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第一节 单项选择(共 10 小题, 每小题 0.5 分, 满分 5.0 分) 从各题所给 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入题内空白处的最佳答案。 10. —What_____useful book it is! —Yeah, it tells you how to play the guitar. A. an B. a C. the D. / 解析: 考查冠词。 句意"这是一本多么有用的书啊! 是的, 它告诉你如何弹吉他"。 这 里 泛指一部有用的书。 useful 是以辅音音素/ju/开头, 用 a 修饰。 答案: B 11. The accident took place _____ a cold November evening. A. on B. in C. at D. for 解析: 根据—— a cold November evening, 可知这里指的是在具体的某一天的晚上, 用 介词 on。 答案: A 12. _____Aron has lost his right arm, he never gives up his dream to climb mountains. A. Since B. Although C. Unless D. If 解析: 选项 A 意为: 自从; 选项 B 意为: 虽然; 选项 C 意为: 除非; 选项 D 意 为: 如 果。 结合句意: 虽然 Aron 失去了右臂, 但他从不放弃爬山的梦想。 答案: B13. The blue coat _____ be Tony’s. He never wears blue clothes. A. can B. must C. can’t D. mustn’t 解析: 考查情态动词。 A 能。 B 必须。 C 不可能。 D 不允许。 结合语境“这件蓝色 大衣 _________是托尼的, 他从来不穿蓝色的衣服。”。 可知, 表示否定推测, 应该是“不可 能”。 答案: C 14. Mr. Black, you are becoming healthier and healthier. Please keep on_____. A. ran B. to run C. runs D. running 解析: 根据 Mr. Black, you are becoming healthier and healthier. Please keep on_____.可知 句子考查 keep on doing sth.表示继续做某事。 答案: D 15. —Time is money. —But I think time is_____money. A. as important as B. more important than C. the most important D. less important as 解析: as important as 和……一样重要; more important than 比……重要; the most important 最重要; less important as 不如……重要。 根据 but 一词, 可知下一句表达了与上一句 不同的 观点, 结合四个选项, 因此可知这句话的意思是“——时间就是金钱。 ——但是我认为 时间要比金钱重要。” 答案: B 16. — Have you watched the new movie, Joe? — No, I________ it with my sister this evening. A. watch B. are watching C. watched D. will watch 解析: 根据 this evening 可知时态为一般将来时 will+动词原形。 答案: D 17. —I hear that Lucy’s uncle is a worker here. —Yes. Look, the man_____is working over there is her uncle. A. whom B. who C. what D. which 解析: whom 谁, 宾格; who 谁, 主格; what 什么, 不能引导定语从句; which 哪一个, 指物。 根据先行词是 man, 并且引导词在定语从句中作主语, 所以要用 who 来引导定 语从 句, 因此可知这句话的意思是“——我听说露西的叔叔是一个这里的工人。 ——是的, 看, 那边正在工作的那个人就是她叔叔。” 答案: B 18. —Could you please tell me_____ for travelling this summer? —We plan to go to the Great Wall. A. how will your family go B. how your family will go C. where your family will goD. where will your family go 解析: 根据 Could you please tell me 可知, 本题考查宾语从句, 宾语从句中一般为陈述 语序, 选项 AD 是疑问语序, 所以排除掉; 再根据 We plan to go to the Great Wall, 可 知这里 指的是去哪里, 用 where。 答案: C 19. —Let’s go for a picnic on Saturday, James. —______ I have to do my homework at home. A. What a pity! B. Don’t worry. C. Best wishes. D. How come? 解析: 考查情境对话。 A 真遗憾! B 别担心。 C 最好的祝愿。 D 为什么? 结合语境 “— —我们星期六去野餐吧, 杰姆斯。 ——___________! 我必须在家做作业。” 可知, 应 该是“真 遗憾”。 答案: A 第二节 完形填空(共 1 小题; 每小题 15 分, 满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给各题的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白 处 的最佳选项。 All of the staff in my hotel did a great job recently. We 20 to raise money for a woman called Nora. She is working as a front office clerk in the 21 . A few weeks ago she was told by doctors that she had a brain tumor(瘤) . She is from a poor family. While she was studying in the 6th grade, she 22 her parents. Now she is the single parent of a 3—year—old daughter and there is no one to 23 her kid. She is the only one to make money in the family, so it is very 24 for her family to deal with her treatment expenses (治疗费用). Her monthly pay is only INR。 