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高三英语阶段测试(六)(0328) 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 20 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 1. Why does the man need a map? A. To tour Manchester. B. To find a restaurant. C. To learn about China. 2. What does the woman want to do for vacation? A. Go to the beach. B. Travel to Colorado. C. Learn to snowboard. 3. What will the man probably do? A. Take the job. B. Refuse the offer. C. Change the working hours. 4. What does the woman say about John? A. He won’t wait for her. B. He won't come home today. C. He won’t be on time for dinner. 5. What will the speakers probably do next? A. Order some boxes. B. Go home and rest. C. Continue working. 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 和第 7 题。 6. How does the woman usually go to work? A. By car. B. By bus. C. By train. 7. What do the speakers agree about taking the train? A. It is safer. B. It is faster. C. It is cheaper. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至第 10 题。 8 What does the man suggest the woman do? A. Save up for the car. B. Go to another car dealer. C. Ask someone to check the car. 9. What is the salesman going to do? A. Give a discount. B. Stick to a high price. C. Ask for cash payment. 10. How will the man help the woman? A. Lend money to her. B. Drive her car home. C. Take care of her car. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至第 13 题。 11. What does the woman think of the living expenses in the city? A. Fairly low. B. Just Okay. C. Very high. .12. What does the woman spend most on? A. Meals. B. Trains. C. Clothes. 13. What does the woman do in her free time? A. See films. B. Travel around. C. Go for a drink. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 16 题。 14. What will Rebecca do on June 12? A. Go on a business trip. B. Organize a trade exhibition. C. Meet the people from Head Office. 15. What is John preparing for the meeting? A. A report. B. A timetable. C. A speech. 16. When do the speakers decide to have the meeting? A. On June 3. B. On June 10. C. On June 17. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。 17. What did the speaker decide to do after lunch that day? A. Stay to help her friend. B. Walk alone to her car. C. Wait for the train to stop. 18. What can we learn about the speaker then? A. She worked at a hotel. B. She had bought a new car. C. She was having a baby soon. 19. Where did the speaker meet the taxi passenger? A. At a crossroads. B. In front of a hotel. C. Besides a car park. 20. What does the speaker talk about? A. An exciting lunch party. B. A well-known short story. C. An unforgettable experience. 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡 上将该项涂黑。 1.If you feel any_____ in your neck, put a towel under your head for support when sleeping. A. tension B. abortion C. submission D. dimension 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果你感到颈部肌肉紧张,睡觉时放一个毛巾在头下垫着。A. tension 紧张(在句中表示颈部肌肉紧张);B. abortion 堕胎;C. submission 屈服、提交;D. dimension 方面、维度。 结合句意可知,此处用“颈部肌肉紧张”符合语境,故选 A 项。2.Nowadays, many people struggle to maintain the ______ balance between work and family. A. deliberate B. delicate C. desperate D. definite 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如今,很多人艰难的维持着工作和家庭之间微妙的平衡。A. deliberate 故意的;B. delicate 精妙的,微妙的;C. desperate 绝望的,迫切的;D. definite 肯定的,确定的。工作和家 庭的平衡很难维持,十分微妙,故选 B。 3.Not well prepared for this lecture, he had to____his memory by looking at his notes. A. refresh B. relax C. relieve D. register 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】考查固定短语。句意:没有为讲座做充分的准备,他不得不通过查看笔记来唤起记忆。此处考查 短语 refresh one’s memory 唤起某人的记忆,故选 A 项。 4.We didn't travel much during the holiday ______ because of the tight budget, but also because of the huge crowds. A. in turn B. in vain C. in part D. in effect 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:我们在假期不怎么旅行,部分原因是由于预算紧张,也由于假期人很 多。A. in turn 轮流;B. in vain 徒劳;C. in part 部分地,某种程度上;D. in effect 实际上。根据句意可知,不 去旅行的部分原因是没钱。故选 C 项。 5.—This new dress code ______ everyone at school, teachers and students alike. —Yes, there are no exceptions. A. contributes to B. subscribes to C. adds to D. applies to 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:---这个新的着装规定对学校里的每个人都适用,老师和学生都一样。--- 是的,没有例外。A. contributes to 有助于;B. subscribes to 订阅,赞同;C. adds to 增加;D. applies to 适用于。 根据句意可知,这条新的着装校规对每个人都适用。故选 D 项。 6.(2018·北京) In today’s information age, the loss of data _________ cause serious problems for a company. ,A. need B. should C. can D. must 【答案】C 【解析】 考查情态动词。句意:在今天的信息时代,数据的丢失有时会对一个公司造成严重的问题。数据丢失造成 严重问题是客观上会发生的情况,即“客观可能性”,故该空应用情态动词 can。C 选项正确。其余情态动词 均没有该用法。need 需要;should 应该,竟然;must 必须,肯定。 点睛:can 的基本用法:1. (表示能力、功能)能,会;2. (表示推测)可能,可能会;3.(表示允许,请求)可 以;4.(表示客观可能性)有时会。 7.—Chinese women's volleyball team proves that with hardships ______great success. —Absolutely! Opportunities favor the prepared mind. A. comes B. is coming C. will come D. are coming 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】考查时态。句意:——中国女排证明了伟大的成功伴随着艰辛。——对的,机会青睐有准备的人。 此处考查介词短语置于句首引起完全倒装,结合语境可知本句表达一般事实,故用一般现在时,主语 great success 不可数,故谓语动词用第三人称单数。故选 A 项。 【点睛】 完全倒装是指将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用与一般现在时和 一般过去时。常见 的情况有: here, there, now, then, thus 等副词置于句首, 谓语动词常用 be, come, go, lie, run。 