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1 / 38 人教版四年级英语上册单元知识梳理 Unit 1 单元知识梳理卷 时间:30 分钟 满分:100 分 基础知识梳理 一、单词过关。(英汉互译)(16 分) 1. 教室____________  2. really__________ 3. 窗户____________ 4. near______________ 5. 黑板____________ 6. TV______________ 7. 电灯____________ 8. clean______________ 9. 图画____________ 10. help______________ 11. 讲台______________  12. 门________________ 13. 计算机________  14. 风扇______________ 15. 墙壁__________  16. 地板______________ 二、重点短语。(英汉互译)(4 分) 1. 在灯上________  2. excuse me________ 3. 我的图画________ 4. 打扫讲台__________ 三、重点句子。(汉译英)(14 分) 1. 我们有间新教室。 We ________ a ________ ________. 2. 我们去看看吧。 Let's __________ and __________. 3. 教室里有什么? 2 / 38 __________ __________ the classroom? 4. 它在哪儿? __________ __________ it? 5. 它在窗户旁边。 It's ________ ________ ________. 6. 我们打扫教室吧。 __________ __________the classroom. 四、核心语言点。(4 分) 方位词的区分。 单元强化检测 五、选出不同类的一项。(5 分) (  )1. A. clean   B. door    C. window (  )2. A. window B. computer C. floor (  )3. A. new  B. wall  C. floor (  )4. A. she  B. me  C. he 3 / 38 (  )5. A. bee  B. blue  C. red 六、根据图片提示,补全句子。(10 分) 1. Open the__________.   2. Put up the__________. 3. Turn on the__________. 4. Clean the__________. 5. Where is the__________? 七、单项选择。(10 分) (  )1. We have a new______. A. blackboard    B. pictures C. doors (  )2. What's ________ the classroom? A. desk   B. in   C. that (  )3. Look!The desks ________ yellow. A. is   B. are   C. on (  )4. Let me ________ the windows. A. to clean  B. cleans   C. clean (  )5. —________is your pencil? —It's on the desk. A. What  B. Where   C. How 八、给下列句子排序。(9 分) 4 / 38 A. It's near the door. B. Wow! It's so big. C. Hello! We have a new classroom. D. Look! My desk! E. Where is it? F. Really?Let's go and have a look! 1. ( C )   2. (  )   3. (  ) 4. (  ) 5. (  ) 6. (  ) 九、连词成句。(8 分) 1. clean et the fish bowl me 2. have big we a classroom . 3. the book where green is ? 4. door orange the is . 十、阅读理解。(10 分) I have a big schoolbag. There are so many things in it. Look! This is my book and that is my pencil box. The book is red. The pencil box is a panda. It's black and white. There are some pencils, an eraser and a ruler in the pencil box. 5 / 38 (  )1. I have a ________ schoolbag. A. big    B. small   C. cheap (  )2. My ________ is red. A. book B. pencil C. pencil box (  )3. The pencil box is a________. A. monkey B. bear C. panda (  )4. There is an ____ in the pencil box. A. ruler B. eraser C. pencil (  )5. The pencil box is________. A. red B. blue C. black and white 十一、读一读,选词填空。(10 分) clean teacher's classroom light blackboards Hello!My name is Jenny! Look at my new 1. __________. It's so big and nice. The 2. __________is white. The 3. __________are black. We clean the 4. __________desk in the morning. We 5. __________the floor after school. I like my classroom. Unit 1 单元知识梳理卷 基础知识梳理: 一、1. classroom  2. 真的  3. window  4. 距离近 5. blackboard  6. 电视  7. light  8. 打扫 9. picture  10. 帮助  11. teacher's desk 12. door  13. computer  14. fan  15. wall  16. floor 二、1. on the light  2. 打扰一下 3. my picture  4. clean the teacher's desk 6 / 38 三、1. have; new classroom  2. go; see 3. What's in  4. Where is 5. near the window  6. Let's clean 四、 单元强化检测: 五、1. A 2. B 3. A  4. B  5. A 六、1. window 2. picture 3. light 4. classroom 5. teacher's desk 七、1. A 2. B 3. B  4. C 5. B 八、1. C 2. F  3. B  4. D  5. E  6. A 九、1. 