12, 000 (¥200),25 her treatment cost is about INR.1,000, 000(¥16,000) . When we came to know of her 26 , we know we must do something for her. She is one of our team members! The only thing we were 27 to do was to help her at once. So we 28 this to the top level management and they supported and joined us. We decided to contribute(捐赠) from all the staff’s 29 . We each contributed 2—day pay for her medical expenses, and many kind people from other fields 30 contributed for her treatment. 31 , with the help of the kind people, she had enough to pay the 32 . Now Nora is back from the 33 and her health is getting better day by day. Today we went to meet her at home. She was very 34 to all the people who helped for her medical treatment. 20. A. expected B. helped C. decided D. waited 21. A. hotel B. library C. restaurant D. store 22. A. found B. left C. lost D. hated 23. A. teachB. see C. talk with D. look after 24. A. difficult B. upset C. boring D. tiring 25. A. so B. until C. but D. when 26. A. parents B. situation C. education D. kid 27. A. pleased B. excited C. able D. active 28. A. described B. reported C. took D. mentioned29. A. pay B. friends C. families D. work 30. A. also B. seldom C. instead D. then 31. A. Carefully B. Easily C. Naturally D. Luckily 32. A. work B. story C. expenses D. manners 33. A. market B. farm C. trip D. hospital 34. A. polite B. thankfulC. responsible D. kind 解析: 20.考查动词, A. expected 期待 B. helped 帮助 C. decided 决定 D. waited 等待, 根 据 All of the staff in my hotel did a great job recently 我酒店的所有员工最近做了一件大事, 推 出我们“决定” 给一个叫作诺拉的女人捐款, 故选 C。 21.考查名词, A. hotel 旅馆 B. library 图书馆 C. restaurant 饭店 D. store 商店, 根据第 一句 All of the staff in my hotel 我酒店的所有员工, 推出诺拉在酒店前台工作, 故选 A。 22.考查动词, A. found 发现 B. left 离开 C. lost 失去 D. hated 讨厌, 根据 Now she is the single parent of a 3—year—old daughter and there is no one to 23 her kid, 她是一个三 岁女儿的单亲妈妈, 没人帮她照顾孩子, 结合 While she was studying in the 6th grade, she…her parents, 可推出她上六年级的时候就失去了父母, 故选 C。 23.考查动词短语, A. teach 教 B. see 看到 C. talk with 谈论 D. look after 照顾, 根据 there is no one to…her kid, 推出句意: 没人帮她照顾孩子, 故选 D。 24.考查形容词, A. difficult 困难的 B. upset 心烦的 C. boring 无聊的 D. tiring 疲倦的, 根据 She is the only one to make money in the family 她是家里唯一挣钱的人, 推出让她的 家 庭面对她的治疗费用是很困难的, 故选 A。 25.考查连词, A. so 因此 B. until 直到 C. but 但是 D. when 当……时, 根据 Her monthly pay is only INR. 12,000(¥200) ,…her treatment cost is about INR.1,000,000(¥16,000)。 前 文说月薪少, 后文说治疗费用庞大, 可知前后是转折关系, 故选 C。 26.考查名词, A. parents 父母 B. situation 情况 C. education 教育 D. kid 孩子, 根据 When we came to know of her…, we know we must do something for her, 可推出句意: 当我们 认识到她的情况的时候, 我们知道我们必须为她做点什么, 故选 B。 27.考查形容词, A. pleased 开心的 B. excited 激动的 C. able 能够 D. active 活跃的, 根 据 were…to, 推出是短语 be able to 能……, 故选 C。 28.考查动词, A. described 描述 B. reported 报道 C. took 带走 D. mentioned 提及, 根 据 So we…this to the top level management, 所以我们把这个带汇报给了这里的高层人员, report…to…把……汇报给……, 故选 B。 29.考查名词, A. pay 工资 B. friends 朋友 C. families 家庭 D. work 工作, 根据 We decided to contribute(捐赠) from all the staff’s…, 结合 We each contributed 2—day pay for her medical expenses 我们每个人都为她的医疗费用贡献了 2 天的工资, 可知我们决定从我 们全 体员工的工资开始捐赠, 故选 A。 30.考查副词, A. also 也 B. seldom 几乎不 C. instead 相反的 D. then 然后, 根据 and many kind people from other fields, 可知是指还有很多来自其他领域的人“也” 捐赠了, 故选 A。 31.考查副词, A. Carefully 仔细地 B. Easily 容易地 C. Naturally 自然地 D. Luckily 幸运 地, 根据后文 with the help of the kind people, she had enough to pay the 32 .在善良 的人们的帮助下, 她有足够的钱支付治疗费用, 这对她来说是很幸运的事情, 故选 D。 32.考查名词, A. work 工作 B. story 故事 C. expenses 费用 D. manners 礼貌, 根据 with the help of the kind people 在善良的人们的帮助下, 推出她有钱支付治疗费用了, 故选 C。 33.考查名词, A. market 市场 B. farm 农场 C. trip 旅行 D. hospital 医院, 根据 Now Nora is back from the…, 结合前文她住院治疗, 说她从医院回来, 故选 D。 34.考查形容词, A. polite 礼貌的 B. thankful 感激的 C. responsible 负责的 D. kind 热心 的, 根据 all the people who helped for her medical treatment.