There goes the bell. 表示运动方向的副词或地点状语、介词短语置于句首,谓语表示运动的动词。 Out rushed a missile from under the bomber. Between the two buildings stands a supermarket. 注意:上述全部倒装的句型结构的主语必须是名词,如果主语是人称代词则不能完全倒装。 Here he comes. Away they went. 本题属于介词短语置于句首的完全倒装,正常语序为 Great success comes with hardships. 8.(2018·江苏)By boat is the only way to get here, which is _______ we arrived. A. where B. when C. why D. how【答案】D 【解析】 考查名词性从句。句意:乘船是到达这里唯一的途径,这就是我们如何到达的。分析 which 引导的非限定 性定语从句可知,后面为表语从句,这里用连接副词 how 引导表语从句,充当方式状语,表示“如何”。故 选 D。 点睛:本题考查表语。首先需要弄清句意及分析句子结构,然后根据前句 By boat is the only way to get here 提示可知,作方式状语,就不难选出正确答案。 9.—Where is your new home now? —In the new developed zone. But I ______ downtown for five years. A. have lived B. had lived C. was living D. lived 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】考查时态辨析。句意:---你的新家在哪里?---新开发区。但是我在市区住了五年。分析句子可知, “我”目前住在新开发区了,但是在此之前,我在市区住了 5 年,这里表达的是过去的事情,所以用一般 过去时。故选 D 项。 【点睛】现在完成时和一般过去时的区别是时态题考查的重点内容。他们的区别是:现在完成时表示去过 发生的事情对现在的影响,或者过去发生的事情延续到现在;而一般过去时只表示过去发生的某件事情。 比如,本题中,我在市区住了 5 年,是描述的过去的事情,跟现在没有关系,所以用一般过去时。 10. Unfortunately, when I dropped in, Mr. Smith __________. So we only had time for a few words. A. has just left B. was just leaving C. had just left D. just left 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】考查时态。句意:不幸的是,当我顺道拜访时,史密斯先生正要离开。所以我们只有几句话的时 间。根据 when I dropped in,可知,当我顺道拜访时,史密斯先生正要离开了,B 项是过去进行时表示过去 将来意义。故选 B。 11.New energy-sharing projects _____ in dozens of cities across the country to fuel China’s sharing economy in the next few years. A. are to carry out B. are being carried out C. were carried out D. will have been carried out 【答案】B 【解析】【详解】考查时态及语态。句意:新的能源共享项目正在全国数十个城市开展,目的是给中国未来几年的 经济提供动力。根据语境可知,表示新的能源共享项目正在城市中开展实施,才能给中国的经济提供动力。 要用现在进行时。New energy-sharing projects 与动词 carry out 是被动关系,因此要用现在进行时的被动语态。 A. are to carry out 一般将来时的被动,表示将实施,B. are being carried out 一般现在时的被动,表示正在被实 施,C. were carried out 表示动作发生在过去,一般过去时的被动;D. will have been carried out 将来完成时的 被动。故选 B。 12.When enough years _____ to enable us to look back, we sometimes discussed the events leading to his accident. A. went by B. were to go by C. had gone by D. goes by 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】考查动词时态。句意:当足够长的时间过去后,我们可以回顾过去,我们有时讨论导致他发生事 故的事件。结合下文 we sometimes discussed 可知“足够长的时间过去”发生在“讨论”之前,而 discussed 为一 般过去时,故 go by 发生在“过去的过去”应用过去完成时。故选 C。 13.The violence in Hong Kong has threatened its stability. We would rather it ______ its former order soon. A. would restore B. will restore C. restored D. had restored 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】考查虚拟语气。句意:香港的暴力威胁着它的稳定性,我们宁愿它能尽快恢复原有的秩序。would rather“宁愿做什么”,后跟 that 从句中的谓语动词习惯上要用虚拟语气。分析句子可知,这里表示的是现在 的愿望,所以要用一般过去时。故选 C 项。 【点睛】would rather 后 that 从句中谓语动词用虚拟语气,具体用法如下: 一般过去时表示现在或将来的愿望。 I would rather you went tomorrow.(我宁愿你明天去)。 用过去时完成时表示过去的愿望。 I would rather you hadn’t said it.(我希望你没有这样说过)。 结合本题中,描述的是香港现在存在的暴力现象,所以她能尽快恢复。这是表现在的愿望,所以用一般过 去式。 14.Our neighbor is always doing what he can to help those in need. He is really ________. A. a Scrooge B. a good Samaritan C. a sacred cow D. a Judas 【答案】B 【解析】【详解】考查英语习语。句意:我们的邻居一直在尽其所能来帮助有困难的人。A 项 a Scrooge 意为“吝啬 鬼”;B 项 a good Samaritan 意为“善良的人,助人为乐的好人 ”;C 项意为“神圣不可侵犯的思想、机构、制 度等” 。例如:I really wonder why they still regard it as a sacred cow now.我真的很好奇他们为什么现在还把它 奉为神明。D.犹大,叛徒。邻居尽其所能来帮助有困难的人,因此他是助人为乐的好人 ,故选 B。 15.There are so many spelling mistakes in the composition, and I have to write the letter out again. It means I will ______. A. give the cold shoulder B. kill the fatted calf C. cost an arm and a leg D. start from scratch 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】考查英语俚语辨析。句意:这篇作文里有这么多拼写错误,我得再写一遍。这意味着我将从头做 起。A. give the cold shoulder 冷落某人;B. kill the fatted calf 热情款待;C. cost an arm and a leg 花费很大; D. start from scratch 从头做起。分析句子可知,最初写的作文太多语法错误,所以需要重新写一遍。故选 D 项。 第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在 答题卡上将该项涂黑。 The earliest memory I have of my father is one of me as a young boy holding his hand by his two last fingers as we walked together. As I grew older I remember us listening over a transistor radio to high school ballgames together. I would ____16____ how many points each player would score as the game went on. Too small to stay awake for the ____17____ game, I always fell asleep ____18____ the game ended. But the next morning I would find by my pillow the score ____19____ had been filled out with the ____20____ score on; it was completed by my father. In high school I became very interested in athletics. My father would____21____all my games. Good performances in my senior year ___22___ our football team to the state championship game. The night before my father ___23___ announced he had to ____24____ the bread to the stores and the site of the games was a three-hour drive from his ____25____. Back then I wasn’t fully noticing his ___26___. The next day as game time approached I couldn’t help thinking about Dad. Suddenly, I saw that blue and white bread truck___27___ into the stadium. Work fulfilled, he made the long drive in time to at least see ____28____of my championship game. Years later I had become a teacher and coach. Early one morning I was awakened by a ring at 5:30 A.M. As I ___29___to answer the phone I’ll never forget the sound of the sheriff’s voice—my dad had just been killed in an automobile accident on his way to work. It felt as if my heart had been ____30____. For long I tried to remain strong ___31___it and pretended I didn’t care until one day on the playground a little boy walked up to me and grabbed my hand by my last two fingers just as I used to do to my dad. I completely ____32____ it. It was the first time since the ____33____ that I just let go and cried. And I felt a sense of ____34____. Sometimes you just have to ____35____. It won’t need to hold back anymore.” 