2. 3. 4. 十、1. A  2. A 3. C 4. B  5. C 7 / 38 十一、1. classroom 2. light 3. blackboards 4. teacher's 5. clean Unit 2 单元知识梳理卷 时间:30 分钟 满分:100 分 基础知识梳理 一、单词过关。(英汉互译)(11 分) 1. 书包______________    2. wow________ 3. 故事书________ 4. lost __________ 5. 糖果__________ 6. cute____________ 7. 笔记本________ 8. heavy________ 9. 玩具__________ 10. put____________ 11. 钥匙____________ 二、重点短语。(英汉互译)(9 分) 1. 数学书______________  2. so much__________ 3. 语文书__________ . good night______ 5. 英语书 ____________ 6. all right________ 7. put away________ 8. take out________ 9. sweet dreams________ 三、重点句子。(汉译英)(11 分) 1. 你书包里有什么? ________ in ________ schoolbag? 2. 我有一本英语书,一本数学书和三本故事书。 I have an ________ ________, a ________ book and ________ ________. 8 / 38 3. 它是什么颜色的? ________ ________ is it? 4. 它是蓝白色的。 It's ________ and ________. 四、核心语言点。(6 分) 本单元我们学习了如何描述自己的书包及书包中的物品,请读图并写单词或短语完成图示。   ________________      new ________________ big ________________    heavy ________________    black and white ________________   a fat panda 单元强化检测 9 / 38 五、选出与画线单词同类的一项。(5 分) (  )1. What is in your hand? A. can   B. this   C. where (  )2. Put your book on your desk. A. near   B. is  C. it (  )3. My schoolbag is blue. A. key  B. white  C. book (  )4. There is a panda on the pencil box. A. rabbit  B. to  C. new (  )5. My toy dog is cute. A. on  B. fat  C. bear 六、根据图片提示写单词,完成句子。(8 分) 1. Look! This is Lily's __________. 2. My brother has many ________. 3. I have a new ____________. 4. They are his ________. 七、单项选择。(10 分) 10 / 38 (  )1. How many ________ do you have? A. a book  B. books  C. book (  )2. Is your pencil ____ your schoolbag? A. in  B. of  C. to (  )3. —What ________ is it? —It's red and yellow. A. many  B. book  C. colour (  )4. I ________ my notebook. I'm not happy. A. lost  B. have  C. see (  )5. There are so many books in my schoolbag. It is________. A. empty  B. light  C. heavy 八、选词填空。(10 分) am  is  are 1. This ________ a black bag. 2. Look! There ________ four books. 3. I ________ a fat girl. 4. It ________ blue and white. 5. The boys ________ in the classroom. 九、补全对话。(10 分) A. Two pencils and an eraser. B. What's in your pencil box? C. I have a new pencil box. 11 / 38 D. There is a monkey on it. E. May I see it?   Mike:Hi, John. 1. ________ John: Really? 2. ________ Mike: Sure. Here you are. John: Wow! 3. ________ Mike: Yes, it's cool. John: 4. ________ Mike: Guess! John: Some pencils? Mike: Yes. 5. ________ 十、选词填空,完成短文。(填序号)(10 分) A. pencils  B. lost C. on  D. blue    E. ruler There is a pencil box 1. ________the teacher's desk. It's 2. ________. There is a cat on it. The cat is on a bike. It's funny. There are some 3. ________and a 4. ________ in the pencil box. Whose(谁的) pencil box is this?Oh! It's Mike's. He 5. ________ his pencil box. 十一、阅读短文, 判断正(T)误(F)。(10 分) I have a new friend. Her name is Lucy. She has a schoolbag. It's a monkey. It's light. There is only one Chinese book in it. I have a schoolbag, too. It is a fat panda. It's heavy. There is a storybook, a notebook, a pencil box and three Chinese books in it. (  )1. Lucy has a new hat. (  )2. There are three books in Lucy's schoolbag. (  )3. My schoolbag is a monkey. 12 / 38 (  )4. My schoolbag is heavy. (  )5. I don't have Chinese books. Unit 2 单元知识梳理卷 基础知识梳理: 一、1. schoolbag 2. 