Unit 18 Seeing the doctor

Unit 18 Seeing the doctor





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Unit 18 Seeing the doctor 教学建议 教学内容分析  本单元围绕“生病”和“就医”这一主线展开教学。整个单元安排了两个对话和两篇小短文。使学生在学习第67课的基础上继续学习有关“生病”和“看病”的日常用语。同时也启发人们思考和探讨饮食、休息、锻炼及适当参加一些体力劳动与健康之间的关系。本单元的语法项目是have to和must之间在用法上的一些区别及系动词的用法。  第69课第一部分是Jill和Mum的一段小对话,从而引出第二部分Jill和医生的一段对话,从中介绍了许多有关的交际用语。第三部分是一个说与写的训练。旨在巩固以上所学内容,同时引出本单元的语法重点have to的用法。  第70课介绍了一篇做梦与心理健康的文章。它符合学生的心理和年龄特征,容易引起他们阅读的兴趣。读后可让学生做文前的两个讨论题,加深他们对课文内容的理解,同时提高他们口头运用英语语言的能力。  第71课第一部分的对话旨在复习 have to的基础上引出它的否定形式和与must在用法上的区别。第二部分是介绍有关系动词taste,look,seem,feel,be的用法。  第72课的第二部分是组句训练,主要是用于巩固第对课第二部分中所学的几个系动词。第三部分安排了一段颇有幽默感的病人和医生的对话,提醒大家注意饮食与健康的关系。第四部分的写作训练主要让学生运用已学过的有关看病就医的日常用语。重难点及疑点分析  (-)重点、难点  A.单词及短语  trouble, cough, terrible, wake, asleep, plant, difficult, rich, angry, look over, fat, thin  asleep是形容词,意思是“睡着的”。表示“睡得很熟”用fast asleep或sound asleep,不用very asleep。asleep通常作表语,不作前置定语。  B.句子  1.Take this medicine three times a day.  2. Have a good rest and drink more water.  3. Last night, as soon as I fell asleep I dreamt that I went to the garden.  as soon as译为“-……就……”,常用来引导、个时间状语从句,其将来时用一般现在时来表示,主句用将来时。例如:  I will write to you as soon as I arrive in Beijing.  4. There s nothing much wrong with you.  5. I mean you eat too much food, and you don’t take enough exercise, too much后面跟不可数名词。too many后面跟可数名词的复数形式。much too后面跟形容词或副词,如too much time, too many books, much too clear, much too fast等。exercise在这里是“锻炼”的意思,是不可数名词,但具体指某一种“锻炼”用复数形式。如morning exercises,eye exercises。  6. No problem, doctor.  7. Do you remember your worst dream?  C.语法  1.情态动词have to的用法。  2.系动词的用法。  (二)疑点  A.单词及短语  smell, instead, stop. . . from doing…  1. smell是知觉性动词,相当于系动词,后面用形容词作表语。如:  This food smells good.  2. instead作副词,是“代替”、“顶替”的意思。如:  Mr. Wang is ill, I will take his class instead.  instead of为介词短语,它后面可跟名词、代词、动名词、介词短语或形容词等。如:  (1)I will clean the window instead of him.  (2)We will skate instead of playing football.  3. stop… from …意为“阻止(防止)……做某事”。如:  The heavy rain stopped them from going to school.  B.句子  1. She didn't feel like eating anything.  此句中的fee like相当于would like或want。feel like doing sth. = would like/want to do sth.   2. I had to sit down and rest every five minutes.  every five minutes指的是每5分钟。如:  He comes to see us every three days.  3. Let me take your temperature.    Let sb. do sth. 是一个固定的用法。  C.语法  1.have to与must的区别  (l)must表示主观,have to表示客观。  We must help each other.  My sister is ill, my mother has to look after her.  (2)inns一般表示现在时,而have to有多种时态。  2.系动词除了我们常用的be以外,还有become, turn, smell, taste, seem, sound, feel, look, go等。  口语训练  本单元的口语训练主要涉及“看病就医”的一些表达方法。学生第一次接触到这方面的内容,可能有一些难度。教师可先让学生听第69课第一部分的录音,听懂关键性的句子和短语。What’s the trouble? have a headache and a cough, take sb. to see a doctor,接着做第二部分的Puzzle dialogue,然后组织学生两人一组进行对话训练。在此基础上师生共同讨论对已学过的“看病就医”的表达法进行归纳。