16. A. add up to B. keep track of C. catch up on D. get down to 17. A. exciting B. competitive C. whole D. boring 18. A. until B. before C. after D. when 19. A. sheet B. result C. court D. decision 20. A. fair B. considerable C. initial D. final 21. A. instruct B. accompany C. attend D. train 22. A. required B. entitled C. intended D. aimed 23. A. happily B. doubtfully C. proudly D. sadly 24. A. deliver B. make C. transfer D. order 25. A. studio B. mall C. route D. truck 26. A. annoyance B. disturbance C. ignorance D. regret 27. A. rushing B. pulling C. dropping D. crawling 28. A. part B. all C. most D. sort 29. A. managed B. attempted C. switched D. struggled 30. A. lifted up B. torn away C. skipped over D. brought up 31. A. against B. beyond C. through D. beneath 32. A. lost B. helped C. made D. got 33. A. game B. telephone C. departure D. funeral 34. A. weight B. relief C. joy D. conscience 35. A. cry B. check C. accept D. forget 【答案】16. B 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. D 21. C 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. C 26. D 27. B 28. A 29. D 30. B 31. C 32. A 33. D 34. B 35. A 【解析】 本文是对父亲的追忆。我犹记几年前突如其来的一场车祸让我失去了父亲,当时,我努力地让自己坚强地 熬了过去。有一天,收音机里播放的一首歌让我想起了我的父亲,我彻底失控了。这是葬礼后我第一次释放自己的情绪,哭出了声。不用忍着的感觉真好。 【16 题详解】 B 考查动词词组。A. add up to 总计; B. keep track of 记录, 与---保持联系; C. catch up on 赶上; D. get down to 着手处理。在比赛进行时,我会在纸上记下每位选手各自的得分情况。故选 B。 【17 题详解】 C 考查形容词。A. exciting 令人兴奋的; B. competitive 有竞争力的; C. whole 完整的,全部的; D. boring 令人厌烦的。那时年纪太小了,我每次都不能醒着听完整场比赛,总是会在球赛结束前就睡着了。故选 C。 【18 题详解】 B 考查状语从句。A. until 直到---为止; B. before 在---之前; C. after 在---之后; D. when 当---时候。 那时年纪太小了,我每次都不能醒着听完整场比赛,总是会在球赛结束前就睡着了。故选 B。 【19 题详解】 A 考查名词。A. sheet 纸张,床单; B. result 结果; C. court 球场; D. decision 决定。第二天醒来时, 我都会看到放在我旁边的记分表。这个记分表是我父亲填好的。故选 A。 【20 题详解】 D 考查形容词。A. fair 公平的; B. considerable 值得考虑的; C. initial 头文字 D; D. final 最后的。第 二天醒来时,我都会看到放在我旁边的记分表。这个记分表是我父亲填好的。根据句意可知答案为 D。 【21 题详解】 C 考查动词。A. instruct 指导; B. accompany 陪伴; C. attend 出席; D. train 训练。我父亲观看我所有 的比赛。故选 C。 【22 题详解】 B 考查动词。A. required 需要; B. entitled 授以---荣誉; C. intended 打算; D. aimed 目标。在我高三 那年,我们那支足球队打进了州锦标赛。根据句意可知选 B。 【23 题详解】 D考查副词。A. happily 高兴地; B. doubtfully 怀疑地; C. proudly 骄傲地; D. sadly 悲伤地。比赛前 一晚,我父亲很难过地告诉我他不能够观看我的比赛了,因为他必须把面包送到各家商店,而那条路离我 比赛的地方有三小时的车程。故选 D。 【24 题详解】 A 考查动词。A. deliver 递送; B. make 制造; C. transfer 转移; D. order 命令。比赛前一晚,我父亲 很难过地告诉我他不能够观看我的比赛了,因为他必须把面包送到各家商店,而那条路离我比赛的地方有 三小时的车程。故选 A。 【25 题详解】 C 考查名词。A. studio 工作室; B. mall 购物商场; C. route 路线; D. truck 卡车。比赛前一晚,我父 亲很难过地告诉我他不能够观看我的比赛了,因为他必须把面包送到各家商店,而那条路离我比赛的地方 有三小时的车程。故选 C。 【26 题详解】 D 考查名词。A. annoyance 烦恼; B. disturbance 干扰; C. ignorance 无知; D. regret 遗憾。那时我听 到了他的话,却没有留意到他话中的遗憾。故选 D。 【27 题详解】 B 考查动词。A. rushing 匆忙; B. pulling 拉; C. dropping 落下; D. crawling 爬。突然,我看到他那辆 蓝白相间的面包货车驶入了露天体育场。故选 B。 【28 题详解】 A 考查名词。A. part 部分; B. all 全部; C. most 多数; D. sort 种类。他已经送完面包,并开了很长一 段路,为的是至少能赶上看到部分的比赛。故选 A。 【29 题详解】 D 考查动词。A. managed 管理; B. attempted 企图; C. switched 切换; D. struggled 挣扎。我挣扎着起 来去接电话,我永远不会忘记电话那头治安官的声音,他告诉我说,我父亲在上班途中发生了车祸,去世 了。故选 D。 【30 题详解】B 考查动词词组。A. lifted up 举起; B. torn away 强行拉走; C. skipped over 略过; D. brought up 提 出,教育。那感觉像是我的心被挖去了。故选 B。 【31 题详解】 C 考查介词。A. against 反对; B. beyond 在---之上; C. through 通过; D. beneath 在---之下。在很长 的一段时间里,我都装作无所谓并继续着自己的生活。根据句意可知选 C。 【32 题详解】 A 考查动词。A. lost 失去; B. helped 帮助; C. made 制造; D. got 得到。有一天,在学校操场上,一 个小男孩向我走过来,拉着我最后的两根手指头,就好像我以前拉着我父亲那样。我完全失控了。故选 A。 【33 题详解】 D 考查名词。A. game 比赛; B. telephone 电话; C. departure 离开; D. funeral 葬礼。这是父亲葬礼以 来我第一次放声大哭。故选 D。 【34 题详解】 B 考查名词。A. weight 重量; B. relief 安慰; C. joy 高兴; D. conscience 良心。我感觉到了一丝宽慰。 故选 B。 【35 题详解】 A 考查动词。A. cry 哭; B. check 核对; C. accept 接受; D. forget 忘记。没关系的,有时候你只需要 哭出来。你不必继续强忍。故选 A。 第三部分 阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在 答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Brecon Beacons YAC has an amazing opportunity for budding(崭露头角的) archaeologists of all ages, in Sunderland in Tyne and Wear. Thanks to funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund, professional archaeologists from Wardell Armstrong will be investigating an archaeological mystery and they need your help. Romans?