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英语教案-初二英语口语测试复习提纲Part One     Ask and answer 1. What’s your name?        My name is ~ 2. Which class are you  in?       I am in Class ~ 3. Which grade are you  in?      I am in grade ~ 4. What’s the weather like today?     It’s fine/ cloudy/ rainy/ windy ~ 5. How many people are there in your family?      There are there/ five~ 6. What’s your favourite food/sports/subject~?      My favorite food/ sports is ~ 7. Do you like giant pandas?       Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 8. Are you  good at English?        Yes, I am. / No, I am not. 9. Where were you born?         I was born in Kunshan. 10.How often do you go home?      Once a week. 11.When do you usually have lunch?        At  eleven. 12.What’s your mother?        She is a teacher/ worker/ driver~ 13.What are your parents like?       They are kind and friendly. 14.What will you do if you want to protect giant pandas? 15.How many seasons are there in a year?     There are four. 16.Where do you live?      I live in Kunshan. 17.How do you usually go to school?         By bike/ bus/ car.    /    On foot. 18.What will you feel if an earthquake happens?       I will feel frightened. 19.How is your father today?      He is fine, thank you. 20.How much time do you spend studying everyday?       About four hours. 21.What do you do after class?       I often play football with my classmates. 22.What will you want to be when you grow up?   I want to be a teacher. 23.Who is the best student in your class?      24.Which do you like better, apples or bananas?     I like apples better. 25.What’s the Chinese meaning of “ Summer Palace”?    26.Why should we protect wildlife? 27.Do you feel cold today?         Yes, I do. 28.What’s subject do you study at school?   I study English, math and Chinese. 29.Do you read English everyday?       Yes, I do. 30.What does a parrot have?        It has colorful feathers.   Part Two        Reading Please read the six reading passages as fluently as you can.   Part Three     Topic Speaking 1)  朋友 1.我有个好朋友叫Daniel。 2.他个子很高,大大的眼睛带着眼镜。 3.他喜欢音乐,读书。他乐于助人,随时给别人帮助。 4.我们经常一起做作业, 互相帮助。 5.我们是好长时间的好朋友了。 2)  学校生活 1.我们学校有二十个班级,数千名学生。 2.早上六点起床,然后开始读英语。晚上十点睡觉。 3.学校有很大的餐厅,漂亮的公园和图书馆。 4.我们 学校有很多课外活动,比如篮球,足球,乒乓球。 5.每周我们学校都去户外活动。 3)  出游的一天 1.早上我们八点在学校门口结合,然后乘校车到人民公园。 2.我们在那儿爬山,有人摔倒了,大家都帮助他。 3.最精彩的是公园的歌舞表演,我们都想加入。 4.我们拍了很多照片。 5.这是多么快乐的一天啊! 4)  野生动物 1.我最喜欢大熊猫。 2.熊猫最喜欢的食物是竹子和竹笋。 3.中国采取了很多的措施来保护大熊猫。 4.我加入了野生动物兴趣小组。 5.我要写信给杂志社让更多的人知道保护动物的重要性。 5)  观鸟 1.我是观鸟惧乐部的一员。 2.我们每周都去公园看鸟。 3.我最喜欢鹦鹉,因为它有五颜六色的羽毛。 4.扎龙是世界最大的鸟类保护区之一,那儿有很多稀有的鸟类。 5.我们要让更多的人知道保护鸟类的重要性。 6)  自然灾害 1.地震开始的时候我在一个商店。 2.一开始,我感到轻微的震动,然后一声巨响,人们到处逃窜。 3.我终于跑到了街上,到处都是人。 4.我很害怕。 5.终于地震结束了,幸运的是没有人受伤。    

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