哇 3. storybook 4. 丢失 5. candy  6. 可爱的 7. notebook 8. 重的 9. toy 10. 放 11. key 二、1. maths book  2. 非常地  3. Chinese book 4. 晚安 5. English book  6. 可以 7. 收拾 8. 拿出 9. 甜美的梦 三、1. What's;your 2. English book; maths; three storybooks 3. What colour  4. blue;white 四、 an English book     new a Chinese book big two storybooks heavy 13 / 38 a key          black and white a candy a fat panda 单元强化检测: 五、1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B 六、1. schoolbag 2. toys 3. storybook  4. keys 七、1. B 解析:how many 翻译为“多少”,后接可数名词的复数形式。 2. A 解析:in your schoolbag 翻译为“在你的书包里”。 3. C 解析:what colour 翻译为“什么颜色”。 4. A 解析:lost 翻译为“丢失”,have 翻译为“有”,see 翻译为“看见”。 5. C 解析:empty 翻译为“空的”,light 翻译为“轻的”, heavy 翻译为“重的”。 八、1. is 2. are 3. am 4. is 5. are 九、1. C 2. E 3. D 4. B 5. A 十、1. C 2. D 3. A 4. E 5. B 十一、1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F Unit 3 单元知识梳理卷 时间:30 分钟 满分:100 分 基础知识梳理 一、单词过关。(英汉互译)(11 分) 1. 强壮的________   2. his______________ 3. 友好的________ 4. or________________ 5. 安静的________ 6. right__________ 7. 头发__________ 8. hat____________ 14 / 38 9. 鞋____________ 10. her____________ 11. 眼镜 __________ 二、重点短语。(英汉互译)(6 分) 1. 又高又壮__________  2. come on________ 3. 又矮又瘦____________ 4. pull…up____________ 5. 一位好朋友 ________ 6. 长发______________ 三、重点句子。(汉译英)(13 分) 1. 他叫什么名字? ________ ________ name? 2. 她的名字是萨拉。 ________ ________ is Sarah. 3. 他又高又壮。 He is ________ ________ ________. 4. 他是谁? ________ ________ he? 5. 他戴眼镜,穿蓝色鞋子。 He ________ ________and his shoes________ ________. 四、核心语言点。(10 分) 本单元我们学习了如何介绍及描述自己的朋友,请你根据本单元所学内容完成图示并 用两句话介绍一下你的朋友。 15 / 38  tall and strong    long hair  short and thin brown shoes  friendly a green bag  3. ________ 4. ________ 5. My friend is____________________________________________. 6. My friend has___________________________________________. 单元强化检测 五、判断单词画线部分发音是(√)否(×)相同。(10 分) (  )1. A. dog    B. nose   C. lost (  )2. A. strong  B. shoe  C. lot (  )3. A. note  B. rose  C. hope (  )4. A. Coke  B. boy  C. not (  )5. A. box  B. hot  C. who 六、根据图片提示,写单词完成句子。(10 分) 1. My ________are under the desk.   2. Let's ________ home. 16 / 38 3. Do you have ________? 4. He is so ________. 5. Be ________,please! 七、单项选择。(20 分) (  )1. Mike ________ short black hair. A. has     B. have    C. is (  )2. ________ a good boy. A. His  B. He's  C. Her (  )3. ________ name is Chen Jie. A. She  B. Her C. She's (  )4. —________ your best friend? —Sarah. A. Who  B. What's C. Who's (  )5. —Is your sister ________? —No, she is short. A. long B. tall C. short (  )6. Amy ________Chinese very much. A. likes  B. like  C. to like (  )7. Look! I ________ twelve books. 17 / 38 A. has  B. have  C. am (  )8. You're________. A. right  B. come   C. help (  )9. Let ________ show________ name. A. me; he B. me; his  C. I; his (  )10. —Is your friend a boy____ a girl? —A girl. A. and  B. but  C. or 八、连词成句。(10 分) 1. work let together us . 2. her what name is ? 3. have new I a friend . 4. your who best friend is ? 5. Tom his name is . 九、阅读理解。