“The site is a bit of a mystery”, Frank Giecco from Wardell Armstrong said. “There is a very nice cropmark recorded on the site that has got lots of people very excited. Geophysicists failed to find anything relating to the cropmark. There is anecdotal evidence of Roman material being found, but nothing is officially recorded. We hope to finally answer the question of what is in this field, during the two weeks on site. Is there evidence of any Roman occupation on the site? Can you help us find out?” Get involved This is an opportunity for both adults and children to take part in field walking and trial trenching (small hand-dug test pits for children). No experience is necessary, training will be provided by the professional archaeologists from Wardell Armstrong, and all equipment will be provided. Volunteers can attend for as few or as many days as they wish, but they do need to book a place. For more information, and to book your place, please contact Norman Kirtlan at sunderlandforgottenstones@gmail.com. 36. If you intend to take part in the activity, you ________. A. will be charged for using equipment B. will be coached by experts in the field C. should have worked with archaeologists before D. should spare two weeks to stay at the site 37. What’s the main purpose of the passage? A. To seek funding for archaeological research. B. To appeal for help in proving findings based on anecdotal evidence. C. To find volunteers to help solve an archaeological mystery. D. To organize volunteers to help sort our data on the Roman occupation. 【答案】36. B 37. C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。短文向读者介绍了一个考古谜团,并征召志愿者参与考古,以解开该谜团。 【36 题详解】 细节理解题。由 Get involved 中的“training will be provided by the professional archaeologists from Wardell Armstrong”可知,由Wardell Armstrong 的专业考古学家提供培训,所以如果你打算参加这项活动,你将接 受该领域专家的指导。故 B 选项正确。 【37 题详解】 推 理 判 断 题 。 由 第 一 段 “professional archaeologists from Wardell Armstrong will be investigating an archaeological mystery and they need your help.”可知,来自Wardell Armstrong 的专业考古学家们将调查一个 考古谜团,他们需要你的帮助,以及 Get involved 中对于对参与考古条件的介绍,可判断出这篇文章的主要 目的是寻找志愿者来帮助解开一个考古谜团。故 C 选项正确。 B Listening to a radio broadcast in a foreign language is difficult for many of us. We may have studied the language for several years, and are able to read it, perhaps even write in it. But listening and understanding the spoken language require special skills. Some people have a natural ability that helps them to learn a language quickly, while others must study for a long time. Everyone, however, can improve his or her listening skills with practice. We are good listeners in our own language because we have had years of practice. We understand the grammar and the language. We know what to expect a person to say to us in almost any situation. We have been in similar situations many times, and we have heard it all before. We can understand it, even if we do not listen carefully. But this is not true with a foreign language. We must listen with our full attention. And we must try not to let the cultural style of our language affect our understanding of the foreign language. Listening to a foreign language broadcast is easier if we know something about it. There are clues that can help us. One clue is the time of a day. Morning programs usually contain many short items of news, information or entertainment. The items are short because most of us are getting ready to go to work in the morning. Often we do not have time to listen to long programs. Evening programs are different. There is time for more details about the subjects discussed. We can get a clue about the program from the music at the beginning, but we must be familiar with the music of the foreign culture. The kind of music-serious and slow, or fast and light-can tell us what kind of program to expect. The name of the program can give us good information about what it will contain. Another good clue is the broadcaster. The more we listen to the same person, the easier it will be to understand him. His speaking style will become familiar to us. Further, the broadcaster provides clues to the organization of the broadcast at the beginning of the program. The broadcaster usually gives us the highlights of the program to prepare us for the details that will follow. 38. We are good listeners in our own language because ______. A. we have a natural ability of learning language B. our own language is much easier C. we listen to our own language more carefully D. we have practiced it for years 39. If you don’t have enough time, you can listen to ______. A. evening programs B. programs with soft musicC. morning programs D. familiar programs 40. You can know the information of the program according to ______. A. its name B. the broadcaster C. its music D. the time of the program 【答案】38. D 39. C 40. A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了听外语广播对于我们大多数人来说都是困难的。然而,作者认为,只要 很好地运用文章里方法和技巧,并且通过大量的练习,我们是可以提高我们的听力水平。 【38 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第二段中 We are good listeners in our own language because we have had years of practice.(我 们是母语的好听众是因为我们练习了很多年。)可知,我们能完全听懂母语,源于我们一直在听,一直在练 习。D. we have practiced it for years (我们练习了很多年)。符合题意。故选 D 项。 【39 题详解】 细 节 理 解 题 。 根 据 第 三 段 中 Morning programs usually contain many short items of news, information or entertainment. The items are short because most of us are getting ready to go to work in the morning. (早间节目通常 包含许多简短的新闻、信息或娱乐节目。这些项目很短,因为我们大多数人都准备在早上去上班。)可知, 如果时间不够,我们可以听早间节目,因为它们一般很短。C. morning programs (早间节目)。符合题意。故 选 C 项。 【40 题详解】 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中 The name of the program can give us good information about what it will contain.(节目的名字可以告诉我们这个节目包含什么内容)。可知,我们想要了解节目内容,先看看节目的名 字就大概知道了。A. its name (它的名字)。符合题意。故选 A 项。 