如:What’s the matter with you? /What’s wrong (with you)? /What’s the trouble (with you)? /feel like doing sth./have(get)a pain in/I don’t feel very well (any better) now./have a headache( cold/cough) /nothing serious/take one’s temperature/take sb. to see a doctor/take this medicine two( three/four) times a day/have a good rest/drink more water,最后学生分组编制生病或看病就医的对话。场景的设置可以在家中、医院或学校。教师可以根据实际情况叫几组学生在全班同学面前表演。  老师可以布置学生参考练习册第69课练习3,以学生自己的名义给班主任老师或英语老师写张请假条。有关“看病就医”话题的教学  本单元的主要交际项目是看病,所有教学活动都应围绕这一主题展开。建议教师设计多种情景,使学生在做中学,在实践中掌握。  (1)设置看病的情景进行表演  情景:Lin Lin was ill, she called her teacher to ask for a leave.  对话:  Mr. Li: Hello.  Lin Lin: Hello, it is Lin Lin here. Is that Mr. Li?    Mr. Li: Yes, what’s the matter with you?   Lin Lin: I have a cold and a terrible headache.  Mr. Li: Did you take any medicine?  Lin Lin: Yes, my mother took me to the hospital last night. The doctor said it is not serious. But he thought I had better have a two-day’s rest.  Mr. Li: Well, that doesn’t matter. I hope you’ll feel better soon.  Lin Lin: Thank you very much.  此对话可在课堂上组织学生进行表演。 Name:     Age:   Sex:  Symptom(症状): Reason:(原因) Advice: (建议)   (2)学生可以根据此表的格式写一张医生诊断证明  (3)教师可以组织学生建立一个临时诊所,一个学生准备一个听疹器,一顶白帽子和一张桌子,扮演成医生,其他几个同学办成不同症状的病人,进行对话表演。阅读训练教学  本单元安排了两篇极富幽默感的阅读文章,单词较多。建议教师重点训练学生猜词,判断大意的能力。教师可在阅读文章之前,设计部分重点词汇练习,让学生猜出括号中单词大意。如下:  1.Every morning My mother always(wakes me up)and I have to get up on time.  2.The students are tired and(as soon as)school is over, they go home at once.  3. I have worked for a day, I am very(tired)and I don’t want to do it any more.   4.My father always takes (morning exercises)every morning. So he can keep good health.  第70课讲述的是一个叫Roy的男孩由于老做梦而去看医生的故事。做梦是每个人都经历过的事情,特别是10多岁的孩子,正处于多梦时期。课文从讨论做梦入手,容易引起学生的兴趣,而像Roy那样梦中总是于累人活儿的学生也有不少。  在阅读开始之前,老师可以提几个简单的问题,如:Do you often dream?What do you usually do when you dream? /Would you like to know something about Roy’s dream?学生对阅读的兴趣,增强他们急于了解课文内容的迫切心情。同时为了减少学生阅读的难度,可以先列出一些估计学生比较难于理解的词汇、短语或句子。如:as soon as, be busy doing sth., terrible storm, stop the ship from going down .sleeping pills, be awake, fall asleep, relax, Don't they work? light music等。阅读完以后让学生做练习册中第70课的练习一,看看他们是否已经理解了课文的内容。  第72课的阅读短文讲的是一个胖女士请医生看病的故事。在组织学生阅读前老师首先问学生第一个问题:Is the woman fat or thin?然后问第二个问题:Why did the woman go to see the doctor?让学生围绕这些问题去阅读。等学生阅读完以后,老师可以用一些最简单的一般问句问学生,例如:Is the woman feeling very well?/Did the woman have to sit down and rest every five minutes when she worked yesterday?等。然后让学生听录音,加深印象。最后,教师可以让学生做课文改写以后的填空练习。这样能使阅读、听力、书面训练有机地结合在一起,使教学效果更趋于完美。语法教学  1.情态动词have to  (l)情态动词have to和must在意义上基本相同,在很多情况下二者可以互换使用。但must是强调说话人的主观看法,而have to强调的是客观需要。从形式上看must适用于所有的人称,没有时态的变化;而have to有第三人称单数has to,还有时态的变化:had to(过去时),will have to(一般现在将来时)等。例如:  ①There must be some students in the classroom now.  ②We must learn English well.  ③He must stay at home and look after his brother.  ④There is no bus, we have to go to school on foot.  ⑤Lucy’s mother is ill in hospital, she has to look after her.  ⑥She couldn’t find her pen, she had to buy a new one.  ⑦The students will have to know how to use the computers.  (2)含有情态动词have to的各种句型  ①陈述句  I/We/You/They have to/had to. . . .  take this medicine three times a day  clean the classroom once a day  ②主语是第三人称单数  She/He has to/had to. . . .  take more exercise  drink more water  ③疑问句(借助助动词do/does/did/will等)  Do I have to. . .? Yes, you do./No,you don't.  Does she/he have to. . . ? Yes, she/he does. /No. she/he doesn t.  Did she/he have to. . .? Yes, she/he did./No, she/he didn't.  ④特殊疑问句  What do they have to do now?  What does he/she have to say at the meeting?  Why did he/she have to see a doctor?  Which book do we have to read?  教师可通过两人一组的形式操练有关内容,最后叫几个小组到教室前面表演。  2.系动词  系动词本身有一定的词义,但不能独立作谓语,必须和后面的由名词(短语)、形容词(短语)副词或介词短语构成的表语一起使用。最常用的系动词是be,另外还有look,become,get,seem,turn,grow,take,feel,soled,small筹。如:  (1) Twins usually look the same.  (2) The teacher became angry.  (3) His uncle is an English teacher.  (4) They look very happy/sad.  (5) This kind of apple tastes sweet.  (6) After he left school, he became a doctor.  (7) This food smells good.  (8) His face goes red.  教师可结合第71课练习册中的练习2,适当给出一些书面练习,让学生在课后进行操练。写作建议  教师可以让学生写两封短信一封是介绍自己的病情,一封是回信告诉对方如何保持健康。可以使用下列词语(do more exercise, play ball game, eat less sweets, have good rest, have a cold, have a fever, have a headache, need a good rest )  学生完成练习后,再读课文,并回答课后问题。学法指导  1.本单元新出现的词汇比较多,集中记忆比较困难,可以采用分散记忆法。把单词放在课文中去记忆,这样就会减少难度。  2.两篇课文篇幅都比较长,对课文内容能熟读就行了。但对一些常用的短语必须要牢牢掌握。如:be tired, wake up, be good for sb. , as soon as, fall asleep, be busy doing sth., all night long, a terrible storm, stop the ship from going down, sleeping pills, listen to music, be fast asleep, hard work, play the same piece, feel weak and died, rest every five minutes, look over, nothing much wrong with sb. ,What do you mean? rich food, take enough exercise, eat less food, some dry bread, feel much healthier, instead of等等。  3.本单元的语法项目①情态动词have to与②系动词。要掌握他们的用法必须在了解他们基本含义的基础上,通过一定量的口头和书面练习。词汇辨析  1. too much / much too  too much意为“太多”,常修饰不可数名词或行为动词;而much too意为“太”,常修饰形容词或副词,以加强语气。如:  He always eats too much meat, so he is much too fat. 他总是吃太多的肉,因此他太胖了。   You talked too much at the meeting. 你在会上讲得太多了。  另外,too much也可以单独用,相当于一个名词或代词。如:  He is a kind man and often gives too much but gets too little. 他是个好心人,经常付出的多而得到的回报少。  2. instead / instead of   instead与instead of都有“代替”之意,instead 后不跟其它成分,通常置于句末作状语;而instead of后常跟名词、代词、v-ing形式或介词短语等。如:  Why don’t you come and play volleyball instead? 你们为什么不来改打排球呢?  We can use the USA instead of America. 我们可以用the USA来代替America.   He went to school on foot instead of by bike yesterday. 昨天他步行去上学,没有骑自行车。  Jim likes swimming instead of skating. 吉姆喜欢游泳,而不是滑冰。