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1 初三英语综合练习卷 2020.3 第 I 卷 (客观题 共 50 分) 一、单项选择 在 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并写在答题卡上。(本大题共 14 小题,每小题 1 分,共 14 分) ( ) 1. —Would you like to visit the zoo with me now? —Sorry, it’s the visiting hours. Let’s go there tomorrow. A. beyond B. through C. during D. on ( ) 2. —We will the survey as we planned unless it rains tomorrow. —You needn’t worry about the weather. It’s sunny tomorrow. A. carry on B. run out C. come out D. carry out ( ) 3. —Do you know Mr Black’s address is? —He may live at No. 18 or No. 19 of Bridge Street. I’m not sure of . A. where; which B. where; what C. what; which D. what; where ( ) 4. Hi, Simon. I hear that you’ve just come back from Korea. I’m calling to ask . A. how did you visit the city B. how many days you’ve spent there C. which hotel you stayed in Korea D. how you found the popular local food ( ) 5. Mo Yan’s books have been sold out in many book stores his winning of the Nobel Literature Prize. A. because B. since C. as D. because of ( ) 6. —Would you like a cup of coffee? —Yes, please. , could you put some sugar in it? A. In some ways B. By the way C. In this way D. On the way ( ) 7. —When do you think is the best time to visit Wuxi? —You come here in spring or autumn. The weather is quite pleasant then. A. had better B. would rather C. have to D. would like ( ) 8. English is used the second language the government of India official affairs(政治事务). A. like; by; to B. as; by; for C. as; with; for D. like; by; for ( ) 9. Which of the following sentences is right? A. He’s lent away the book for two weeks. B. I have been the army since two days ago. C. His father has left here since he was born. D. I haven’t seen him for ages. ( ) 10. —What changes in your lives? —Our lives have changed a lot, like...... A. have there had B. has there been C. have there been D. has there had ( ) 11. —Which of these shirts do you like better? —I’ll take . They are both expensive and out of fashion. A. neither B. either C. none D. both ( ) 12. —What do you think of Jason? —He has me with his good sense of humour. A. impressed B. admired C. reminded D. warned ( ) 13. —Great changes have taken place in our hometown over the past years. —Yeah. Things different when we were young. A. have been B. are C. will be D. were ( ) 14. —Keeping pet dogs is a good idea. It’s wonderful to see them growing up quickly. — Some dogs bark at night and this stops their neighbours from getting2 any sleep. A. I don’t agree with you. B. I think so, too. C. Neither do I. D. Are you kidding? 二、完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意, 然后从下面四个答案中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。 (本大题共 10 分,每小题 1 分) Mr. Fogarty slowly looks over the rows of boys, each holding his breath and praying(祈祷) it’s not his turn. Mr. Fogarty’s eyes pass over them and they can 1 again. His eyes land on me and my heart jumps. This is what I 2 every Tuesday during jazz practice. I’m fine during practice until it’s time for each of us to stand and play our instrument, alone, with everyone else watching. I always pray for Mr. Fogarty to 3 me, but he never does. However, he calls me out in front of everyone, every time. Mr. Fogarty mouths, “You’re 4 .” My partner smiles. He knows how much I 5 this moment each week and in some way it gives him pleasure to see me sweat. I pray that the kid before me will never stop when he finishes his solo(独奏曲). My heart beats so hard that I can hardly breathe as I stand up. I start to breathe out the first notes( 音 符 ). I hold them as long as I can and then I look at the music, hoping to 6 the safe pattern of musical notes that tell me what to do. But no, I have to trust myself. Suddenly the notes on the page start jumping at me, each coming so fast I’m not 7 which to play first. So I play them all. All my thoughts are musical notes, and they’re moving so fast that I don’t have time to 8 what to play next. I just let my hands go. I’m so caught up in my solo that I don’t 9 how long I’ve been playing. Mr. Fogarty gives me a signal and, suddenly, I stop, and free my hands from the saxophone(萨克斯管) which is still warm from my 10 fingers. My band teacher is smiling at me satisfyingly. ( ) 1. A. talk B. play C. practice D. breathe ( ) 2. A. think about B. show off C. go through D. look forward to ( ) 3. A. remember B. forget C. help D. guide ( ) 4. A. alone B. last C. first D. next ( ) 5. A. expect B. hate C. fear D. enjoy ( ) 6. A. follow B. form C. practice D. show ( ) 7. A. afraid B. worried C. amazed D. sure ( ) 8. A. look up B. think about C. pick out D. find out ( ) 9. A. understand B. mind C. notice D. discover ( ) 10. A. unskilled B. strong C. helpless D. dancing 三、阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。(本大题 共 13 小题,每小题 2 分,共 26 分) A If you have ever been swimming in the ocean, you may have noticed that sea water is easier to float in than pool water. Here's why. You'll need □Two bowls □Food coloring □Spoon □Salt □Two eggs3 1. Fill bowls half way with water. 