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河南省南阳市 2020 届 3 月联合考试 高三英语参考答案 第一部分听力(满分 30 分) 1 〜5 BCAAC 6〜10 CBCAB 11-15 ABCBA 16〜20 BABCA 第二部 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 21 〜23 CAB 24〜27 DBCA 28〜31 CCAB 32〜35 BDCD 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 36〜40 CGBFA 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 41 〜45 BDBCA 46〜50 BCDAD 51 〜55 ACBDA 56〜60 CBADB 第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 61. where 62. surrounding 63. regardless 64. ranked 65. sits 66. location 67. beaches 6& to 69. a 70. taking 第四部分写作(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 第二节书面表达(满分 25 分) One possible version: Dear Mike, I am writing to sincerely apologize for the fact that I can't go to the High-speed railway station to pick you up tomorrow because I will take an important test tomorrow morning. It's unnecessary for you to worry about it. I will let my fiend Li Ming, who you met with last year, meet you at the High-speed railway station with a small gift that you have been longing for for a long time. For the sake of making up for my absence and welcoming you, I will treat you to Chinese food in the restaurant the moment you arrive. Yours, Li Hua 附听力原文 Text 1 W:Fm so hungry! Why is it taking so long? We're going to be late to the movies. M:Ifs really crowded in here. Maybe they're short of help. Can you try to get the manager's attention? Text 2 M:Do you think you can get me to Victoria by half past eight? W:We should be OK if the lights are with us... Here we are. You've still got five minutes to spare. Seven pounds, please. M:Thanks very much. Here's a ten. Give me two pounds back, please. Text 3 W:It seems that we are going to have a hard time in our classic literature class next semester. M:I'11 say. The reading list is a mile long. Text 4 M:Ybur alarm has been going off for over an hour! Are you awake in there? W:Fm just getting up. Sorry about that, I went to bed really late last night. I was working on a school project that's due this afternoon. Text 5 M:Are you feeling better these days, Ms. Green? W:Well, frankly speaking, I don't know. M:Is it true that you can't take this medicine? W:Yes.It works well, but the side effects are really bad. Text 6 M:Hi,Maria. What have you been doing recently? W:I've been busy with my biology project. What about you? M:I'm okay, but I'm kind of stressed today. W:Oh,dear, why is that? M:Well,I have two big exams tomorrow 一 history and physics. History is OK. But the physics exam is worth 30% of my grade, so I'm quite nervous about it. W:You're always well prepared for exams. Just relax! You'll do fine. M:Oh, thank you. Text 7 2 W:Welcome to my shop. What can I do for you, sir? M:I'd like to have these clothes washed 一 three shirts and a coat. The coat is a bit faded. Please be careful when you wash it. W:OK,sir. You can pick everything up in three days, on Thursday morning. Is that OK? M:Can I get them on Wednesday morning instead? I will attend a party that evening. W:No problem. Our hours are from 8:30 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. on weekdays, and from 9:30 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. on weekends. Please give me a call before you plan on coming. My telephone number is 86-638-5022. M:Thanks a lot. How much should I pay for everything? W:5 pounds for each shirt, and 10 pounds for the coat. M:Here is 30 pounds. W:Thank you. Here is your change. Have a good day! Text 8 W:National Car Rental, can I help you? M:I'd like to rent a car. W:For how long would you like to rent it? M:3 days, from next Tuesday to next Thursday. W:OK,what type of car would you like? M:Umjust the smallest type. W:So,that'll be a Toyota. It's $45 per day. So for three days, it'll be $135 in total, and that includes third-party insurance,theft,and water damage. But you need to pay for the gas yourself. So,would you like to rent it? M: Yes, please. W:Now,what type of driver's license do you have? M:An international one. W:OK. And your name and age? M:My name is Ronald Schiller, R-O-N-A-L-D,S-C-H-I-L-L-E-R.I am 33. W:OK. What time would you like to pick up the car? M:Well, can we say around noon? Is that OK? W:Our usual pickup time is 7:30 in the morning. M:Oh,that's OK. W:And we need your credit card to guarantee the booking. M:My VISA card number is... Text 9 W:Hi,Mike. How do you like living in New York? M:It''s really amazing. I've learned that it is one of the largest cities in America, so I'm happy to get the chance to be here for a month. However, I still don't completely understand the recycling rules. W:Yes. It always takes time to get used to the way of life in a new place. Do you litter? M:Of course not. I even throw my cigarettes in the trash when I'm done smoking. How about you? W:It is easier for me, because I don't smoke at all. But I am glad you throw your trash away. M:However, I have three trash cans. I am confused. You know, in my old town, I only needed one trash can. You have been here much longer than me. Can you help me? W:Sure.First, you should know that only one type of trash goes into each can. One can is for paper products, one is for plastic, and one is for glass. M:But in my hometown, there were people who would separate the trash for me. Don't you think it's a better way to save us time and energy? W:But it's a heavy burden for the cleaners. In order to keep the city clean and recycle the resources efficiently, you must separate your trash yourself. That is the rule. M:Thanks a lot. I understand now. Text 10 Each summer, the Oxford English Dictionary, or OED, adds new words. Generally, the words are used in everyday speech for many years before they even have a chance to be added to the dictionary. However, with the popularity of social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, people are constantly being exposed to new words. Those who use these sites pick up the vocabulary and begin to spread it 一 and quickly. Last summer, the word "eco-town" was added to the OED. Eco-towns are towns that are built to be environmentally friendly, and are often sponsored by the government. In addition, they seek to provide affordable housing to those who need it. The towns' buildings are made from recyclable materials, and the energy used to power them is renewable, such as wind and solar energy. Even more impressively, the towns try to be car-free. Some think this is impossible, but in these towns, roads are built only to accommodate biking and walking. So far, the government of England has approved the construction of four eco-towns, but up until now, none have actually been built. Still, both the word "eco-town" and the ideas it represents have gained attention. Perhaps more governments throughout the world will support this new idea to help the environment, while giving people a safe and affordable place to live at the same time.

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