疑难解析  1. What’s the trouble?你怎么了?  这是口语中常用的句子,常用于询问对方身体哪里不舒服或发生了什么不幸的事。类似的句子还有:What’s the matter (with you)? 或What’s wrong (with you)?  trouble名词,意思是“烦恼,苦恼,忧虑,困难”。常见的搭配有:go to the trouble“不辞辛劳地做某事”;get into trouble“陷入困境,惹麻烦”;be in trouble“处于不幸/苦恼/困境之中”。例如:  My teacher went to the trouble of teaching us.我的老师不辞劳苦地教我们。  They got into trouble when they climbed that hill yesterday.昨天他们爬山时陷入了困境。  He is always ready to help others when they are in trouble.当他们处于困境时,他总是乐于帮助他们。  2. I had to sit down and rest every five minutes. 每五分钟我就得坐下来休息一会儿。  every形容词,意思是“每个”,同数词连用时,名词可以有复数形式。表示“每……,每隔……的”。例如:  He comes every three days. 他每隔两天来一次。(他每三天来一次。)  She goes to Beijing every other year. 她隔年去一趟北京。  3. Last night, as soon as I fell asleep I dreamt that I went to the garden.昨天夜里我一睡着就梦见我到花园里去了。    1)as soon as是连词,引导时间状语从句,表示“一……就……”。如:  It began to snow as soon as I got home.  我一到家里就开始下雪了。  He will call you as soon as he arrives. 他一到就会给你电话的。  2)fall asleep 意思是“入睡的,睡着的”,fall在此是连系动词,后常跟asleep或ill作表语。如:  He was too tired, so he fell asleep very soon. 他太累了,因此很快就睡着了。  类似的词还有before, after, until, when等。当主句是一般将来时态时,时间状语从句必须用一般现在时态。  3)…that I went to the garden. 这是由that引导的从句作宾语,叫做宾语从句。如:  He said that he could not sleep well. 他说他睡不好。  4. They taste delicious. 它们吃起来很香。  taste是系动词。常用的系动词有:be, look, seem, feel, smell, sound, get, become等,系动词后常用名词、形容词、副词和介词短语作表语。例如:  (1) The teacher seems angry. 老师似乎生气了。  (2) The food smells good. 食物闻起来很香。  (3) It’s getting colder. 天气变冷了。have to 用法分析  have to是情态动词,意思是“必须;不得不”,表示客观要做的事情,后接动词原形。  一、have to的单数和复数  have to虽是情态动词,但有人称或数的变化。一般现在时第三人称单数用has to,其他人称用have to。例如:  You have to go with Tom.你得跟汤姆去。  She has to answer this question. 她不得不回答这个问题。  二、have to的肯定式  have to的肯定式由“have to+动词原形”构成。例如:  I have to tell him the news.我得告诉他这个消息。  She has to walk home.她不得不走回家。  三、have to的否定式  have to的否定式由“don’t have to+动词原形”或“doesn’t have to+动词原形”构成。例如:  You don’t have to do like this.你不必这样做。  He doesn’t have to be there on time. 他不必按时到那里。  have to的否定式还可在have/has后面加not (仅限于一般现在时和一般过去时)。例如:  He hasn’t to go there.他不必去那里。  I haven’t to get up early.我不必早起床。  四、have to的疑问式  have to的一般疑问式通常由“Do/ Does + 主语+nave to+动词原形+其他成分”构成,肯定回答用do或does;否定回答用don’t(have to)或doesn’t(have to)。例如:   ①–Do you have to go now?你现在就得去吗?   –Yes, I do.是的。  ②–Does he have to hay home? 他必须留在家里吗?   –Yes, he does. 是的。    (No, he doesn’t (have to) . 不,他不必留在家里。)  五、have to的时态  have to可用于各种时态。其一般过去时的肯定式是had to,否定式是didn’t have to;一般将来时的肯定式是will have to,否定式是won’t have to。例如:  He said he had to see me about something important.他说他有重要的事情不得不见我。  He said they didn’t have to borrow 200 yuan from John.他说他们不必向约翰借二百元。  You will have to do that again.你得重做那件事。  She won’t have to go with you. 她不必跟你去。  六、have to与 must的区别  1.have to有人称和数的变化,即第三人称单数用has to,其他人称用have to;而must没有人称或数的变化。例如:  He has to go there.他必须去那里。  She must be off now.