2. Add 10 tablespoons of salt to one bowl, mix until it dissolves (溶解), and then add several drops of color. 3. Carefully, put an egg into each bowl of water and watch what happens. What happens? The egg in the plain water sinks. The egg in the salt water floats. (If the salt water egg does not float well, mix more salt into the bowl ) The water and salt particles(粒子)in the salt water bowl are closer together it than plain water particles are. They push harder against the egg than the plain water particles do and the egg floats. 1. The purpose of: the experiment is to explain . A. why the egg floats in the salt water B. why people float more easily in the sea C. how we can make the egg float in water D. how the water and salt particles act together 2. According to the text, if the egg in the salt water doesn’t float, which is the reason? A. The water is too hot. B. The egg is not fresh. C. The bowl is too small. D. The salt is not enough. 3. What is this passage probably taken from? A. A science magazine B. A tour guide. C. A news report. D. A geography book B I saved the grain carefully and finally had enough to plant. I built a wall around my garden to keep the wild goats away. Then when my crop produced its fruit, the birds found it. The birds were not afraid of my dog at all. I shot them but as soon as I walked away, they returned. At last, I killed some birds and hung them among the crop, hoping they would make the birds afraid and fly away, which turned out to be successful. By harvest time, I had nearly two bushels of rice and two and a half bushels of wheat. With my new grain (谷物) to store, I found a new problem. The fine grain ran through my baskets. It took me nearly two months to dry two ugly pots (容器)--- one for rice and one for wheat. Next I formed a clay oven and made some other tools from hard wood and cloth to bake bread. I made and baked bread in my oven. I spent the third year on the island in farming and baking. Soon after that, I began to think of my days sailing in a tidy boat with Xury. I wished to have a boat and explore the island by sea. I tried to turn over the ship’s boat that I had seen washed up, but failed. I still decided to have a boat. So I chose a strong tree and spent weeks cutting it down. Then it took me months to turn it from tree to boat.4 When it was time to set off, I realized I had made my boat too far from the nearest stream. The boat was far too heavy for me to move. I tried bringing the water to the boat instead of the boat to the water. I soon saw it would take me twenty years of work. I celebrated my fourth year on the island with two boats, but I was no closer to a sea journey. ----Taken from The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 4. Paragraph 2 mainly tells us . A. how much rice and wheat I harvested B. how many tools I made to bake bread C. how I protected my crop from the birds D. how I kept the wild goats away from my crop 5. What does “a new problem” in Paragraph 3 refer to? A. How to plant grain. B. How to make pots. C. How to fix the baskets. D. How to store grain. 6. What can we infer(推断) from the passage? A. I managed to turn over the ships boat. B. I spent months bringing the boat to the nearest stream. C. I tried to solve the problems with my courage and wisdom. D. I spent the third year on the island in farming and baking. C For 21 years, Georges Bwelle watched his ill father traveling to hospitals, which could not offer him all necessary help. JamefBwelle suffered only a broken arm at first, but it finally developed into a hematoma. That would affect (影响) him for the rest of his life. Bwelle spent years taking his father to overcrowded (过于拥挤的) hospitals. It was not easy. They would leave home at 5 a.m. and ran to the hospital to be the first. There were a lot of patients. Some people could die because they were waiting. The situation hasn’t changed much since Bwelle’s father died in 2002. In Cameroon, there is one doctor for every 5,000 people while in the United States there is one doctor for every 413 people. And even if they could see a doctor, many Cameroonians couldn’t afford it. When he saw his father and so many of his countrymen suffer, Bwelle decided to do something about it. He became a doctor himself. And he started an organization, ASCOVIME. It travels into the countryside on weekends to provide free medical care. Since 2008, he and his group of volunteers have helped nearly 32,000 people. Almost every Friday, his team jam into vans and travel to villages in need. In each trip they receive 500 people. Patients come on foot from 60 kilometers around the village for free treatment. The next morning, the team will do simple operations in a school house, town hall or home, and work into the early hours of Sunday morning. On Sunday, the team heads back to the city, tired but proud of their work. They know that their help can make a world of difference to those they help. For his devotion to his country and people, Georges Bwelle becomes one of the 2013 Heroes voted throughout the world. 