get Ill in the Future   D. What Will Your Life Be Like?   (D)Last Monday, a school bus driver made a quick stop to go to the bathroom in a gas station while on the way to school. But the bus didn’t stop without him. Moments after the driver got off, the bus began to run down the mountain, with 27 young students on the bus.But luckily, an 11-year-old student, David, went to the driver’s seat and began to drive the school bus. He couldn’t stop the bus running down the mountain, but he stopped the bus from running into a car. At last he stopped the bus on a bridge and luckily everyone on the bus was all right.David’s mother got surprised when she learned about what her son did. “I saw the  bus, It nearly ran down the bridge,” she told the reporter, “I couldn’t believe that he could stop the bus all by himself.”David kept very quiet about the accident, but he was really a hero. “If he didn’t drive the bus, all the students might go down into the river with the bus,” said Brian, a teacher in the school. “He saved all of those children’s lives.”(   )71. Where did the bus driver go on the way?        A. He went to school.           B. He went to a bathroom.C. He went to a market.         D. He went to a hospital.(   )72. Who helped to drive the bus?        A. A student.    B. A teacher.  C. A policeman.  D. A parent.(   )73. Where did the bus stop at last?        A. In the school.           B. At the bus  station.    C. On the bridge.          D. In the hospital.(   )74. The underlined word “accident” means “           ” in Chinese.        A. 事实     B. 喜讯     C. 悲剧      D. 事故(   )75. What’s the best title of the passage?        A. A child saves classmates on the bus    B. A careless school bus driverC. A  bus doesn’t go down into the river   D. A school bus runs into a car           第二部分  非选择题(55分)五、词形变化(15分)1. Can you tell me the differences between           (Britain) English and American English?2. If you don’t know the          (mean) of the sentence, you can ask me for hel p.3. I have a buddy. She is a student in the       (nine) grade.4.           (mix)all kinds of fruits together can make the salad look colourful.5. Their school uniforms are not the same as        (we)6. Sandy came third in the race, and she ran              (slowly) of all.7. Tommy can’t wait          (open) his present on Children’s Day.8. Tommy fell off the bike.           (luck), he wasn’t hurt badly.9. How          (humour) Max is! I never feel bored with him.10.The twins are old enough to take good care of         (them).11.Tell the children           (not eat) something unhealthy. It’s bad for them.12.The question is           (important), you only need to look through it quickly.13. Mum often walks to the park instead of         (ride) there at weekends.14. —How are you feeling today? —Even        (bad).15. Every Friday morning ,we have a          (week) listening test.六、阅读表达 (10分)Books are our greatest friends. They tell me stories of every country in the world.(1)They give us all kinds of knowledge.Life is short. One can’t know and see everything in the world. With the help of books, one is able to know what happened thousands of years ago and what is happening in every part of the world now. (2)Books give us       knowledge        pleasure(乐趣). Reading good books is the best way of spending our free time. And many beautiful stories for children are interesting and full of wisdom(智慧).All the great men love books. Knowledge from books helps them to succeed (成功)because books are source(源泉)of knowledge and knowledge is the source of success.1. 将(1)句译成中文。                                                     2. 在(2)的空白处各填入适当的单词或短语使句意完整,上下文通顺:                   ,                  3. 回答问题: What’s source of knowledge?                                            4. 在文中找出下列句子的同义句。   We’d better spend our free time by reading good books.                                                                               5. 在文中找出或写出最能表达该短文主题的句子。                                                                               七、缺词填空(10分)In the past, most American mothers stayed at home to take care of their children.    B          now, many mothers are working. More than half of American women with young children have w           outside the house.American families solve the child care problem i          different ways. Some parents let o           children stay at home alone after school. But they must make s           the children are not younger than ten. Other parents say they would not l           their children stay at home alone. They usually p           someone to take care of their children.Some parents in the US find t            own ways to spend less on child care. They join child care groups. It often costs little o           no money. But many American parents are still t           to get good child care at the right price.八、书面表达(20分)假如你叫Simon,学校Buddy Club在招募新成员,你想加入该俱乐部。根据下列信息,写一封自荐信。1. 我,圆脸,大眼睛,黑色的短发。