她现在必须走了。  2.have to有时态的变化,must没有。例如:  He told me that I must be at the station by ten.他告诉我必须十点前到达车站。  He had to pay for it.他不得不赔偿。  3.have to强调客观上“不得不”做某事;must指主观上“必须”做某事。例如:  We must study hard.我们一定要努力学习。  He had to go on foot because there was something wrong with his car.因为他的汽车坏了,他不得不走着去。 教学建议 教学内容分析  本单元围绕“生病”和“就医”这一主线展开教学。整个单元安排了两个对话和两篇小短文。使学生在学习第67课的基础上继续学习有关“生病”和“看病”的日常用语。同时也启发人们思考和探讨饮食、休息、锻炼及适当参加一些体力劳动与健康之间的关系。本单元的语法项目是have to和must之间在用法上的一些区别及系动词的用法。  第69课第一部分是Jill和Mum的一段小对话,从而引出第二部分Jill和医生的一段对话,从中介绍了许多有关的交际用语。第三部分是一个说与写的训练。旨在巩固以上所学内容,同时引出本单元的语法重点have to的用法。  第70课介绍了一篇做梦与心理健康的文章。它符合学生的心理和年龄特征,容易引起他们阅读的兴趣。读后可让学生做文前的两个讨论题,加深他们对课文内容的理解,同时提高他们口头运用英语语言的能力。  第71课第一部分的对话旨在复习 have to的基础上引出它的否定形式和与must在用法上的区别。第二部分是介绍有关系动词taste,look,seem,feel,be的用法。  第72课的第二部分是组句训练,主要是用于巩固第对课第二部分中所学的几个系动词。第三部分安排了一段颇有幽默感的病人和医生的对话,提醒大家注意饮食与健康的关系。第四部分的写作训练主要让学生运用已学过的有关看病就医的日常用语。重难点及疑点分析  (-)重点、难点  A.单词及短语  trouble, cough, terrible, wake, asleep, plant, difficult, rich, angry, look over, fat, thin  asleep是形容词,意思是“睡着的”。表示“睡得很熟”用fast asleep或sound asleep,不用very asleep。asleep通常作表语,不作前置定语。  B.句子  1.Take this medicine three times a day.  2. Have a good rest and drink more water.  3. Last night, as soon as I fell asleep I dreamt that I went to the garden.  as soon as译为“-……就……”,常用来引导、个时间状语从句,其将来时用一般现在时来表示,主句用将来时。例如:  I will write to you as soon as I arrive in Beijing.  4. There s nothing much wrong with you.  5. I mean you eat too much food, and you don’t take enough exercise, too much后面跟不可数名词。too many后面跟可数名词的复数形式。much too后面跟形容词或副词,如too much time, too many books, much too clear, much too fast等。exercise在这里是“锻炼”的意思,是不可数名词,但具体指某一种“锻炼”用复数形式。如morning exercises,eye exercises。  6. No problem, doctor.  7. Do you remember your worst dream?  C.语法  1.情态动词have to的用法。  2.系动词的用法。  (二)疑点  A.单词及短语  smell, instead, stop. . . from doing…  1. smell是知觉性动词,相当于系动词,后面用形容词作表语。如:  This food smells good.  2. instead作副词,是“代替”、“顶替”的意思。如:  Mr. Wang is ill, I will take his class instead.  instead of为介词短语,它后面可跟名词、代词、动名词、介词短语或形容词等。如:  (1)I will clean the window instead of him.  (2)We will skate instead of playing football.  3. stop… from …意为“阻止(防止)……做某事”。如:  The heavy rain stopped them from going to school.  B.句子  1. She didn't feel like eating anything.  此句中的fee like相当于would like或want。feel like doing sth. = would like/want to do sth.   2. I had to sit down and rest every five minutes.  every five minutes指的是每5分钟。如:  He comes to see us every three days.  3. Let me take your temperature.    Let sb. do sth. 是一个固定的用法。  C.语法  1.have to与must的区别  (l)must表示主观,have to表示客观。  We must help each other.  My sister is ill, my mother has to look after her.  (2)inns一般表示现在时,而have to有多种时态。  2.系动词除了我们常用的be以外,还有become, turn, smell, taste, seem, sound, feel, look, go等。  口语训练  本单元的口语训练主要涉及“看病就医”的一些表达方法。学生第一次接触到这方面的内容,可能有一些难度。教师可先让学生听第69课第一部分的录音,听懂关键性的句子和短语。