7. JamefBwelle’s broken arm developed into a serious illness probably because . A. he had been hurt too seriously B. he had been taken to hospital too late C. he had not received proper treatment D. he had not followed the doctor’s advice 8. Which is one of the problems about medical care in Cameroon? A. The country has too large a population. B. Many people are too poor to pay for treatment. C. Doctors generally have too poor medical skills. D. Hospitals are too far away from the countryside. 9. The passage mainly tells us . A. why Bwelle decided to become a doctor B. what bad conditions Cameroonians are in C. that doctors are badly needed in Cameroon D. how Bwelle has become an admired doctor5 D The story I would like to tell happened about a year ago. I accepted a position in a company. John, who I knew, told me much about the job and took my curriculum vitae ( 简 历 ) to his manager. I did not see him as a friend because at the time we did not take part in activities together outside of work, nor did our wives. The first week was fine. Nothing was clearly strange with John at first until the second week, when our communication began to get a little strange. John began making conversations like "you would have had to pay an employment agency(职业介绍所)several hundred dollars for a job like this". I soon forgot his words till the next day when he made another similar conversation. Right then I started to really pay attention to what he meant. He acted as if I owed him money for helping me to get the job. He began to get short with me and I had only been there for two weeks. He should train me in building our e- mail servers(服务器). Instead, he went through the process so fast that even an experienced worker could hardly keep up. He would not slow down or check whether I was with him or not. If there was something wrong with a server, he would just deal it by himself and not stop to say anything like "you might want to remember this. " I was in a bad mood from then on. By the third week I began to get tired of his condescension (傲慢). So I began to challenge him in a way that was only one to one. He would reply to a question of mine with a question or just make me repeat it, and then cut in on me. I began to hate him. Later I tried to avoid him as much as I could. He stopped me one day and asked me what had happened. I told him he was very condescending. He asked me, “What can I do so that you will not feel like this way in the future?” I simply asked him to treat me with the same respect he would like to be treated with. He did it and we got along better slowly. I believed there was hope and finally we would become friends and now we are. 10. Why didn’t the author refer to John as a friend at first? A. They seldom spent free time together. B. They had only met for two weeks. C. Their wives didn’t know each other. D. They had many disagreements on work. 11. What did John most probably mean by saying the underlined sentence? A. The company he and the author worked in was very good. B. The writer was wise not to ask an employment agency for help. C. He had helped the author get a job without a penny. D. The writer didn’t give him several hundred dollars to express his gratitude. 12. Which of the following is TRUE according to the third and fourth paragraphs? A. John was an experienced and hard-working employee. B. The writer was very slow in learning new things. C. John hardly lent an ear to what the writer expressed. D. The writer slowly got used to his work 13. What's the writer's purpose of sharing his story? A. To express his dislikes with John. B. To show the importance of communication C. To remind us what problems can happen at work. D. To describe how to get on with your workmate. 第 II 卷 (客观题 共 40 分) 四、词汇运用(本大题共 8 小题,每小题 1 分,共 8 分) 1. What happy (经历) we had and I hope to visit the country again very soon. 2. I (宁可) reading books to watching TV when I was young. 3. During the epidemic(疫情), we can follow the (最新的) news and exercise to keep our body healthy. 4. The most important thing is that all the tickets are (完全地) free to children under 18. 5. There are some things that you can’t change, like your (high).6 6. After trying five times, the disabled old man (success) in getting to the top of the Mount Qomolangma. 7. If you put a little more salt in this soup. it will be (taste), I think. 8. About ten (19) of the students in that school suffer from stress. 五、动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,并将答案写在答题卡对应题号的横线上。(本大题共 6 小 题,每小题 1 分,共 6 分) 1. Amy regretted (not take) her mother’s advice that we shouldn’t eat little for just keeping slim. 2. The mother (lay) her baby gently on the bed and then bent(弯身) down to pick up the toys lying on the ground. 3. To make more people convenient, the government announced that they (build) another two underground lines in the next five years. 4. China builds Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge many engineers devoted ten years to (help) the whole area develop faster. 