所有帮助她治疗的人。 可知 她对 这些帮助她的人是感激的, 故选 B。 答案: 20. C 21. A 22. C 23. D 24. A 25. C 26. B 27. C 28. B 29. A 30. A31. D 32. C 33. D 34. B 第三部分 阅读理解(共 5 小题; 每小题 8 分, 满分 40 分) 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中, 选出最佳答案。 35. On which day does the party at CCC take the longest time? A. On Monday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Saturday. D. On Sunday. 解析: 细节理解题。 根据第二行句子 at Cornerstone Community Center(CCC) •Mondays 7:00pm—9:15pm in the cafe (top floor) •Wednesdays 7:30pm—8:00pm in Green Room (fifth floor) •Saturdays 9:00am—10:00am in Mirror Room (sixth floor) •Sundays 9:00am—10:00am inDream Room (seventh floor)可知在 CCC 大会上, 星期一举行的聚会时间最长。 故选 A。 答案: A 36. What can we know about the events at Charm City Social Club? A. They are all about sports. B. They are free for its members. C. They are created by volunteers. D. They are children’s after—class activities. 解析: 细节理解题。 根据第九行句子 Children are welcome to come with parents! It’s free for children!欢迎孩子和父母一起来!它是免费的。 可知他们对其成员是免费的。 故选 B。 答案: B 37. What does JJTA offer us? A. Some fooD. B. Some service. C. A joB. D. A vacation. 解析: 细节理解题。 根据倒数第四行句子 Please contact (联系) JALAN—JAAN TRAVEL AGENCY(JJTA)。 请联系雅兰雅安旅行社(JJTA)。 可知 JJTA 能给我们带来一些服务。 故 选 B。 答案: B 38. How much should we pay JJTA for 2adult people? A. Rp 3,000,000. B. Rp 4,500,000. C. Rp 6,000,000. D. Rp 7,500,000. 解析: 细节理解题。 根据倒数第五行句子 Only Rp 3,000.000/5 days a person。 可知两个 成年人应该付给 JJTA3,000.000×2=Rp 6,000,000。 故选 C。 答案: C BRichard Campbell is a secondary school student. He is 15years olD. He lives in a small town in the North of EnglanD. Every morning, he gets up at eight o’clock, puts on his uniform and walks to school. One hour later, the lessons start. The students usually study math, English, history and geography in the morning. They usually study music and drawing and they play sports after lunch。 They have a ten—minute break between classes. They also spend a long time in the school library, reading books and doing their homework. Richard likes his school very much. His favorite subjects are English and geography, but he doesn’t like math because he is not good at it. Richard and all his friends spend the whole day at school. Lunch is at one o’clock. He doesn’t like the food that the school serves. This is why he often brings a packed lunch from home. He always has his lunch in the dining hall, but some of his friends sometimes eat in the courtyard or outside the school gate. At weekends, he always goes out with his friends because he doesn’t go to school. On Saturday, he always goes to the cinema or to the sports center. On Sunday, he just goes for a walk with his dog. 39. What time do Richard’s lessons begin in the morning? A. At 8:00. B. At 8:30. C. At 9:00. D. At 9:10. 解析: 细节推理题。 根据第一段句子 Every morning, he gets up at eight o’clock, puts on his uniform and walks to school.每天早上, 他 8 点钟起床, 穿上校服, 步行去学校。 和第 二段句 子 One hour later, the lessons start.一个小时后, 开始上课。 可知 9 点上课。 故选 C。 答案: C40. What does Richard like best? A. Math and English. B. English and geography. C. History and math. D. Geography and history. 解析: 细节理解题。 根据第三段句子 His favorite subjects are English and geography, 他 最喜欢的科目是英语和地理, 可知他最喜欢的科目是英语和地理, 故选 B。 答案: B 41. Where does Richard have lunch on weekdays? A. In the dining hall. B. At home. C. In the courtyard. D. Outside his school gate. 解析: 细节理解题。根据第四段句子 He always has his lunch in the dining hall, but some of his friends sometimes eat in the courtyard or outside the school gate.他总是在餐厅里吃午饭, 但 他的一些朋友有时在院子里或学校门口吃。 