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期中检测卷(二) (120 分钟 120 分) 第Ⅰ卷(共 75 分) Ⅰ. 听力(20 分) (Ⅰ)录音中有五个句子, 听一遍后, 选出意思相同或相近的一项。(5 分) 1. A. Mr. Wang went to Beijing last Sunday. B. Mr. Wang left Beijing last Sunday. C. Mr. Wang went to Shanghai last Monday. 2. A. We have never had a school magazine. B. We don’t have school magazines any more. C. We will have a school magazine in the future. 3. A. My friends went to the park on time yesterday. B. My friends enjoyed themselves in the park yesterday. C. My friends stayed in the park for a long time. 4. A. The old man could walk a long way. B. The old man couldn’t walk at all. C. The old man was so tired that he couldn’t walk any farther. 5. A. I stayed in bed all day. B. I watched TV all day. C. I either stayed in bed or watched TV all day. (Ⅱ)录音中有五组对话及五个问题, 听一遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5 分) 6. A. A pizza.    B. A hamburger. C. Chinese food. 7. A. Class Four. B. The boy’s class. C. The girl’s class. 8. A. Peter. B. Peter’s uncle. C. Peter’s aunt. 9. A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus. 10. A. Yes, she will. B. No, she won’t. C. We don’t know. (Ⅲ)录音中有两段对话, 听两遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5 分) 听第一段对话, 回答第 11、12 小题。 11. What day is it today? A. Monday.   B. Saturday.   C. Sunday. 12. What’s the weather like now? A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Windy. 听第二段对话, 回答第 13~15 小题。 13. Where has Tony been these days? A. Vienna. B. Paris. C. Sydney. 14. Who did Tony go to the capital with? A. His classmates. B. His foreign friends. C. His father and mother. 15. When did they come back? A. Two days ago.   B. Yesterday. C. Last night. (Ⅳ)录音中有一篇短文, 听两遍后, 判断正误(T/F)。(5 分) (  )16. One summer they had holidays in a small village. (  )17. In the morning an old man on a farm was sitting with his family outside his front door. (  )18. The old man likes living in such a quiet place. (  )19. People often come and visit the old man, but the old man doesn’t. (  )20. The good things about living in the town are the same as the bad ones. Ⅱ. 单项选择(15 分) 1. She likes playing   piano; her brother likes playing    basketball. A. the; a    B. a; the    C. /; the   D. the; / 2. Young children can easily lose reading skills during the summer vacation without   . A. practice B. discussion C. homework D. education 3. On February 25, 2013, Li An, a Chinese director, won the best director again. It is his   time to win an“Oscar”. A. first B. three C. twice D. second 4.—Excuse me, but is that my passport? —Oh, sorry. I took   by mistake. A. yours B. mine C. hers D. his 5.—Could you lend me a pen? —Of course. Here are two and you can take   of them. A. both B. all C. any D. either 6.—Maybe you should call him up. —But I don’t want to talk with him   the phone. A. on B. at C. in D. with 7. It is not so   as yesterday, so there are   people walking in Tuan Chengshan Park today. A. cold; fewer B. warm; more C. cold; more D. warm; most 8. We held a concert in the hall yesterday; Kate sang   among the singers. A. good B. well C. better D. best 9.—Must I hand in my homework now, Mr. Smith? —No, you   . A. can’t B. shouldn’t C. wouldn’t D. needn’t 10.—Would you like   camping with me? —I’d like to. But I’m busy   my homework. A. to go; to do B. to go; doing C. going; to do D. going; doing 11.—   is the street crowded with so many people? —Because they are waiting to watch the boat races. A. Why B. Where C. How D. Who 12. She   live alone. But she   living alone because she feels lonely. A. used to; doesn’t used to B. is used to; was used to C. used to; is not used to D. was used to; doesn’t used to 13.   