5. --Hey, Lucy! I saw Lily borrowing books in the library when I passed by. --It’s impossible! Because she (write) an e-mail to her uncle at home. 6. --Tommy, have you got the job? –There is no reply now. I’ll tell you as soon as I (call). 六、阅读填空 先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在文章后表格的空格内填入一个最恰当的单词。 所填单词必须写在答题卡对应题号的横线上。每个空格只能填一个单词。(本大题共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分) When we are talking to someone, we tend to change someone else’s mind to our way of thinking. And we may often find it difficult to do that, So here are five tips on how to change someone’s mind. The first one is never to turn the conversation into an argument. It should be a conversation where you show your opinions and the facts that you’ve collected. By showing them the facts, we want to tell other people that we are right. But emotionally, they may not totally agree with what you say. So when you are trying to change someone’s mind, try to keep it as a conversation and not an argument. The second tip is never to say that you are wrong. If someone makes a statement that you think is wrong, it’s better to point it out by saying, “I thought otherwise but I might be wrong, let’s look at the facts.” The key is to say that you might be wrong, not that you are wrong. This opens up the other person to look at the data again and shows them that you’re not bullheaded ( 顽 固 的 ) and that you’re not going to change your opinion. You’re showing them that you are open to new ideas and this is super important in changing someone else’s mind to your way of thinking. Tip number three is to get the other person saying yes as fast as possible. You may begin your conversation on hobbies that you guys have, something that they’re crazy about, something that gets them saying yes. Because the more that you get them to say yes now, the more likely they are to say yes in the future. A conversation like this will get them to start to like you and maybe even more open up to ideas that you have. It builds up trust between the two of you. Tip number four is to let the other person do a great amount of talking. If you let them talk more, you’re going to show that you actually care about their opinions and ideas, which will earn their respect in the end. By listening to them, you’re going to create a friendly relationship and build trust. So when you express your opinions, they will also show a willingness to listen. Never interrupt them when they are talking. Just listen patiently with an open mind, encourage them to talk even more and more so that when it’s your turn to talk, they’ll listen and say nothing. The last tip is to let the other person feel like the idea was theirs. It’s wiser to make suggestions and let someone else come to the conclusion, then they have a sense of pride that it’s their idea. Giving someone the data and letting7 them come to the conclusion let them feel like it is their idea and they are proud of it. Title: How to change someone else’s mind Introduction Though it is not 1 to change someone else’s mind, here are tips you can follow. ●Keep it as a conversation and not an argument, or they may not totally be in 3 with you. ●Say that you might be wrong 4 of saying that you are wrong to show that you are open to new ideas. ●Try to get them saying yes as fast as possible, so they are more likely to say yes in the future. ●Create a friendly relationship and build trust so that when you express your opinions, they are willing to listen. Five 2 of changing someone else’s mind ●Let someone else come to the conclusion and they will be 5 of it because they feel like it is their idea. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 七、完成句子 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子,并将答案写在答题卡对应题号的横线上。(本大题共 6 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共 9 分) 1. 虽然他尽了最⼤的努⼒学习画画,但是进步却很⼩。 Though he tried his best to learn painting, it. 2. 因为记性差,这个⽼太太都不确定和丈夫结婚多久了。 The old woman is not sure how long her husband because of her poor memory. 3. 上周他被选中在那部电影中主演⼀名警察。 He was chosen in that movie last week. 4. 中国梦是把⼈民聚集在⼀起和推动我们祖国快速发展的好办法。 Chinese Dream is a great way to bring people together and our own country. 5. 我想知道这些疾病是否与空⽓污染有关。 I wonder if these diseases air pollution. 6. ⼥孩很想念家⼈,她每天通过微信和他们保持联系。 The girl misses her family so much on Wechat every day. 八、书面表达 (本大题共 15 分) 假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Amy 发邮件来询问有关武汉新型冠状病毒(novel coronavirus)以及你最 近的情况。8 请根据 Amy 的邮件进行回复,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 词数 100 左右,开头和结尾都已给出,不计入总数。 Dear Amy, I’m really happy to have your email. Thanks for your care. Yours, Li Hua 听力部分 (每小题 1 分,共 20 分)见时代新课程九下 Dear Li Hua How are you doing these days? Recently I have read a lot about the epidemic situation (疫情) in Wuhan and China on the Internet. It seems very serious. Could you tell me more about the new virus? What do you do with it? Do you think you can beat the virus? I know you are in Grade Nine, you must be busy with your studies now. How do you deal with studies while you can’t be back to school. I hope to hear from you soon. Take care! Yours, Amy

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