C California has been facing droughts for many years with certain areas even having to pump freshwater hundreds of miles to their distribution system. The problem is growing as the population of the state continues to expand. New research has found deep water reserves under the state which could help solve their drought crisis. Previous drilling of wells could only reach depths of 1,000 feet, but due to new pumping practices, water deeper than this can now be extracted (抽取). The team at Stanford investigated the aquifers (地下蓄水层) below this depth and found that reserves may be three times what was previously thought. It is profitable to drill to depths more than 1,000 feet for oil and gas, but only recently in California has it become ,profitable to pump water from this depth. The aquifers range from 1,000 to 3,000 feet below the ground, which means that pumping will be expensive and there are other concerns. The biggest concern is the gradual setting down of the land surface. As the water is pumped out, the vacant space left is pressed by the weight of the earth above. Even though pumping from these depths is expensive, it is still cheaper than desalinating (脱盐) the ocean water in the largely coastal state. Some desalination plants exist where possible, but they are costly to run and can need constant repairs. Wells are much more reliable sources of freshwater, and California is hoping that these deep wells may be the answer to their severe water shortage. One problem with these sources is that the deep water also has a higher level of salt than shallower aquifers. This means that some water may even need to be desalinated after extraction, thus increasing the cost. Research from the study of groundwater has just been published. New estimates of the water reserves now go up to 2,700 billion cubic meters of freshwater. 41. According to the text, what causes the water crisis in California? A. Previous drilling of wells. B. The messy distribution system. C. Constant droughts in the area. D. The adoption of new pumping practices. 42. The research teams think it ________ to extract water from deeper aquifers. A. expensive but practical B. reliable and profitable C. cost-free but demanding D. cheap and environment-friendly 43. What is mentioned as a consequence of extracting water from deep underground? A. The damage to aquifers. B. The sinking of land surface. C. The decrease in operation costs. D. The negative effects on the climate. 44. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text? A. To encourage people to save water. B. To promote the seawater desalination. C. To introduce a new way of extracting freshwater. D. To draw people’s attention to the droughts in California. 【答案】41. C 42. A 43. B 44. C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲了新 研究发现,加州的深层水储备可能有助于解决它们的干旱危机,作者 介绍了一种提取淡水的新方法。 【41 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第一段 California has been facing droughts for many years, with certain areas even having to 的pump freshwater hundreds of miles to their distribution system.(加州多年来一直面临干旱,某些地区甚至不得 不向数百英里外的分配系统输送淡水)可知,该地区持续的干旱导致了加州的水危机。故选 C。 【42 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第三段 Even though pumping from these depths is expensive, it is still cheaper than desalinating (脱盐) the ocean water in the largely coastal state. Some desalination plants exist where possible, but they are costly to run and can need constant repairs. Wells are much more reliable sources of freshwater, and California is hoping that these deep wells may be the answer to their severe water shortage.(尽管从这样的深度抽水很昂贵,但它仍然 比在这个以沿海为主的州淡化海水便宜。一些海水淡化厂在可能的地方存在,但它们的运营成本很高,需 要经常维修。水井是更可靠的淡水来源,加州希望这些深井能解决严重的水资源短缺问题)推断出,研究 小组认为从深层含水层中提取水是昂贵但实用的。故选 A。 【43 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第二段 The biggest concern is the gradual setting down of the land surface.(最大的问题是地面 的逐渐下沉)可知,从地下深处取水的结果是地表下沉。故选 B。 【44 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第一段 Previous drilling of wells could only reach depths of 1,000 feet, but due to new pumping practices, water deeper than this can now be extracted (抽取). The team at Stanford investigated the aquifers (地下蓄 水层) below this depth and found that reserves may be three times what was previously thought.(以前的钻井只能 达到 1000 英尺的深度,但由于新的抽水方法,现在可以提取比这更深的水。斯坦福大学的研究小组调查了 低于这个深度的含水层,发现储量可能是之前设想的三倍)可推知,作者写这篇文章的目的是介绍一种提 取淡水的新方法。故选 C。 D To learn to think is to learn to question. Those who don't question never truly think for themselves. These are simple rules that have governed the advancement of science and human thought since the beginning of time. Advancements are made when thinkers question theories and introduce new ones. Unfortunately, it is often the great and respected thinkers who end up slowing the progress of human thought. Aristotle was a brilliant philosopher whose theories explained much of the natural world, often incorrectly. He was so esteemed by the scientific community that even 1,200 years after his death, scientists were still trying to build upon his mistakes rather than correct them! Brilliant minds can intimidate up­and­coming thinkers who are not confident of their abilities. They often believe they are inferior to the minds of giants such as Aristotle, leading many to accept current paradigms instead of questioning them.I, like many thinkers of the past, once