可知他总是在餐厅里吃午饭, 故选 A。 答案: A 42. What does Richard always do on Saturday? A. He reads and does homework. B. He goes to see films or does sports. C. He walks his dog or does exercise. D. He spends a long time in the library. 解析: 细节理解题。 根据最后一段句子 On Saturday, he always goes to the cinema or to the sports center.星期六, 他总是去电影院或者去体育中心。 可知他去看电影或做运动。 故 选 B。 答案: B C Ten years ago, the owner of 20th Century Fox had it all—a 3.5millionhouseinBeverlyHills,a1million salary (薪水) , a Porsche, a yacht (游艇) and many film stars on his friend list。 But for Scott Neeson, his rich life changed in 2003when he visited Cambodia and saw the poor children. A year later, Scott gave up his job, sold his house, his car and his yacht and moved to Phnom Penh, and there he set up the Cambodian Children’s Fund (CCF) charity (慈善团体). Scott, 55, who marketed some of the biggest movies of all time including Braveheart, Titanic and X—Men, cares for 2000Cambodian children, providing them with an education, healthcare and a future. As the big—hearted Scott prepares to celebrate his charity’s 1Oth birthday this year, he feels proud of his achievements. Scott, who used to spend his weekends partying with Mel Gibson, Harrison Ford and Tom Cruise, said, “It’s been l0years since I sold up and left HollywooD. Now, my days are longer, my friends smaller, my mind clearer, my clothes without designers and I smell badly by the end of the day. But if I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t change my minD.” He added, “I had a Porsche and I flew in private planes with movie stars. It was a great experience but it’s like DisneylanD. I want a real life.” The charity provides a daily meal, healthcare and an education for 2000kids. It also offers 10kilos of rice and free healthcare to their parents. He says his experience has been one of blood and tears, but it works well — The CCF has now 22girls who have graduated from university and have full time jobs. 43. What was Scott before he set up CCF? A. He was a film director. B. He was a famous actor. C. He was a teacher. D. He was a boss. 解析: 细节理解题, 根据 Scott, 55, who marketed some of the biggest movies of all time including Braveheart, Titanic and X—Men 拍过很多电影, 所以是有名的演员, 故选 B。答案: B 44. Why did Scott say his life in Hollywood was like Disneyland? A. It was great. B. It was not real. C. He had to spend a lot on it. D. He didn’t make much money. 解析: 细节理解题, It was a great experience but it’s like Disneyland, I want a real life 之前 的生活和迪士尼很像, 是因为不太真实, 故选 B。 答案: B 45. What does Scott think of his experience in Cambodia? A. Expensive but comfortable. B. Tiring and disappointing. C. Hard but successful. D. Hard and Tiring. 解析: 推理判断题, 根据 he feels proud of his achievements 很自豪自己现在的成就, 所 以是成功的, 文章又提到 He says his experience has been one of blood and tears, but it works well 是一部血泪史, 不过运转正常, 由此可知经历是苦的, 但是结果是成功的, 故选 C。 答案: C 46. In which year was the passage written most probably? A. In 2003. B. In 2004. C. In 2014. D. In 2018. 解析: 推理判断题, 根据 2003 when he visited Cambodia 在 2003 年去柬埔寨, A year later, Scott gave up his job 在 2004 年创办慈善机构, 而现在 As the big—hearted Scott prepares tocelebrate his charity’s 10th birthday this year 创办了十年, 所以推测采访日期在 2014 年, 故选 C。 