honest is the first thing people should learn. A. Being B. Look C. Be D. Become 14. Mr. Wang has left for Guangzhou. He   a speech there in two days. A. gives B. gave C. will give D. has given 15. Which of the following signs means “You mustn’t park your car here”? Ⅲ. 完形填空(10 分) If a snake bites you, take a photo with your mobile phone! It may save your life. This is the surprising 1 of a British cook. One day Henry Jackson was working in a restaurant kitchen. He picked up a dish from the table, and 2 a snake appeared. . . and bit him on the hand. A few days earlier, the snake came to the 3 from Asia in a box of bananas. It climbed out of the box and 4 under the dish. “I went to try to pick it up and it bit me again, I threw it 5 the kitchen, and it landed in the fridge. So I closed the door, ”Mr. Jackson said. Anyway, Mr. Jackson stayed 6 and he took a photo of the snake with his mobile phone. Soon his 7 began to ache and he went to hospital. Then his chest began to hurt. Doctors couldn’t say what was wrong 8 they didn’t know what kind of snake it was. Then Mr. Jackson remembered his mobile phone photo. The doctors 9 it to London Zoo. When they knew the kind of snake, they could give Mr. Jackson the right medicine, and he left hospital the next day. “So my advice is this: If a snake bites you, pick up your phone. Take 10 photo first and then show the photo to the doctors, ”suggests Mr. Jackson. “Oh, and if the snake doesn’t smile for the photo, don’t worry! ” 1. A. chance B. advice C. excuse D. business 2. A. suddenly B. nearly C. especially D. fortunately 3. A. garden B. hospital C. restaurant D. school 4. A. hung B. hid C. jumped D. ran 5. A. under B. into C. towards D. across 6. A. cool B. noisy C. pleased D. afraid 7. A. foot B. leg C. hand D. mouth 8. A. but B. though C. so D. because 9. A. wrote B. sent C. sold D. taught 10. A. his B. her C. its D. their Ⅳ. 阅读理解(30 分) A Flight Timetable ☆Date: July 15th Flight No: NS3201 Leaving Qingdao: 11: 35 Arriving Shanghai: 13: 20 ☆Date: December 8th Flight No: SZ4734 Leaving Qingdao: 16: 05 Arriving Guilin: 20: 45 Blue Sea Hotel ☆150 rooms Two restaurants(24 hours) Swimming pool Near the city center ☆Price: 180yuan/double room/a night 220yuan/single room/a night ☆156 Dongfeng Street ☆Tel: 0536-2221234 We are very happy to help you! Notice to Tourists ☆Please buy a ticket to enter ☆Please don’t carve or draw at all, don’t destroy plants, don’t dig sand or stone and don’t go hunting ☆Please don’t carry in those goods that are easy to burn or explode ☆Please don’t spit or throw waste everywhere ☆Those who violate above rules would be punished according to the degree  Xiao Zhu Mountain Scenic Sport Welcome to Ai’xin International Food Festival!   Enjoy all kinds of delicious food, such as dumplings, noodles, ice-cream Pop-corn. . . ☆Time: 11: 00 am—5: 00 pm Friday, May 31st ☆Place: On the playground of Xinhua International School ☆Help Project Hope raise money to build a new village school in Guizhou Province. 1. How long will it take you from Qingdao to Shanghai on July 15th? A. One hour and a quarter. B. Two hours and a quarter. C. One hour and forty-five minutes. D. Two hours and forty-five minutes. 2. If four men stay in Blue Sea Hotel for two nights, they will pay at least   . A. 720 yuan B. 360 yuan C. 540 yuan D. 180 yuan 3. You can’t   when you visit Xiao Zhu Mountain according to the Notice. ①carve or draw  ②go hunting  ③take photos ④drop litter  ⑤watch animals show A. ①②③ B. ②③④ C. ③④⑤ D. ①②④ 4. Ai’xin International Food Festival is held to   . A. raise money for Project Hope B. welcome foreign friends C. celebrate Children’s Day D. show the students’skill of cooking 5. Where can we find the above four notices? A. In a dictionary. B. In a newspaper. C. In a diary. D. In the novel. B My name is Belinda