(10 分) 18 / 38 I have a good friend. She is our new classmate. Her name is Anna. She is from Canada. She is a pupil. She has yellow hair. It's long. She doesn't have glasses. She is tall and thin. She is a quiet girl. She likes Chinese stories. We often read books together. We are friendly to each other. We are good friends. (  )1. Anna is from________. A. Canada B. China C. Canadian (  )2. Anna is a ________ pupil. A. strong B. short C. tall (  )3. Anna has ________ hair. A. black B. yellow C. blue (  )4. Anna likes ________. A. Chinese stories B. English books C. English stories Unit 3 单元知识梳理卷 基础知识梳理: 一、1. strong 2. 他的 3. friendly 4. 或者  5. quiet 6. 正确的 7. hair 8. 帽子 9. shoe 10. 她的 11. glasses 二、1. tall and strong 2. 加油 3. short and thin  4. 拔出  5. a good friend 6. long hair 三、1. What's his 2. Her name 3. tall and strong 4. Who is  5. has glasses;are blue 四、1. is 2. has 3. quiet 4. glasses 5. tall and thin.  6. long hair. 19 / 38 单元强化检测 五、1. × 2. × 3. √ 4. × 5. × 六、1. shoes  2. go 3. glasses 4. strong 5. quiet 七、1. A 解析:Mike 是单数,动词应该用单数第三人称形式。has 是 have 的单数第三人 称形式。 2. B 解析:his 意为“他的”,he's 意为“他是”。 3. B 解析:she 意为“她”,her 意为“她的”she's 意为“她是”。 4. C 解析:who 意为“谁”,what's 意为“什么是”,who's 意为“谁是”。 5. B 解析:long 意为“长的”,tall 意为“高的”。 6. A 解析:Amy 是单数,like 意为“喜欢”,应用单数第三人称形式“likes”。 7. B 解析:I 意为“我”,是第一人称。 8. A 解析:right 意为“正确的”。 9. B 解析:此题意为“让我展示他的名字。” 10. C 解析:and 意为“和”,but 意为“但是”,or 意为“或者”。 八、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 20 / 38 九、1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A Unit 4 单元知识梳理卷 时间:30 分钟 满分:100 分 基础知识梳理 一、单词过关。(英汉互译)(11 分) 1. 卧室__________   2. find______________ 3. 书房__________ 4. them ______________ 5. 厨房__________ 6. 冰箱______________ 7. 浴室__________ 8. 床________________ 9. 电话__________ 10. 长沙发__________ 11. 桌子________ 二、重点短语。(英汉互译)(9 分) 1. 客厅______________ 2. watch TV__________ 3. 看____________ 4. read a book_____________ 5. have a snack ________________ 6. have a nap__________________ 7. take a shower________________ 8. go to…____________________ 9. change our glasses________ 三、重点句子。(汉译英)(16 分) 1. 她在客厅吗? ________ ________ in the ________________? 21 / 38 2. 不,她不在。 ________ ________ ________. 3. 钥匙在哪里? ________ are the ________? 4. 它们在桌子上吗? ________ ________ ________the table? 5. 它们在门上。 ________ ________ ________the door. 四、核心语言点。(5 分) 本单元我们学习了用 Be 动词引导的一般疑问句询问人或物的具体位置,请你根据所 学内容完成下列图示。 单元强化检测 五、给单词分类。(17 分) study  strong  fridge hair kitchen phone hand quiet arm bathroom table friendly ear sofa bedroom foot bed 1. 房间:____________________________ 22 / 38 2. 生活用品:________________________ 3. 形容词:__________________________ 4. 身体部位:________________________ 六、根据图片提示写出单词。(8 分) 1. This is my ________. It's very nice.   2. The ________ is on the table. 3. —Is he in the ________? —Yes, he is. 4. Look at my new ________. 七、单项选择。(5 分) (  )1. Go to the ________. Have a snack. A. classroom B. kitchen C. bedroom (  )2. Let's ________ books. A. reads B. to read C. read (  )3. ________your crayons in your bag? A. Are  B. Is  C. Am 23 / 38 (  )4. —Is it in your desk? —________. A. Yes, this is  B. No, it isn't C. No, it is (  )5. My ________ are on the floor. A. glass B. glasses C. shoe 八、判断下列句子与图片是(√)否(×)相符。(8 分) (  )1. I can see two bedrooms. (  )2. There are two bathrooms. (  )3. The computer is in the study. (  )4. A fridge is in the living room. 九、根据问句选答语。(5 分) (  )1. What's in the desk? (  )2. Where is your mother? (  )3. Is this your bedroom? (  )4. Are your books in the study? (  )5. Is your sister in the living room? A. Yes, they are. B. She is in the kitchen. 