答案: C D Although people drive in all countries, the rules can be quite different between nations and areas. For this reason, you should always learn the laws before you decide to drive in a foreign country. In the U.S., people in Alaska may have a learner’s permit at the age of fourteen. This is quite different from the driving laws of Niger, where a person must be at least twenty—three years old to drive. If you want to know the minimum ( 最 小 的 ) driving age in most countries, the answer is eighteen. It may also surprise you to learn that not every country allows people to drive, although most of them do. For example, women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia no matter how old they are. Driving on the right or left side of the road is also different. In Great Britain, Cyprus, Australia, India, and Malaysia, people drive on the left. However, in the U.S., Mexico, France, and Canada, people are required to drive on the right. In fact, one country can have different driving rules for different areas. People in Hong Kong drive on the left, while drivers in other parts of China use the right side of the roaD. Other different driving laws between countries include those about using mobile phones. In Japan, using any kind of mobile phones is illegal(违法的) , even if you do not need to hold the phone with your hands. However, in Argentina and Australia, drivers are allowed to talk on their mobile phones if they do not use their hands. You might also find it interesting to learn that some countries have very unusual laws. For example, in Cyprus, it is against the law to eat or drink anything while driving.47. Which of the following is not discussed in the passage? A. The driving age。 B. The driving speeD. C. Right or left side traffiC. D. Safety calls while driving. 解析: 细节理解题。 根据第二段 In the U.S., people in Alaska may have a learner’s permit at the age of fourteen 在美国阿拉斯加, 人们在十四岁时可能有学习许可证。 A 选项“驾驶 年龄” 有讨论。根据第三段第一句 Driving on the right or left side of the road is also different 在道路 的 右侧或左侧行驶也是不同的。 C 选项“右侧或左侧交通” 有讨论。 根据倒数第二段 Other different driving laws between countries include those about using mobile phones 国家之间的 其 他不同的驾驶法规包括使用手机。 可知, D 选项"驾驶时的安全打电话"有讨论。 因此 B 选项 "驾驶速度"没讨论过。 选 B。 答案: B 48. What can we know about driving from the passage? A. It is fun to drive in Britain in the afternoon. B. Women are not allowed to drive in Saudi ArabiA. C. In Cyprus, you may make a phone call while driving. D. It’s against laws for an Australian driver to use a mobile. 解析: 细节理解题。 根据第二段最后一句 For example, women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia no matter how old they are.例如, 无论年龄多大, 妇女都不允许在沙特阿拉 伯开 车。 可知, 在沙特阿拉伯妇女不允许开车。 选 B。 答案: B 49. What does the underlined word "those" in Paragraph 4refer to? A. Drivers. B. Mobile phones.C. Driving laws. D. Countries. 解析: 词意猜测题。 句意“国家之间的其他不同的驾驶法规包括那些使用手机的 ________。” 根据下一句 In Japan, using any kind of mobile phones is illegal(违法的), 在 日 本, 使用任何类型的手机都是违法的。 可知, 应该是“驾驶法规”。 选 C。 答案: C 50. What is the main idea of the passage? A. Driving in all countries shares a common purpose. B. Countries have different ways to make laws on driving. C. There are differences in laws about driving among countries. D. People in different countries drive on different sides of the roaD. 解析: 主旨大意题。根据第一句 Although people drive in all countries, the rules can be quite different between nations and areas 虽然所有国家都有人开车, 但各国和地区的规则却大 不相 同。 可知, 短文主要介绍各国之间驾车的法律有差异。 选 C。 