Black. I’m 13 years old and I come from Mount Elm Sheep Station in South Australia. I’ve got two sisters—Jeffers is 11 and Lisa is 7. We’re all pupils at the school of the Air. The school of the Air is actually a school for children who live in the outback, and who are in a place which doesn’t have a local school. So we have air lessons over the radio. Our teacher is at Port Augusta, a city which is about 160 kilometers away. Most people in South Australia live in the big cities, but there are some people who live on farms in the outback. My mother lived in Melbourne before she met my father, so she knows about city life. She says she thinks it’s safer here, because there’s no traffic, no noise, no pollution, not many people and lots of space. In the mornings, we go to our classroom at 8: 45. It’s really just a small wooden building. When we get there, we turn on the radio and listen to what we should do. And from then until 12, we just do our normal lessons. In the afternoons, our mum makes us do some homework—well, not homework, but extra work. We send our exercise books to our teachers on Friday night and they mark them every Monday and Tuesday, and then they send them back again. We get them when the mail arrives every Wednesday. We also talk to our teacher once a week for 10 minutes. She tells us if we’re making progress. We also use the Internet and the telephone to contact our teachers more quickly, but it’s still the radio which is the most important way of doing our lessons. 6. The passage mainly talks about   A. The school of the Air. B. The school of the countryside. C. The school of the farm. D. The school of the city. 7. Why do Belinda and her sisters study at home? A. Because they use the internet and the telephone to contact their teachers more quickly. B. Because she wants to stay with her sisters at home. C. Because there is no school in the place where they live. D. Because their teacher is at Port Augusta, which is about 160 kilometers away. 8. The good points of being a pupil at their school are the following except that   . A. there are not many people and they are safer B. they can neither see traffic nor listen to noise C. they have lots of unpolluted space D. they have many classmates 9. How long does the school day last? A. From 8: 45 until 12: 00. B. All day long. C. The whole afternoon. D. Two hours. 10. How often do they receive instructions from their teacher? A. Twice a week. B. Four times a month. C. Once a day. D. Three times a month. C Gao Wenqi, 49, owner of a restaurant in Xi’an, Shanxi, started to offer a new service on April 13, 2013: suspended meals(待用快餐). Now many restaurants in China, such as in Henan, Chongqing and Yunnan, have joined the program. You can pay 10 yuan for a meal, which should be sold at 16, and leave it at the restaurant. Then other people in need, such as the disabled( 残 疾 人 ), the poor elderly or homeless children, can have it without paying. This idea comes from the cafés(咖啡馆)in Naples, Italy. It’s a tradition that someone there pays in advance for an extra(额外的)cup or two. Then another coffee-drinker can take them for free. “The program is meaningful. It offers help with dignity(尊严)”, said Gao to Xinhua. However, people are worried that someone who is able to pay would also ask for the suspended meals, so there should be rules for this program. 11. According to the passage, this program may possibly take place   . A. in a restaurant B. at a bus station C. in a school D. on a train 12. The suspended meals are offered to   . A. students B. workers C. people in need D. the rich 13. The underlined phrase“in advance”in the third paragraph means“   ”in Chinese. A. 滞后 B. 预先 C. 优先 D. 