believed in my mental inferiority. I was certain that my parents, my teachers-adults in general-were always right. They were like a textbook to me; I didn't question what was written on those pages. I respected them, and accepted whatever they told me. But that attitude soon changed. My mind's independence was first stimulated in the classroom. A stern, 65­year­old elementary­school science teacher once told me that light is a type of wave. I confidently went through years of school believing that light is a wave. One day,however I heard the German exchange student mention that light could be made up of particles. As the others laughed at his statement, I started to question my beliefs. Maybe the teachers and textbooks hadn't given me the whole story. I went to the library, did some research and learned of the light­as­a­wave versus light­as­a­particle debate. I read about Einstein's discovery of the dual nature of light and learned the facts of a paradox(悖论) that puzzles the world's greatest thinkers to this day. Light behaves as both a particle and a wave, it is both at once. I realized I had gone through life accepting only half of the story as the whole truth. Each new year brought more new facts, and I formulated even more questions. I found myself in the library after school, trying to find my own answers to gain a more complete understanding of what I thought I already knew. I discovered that my parents and teachers are incredible tools in my quest for knowledge, but they are never the final word. Even textbooks can be challenged. I learned to question my sources, I learned to be a thinker. I once believed that everything I learned at home and at school was certain, but I have now discovered to re­examine when necessary. Questions are said to be the path to knowledge and truth, and I plan to continue questioning. How many things do we know for sure today that we will question in the future? At this moment, I know that our sun will burn for another five billion years, and I know nothing can escape the gravity of a black hole. This knowledge, however, may change in the next 20 years-maybe even in the next two. The one thing we can control now is our openness to discovery. Questions are the tools of open minds, and open minds are the key to intellectual advancement. 45. In the first paragraph, Aristotle is taken as an example to show that ______. A. he is the greatest and respected philosopher of all time B. huge influence of great thinkers may block human thought C. advancements are made when thinkers question theories D. great thinkers often make mistakes and then correct them 46. What does the underlined word “intimidate” in Paragraph 2 mean? A. Frighten. B. Encourage. C. Strength. D. Persuade. 47. The author began to question his previous beliefs because ______.A. what he learned from textbooks before turned out to be wrong B. he was inspired by the different ideas from an exchange student C. he was laughed at by other students for his unacceptable statement D. he was not satisfied with his life and desperate to achieve success 48. According to the passage, the author ______. A. looks down upon great thinkers all the time B. never doubts what he has learned in the textbook C. always throws himself into the laboratory D. determines to be a thinker and questioner 49. We can conclude from the last paragraph that ______. A. the author is not quite sure about his future B we human beings don't dare to predict future C. theory of black holes will change in two years D. questioning is necessary to promote advancement 50. What does the passage mainly talk about? A. Following rules. B. Challenging yourself. C. Questioning giants. D. Predicting future. 【答案】45. B 46. A 47. B 48. D 49. D 50. C 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。文章主要是在讲质疑权威的重要性,只有人们不断的质疑以前的理论并且提出新的理论 时,我们的社会才可以取得进步。质疑是通往知识和真理的道路,质疑可以让我们的思维更加开放,这种 开放性的思维是思想进步的关键因素。 【45 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第一段中 Unfortunately, it is often the great and respected thinkers who end up slowing the progress of human thought.(不幸的是,往往是伟大而受人尊敬的思想家们最终减缓了人类思想的进步),可知, 一些伟大的思想家减缓了人类进步的步伐。文中以亚里士多德为例,就是为了显示这个观点。B. huge influence of great thinkers may block human thought (伟大思想家的巨大影响可能会阻碍人类的思想)。符合题意。 故选 B 项。 【46 题详解】 词义猜测题。文章第二段 They often believe they are inferior to the minds of giants such as Aristotle, leading .many to accept current paradigms instead of questioning them. (他们常常认为自己不如亚里士多德这样的巨人, 这导致许多人接受了当前的范式,而不是质疑他们。)可知,这里的 They 指代就是文中的 thinkers who are not confident of their abilities(怀疑自己能力的后起者),他们觉得自己不如亚里士多德这样的巨人,面对他们提出 的观点,因为害怕所以不敢质疑。故选 A 项。 【47 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第四段中 One day,however I heard the German exchange student mention that light could be made up of particles. As the others laughed at his statement, I started to question my beliefs. (然而有一天,我听到 那个德国交换生提到光可以由粒子组成。当其他人嘲笑他的陈述时,我开始质疑我的信念。)可知,以前我 一直以为光是一种波,但是当这个学生提出这样的说法时,我开始怀疑以前的观点。B. he was inspired by the different ideas from an exchange student (他的灵感来自于一个交换生的不同想法)。符合题意。故选 B 项。 【48 题详解】 细节理解题。根据最后一段中 Questions are said to be the path to knowledge and truth, and I plan to continue questioning.( 据说质疑是通向知识和真理的道路,我打算继续提问。)可知,作者打算一直做一名质疑者。 D. determines to be a thinker and questioner (决定做一名思考者和质疑者)。