答案: C E When on the go or traveling, a Disposable(一次性) Toothbrush might be just the product for you. Typically, a Disposable Toothbrush is made out of a plastie material, with toothpsste already on the brush beaD. Just add water while you are using it. In some new Disposable Toothbrush models, the toothpaste comes automatically (自动地) as you squeese (挤) the handle of the toothbrush. Colgate has upped the competition in the Disposable Toothbrush market by creating a Dispossble Toothbrush that you can use at your desk at work, in your car, or after eating at a restaurant. This toothbrush is called the Colgate Wisp, and is about the size of an index finger. The toothbrush can get to those hard to reach places just like a regular toothbrush. No water isnecessary when using this toothbrush, making it very useful and convenient. A pack of four of the Colgate Wisp’s run about $ 2.99. If you are one of those people that like to brush your teeth throughout the day but hate the hassle of carrying a toothbrush and toothpaste around, this is perfect! Gadgets, boingboing, not is a website that allows different people to share their thoughts and experiences on a certain product. The website gives a general review on the Colgate Wisp, and following the review, people are able to share their first—hand feelings with readers. This is helpful if you are interested in purchasing the Wisp. Visit their website here: gadgets, boingboing, net. However, people throw them away after using them only once. It is a kind of waste and is very bad for the environment. If you travel to Beijing, remember to bring your own things. Starting from June, some hotels in Beijing will no longer provide guests with these disposables. 51. What do you need to do when you use a typical Disposable Toothbrush? A. Use your index finger. B. Add water to the toothbrush. C. Brush your teeth three times. D. Buy it from Gadgets, boingboing net. 解析: 细节理解题。 根据第二行 Just add water while you are using it 在使用时只需加水 即可。 可知, 当你使用典型的一次性牙刷时, 需要给牙刷加水。 选 B。 答案: B 52. What does the underlined word "hassle" in Paragraph 2mean? A. Trouble. B. Habit. C. Time. D. IdeA. 解析: 词意猜测题。 A 烦恼。 B 习惯。 C 时间。 D 想法。 句意“如果你是整天喜欢 刷牙的人之一, 但是讨厌携带牙刷和牙膏的_______, 这是完美的!”。 可知, 应该是讨厌携 带牙 刷和牙膏的"烦恼"。 选 A。 答案: A 53. What does the writer want to tell us in the last paragraph? A. We should try to avoid using disposables. B. Hotels in Beijing don’t like the disposables. C. Travelers like the disposables very much. D. The disposables are made out of plastics. 解析: 段意猜测题。 根据最后一段 However, people throw them away after using them only once. It is a kind of waste and is very bad for the environment. If you travel to Beijing, remember to bring your own things. Starting from June, some hotels in Beijing will no longer provide guests with these disposables 然而, 人们只使用一次就把它们扔掉。 这是一种浪费, 对环境非 常有 害。 如果你去北京, 记得带上你自己的东西。 从六月 开始, 北京的一些旅馆不再为客 人提供 这些东西。 可知, 应该是“我们应该尽量避免使用一次性物品。” 选 A。 答案: A 54. What is the best title for the passage? A. Environment Protection B. Disposable Toothbrush C. Colgate Wisp D. Gadgets, Boingboing, Net 解析: 标题猜测题。 根据第一句 When on the go or traveling, a Disposable(一次性) Toothbrush might be just the product for you 当旅行或旅行时, 一次性牙刷可能只是你的产 品。 可知, 短文主要介绍“一次性牙刷”。 选 B。 答案: B 第四部分 句子成分(共 5 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 5 分)指出下列句子画线部分是什么句子成分, 从 A、 B、 C、 D 中选出正确答案。 55. There will be more forests for pandas to live in. A.定语 B.表语 C.主语 D.宾语 解析: 考查句子成分。 句意“将有更多的森林供熊猫居住。” there be 是一种特殊的倒装 句, be 动词后面的名词即为主语。 因此 more forests 更多的森林, 是主语。 答案: C 56. The weather becomes hot in summer. A.表语 B.宾语 C.谓语 D.状语 解析: 根据划线词语前面的词语是 becomes, become 是系动词, 意思是“变得” 后面 的形容词是 become 的表语, 因此可知这句话的意思是"天气在夏天的时候变热了。 " 答案: A 57. The woman in a red coat is my mother. A.宾语 B.状语 C.表语 D.定语 解析: 根据划线词语前面的词语是名词 woman, in a red coat 是介词短语, 作定语修饰 woman, 因此可知这句话的意思是“那个穿着红外套的妇女是我的妈妈。” 答案: D 58. Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to have part—time jobs. A.谓语 B.宾语C.表语 D.宾语补足语 解析: 考查 句 子 成分。 句 意 “ 十 六岁 的 孩子应该 被允 许做兼职 工 作 。 ” 主 语 Sixteen—year—olds 十六岁的孩子。 谓语 should be allowed 应该被允许。 