胜过 14. It’s said that the idea of “suspended meals” comes from   . A. Italy B. the U. S. C. Canada D. China 15. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Someone who is unable to pay can ask for the suspended meals. B. The program is meaningful and it offers help with dignity. C. Gao Wenqi’s restaurant joined the program on April 13, 2013. D. All customers must pay an extra meal at the restaurant. 第Ⅱ卷(共 45 分) Ⅴ. 任务型阅读(5 分) “I sometimes get up at three or four in the morning to surf the Internet. ” “I check my e-mails almost forty times a day. ” “I seldom spend less than three hours each time on the net. ” “I spend more time in chat rooms than with my‘real-life’friends. ” Do you know any people like these? They are part of a new addiction(瘾)called Internet addiction. According to experts, Internet addicts(迷)spend at least thirty to forty hours online every week. They lose control of the time they spend on the Internet. For example, one college student was missing for several days. His friends were worried and looked for him everywhere but couldn’t find him. They called the police. The police found the student in the computer lab: he was surfing the Internet-for seven days straight. A study shows that about six to ten percent of Internet users become addicted. The teenagers spend more time on the Internet than with friends and family. That’s why some experts worry most about young people. Is“surfing the Internet”a hobby or an addiction for you? You may have a problem if you have one of the following symptoms(症状): ★You go out with your friends less and less. ★You can’t wait to get online again. ★You’ve decided to spend a short time online, but then you spend several hours.    21*cnjy*com ★You do not go to important family events or you do not do school projects because you like to spend hours on the Internet. What is the solution? Some experts suggest that people set strict limits on their time for Internet use. You have to learn to control it, or the Internet would control you. 1. How many hours does an Internet addict spend online every week according to experts? ____________________________________________________________________ 2. Where was the missing college student found? ____________________________________________________________________ 3. Why do some experts worry most about young people? ____________________________________________________________________ 4. How can Internet addicts solve their problem? ____________________________________________________________________ 5. What might be the title of this passage? ____________________________________________________________________ Ⅵ. 词汇运用(10 分) (Ⅰ)根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词。(5 分) 1. His parents didn’t fly to Beijing on time because the f     was late. 2. Sorry, Dad. I can’t p     the college entrance examination. 3. Although the boss is w     , he is still kind and friendly to the poor. 4. The explorers     (挨饿)to death in the desert last month. 5. The art museum    (成功)in displaying the new paintings. (Ⅱ)用所给词的适当形式填空。(5 分) 6. World Environment Day is on the     (five)of June. 7. What are you going to do after finishing your     (educate)? 8. The flea is a lot     (tiny)than other animals. 9. Boys and girls, did you enjoy     (your)during the vacation? 10. David fell     (sleep)in class because he stayed up too late last night. Ⅶ. 完成句子(5 分) 1. 只要我有空闲时间, 我就会练习打乒乓球。                I have spare time, I will practice playing table tennis. 2. 我弟弟脱下衣服, 跳进了游泳池。 My brother           his clothes and jumped into the swimming pool. 3. 爸妈已经给我准备好了圣诞礼物。 My father and mother     Christmas gifts     for me. 4.我爸爸过去常常开车上班, 现在坐公交车了。 My father           go to work by car, but now he takes the bus. 5. 当朋友遇到困难时, 你要伸出援助之手。 