Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry单元检测卷(人教新目标版)

Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry单元检测卷(人教新目标版)


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Unit 11 检测卷 (时间:100 分钟 满分:120 分) 第 I 卷 听力部分(25 分) (一)听小对话,选择图片。 1. How is Mary going to Xiamen? A. B. C. 2. What's the weather like today? A. B. C. 3. Where is the boy going? A. B. C. 4. What's the matter with Tom? A. B. C. 5. Which sign are they talking about? A. B. C. (二)听对话,选择最佳答案。 6. What did the man buy? A. A Chinese-English dictionary. B. An English-Chinese dictionary. C. An English dictionary for Chinese. 7. How often does the woman go to work? A. Three days a week. B. Four days a week. C. Five days a week. 8. Where did Nancy go last week? A. The park. B. The zoo. C. The farm. 9. Who helped the boy do the cleaning? A. His brother. B. His sister. C. Nobody. 10. Which subject of the three is the best of all for Peter? A. Chinese. B. English. C. Maths. (三)听短文,根据其内容完成所给的短文。 It was Saturday. When all the children were playing football or other games, Mike was xi. his xii. at home. At xiii. xiv. ten he xv. all the homework. But it began to rain. What could he do? Suddenly he xvi. that his xvii. went to the cinema. He wanted to see the xviii. , too. But he didn't have any xix. . Then he thought of his grandma. She lived in another house. So Mike went to ask her for five yuan. He told his grandma that he was going to buy xx. . He only wanted to see his father and mother. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 二、单项选择 21. I am poor in English. I can hardly make myself . A. understood B. understand C. understanding 22. The assistant won't let you the cinema if you haven't a ticket. A. enter B. to enter C. entering 23. The parents told the children in the street. A. don't play B. not play C. not to play D. to not play 24. The harder the workers work, . A. the more money they'll get B. they'll get them more money C. the more they'll get money D. they'll get much money 25. --- Lily Lucy has joined the swimming club because they have no time. --- It's a pity! A. Both; and B. Either; or C. Neither; or D. Neither; nor 26. Lucy is shy. She would not invite her classmates dancing with her. A. practice B. practices C. practicing D. to practice 27. The teacher asked Ben a difficult question in class. A. answer B. to answer C. answering D. answer 28. It's dark. I would rather at home than out. A. to stay; to go B. stay; go C. stay; to go D. to stay; go 29. Doing sports can keep you . A. health B. healthy C. good health D. with health 30. We will have a field trip this afternoon. The news makes everyone . A. excited B. frightened C. happily D. luckily 三、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 31. The two sides failed to reach an a . 32. The girl is p a car with her hair. 33. Trevor showed great c when he saved the child from the burning house.34. Eating too much without any exercise will certainly cause w problems. 35. His personal w is estimated(估计) at around $100 million. 36. The doctors always e their patients carefully. 37. The little girl is too frightened, and her face turns p . 38. The chair is very hard. It's u to sit on. 39. It's not my f , so I shouldn't say sorry. 40. You must k the ball, not throw the ball because you are a football player. 四、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词) 41. Give some candies to the little boy. Don't (使失望) him. 42. It's almost impossible for the two sides to reach an (一致) about the issue. 43. The teacher, Yang Xiangming showed great (勇气) to jump into the river to save the boy. 44. The (重量) of these apples is about 20 kilos. 45. Knowledge is the most precious (财富) of all things. 46. It′s very (不舒服的) to sit in the armchair. 47. To be a scientist is my (目标). 48. I like travelling by (长途客车). I think it's cheap and comfortable. 49. Our (友谊) will be remembered forever. 50. The boy fell into the hole. We (拉) him up. 五、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子) 51. 他说他不想让他的老师和父母失望。 He said he didn't want to his teachers and parents . 52. 那部电影是那么的无聊,以至于使我中途想离开。 The movie was so boring that it half way through it. 53. 与其说他是教师,还不如说他是音乐家。 He is a musician a teacher. 54. 你学习越努力,你就越会得到更好的结果。 The you work at your lessons, the results you will get. 55. 专家建议我们在雾霾天不要一直开着窗户。 Experts advised us not to the windows all the time on hazy days. 