24 / 38 C. Yes, it is. D. No, she is in her study. E. It's my new English book.    十、连词成句。(8 分) 1. she in living is the room ? 2. keys where the are ? 3. has it  blue  bed  a . 4. not those my glasses are . 十一、阅读短文, 判断正(T)误(F)。(8 分) Hello, I'm Angle! Look, this is my house. There are two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, a study and two bathrooms. Come here. This is my bedroom. The wall is white and the floor is yellow. The phone is on the table and the table is near the window. I can read books in my bedroom. I like my house very much. (  )1. There are two bedrooms in Angle'shouse. (  )2. The floor is white and the wall is yellow. (  )3. The phone is on the sofa. 25 / 38 (  )4. There are six rooms in Angle's house. Unit 4 单元知识梳理卷 基础知识梳理: 一、1. bedroom 2. 找到 3. study 4. 他(她,它)们 5. kitchen  6. fridge 7. bathroom 8. bed 9. phone 10. sofa 11. table 二、1. living room 2. 看电视 3. look at 4. 读书 5. 吃点东西 6. 打个盹 7. 洗澡 8. 去…… 9. 交换我们的眼镜 三、1. Is she; living room 2. No,she isn't 3. Where ;keys 4. Are they on  5. They are in 四、 单元强化检测: 五、1. 房间:study kitchen bathroom bedroom 2. 生活用品:fridge phone table sofa bed 3. 形容词:strong quiet friendly 4. 身体部位:hair hand arm ear foot 六、1. study 2. phone 3. kitchen 4. sofa 七、1. B 解析:have a snack 意为“吃点东西”,场景应该选择厨房。 26 / 38 2. C 解析:Let's 后接动词原形。 3. A 解析:crayons 是 crayon 的复数形式,应用 are。 4. B 解析:Is it…?意为“它是……吗?”此句型是一般疑问句,应该用 yes/no 来回答, 且以 it is(isn't)结尾。 5. B 解析:glasses 意为“眼镜”,是复数形式。 八、1. × 2. × 3. √ 4. × 九、1. E 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D 十、1. Is she in the living room 2. Where are the keys 3. It has a blue bed 4. Those are not my glasses 十一、1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F Unit 5 单元知识梳理卷 时间:30 分钟 满分:100 分 基础知识梳理 一、单词过关。(英汉互译)(14 分) 1. 牛肉__________    2. dinner_____________ 3. 鸡肉__________ 4. ready_____________ 5. 面条__________ 6. pass_______________ 7. 汤______________ 8. try________________ 9. 蔬菜__________ 10. 筷子_____________ 11. 碗__________ 12. 刀_______________ 27 / 38 13. 餐叉________ 14. 勺_______________ 二、重点短语。(英汉互译)(6 分) 1. 牛肉面______________ 2. help yourself________ 3. 一些汤______________ 三、重点句子。(汉译英)(15 分) 1. 晚餐吃什么?________ ________ dinner? 2. 你想吃什么?________ ________ you ________? 3. 我想要一些汤和面包。 I'd ________ ________ ________ and bread. 4. 你想要刀叉吗? Would________ ________ a ________ and ________? 5. 我会用筷子。I________ ________ the ________. 四、核心语言点。(5 分) 本单元我们学习了如何用两种疑问句询问我们是否想要吃某种食物,请你根据所学内 容完成下列图示。 单元强化检测 28 / 38 五、根据图片提示,补全句子或对话。(10 分) 1. Can I have some________, please?  2. Here is your ________.   3. —What would you like? —I'd like some__________. 4. My friend can use ________ . 5. —Would you like a ________? —Yes, pass me ! 六、单项选择。(10 分) (  ) 1. I'd like some ________ and rice, please. A. soup   B. soups   C. egg (  ) 2. —Would you like some bread? —________ ! A. OK, here you are B. No, please  C. Yes, please (  )3. I'm________. I'd like a hamburger. A. thirty   B. thirsty C. hungry (  ) 4. Here are ________ specials. A. today B. today's C. todays (  )5. Please try chopsticks ________noodles. A. to B. of   C. for 29 / 38 七、选出与对话对应的图片。(10 分) A. B. C. D. E. (  )1. —Help yourself !  —Thanks. (  )2. —Would you like some noodles? —No, I'd like some milk and eggs. (  )3. —What would you like? —I'd like some juice. (  )4. —I will make some food for you! —Thank you. (  )5. —Can I help you? —Yes. Pass me a knife and fork. 