When your friends meet difficulties, you should           to help them. Ⅷ. 补全对话(5 分) 通读对话, 从所给的选项中选择句子完成对话。 A: Hey, Judy. Don’t forget to turn off the lights.  1 B: Oh! I know. I usually do that. I was just in a hurry. How come you are interested in the environment, Jack? A: I always have been. I just read a book about it, and there are so many things we can do. B: Like what? A: Well, you should turn off the shower when you are washing your hair. B:  2 A: You wouldn’t? B: No, I have very short hair. I am only in the shower for a few minutes. A:  3 B: What else does it say? A: It says you should take your own bags when you go food shopping. B: Oh, that is not difficult.  4 . What else? A: Hmm. . . Here is a good one. It says people should stop riding in cars and start riding bikes. B: Oh, I’ll never do that. Can you see me riding twenty minutes to and from school every day? A: Well, I think the environment is really important.  5 B: Yes, and you also live close to school! A. It saves electricity. B. What can we do for that? C. Oh, I’ll never do that. D. I wash my hair every day. E. Well, every minute helps. F. I can do that. G. Besides, I like riding my bike. 1.      2.      3.      4.      5.    Ⅸ. 选词填空(10 分) 将下列单词或词组的序号填入空格。每空格限填一词, 每词只能填一次。 A. results B. outdoor C. recently D. take part in E. wild F. choices G. go abroad H. gently I. offer J. cultures K. way   Do you know what is special about November and June in the UK? They are, possibly, the only two months with no school holidays. A newspaper 1 did a survey among a group of students. In the survey, 68 percent of the students said that their parents were at work during the school holidays. 73 percent said that they were bored during the school holidays and 35 percent said they were happy to go back to school! The 2 of the survey show that not everybody wants to have many holidays. If you don’t want to stay at home and get bored, go out and 3 some interesting activities. A lot of schools organize various trips during the holidays, especially when they have a one-week holiday. You have many 4 to make. Many schools take groups of students to some training centers. There, students can learn a lot from 5 activities. For example, students learn how to make a camp in the forest. They also learn more about 6 animals and plants. At the same time, they are taught how to find their  7 back to the center. In most towns, some other centers 8 students different courses, such as computer game design, film making and painting. Students can also 9 for school trips. They can practice their foreign languages and experience everyday life in different 10 . 1.      2.      3.      4.      5.     6.      7.      8.      9.      10.     Ⅹ. 书面表达(10 分) 根据中文大意和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于 60 个词的短文。所给英文提示词语 仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。 上学期间, 学校的某些场所一定给你留下了美好的记忆, 如教室、阅览室、操场等。某英文报纸正以 “My Favorite Place at School”为题征文, 请你投稿。描述一个你最喜欢的地方, 并请说明原因。 提示词语: classroom, reading-room, playground, bright, quiet, large, help, improve ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 听力原文及答案解析 Ⅰ. 听力(20 分) (Ⅰ)录音中有五个句子, 听一遍后, 选出意思相同或相近的一项。(5 分) 【听力材料】 1. Mr. Wang left Shanghai for Beijing last Sunday. 2. We have no more school magazines. 3. My friends had a good time in the park yesterday. 4. The old man was too tired to walk any farther. 5. I stayed in bed all day instead of watching TV. 答案: 1~5. ABBCA (Ⅱ)录音中有五组对话及五个问题, 听一遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5 分) 【听力材料】 6. W: Which do you like better, a pizza or a hamburger? M: Neither. I just like Chinese food such as dumplings. Q: What does the man like? 7. W: Did your class win the match? M: Yes. We beat Class Four 2∶1. W: Congratulations. Q: Who won the game? 8. W: Hi, Peter. Why don’t you come and join us in the game? M: I hope so. But I must meet my aunt at the airport. She is coming from England this afternoon. Q: Who will come from England this afternoon? 