六、完形填空 Jessica was born without arms and she has learned to live her life with her feet. There were many questions about whether Jessica would be able to live a(n) 56 life. However, Jessica's father had full 57 in her. With the support of her parents and family, Jessica became confident in herself and continued to 58 the world with her feet. As a child, Jessica studied 59 in her home town. When the first performance 60 , she asked to be put in the back row. Her dance teacher told her there was no back row. She appeared on the 61 with the other students and performed well. When she finished, the applause from the audience(观 众) gave her encouragement and the confidence to 62 dancing for 14 years. After graduating from high school, Jessica attended the University of Arizona 63 she earned a bachelor's degree. When talking about her 64 , she frequently explains that the way people think has a greater 65 on their lives than a physical limitation. Jessica's most 66 accomplishment was learning how to fly. She 67 the Guinness World Record for being the first person certified to fly an airplane with only their feet. Jessica now 68 as a motivational(激发性的) speaker. She travels the world sharing her 69 and encouraging people to be creative and confident. She often says "Think 70 the shoes. You man have a different life." 56.A. formal B. normal C. interesting D. unusual 57.A. confidence B. trouble C. thoughts D. interest 58.A. escape B. accept C. blame D. explore 59.A. drawing B. singing C. writing D. dancing 60.A. arrived B. finished C. stopped D. failed 61.A. station B. line C. stage D. action 62.A. end B. continue C. start D. teach 63.A. when B. what C. where D. which 64.A. degree B. weight C. worry D. record 65.A. relationship B. clue C. cause D. influence 66.A. famous B. complicated C. difficult D. helpful 67.A. held B. invented C. missed D. received 68.A. fights B. works C. behaves D. communicates 69.A. mistake B. happiness C. story D. mood 70.A. inside B. outside C. without D. about 七、阅读理解 A The greatest saleswoman in the world today doesn't mind if you call her a girl. That's because Makita Andrews made more than $80,000 by selling cookies(饼干) when she was 13 years old. Andrews and her mother shared a dream of traveling around the world. Once, while reading a magazine, Andrews found that the person who sold the most cookies would win a free trip for two around the world. She decided to give it a try. To make her dream come true, Andrews went door to door every day after school and repeated, "Hi, I have a dream. I'm earning( 赢 取 ) a trip around the world for my morn and me by selling cookies." Then she asked, "Would you like to buy one or two dozen boxes of cookies?" Andrews kept asking for a whole year, no matter how heavily it was raining or snowing outside. Her hard work paid off. She sold 42,000 boxes of cookies that year and she won her trip around the world. Andrews is not smarter than thousands of other people. The key to her success is that she has found the secret of selling. Ask! Ask! Ask! Many people fail before they even begin because they fail to ask for what they want. It takes courage to ask for what you want. And, as Andrews has discovered, the more you ask, the easier and more fun it gets. 71. What was Andrews' dream when she was young? A. To be a great saleswoman B. To sell the most cookies C. To travel around the world D. To earn a lot of money 72. How did Andrews sell the cookies? A. By selling to foreigners during her trip B. By asking door to door after school C. Her classmates helped her sell at school D. Her mother helped her on weekdays 73. Which word can best describe Andrews? A. Brave B. Little C. Smart D. Energetic 74. Why did Andrews succeed? A. Because she was smarter than other people B. Because other people helped her sell cookies C. Because she had courage to ask for what D. Because she had good luck 75. What does the writer want to tell us? A. Everyone should have a dream B. Cookies make dreams come true C. Andrews is a great saleswoman D. How Andrews became a success B In American schools there is something called Homecoming Day. Many high schools and colleges with a football team have a homecoming game. This can be the most important thing of the year except graduation or commencement(颁授学位典礼) day. Students plan Homecoming Day for many weeks before the day. Several days before Homecoming, students start to decorate the schoool. There are signs to wish luck to the team, and many other signs to welcome all the students. Many people still come to Homecoming twenty or thirty years after they leave school. During the day people like to look for teachers that they remember from long ago. Often they see old friends and they talk together about those happy years in school. Everyone soon comes to watch the football game. When the game is half over, the band comes onto the field and plays school songs. Another important moment is when the Homecoming Queen or King appears. All the students vote a most popular student Homecoming Queen or King. It is a great honor to be chosen. Homecoming is a happy day, but it is not perfect unless the football team wins the game. Even if the team loses, the students still enjoy Homecoming. Some stay at the school to dance, and others go to a party. For everyone it is a day worth remembering. 