情态动词的被 动语 态。 后面是宾语。 答案: A 59. I’ve already taught him some English. A.直接宾语 B.间接宾语 C.宾语补足语 D.状语 解析: 句子类型: S+V+P 主系表, S+V+IO+DO 主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语, S+V+DO+OC 主语+动词+宾语+宾语补足语, S+V+O 主语+谓语+宾语, 根据 I’ve already taught him some English, 这里 I 主语, have taught 谓语, him 间接宾语, some English 直接 宾语。 答案: B 第一节 任务型阅读(共 1 小题; 每小题 15 分, 满分 15 分) 阅读下列短文, 按照每题后的单词要求数量回答问题。 Snowy was a little cat. He lived with a little old lady who loved Snowy very much. Sometimes the old lady would sit in her rocking chair, rocking backwards and forwards until she fell asleep or sometimes she would play little tunes(曲子) on her piano. One sunny day, Snowy jumped up on the window sill(窗台) . Snowy wanted to go out and play with the pretty butterflies, but the window was shut and the old lady had fallen asleep in her rocking chair. He ran to the door but that was shut, too. He sat down near the old lady’s feet and said,“Miaou?” That was his way of saying, “May I go out to play, please?” The old lady didn’t hear him but stayed fast asleep. He rubbed his soft head against the old lady’s legs. Still the old lady slept. So Snowy sat down and thought hard. Then he had an idea. He would jump up on the piano and play a tune. That might wake her up. So Snowy jumped up onto the piano and was a little scared of the loud, big, deep drum sound he made as he landed. He took another little step. It wasn’t quite such a loud note (调子). Up and down the notes he walked until he reached the very high notes which sounded like lots of bells. But still the old lady slept. Snowy kept dancing about on them and made quite a pretty tune. At last the old lady woke up. “What are you doing, Snowy?” She asked but she wasn’t angry. “Miaou,” said Snowy, running to the closed door. “How clever you are to wake me up by playing the piano!” said the old lady as she let Snowy out into the sunshine. 60. Where did the old lady often fall asleep? (within 4words) _______________________________________________________ 解析: 细节理解题。 根据第一段句子 Sometimes the old lady would sit in her rocking chair, rocking backwards and forwards until she fell asleep 有时老太太会坐在摇椅里, 前后摇晃着, 直到睡着。 可知在她的摇椅里, 故答案为 In her rocking chair。 答案: In her rocking chair. 61. What did Snowy want to do by jumping onto the window sill? (within 10words) _______________________________________________________ 解析: 细节理解题。 根据第二段句子 Snowy wanted to go out and play with the pretty butterflies, but the window was shut and the old lady had fallen asleep in her rocking chair. Snowy 想出去和这些漂亮的蝴蝶玩, 但是窗户关着, 老太太在摇椅里睡着了。 可知 Snowy 想 出去 和这些漂亮的蝴蝶玩, 故答案为 Snowy wanted to go out and play with the butterflies.答案: Snowy wanted to go out and play with the butterflies. 62. What did Snowy jump on the piano to do? (within 10words) _______________________________________________________ 解析: 细节理解题。 根据第四段句子 He would jump up on the piano and play a tune.他会 跳上钢琴弹一曲。 可知他跳上钢琴弹一曲, 故答案为 He jumped up on the piano and play a tune. 答案: He jumped up on the piano and play a tune. 63. How did Snowy feel when he landed on the piano? (within 5words) _______________________________________________________ 解析: 细节理解题。 根据第四段句子 So Snowy jumped up onto the piano and was a little scared of the loud, big, deep drum sound he made as he landed. Snowy 跳上钢琴, 有点害怕 他降 落时发出的响亮的、 巨大的、 深沉的鼓声。 可知感觉害怕。 故答案为 Snowy felt a little scared. 答案: Snowy felt a little scared. 64. What did the old lady do in the end? (within 10words) _______________________________________________________ 解析: 细节理解题。 