八、按要求完成下列各题。(8 分) 1. I'd like some beef. (对画线部分提问) ____________________________________________________________________ 2. I can use chopsticks. (改为一般疑问句) ____________________________________________________________________ 3. like  fish would you some (?)(连词成句) ____________________________________________________________________ 4. me  fork the  and knife pass (. )(连词成句) ____________________________________________________________________ 30 / 38 九、给下列句子排序。(12 分) A. OK. Wait a minute. B. What would you like? C. I'd like some fish and soup. D. Mum, I'm hungry! What's for dinner? E. I'd like some noodles, please. F. What would you like, Amy? 1. (  )   2. (  )  3. ( C ) 4. (  ) 5. (  ) 6. (  ). 十、阅读短文,选择正确答案。(10 分) Zoom and his friends have a big dinner in a restaurant. They are eating delicious food now. Look, the tiger would like some chicken. He can use a knife and fork. The cat would like some fish. That's his favourite food. The rabbit would like some carrots. They are nice. The dog would like some beef. What would Zoom like? He'd like some beef noodles. How much is the food? It is 100 yuan. They like their food very much. (  )1. Zoom and his friends are in the ________. A.   B.   C. (  )2. The tiger would like some ____. A.   B.   C. (  )3. The________ can use a knife and fork. A. rabbit B. dog C. tiger 31 / 38 (  )4. Zoom would like some________. A. B. C. (  )5. The bill is ________ yuan. A. 10 B. 100 C. 1000 Unit 5 单元知识梳理卷 基础知识梳理: 一、1. beef 2. 正餐 3. chicken 4. 准备好 5. noodles 6. 递;给 7. soup 8. 尝试 9. vegetable 10. chopsticks 11. bowl 12. knife  13. fork 14. spoon 二、1. beef noodles 2. 为(自己)取用 3. some soup 三、1. What's for  2. What would;like 3. like some soup 4. you like;knife;fork 5. can use; chopsticks 四、 单元强化检测: 五、1. chicken 2. bowl  3. vegetables 4. chopsticks  5. knife 32 / 38 六、1. A 解析:soup 意为“汤”,是不可数名词,没有复数形式。 2. C 解析:“Would you like…?”的回答只有两种形式,即“Yes,please. /No, thanks. ”。 3. C 解析:第二句中的 hamburger 意为“汉堡包”,是饥饿时的选择。 4. B 解析:today 意为“今天”,today's 意为“今天的”。 5. C 解析:此题意为“请尝试用筷子吃面条。”故选 C。 七、1. D 2. C 3. B 4. E 5. A 八、1. What would you like? 2. Can you use chopsticks? 3. Would you like some fish? 4. Pass me the knife and fork. 九、1. ( D )  2. ( B ) 3. ( C )  4. ( F ) 5. ( E )  6. ( A ) 十、1. C  2. C  3. C  4. B 5. B Unit 6 单元知识梳理卷 时间:30 分钟 满分:100 分 基础知识梳理 一、单词过关。(英汉互译)(15 分) 1. 父母____________  2. people__________ 3. 同辈表亲________  4. but ________________ 5. 姑父____________  6. little____________ 7. 医生____________  8. puppy____________ 9. 厨师____________  10. job______________ 33 / 38 11. 司机______________ 12. basketball____________ 13. 农民____________ 14. 护士______________ 15. 姑母________________ 二、重点短语。(英汉互译)(5 分) 1. 婴儿小弟弟______________ 2. football player_____________ 3. 多少__________________________________ 4. photos of my family________________ 5. taxi driver ____________________________ 三、重点句子或对话。(汉译英)(17 分) 1. 你家有几口人? ________ ________ ________ are there in your family? 2. ——这是你叔叔吗?——是的,他是。 —________ ________ your ________? —Yes,________ ________. 3. 他是一位足球运动员。 He is________ ________ ________. 4. 你婶婶做什么工作的? ________ is your ________ ________? 5. 她是位护士。 She________ ________ ________. 四、核心语言点。