9. M: Hi, Miss. Wang. You came to work on foot today, didn’t you? W: Yes, I did. M: You usually come to work by bike. W: That’s right. But my bike is broken now. Q: How did the woman come to work today? 10. W: Danny, I can’t stop playing computer games. M: For your health, I’m afraid you have to. W: OK. I won’t play any more from now on. Q: Will the girl stop playing computer games? 答案: 6~10. CBCAA (Ⅲ)录音中有两段对话, 听两遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5 分) 【听力材料】 第一段 W: What bad weather! I don’t like the rain. Tomorrow will be Sunday. We can’t go for a picnic. M: The rain won’t last long. The radio says it will be fine later on. Tomorrow will be sunny. W: Then we are going to have a wonderful time in the open air. 第二段 W: Where have you been these days, Tony? M: I went to the capital of Austria with my parents for my holiday. W: When did you come back? M: Just the day before yesterday. What about coming to my house tomorrow? I can tell you the interesting things I have seen and heard. W: I’d like to. I’ll be free tomorrow. M: See you then. W: See you. 答案: 11~15. BBACA (Ⅳ)录音中有一篇短文, 听两遍后, 判断正误(T/F)。(5 分) 【听力材料】   Mr. and Mrs. Wilson lived in a big city, and one summer they had holidays in a small town. They enjoyed it very much, because it was quiet, clean and very different from the city. 21cnjy.com   One morning they met an old man. He lived on a farm and he was sitting alone in the warm sun outside his front door. Mr. Wilson asked him, “Do you like living in such a quiet place? ”“Yes, I do. ”the old man said.   Mr. Wilson asked, “What are the good things about it? ”The old man answered, “Well, everybody knows everybody else. People often come and visit me, and I often go and see them. ”   Mr. Wilson said, “That’s interesting. And what are the bad things? ”The old man thought for a minute and then said, “Well, the same things, really. ” 答案: 16~20. FFTFT Ⅱ. 单项选择(15 分) 1.【解析】选 D。考查冠词。乐器前需加 the, 球类前面不加冠词。 2. 【 解 析 】 选 A 。 考 查 名 词 辨 析 。 practice“ 练 习 ”; discussion“ 讨 论 ”; homework“ 作 业 ”; education“教育”。句意: 小孩子们在暑假期间如果不练习很容易丧失阅读技能。 3.【解析】选 D。考查序数词和语境理解。根据句中 won the best director again 可知是第二次获得奥斯 卡奖, second 意为“第二次”。 4. 【解析】选 A。考查名词性物主代词。句意: ——打扰一下, 那是我的护照吧? ——噢, 对不起。我错拿了你的。yours 在此相当于 your passport。 5.【解析】选 D。考查代词的用法。both 意为“两者都”; all 意为“三者或三者以上都”; any 意为“一 些; 任何一个(三者或三者以上)”; either 意为“(两者中)任何一个”。句意: ——你能借给我一支钢笔吗? ——当然, 这里有两支, 你可以拿走它们中任何一支。 6.【解析】选 A。考查介词的用法。on the phone“通过电话”。 7.【解析】选 C。考查比较等级。句意: 今天不如昨天冷, 所以今天团成山公园有更多的人在散步。not so/as+形容词原级+as. . . 意为“不如……”。 8.【解析】选 D。考查副词的最高级。修饰动词 sang 要用副词形式, 由 among the singers 可知应该用最 高级的形式。句意: 昨天在大厅我们举行了一次音乐会, Kate 在歌手中唱得最好。 9.【解析】选 D。考查情态动词。对 must 的否定回答常用 needn’t; 句意: ——史密斯先生, 我现在必须 要交上我的作业吗? ——不, 你没必要。故选 D。 10.【解析】选 B。考查非谓语动词。would like to do sth. “想要做某事”; be busy doing sth. “忙 于做某事”。21*cnjy*com 11.【解析】选 A。考查疑问词辨析。why 意为“为什么”, 提问 because 引导的原因状语从句; where 意为 “在哪里”, 提问地点; how 意为“怎么样”, 提问方式; who 意为“谁”, 提问人。句意: ——街上为什么 挤满了如此多的人? ——因为他们正在等着看划船比赛。 12.【解析】选 C。考查固定搭配。used to do sth. 意为“过去常常做某事”, be used to doing sth. “习 惯于做某事”。句意: 她过去常常独自居住。但是她现在不习惯于独自居住因为她感觉很孤独。 13.【解析】选 A。考查非谓语动词。此处为动名词作主语。句意: 诚实是人们应该学习的第一件事情。 14.【解析】选 C。考查动词时态。由句中时间状语 in two days, 可知动词应该用将来时。句意: 王先生 已经离开去广州了。他两天后将在那儿做一个演讲。故选 C。 15.【解析】选 C。考查常识。C 项表示 No Parking“禁止停车”。 Ⅲ. 完形填空(10 分) 1.【解析】选 B。考查名词辨析。根据句意“这是一个英国厨师给出的令人震惊的建议”可知。advice“建 议”。 2.【解析】选 A。考查副词辨析。根据句意“突然间一条蛇出现, 将他的手咬伤了”可知。suddenly“突 然地”。 3.【解析】选 C。考查名词辨析。根据句意“这条蛇是藏在一箱香蕉里从亚洲运到这家餐馆的”可知。 restaurant 意为“饭店”。 4.【解析】选 B。考查动词辨析。根据句意“这条蛇躲藏在盘子下”可知。hid 是 hide 的过去式, 意为“躲 藏”。 5.【解析】选 D。考查介词辨析。根据句意“我将它扔过厨房”可知。