符合题意。故选 D 项。 【49 题详解】 主旨大意题。根据最后一段中 Questions are said to be the path to knowledge and truth, and I plan to continue questioning.( 据说质疑是通向知识和真理的道路,我打算继续提问。) Questions are the tools of open minds, and open minds are the key to intellectual advancement.(质疑是开放思想的工具,而开放思想是智力进步的关键。) 从这些句子中可知,质疑是通往知识和真理的道路的工具。D. questioning is necessary to promote advancement (质疑是促进进步的必要条件)。符合题意。故选 D 项。 【50 题详解】 主旨大意题。文章首段提出 To learn to think is to learn to question. (学会思考就是学会质疑)。文章最后一段又 提出 Questions are the tools of open minds, and open minds are the key to intellectual advancement.(质疑是开放思 想的工具,而开放思想是智力进步的关键。)可知,整篇文章的主题就是要质疑。C. Questioning giants. (质疑 巨人) 符合题意。故选 C 项。 第四部分 任务型阅读(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:请将答案写 在答题纸上相应的题号的横线上。每个空格只填一个单词。 When is it time to start thinking about a new job?Is it acceptable to switch jobs to work with a close friend? Can you leave an employer after the two-week training period is up?Should you stick with the same employer for over a year, even though you aren’t learning anything new?As with so many things in life, these are questions only you can answer. However, there are several considerations to take before you terminate your employment. The hiring process is costly and time-intensive, and your employer has decided that you are worth the effort. This is a big responsibility and privilege. While it doesn’t mean that you have to remain at a job for the rest of your life, you should be fair enough to give the employer at least a few months of your time. Get through the training, settle into a routine, and then decide. If you still don’t like it or something better comes up, you’ll at least know you tried. Perhaps your best friend just started at the counter of the local gym, and it sounds like fun. Maybe you found an opening for a job you’ve been wanting for years. It could just be that you’re bored and looking for something new. No matter what it is, however, make sure you take the time to weigh the pros and cons. Working with a friend might be fun for a while—until you both want the same Saturday off to go to the lake. The job of your dreams might pay less or offer fewer hours. If you’re bored, there’s a chance that another job might provide a temporary solution but not give you whatever it is you are seeking. You’re young, and the possibilities for your future are endless. While the teen job you have now isn’t necessarily going to map out your entire life, there’s nothing wrong with making decisions that will provide you with more opportunities later on in life. If you want to be a doctor, working at the hospital gift shop might be a better choice than flipping burgers. If you want to be a chef, the reverse is true. If your current job isn’t necessarily aligned with your future, you might want to consider switching jobs. No matter what you decide, remember that the longer you are at a job, the better it looks on your resume. An employer who sees that you switch jobs every few months might not prefer you over a candidate who was with his or her former employer for a year. For working teens, dedication and commitment always look good.51. _________ 52. _________ 53. _________ 54. _________ 55. _________ 56. _________ 57. _________ 58. _________ 59. _________ 60. _________ 【答案】51. hiring/employing/training 52. final 53. Weigh/Consider 54. bores/upsets/ discourages/disappoints/fails 55. dream/ideal 56. long/permanent/lasting 57. future 58. consideration/account 59. prefer/favor 60. dedicated/devoted 【解析】 【分析】 本文是说明文, 作者关于青少年换工作提出了一些建议。 【51 题详解】 考查同义转换的能力。 根据第三段中“The hiring process is costly and time-intensive”可知,在招聘过程中雇 主花了时间和金钱。“in the process of hiring”是句中“the hiring process”同义的转换,意思为“招聘的过 程”。故填hiring/employing/training。 【52 题详解】 考查提取信息的能力。第三段中提到“you should be fair enough to give the employer at least a few months of your time. Get through the training, settle into a routine, and then decide. If you still don’t like it or something better comes up, you’ll at least know you tried”,作者建议在你作最后决定前,最好这份工作做一段时间,经过培训, 习惯了常规之后再决定。这样至少你尝试过。 故填 final。 【53 题详解】 考查同义转换的能力。第四段中提到“No matter what it is, however, make sure you take the time to weigh the pros and cons”,作者建议不管是什么,一定要权衡利弊。“weigh the pros and cons”和“weigh the advantages and disadvantages”语义相同。故填 Weigh/Consider。 【54 题详解】 考查同义转换的能力。根据第四段中“It could just be that you’re bored and looking for something new”可知, 你想换工作可能只是你感到这份工作很无聊,想寻找新的东西。“your current job ____”是对句中“you’re bored”进行语义转换,所填词应该是动词 bore。 故填 bores/upsets/ discourages/disappoints/fails。 【55 题详解】 考查提取信息的能力。根据第四段中“The job of your dreams might pay less or offer fewer hours”可知,你梦 想的工作可能报酬低、提供的空闲时间少。因此作者认为你理想的工作可能并不是让你满意的工作。故填 dream/ideal。 【56 题详解】 考查同义转换能力。根据第四段中“there’s a chance that another job might provide a temporary solution but not give you whatever it is you are seeking”可知,如果你感到现在的工作无聊,另一份工作可能会让你临时解决问题,但不会给你任何你要的东西。“temporary”意思为“临时的,不长久的”,意即not long , not permanent , not lasting。故填 long/permanent/lasting。 【57 题详解】 考查归纳概括能力。第五段谈论的是换工作要考虑到对未来的影响。文中提到“While the teen job you have now isn’t necessarily going to map out your entire life, there’s nothing wrong with making decisions that will provide you with more opportunities later on in life”,虽然你现在工作并不一定能规划出你的整个生活,但你做出的决 定应该会给你以后的生活提供更多的机会的。