根据最后一段句子“How clever you are to wake me up by playing the piano!” said the old lady as she let Snowy out into the sunshine.“你真聪明, 用钢琴把我吵 醒了!” 老妇人说着把 Snowy 放进阳光里。可知把 Snowy 放进阳光里。故答案为 She let Snowy out into the sunshine. 答案: She let Snowy out into the sunshine 第二节 汉译英(共 5 小题; 每小题 3 分, 满分 15 分) 将下列句子翻译成英语。 65.五月 份有 31 天。 _______________________________解析: 某处有某物 There be + 名词。 天 day, 可数名词, 要用复数形式。 因为 31 days 是复数形式, 故谓语动词要用 are。 答案: There are 31 days in May。 66.明天别忘了带上你的外套。 _______________________________ 解析: 根据句意, 要用祈使句, 否定句要用 don’t 开头。 忘记做某事 forget to do sth.。 带上 take, 外套 coat。 答案: Don’t forget to take your coat tomorrow。 67.我看见 Mary 正在房间里安静地看书。 _______________________________ 解析: 看见某人正在做某事 see sb. doing sth.是固定结构, 安静地 quietly, 副词作状语, 在房间里 in the room; 根据句意“我看见 Mary 正在房间里安静地看书” 可知, 要用一 般过 去时。 答案: I saw Mary reading quietly in the room. 68.这位老人非常激动, 以致于不能清晰地讲话。 _______________________________ 解析: 这位老人 The old man, 非常……以至于……so…that…, that 引导结果状语从句, 激动 excited, 清晰地讲话 speak clearly; 根据句意“这位老人非常激动, 以致于不能清 晰地 讲话” 可知, 要用一般过去时。 答案: The old man was so excited that he could not speak clearly. 69. Mike 很喜欢中国, 他来中国已经 5 年了。 _______________________________ 解析: 喜欢 like, 非常 very much, 在某地多长时间 have/ has been in, 五年了 for five years; 根据句意“Mike 很喜欢中国。 他来中国已经 5 年了” 可知, 前句用一般现在时, 主语 是三 单, 谓语动词用三单形式, 后句用现在完成时。答案: Mike likes China very much. He’s been in China for five years. 第三节 书面表达(共 1 题; 满分 30 分) 某英语报社开辟专栏“Reading Is Very Important”, 向中学生征稿。 假设你叫李华, 请 写一篇英语征文, 向该报社投稿, 内容如下: 1.阅读的益处; ①获取大量知识; ②给生活带来乐趣; ③是一种放松的好方式。 2.你的阅读习惯。 3.号召大家多阅读。 要求: 1.所写内容必须包括以上要点; 2.文中不得出现真实姓名和校名; 3.内容连贯, 并进行合理拓展; 4. 100 词左右; 题目和开头已经写好, 不计人总词数。 Reading Is Very Important It’s very important for us students to do some reading._______________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 解析: 高分句型一 Our study will be improved if we read more books. 如果我们多读书, 学习成绩就会提高。 这是 if 引导的条件状语从句, 主句是一般将来时, 从句用的是一般现在时。 高分句型二 When you read books, you had better take some notes. 当你读的时候, 你最好做一些笔记。 这是 when 引导的时间状语从句, 当……时候。Reading Is Very Important It’s very important for us students to do some reading. We can get knowledge through reading. It can not only open our minds but also make us cleverer and happier. Our study will be improved if we read more books【高分句型一】 . It’s a good way to relax. Reading also helps us grow up.(阅读的益处) I spend half an hour reading before going to bed every day. I like reading classical novels. (我的阅读习惯) However, it’s a great pity that many activities such as playing with the smarthphone, listening to music, watching TV and going online take up much of our reading time. (目前的状况) So here, I would like to suggest that everyone should read more books and read good books. When you read books, you had better take some notes. 【高分句型二】It will be good for us!Let’s start reading now!(号召大家多阅读) 答案: Reading Is Very Important It’s very important for us students to do some reading. We canget knowledge through reading. It can not only open our minds but also make us cleverer and happier. Our studywill be improved if we read more books. It’s a good way to relax. Reading also helps us grow up. I spend half an hour reading before going to bed every day. I like reading classical novels. However, it’s a great pity that many activities such as playing with the smarthphone, listening to music, watching TV and going online take up much of our reading time. So here, I would like to suggest that everyone should read more books and read good books. When you read books, you had better take some notes. It will be good for us!Let’s start reading now!

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