across 表示“穿过; 横穿”。 6.【解析】选 A。考查形容词辨析。根据句意“他保持镇静, 并拍了一张照片”可知。cool 表示“冷静 的”。 7.【解析】选 C。考查名词辨析。根据句意“一会儿他的手便疼痛了”可知。hand 意为“手”。 8.【解析】选 D。考查连词辨析。根据句意“医生们也说不清出了什么问题, 因为他们不知道这是哪种蛇 咬伤的”可知。because 意为“因为”, 引导原因状语从句。 9.【解析】选 B。考查动词辨析。根据句意“医生将这张照片送往伦敦动物园”可知。sent 是 send 的过 去式, 意为“发送; 派遣”。 10.【解析】选 C。考查代词辨析。根据句意“如果被蛇咬伤了, 拍一张照片, 把它给医生看”可知。its, 形容词性物主代词, 意为“它的”。 Ⅳ. 阅读理解(30 分) 1.【解析】选 C。数字计算题。根据第一个表格中的时间“Leaving Qingdao: 11: 35 Arriving Shanghai: 13: 20”可以计算出从青岛到上海用 1 小时 45 分钟。故选 C。 2.【解析】选 A。数字计算题。根据第二个表格中的价格“Price: 180 yuan /double room/a night/220 yuan /singleroom/anight”可以计算如果是 4 个人住两晚上最少的费用为 180×2(房间)×2(晚上)=720。故选 A。 3.【解析】选 D。细节理解题。根据第三个表格中“Please don’t carve or draw at all, don’t destroy plants, don’t dig sand or stone and don’t go hunting. Please don’t carry in those goods that are easy to burn or explode. Please don’t spit or throw waste everywhere”可知游客不能雕刻或画画, 不能狩猎, 不能乱扔垃圾。故选 D。 4.【解析】选 A。推理判断题。根据第四个表格中“Help Project Hope raise money to build a new village school in Guizhou Province. ”可知 Ai’xin 国际美食节是为了给希望工程筹款。故选 A。 5.【解析】选 B。主旨大意题。根据上面四个通知大意, 我们可以推知能在报纸上看到。 6.【解析】选 A。主旨大意题。通读全文, 主要是介绍了“Air”学校学生就读情况, 教师施教情况, 作业 检查以及学生评价情况。所以应选 A。 7.【解析】选 C。细节理解题。根据文章第二段 The school of the Air is actually a school for children who live in the outback, and who are in a place which doesn’t have a local school. 可知, 居 住地没有学校。 8.【解析】选 D。细节理解题。 根据文章第三段, 可选出答案是 D。 9.【解析】选 A。细节理解题。根据文章第四段: In the mornings, we go to our classroom at 8: 45. It’s really just a small wooden building. When we get there, we turn on the radio and listen to what we should do. And from then until 12, 可选出答案是 A。 10.【解析】选 B。细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段 We send our exercise books to our teachers on Friday night and they mark them every Monday and Tuesday, and then they send them back again. We get them when the mail arrives every Wednesday. (我们把练习本在周五晚上寄给老师, 他们在周 一和周二批阅, 每周三就能收到他们寄回的邮件)可以推算出 Four times a month。 11.【解析】选 A。细节理解题。由第一段首句“Gao Wenqi, 49, owner of a restaurant in Xi’an, Shanxi, ”可知发生在餐馆。故选 A。 12.【解析】选 C。推理判断题。由文章第二段可知, 享受待用快餐的人是残疾人、贫穷老人或无家可归的 人, 由此推断是有需要的人。故选 C 项。 13.【解析】选 B。词义猜测题。由下句“Then another coffee-drinker can take them for free. ”可 知, 另外的一个喝咖啡的人可以免费带走。由此推断是前者“预先付款”。 14.【解析】选 A。细节理解题。由文中第三段第一句“This idea comes from the cafés in Naples, Italy. ”可知选 A。 15. 【解析】选 D。细节理解题。结合文章可知, 待用快餐是有能力的人自愿多付出一份快餐, 让没有能力 付款的人享受。D 项“所有顾客必须额外付一份”与原文不符。故选 D 项。 第Ⅱ卷(共 45 分) Ⅴ. 任务型阅读(5 分) 答案: 1. At least 30 to 40(hours). 2. In the computer lab. 3. Because they spend more time on the Internet than with friends and family. 4. By setting strict limits on their time for Internet use. /They can set strict limits on their time for Internet use. 5. Internet Addiction. /Learn to control Internet use. Ⅵ. 词汇运用(10 分) (Ⅰ)根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词。(5 分) 答案: 1. flight 2. pass 3. wealthy 4. starved 5. succeeded (Ⅱ)用所给词的适当形式填空。(5 分) 答案: 6. fifth 7. education 8. tinier 9. yourselves 10. asleep Ⅶ. 完成句子(5 分) 答案: 1. As long as 2. took off 3. had; ready 4. used to 5. reach out Ⅷ. 补全对话(5 分) 答案: 1~5. ACEFG Ⅸ. 选词填空(10 分) 答案: 1~5. CADFB  6~10. EKIGJ Ⅹ. 书面表达(10 分)【参考范文】 My Favorite Place at School Our school has a lot of places students like to hang out, such as playground, computer rooms, art room etc. . My favorite place is library. In library, people know how to restrict themselves, and behave more politely, and it is a good place for you to read plenty of novels and study your own subjects. I am used to hanging out in library after school, because even I go home, I may not have the mood or conditions to finish my homework. And it is also a good place for you to meet some friends who have something in common and you can share experience on study or other subjects. It’s really good to have such a quiet place!

资料: 29.3万