作者认为,换工作要考虑到将来,要着眼未来。故填 future。 【58 题详解】 考查同义转换能力。 根据第五段中“If your current job isn’t necessarily aligned with your future, you might want to consider switching jobs”可知,作者认为如果你目前的工作与你的未来不一定相符,你可能要考虑换工作 了。consider 和 take … into consideration / account 同义,意思为“考虑”。故填consideration/account。 【59 题详解】 考查语义转换能力。根据第六段中“An employer who sees that you switch jobs every few months might not prefer you over a candidate who was with his or her former employer for a year”可知,雇主会更喜欢或偏爱一个 与前雇主在一起工作时间长的候选人。句中“prefer … over”与“prefer… to”语义相同。故填 prefer/favor。 【60 题详解】 考查同义转换能力。第六段中提到“For working teens, dedication and commitment always look good”,作者认 为青少年在工作中,应该要奉献和投入。committed 是 commitment 的形容词形式,意思为“奉献的, 投入 的”,此处填dedication 的形容词形式 dedicated,或者 devoted,与 committed 同义。故填 dedicated/devoted。 【点睛】任务型阅读的解题方法之一根据问题查找定位信息,加工分析并转换成另一种表达方式。常见的 转换方式有(1)词性转换;(2)句子结构转换;(3)同义词和反义词转换;(4)前缀和后缀转换;(5)另选其 它词来释义。 如第 6 小题中,temporary 意思为 not long , not permanent , not lasting,此处是将 temporary 进行反义词转换; 如第 8 小题中,consider 和 take … into consideration / account 是同义词转换; 如第 10 小题中,committed 是 commitment 的词性转换,因此可以判断,将 dedication 进行词性转换,用形 容词形式 dedicated,或同义词 devoted。 第五部分 书面表达(满分 25 分) 61.阅读下面材料,然后按要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文。 A set of textbooks designed to help high school students learn about traditional Chinese culture is to be published soon Beijing Times reported on Monday. The books are the first national-level works of their kind and have been developed by a working group that promotes traditional culture. They will be used by students from autumn this year the report said. The set contains four classics from ancient times. Two of the works Confucian Analects and Mencius are for 10 th -grade students while the other two Great Learning and Dao De Jing will be used by 11 th graders. The initiative follows a series of steps the authorities have taken in recent years to spread and promote traditional Chinese culture on campus. Last April the Ministry of Education released a series of guidelines requiring the inclusion of more information about traditional culture in primary and middle school textbooks especially those used for subjects such as Chinese language history art and physical education. The guidelines said students’ knowledge of traditional culture will be tested in the senior high school entrance examination and the gaokao --- the college entrance exam. 【写作内容】 1. 用约 30 个单词写出上文概要; 2. 用约 120 个单词就”高中生学国学”这一主题发表你的观点,内容包括: ⑴ 国学入高中的缘由; ⑵ 你对这一举动的看法。 【写作要求】 1. 阐述观点或提供论据时,不能直接引用原文语句; 2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称; 3. 不必写标题。 【评分标准】内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 【答案】From this autumn new schoolbooks highlighting the traditional Chinese culture will be used by senior students whose knowledge of the country’s ancient traditions will also be tested in the gaokao. There’re several factors accounting for the move. The set of books are the significant component of traditional Chinese culture and provide teenagers with internal codes of conduct and thus they will play a positive role in their process of growth. Besides the basic education system hasn’t attached enough importance to the learning of traditional culture for quite a long time and the textbooks are a beneficial effort to reverse that situation. In addition, learning traditional culture is not solely about reciting texts-it’s about utilizing ancient wisdom to solve current problems.Personally speaking, I strongly support and welcome the move in that it is an initiative to bring Chinese traditional culture back. However, considering individual differences between students I am not in complete agreement with the practice that they will be tested in the gaokao. 【解析】 【分析】 本文为议论文。首先用约 30 个单词写出所给文章的概要,再用约 120 个单词就”高中生学国学”这一主题 发表你的观点,内容包括:⑴ 国学入高中的缘由;⑵ 你对这一举动的看法。 【详解】这是江苏高考英语常用的英语写作形式,综合考查考生阅读材料,识图和写作能力,有难度。可 分三段来写。第一段按题目要求用约 30 个词简要概括写作材料的要点;第二段就“高中生学国学”这一主 题发表你的观点,并说出国学入高中的缘由;最后一部分谈谈你对这一举动的看法。 【点睛】本文严格按照“三步走”的格局,第一段用短短 25 字(不含标点) 概括了所给材料,得益于运用了 一个由 whose 引导的定语从句...senior students whose knowledge of the country’s ancient traditions will also be tested in the gaokao 以及非谓语中的 ing 式作定语...schoolbooks highlighting the traditional Chinese culture ,以有 由 whose 引导的定语从句这一经典。用一句话完美地概括了所给的材料;第二和第三段“高中生学国学” 的原因及对这一主题发表你的观点。使用了“account for,provide...with..., play a positive role in..., attached enough importance to..., personally speaking, bring ... back, be in complete agreement with, ”等高级词汇,同时 “Besides, ... in addition,...”衔接词的恰当使用使该段条理清晰。第二和三段句型多样,如第二段中运用了并 列 句 The set of books are the significant component of traditional Chinese culture and provide teenagers with internal codes of conduct and thus they will play a positive role in their process of growth。还有非谓语,如非谓语 中的-ing 形式做定语 There’re several factors accounting for the move. 非谓语中的-ing 形式做主语 learning traditional culture is not solely about reciting texts-it’s about utilizing ancient wisdom to solve current problems 等说 明国学入高中的原因。最后一段运用了两个复合句:由 in that 引导的状语从句 I strongly support and welcome the move in that it is an initiative to bring Chinese traditional culture back 和 名 词 从 句 I am not in complete agreement with the practice that they will be tested in the gaokao 完美地表达了自己的看法,这些都为文章增色不 少。

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