我班最高的男生。2. 大方,乐于助人,乐意在任何时候帮助需要帮助的人,经常倾听同学们的烦恼,并提供帮助。3. 喜欢旅游。上个月参加了学校去世界公园的旅行。在那里看到了全世界100多处名胜的模型和精彩的歌舞表演。了解到了许多不同的文化。4. 对DIY很着迷。曾经选修了DIY的课程,在房间安装了电灯,搭建了书架。现在懂得更多了。要求:1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯。          2. 要点必须包括所有信息,可以适当发挥。          3. 词数80左右(信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)Dear Sir or Madam, My name is Simon. ____________________________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.     Yours faithfully,                                                         Simon I八年级英语期中试题 2013.11听力材料一、听对话回答问题1. M: Look at my new watch, Sandy.  W: It's a square watch. It looks very cool.2. W: What subjects do you like?  M: I like Chinese, Maths and English. But I like PE best.3. M: Sandy, what are you doing here?  W: I’m waiting for my friend. Look she’s coming, the girl with glasses.4. M: How do you come to school every day, Ann?  W: I usually take a bus, but sometimes I ride my bicycle.5. M: What time shall we meet outside the school gate tomorrow?  W: Let’s meet at a quarter to seven.6. M: Don’t read in bed, Sandy.  W: Sorry, what did you say?  M: I told you not to read in bed.7. M: Which sp ort do you like best?  W: I practise playing softball after school on Tuesday and Friday. 8. M: Amy, do you have friends in this new school?W: Yes. Nobody else has as many friends as me here.9. W: Who is the best at drawing in your class, Mike?M: Lucy is, and I'm the best at singing.10. M: How long do you stay at school every day, Sandy?W: In the morning for nearly 4 hours, in the afternoon about 3 hours.二、听对话和短文,回答问题听一段对话,回答第11—12小题M: It's time for lunch. Mum, Can we stop cleaning the house and make some food? I'm hungry.W: Sure. Let's make some hot dogs.M: Are they quick and easy to make?W: Yes. Look at me. First, pick a piece of bread. Then put a sausage and some vegetables on it.M: Next , we can put some tomato sauce on it.W: That's correct.M: Is that all right?W: Well, just roll up the piece of bread on the top of it. Finished!听第一篇短文,回答第13—15小题Americans usually eat three meals a day. Breakfast usually comes before eight o'clock in the morning. They usually have eggs, some meat, bread, fruit juice and coffee.Lunch is between twelve and one o'clock. It is like a light meal and working people must take lunch with them or get it near a workplace. Children in school take sandwiches, fruit and cookies with them or eat in school.Supper, the main meal, is between six and eight in the evening. People cook it carefully. They may have meat or chicken, turkey and duck. They may all have potatoes or rice, vegetables or salad. The drink is coffee, tea or milk. Then comes the dessert. 听第二篇短文,回答第16-20小题American schools begin in September after a long summer holiday. There are two terms in a school year. The first term is from September to January, and the second is from February to June. Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school.High school students take only four or five subjects each term. They usually go to the same classes every day, and they have homework for every class. After class they do many interesting things.After high school, many students go to college. They can go to a small one or a large one. They usually have to give a lot of money. So many college students work after class to get the money for their studies.           八年级英语期中试题参考答案一、听力 1-5 BBCAA    6-10 BCAAB   11-15 BCBCA   16-20 BCACB 二、单项选择 21-25 DBDBC  26-30 CCBDA  31-35 AABAD   36-40 DCBAB三、完形填空41-45 DBACA  46-50 BBCBC   51-55 ADCCB四、阅读理解56-60 BBBAB  61-65 CBDBC  66-70 CDADB    71-75 BACDA五、词形变化1. British         2. meaning      3. ninth     4. Mixing / To mix   5. ours  6. the most slowly  7. to open       8. Luckily  9. humourous        10. themselves 11. not to eat      12. unimportant  13. riding   14.worse            15. weekly六、阅读表达 (10分)1. 他们给我们各种各样的知识。2. not only, but also / both, and 3. Books are source of knowledge.4. Reading good books is the best way of spending our free time.5. Books are our greatest friends.七、缺词填空But, work, in, older, sure, let, pay, their, or, trying八、书面表达Dear Sir or Madam,   My name is Simon. I have a round face and big eyes. I have short black hair. And I’m the tallest boy in my class. I’m generous and helpful. I’m willing to help people in need any time. I often listen to my classmates’ problems and offer them help.    I enjoy traveling very much.  Last month I joined our school trip to the world park. I saw the models of more than 100 places of interest . I also saw wonderful song and dance shows. I learnt a lot about different cultures.   I’m crazy about DIY. I took a course in DIY. I once put in a light and put up a bookshelf in the room. Now , I know much more about DIY.   I hope to be a member of the Buddy Club.I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.     Yours faithfully,                                                         Simon  

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