76. The most important thing of the year in high schools and colleges is in America . A. Homecoming B. the foot ball game C. graduation D. to go to a party 77. When do students begin to prepare everything for Homecoming? A. The day before Homecoming B. Many weeks before the dayC. At the beginning of each term D. Several days before Homecoming 78. Which of the following is NOT done on Homecoming Day? A. To see old friends B. To call on teachers they remember C. To watch the football game D. To see their parents in the school 79. The underlined word “vote” in the passage means. A. call B. make or choose C. give D. show 80. Who can probably become Homecoming Queen or King? A. The student who is liked most by the others B. The guest who is most popular with the students C. The student who is most liked by the teachers D. The player who plays best in the foot ball game C James Naismith, a physical education teacher in Massachusetts, invented basketball in 1891. Naismith's boss asked him to invent a game that students could play indoors during bad weather. He wanted to find a game that wasn't as rough as soccer or football. Naismith tied apple baskets to a railing(铁棍) ten feet above the floor at either end of the gym. The players used a soccer ball. A person sat on a ladder next to each basket at either end of the gym, and threw out the balls that landed in the baskets. To keep the game from getting too rough, Naismith decided each team would have only five players and that the players could not play the ball with their feet. Two years later, net bags were used instead of baskets. In 1894, Naismith added the backboard behind each net and changed to a larger ball. In 1913, people began using the bottomless nets that are used today. During a basketball game, two teams of five players each throw the ball into two baskets at opposite ends of a court. Players bounce, or dribble the ball to the basket or pass the ball to teammates. A team scores points by getting the ball into their team's basket. The team with the highest score wins. By the 1900s, basketball was the most popular indoor sport. People in nearly 130 countries play the game. Basketball is especially popular in the United States, China, and Puerto Rico. 81. When did people start to use the bottomless nets? A. In 1891. B. In 1894. C. In 1913. D. In 1900s. 82. What does the underlined word “rough” probably mean? A. Boring. B. Popular. C. Hard. D. Quick. 83. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage? A. The Invention of a Popular Game B. The Rules of the Old Basketball C. What Naismith Found Indoors D. Why People Loved SportsD Next time you're in a public place, take a look around you, and count how many people are using their phones. I can tell you that it is probably more than half, whether you're in a bus, in a café or simply walking down the street. I'm not saying that I am not an example of this, but I wonder how people can spend so much time on their phones without actually talking to anyone in particular. We can now do almost anything with a phone. But has it gone too far? We spend too much time on our mobiles but not enough time talking to people in real life. Last time I visited London, I traveled by subway. I noticed that almost everybody else was on their phones except those who were asleep. People were playing games, reading articles and listening to music. Recently, my smart phone broke and I had to use an old basic phone just to keep in touch with my family and friends. I could only send text messages, make calls and play one game with it. And I loved it. I loved being free from the Internet, and I really didn't mind what my friends were doing or what the latest news was. I could enjoy my time watching the people around me and seeing what was going on. However, I knew that as soon as I got my smart phone back, I would be one of those people once again. 84. The writer finds that people are using their phones in public places. A. most B. few C. half D. all 85. Which of the following cannot be done on a phone? A. Playing games. B. Sending text messages. C. Listening to music. D. Having meals. 86. The writer could use his old basic phone to . A. surf the Internet B. watch the people around him C. play one game D. look through the latest news 87. From this article, we know that . A. everybody was on their phones when the writer traveled in London by subway B. most people spend enough time talking to people in real life C. the writer enjoyed his time without his smart phone D. the writer won't use his smart phone any more 八、短文 7 选 5(5 选 5 等) Alex Smith, a fifteen-year-old boy, studied in an American boarding school ( 寄 宿 学 校 ). In this school, students could go into town after school in the afternoon. 88. One afternoon, Alex walked to the town. He looked about at the shops and then went to a cinema. 89. It was eight o'clock. He was a little worried. He walked back to the school as fast as possible. When he arrived, he ran quickly to the main entrance(人口). It was locked. He looked up at the window of his dormitory(宿舍). It was on the third floor. The window was open. 90. But the door was also locked. Then he saw another open window on the first floor. It was the window of the teachers' office. 