(5 分) 本单元我们学习了我的家庭,请你根据所学内容完成以下思维导图。 34 / 38 单元强化检测 五、选出每组画线部分发音不同的单词。(10 分) (  )1. A. milk  B. nine     C. big (  )2. A. cake B. schoolbag C. cat (  )3. A. cute B. excuse C. us (  )4. A. phone B. nose C. not (  )5. A. me B. let C. red 六、单项选择。(10 分) (  )1. How many ________ are there in the picture? A. cat   B. cats   C. dog (  )2. My family ________ five people. A. has B. is C. are (  )3. There are three ________ in my family. My parents and ________. A. people; me  B. peoples; I C. peoples;me (  )4. —What's ________job? 35 / 38 —She is a doctor. A. he  B. she  C. her (  ) 5. This is my __________. She is a ________. A. uncle; cook  B. aunt; friendly C. mother;teacher 七、判断图片与对话内容是(T)否(F)相符。(10 分) (  )1. —Who's that old woman? —She's my grandma. (  )2. —What's your uncle's job? —He's a great basketball player. (  )3. —Is this your aunt? —Yes, she is. She is a teacher.    (  )4. —Is your grandpa a cook? —No, he's a farmer.   八、按要求完成下列各题。(8 分) 1. There are four people in my family. (对画线部分提问) 36 / 38 ___________________________________________________________________? 2. This is my baby brother. (改为一般疑问句) ___________________________________________________________________? 3. your job uncle's what's (连词成句) ___________________________________________________________________? 4. cousin a is my driver(连词成句) ___________________________________________________________________. 九、补全对话。(10 分) A:Hi, Lily! Look at this picture of my family. B:Wow! You have a big family. 1. ________ A:Seven. My grandparents,my parents,my uncle, my baby brother and me. B:2. ________ A:Yes. She is a nurse. B:3. ________ A:He is a doctor. B:Cool. This boy is cute. 4. ________ A:Yes. 5. ________ A. Is he your baby brother? B. How many people are there in your family? C. What about your father? D. Is this your mother? 37 / 38 E. He is only two years old. 十、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10 分) I have a sweet dream. In my dream, my father drives a bus. He is a bus driver. My grandparents, my mother and I are sitting in the bus. My grandpa is a farmer. He looks at the plants outside. My grandma makes a phone call to her sister. My mother is a teacher. She reads a book. What do I do ? I play with my toys. Where do we go? I don't know. (  )1. I have a bad dream. (  )2. My grandpa is a bus driver. (  )3. My grandma makes a phone call to her brother. (  )4. My mother is a teacher. (  )5. I play with my father. Unit 6 单元知识梳理卷 基础知识梳理: 一、1. parents  2. 人们 3. cousin  4. 但是 5. uncle 6. 小的 7. doctor 8. 小狗 9. cook 10. 工作 11. driver 12. 篮球 13. farmer 14. nurse 15. aunt 二、1. baby brother 2. 足球运动员 3. how many 4. 我家人的照片 5. 出租车司机 三、1. How many people 2. Is this ;uncle; it is 3. a football player 4. What; aunt's job 5. is a nurse 四、1. parents 2. uncle 3. cousin 4. driver 5. nurse 单元强化检测: 五、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A 38 / 38 六、1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. C 七、1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 八、1. How many people are there in your family 2. Is this your baby brother 3. What's your uncle's job 4. My cousin is a driver 九、1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. E 十、1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F

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