91. Alex quickly climbed into the room. Just then, he heard someone opened the door. He had to hide under the sofa at once. One minute later, a teacher came in. 92. Under the sofa Alex had to lie on the floor. A. He looked into the room—no one was there. B. After the film was over, he looked at his watch. C. But they must go back to the school before six o'clock. D. The teacher turned on the light, sat down on the sofa and began to read a book. E. But it was quite dark and he went round the school building to another door. 九、阅读与表达(问答式) Shanghai-born novelist Lu Shi'e wrote a fantasy novel called New China in 1910. In the book he described a dream where trains were running underground, an iron bridge crossed the Huangpu River and Shanghai hosted a successful World Exposition in the underdeveloped Pudong area at that time. The blueprint( 蓝 图 ) described in the novel became real exactly after 100 years. On May 1, 2010, the World Exposition, with 158 years of history, drew back its curtain from Shanghai. According to a source at the Organizing Committee (组织 委员会) of the World Exposition 2010 Shanghai, it is expected to attract more than 70 million visitors, making it the most popular exposition in history. It is also the first time the World Exposition is held in a developing country. About 600 years ago, Shanghai was just a small fishing village in China's eastern coastal area. It grew into a commercial( 商 业 的 ) city thanks to its prosperous(繁荣的) port and, over the course of 100 years, Shanghai became among the first Chinese cities to open its doors to the world. Along the way, it became the economic and commercial hub of China. Today, Shanghai is developing into an international metropolis(大都会). Answer the following questions according to the passage. 93. Was the novelist Lu Shi'e born in Shanghai? 94. When did the blueprint become real ? 95. How many visitors will Shanghai Exposition attract according to the source? 96. What was Shanghai like about 600 years ago? 97. What's the passage mainly about? 答案 一、听力(听力) 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. A 11. doing 12. homework 13. half 14. past 15. finished 16. thought 17. parents 18. film 19. money 20. nothing 听力原文 (一)听小对话,选择图片。 1. M: Mary,how are you going to Xiamen for the summer vacation? W: I'm going by train. 2. M: What bad weather! W: Yeah,rainy days always make me sad. 3. M: Excuse me,could you tell me the way to the library? W: It's over there,across from the street. 4. W: What's wrong with you,Tom? M: I've got a headache. 5. W: Look,Dad.Don't drive after drinking. M: Don't worry.I won't. (二)听对话,选择最佳答案。 6. W: Did you buy a Chinese-English dictionary? M: No,I bought an English-Chinese dictionary. 7. M: How often do you go to work? W: I go to work every day except Saturday and Sunday. 8. M: Hi,Nancy.Did you go to the zoo with your father last week? W: Yes.And my mother,too. 9. W: Who helped you do the cleaning,your sister or brother? M: I did it all by myself. 10. W: Peter,you're so good at English and maths. M: Thank you.And my Chinese is a little better,I think. (三)听短文,根据其内容完成所给的短文。 It was Saturday.All of Mike's friends were playing football or other games behind the house.He had to stay at home.He had some homework to do.When he finished all his homework,it was ten thirty.It began to rain and the children went home.He stood near the window and looked at the people in the rain.He thought,"What shall I do next?" "Well,I nearly forget.Father and mother are going to the cinema.I can go to the cinema,too.The film must be very nice.But money...yes,I can go and ask Grandma for it."His grandma lived in another house.So he went there and asked,"Can you give me five yuan,Granny?" "Certainly,"said the old woman."But what are you going to buy?" "I don't want to buy anything,"answered the boy."I only want to see my father and my mother." "Where are they?" "At the cinema." 二、单项选择 21. A 22. A 23. C 24. A 25. D 26. D 27. B 28. B 29. B 30. A 三、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 31. agreement 32. pulling 33. courage 34. weight 35. wealth 36. examine 37. pale 38. uncomfortable 39. fault 40. kick 四、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词) 41. disappoint 42. agreement 43. courage 44. weight 45. wealth 46. uncomfortable 47. goal 48. coach 49. friendship 50. pulled 五、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子) 51. let; down 52. made me want to leave 53. rather than 54. harder; better 55. keep, open 六、完形填空 56. B 57. A 58. D 59. D 60. A 61. C 62. B 63. C 64. A 65. D 66. A 67. D 68. B 69. C 70. B 七、阅读理解 71. C 72. B 73. A 74. C 75. D 76. C 77. B 78. D 79. B 80. A 81. C 82. C 83. A 84. A 85. D 86. C 87. C 八、短文 7 选 5(5 选 5 等) 88. C 89. B 90. E91. A 92. D 九、阅读与表达(问答式) 93. Yes, he was. 94. After 100 years./ In 2010. /On May 1, 2010. 95. More than 70 million visitors. 96. A small fishing village . 97. Shanghai's history/ development/ yesterday and today/change. Or: The history/development/ change of Shanghai.

资料: 29.3万