What’s the trouble? have a headache and a cough, take sb. to see a doctor,接着做第二部分的Puzzle dialogue,然后组织学生两人一组进行对话训练。在此基础上师生共同讨论对已学过的“看病就医”的表达法进行归纳。如:What’s the matter with you? /What’s wrong (with you)? /What’s the trouble (with you)? /feel like doing sth./have(get)a pain in/I don’t feel very well (any better) now./have a headache( cold/cough) /nothing serious/take one’s temperature/take sb. to see a doctor/take this medicine two( three/four) times a day/have a good rest/drink more water,最后学生分组编制生病或看病就医的对话。场景的设置可以在家中、医院或学校。教师可以根据实际情况叫几组学生在全班同学面前表演。  老师可以布置学生参考练习册第69课练习3,以学生自己的名义给班主任老师或英语老师写张请假条。有关“看病就医”话题的教学  本单元的主要交际项目是看病,所有教学活动都应围绕这一主题展开。建议教师设计多种情景,使学生在做中学,在实践中掌握。  (1)设置看病的情景进行表演  情景:Lin Lin was ill, she called her teacher to ask for a leave.  对话:  Mr. Li: Hello.  Lin Lin: Hello, it is Lin Lin here. Is that Mr. Li?    Mr. Li: Yes, what’s the matter with you?   Lin Lin: I have a cold and a terrible headache.  Mr. Li: Did you take any medicine?  Lin Lin: Yes, my mother took me to the hospital last night. The doctor said it is not serious. But he thought I had better have a two-day’s rest.  Mr. Li: Well, that doesn’t matter. I hope you’ll feel better soon.  Lin Lin: Thank you very much.  此对话可在课堂上组织学生进行表演。 Name:     Age:   Sex:  Symptom(症状): Reason:(原因) Advice: (建议)   (2)学生可以根据此表的格式写一张医生诊断证明  (3)教师可以组织学生建立一个临时诊所,一个学生准备一个听疹器,一顶白帽子和一张桌子,扮演成医生,其他几个同学办成不同症状的病人,进行对话表演。阅读训练教学  本单元安排了两篇极富幽默感的阅读文章,单词较多。建议教师重点训练学生猜词,判断大意的能力。教师可在阅读文章之前,设计部分重点词汇练习,让学生猜出括号中单词大意。如下:  1.Every morning My mother always(wakes me up)and I have to get up on time.  2.The students are tired and(as soon as)school is over, they go home at once.  3. I have worked for a day, I am very(tired)and I don’t want to do it any more.   4.My father always takes (morning exercises)every morning. So he can keep good health.  第70课讲述的是一个叫Roy的男孩由于老做梦而去看医生的故事。做梦是每个人都经历过的事情,特别是10多岁的孩子,正处于多梦时期。课文从讨论做梦入手,容易引起学生的兴趣,而像Roy那样梦中总是于累人活儿的学生也有不少。  在阅读开始之前,老师可以提几个简单的问题,如:Do you often dream?What do you usually do when you dream? /Would you like to know something about Roy’s dream?学生对阅读的兴趣,增强他们急于了解课文内容的迫切心情。同时为了减少学生阅读的难度,可以先列出一些估计学生比较难于理解的词汇、短语或句子。如:as soon as, be busy doing sth., terrible storm, stop the ship from going down .sleeping pills, be awake, fall asleep, relax, Don't they work? light music等。阅读完以后让学生做练习册中第70课的练习一,看看他们是否已经理解了课文的内容。  第72课的阅读短文讲的是一个胖女士请医生看病的故事。在组织学生阅读前老师首先问学生第一个问题:Is the woman fat or thin?然后问第二个问题:Why did the woman go to see the doctor?让学生围绕这些问题去阅读。等学生阅读完以后,老师可以用一些最简单的一般问句问学生,例如:Is the woman feeling very well?/Did the woman have to sit down and rest every five minutes when she worked yesterday?等。然后让学生听录音,加深印象。最后,教师可以让学生做课文改写以后的填空练习。这样能使阅读、听力、书面训练有机地结合在一起,使教学效果更趋于完美。语法教学  1.情态动词have to  (l)情态动词have to和must在意义上基本相同,在很多情况下二者可以互换使用。但must是强调说话人的主观看法,而have to强调的是客观需要。从形式上看must适用于所有的人称,没有时态的变化;而have to有第三人称单数has to,还有时态的变化:had to(过去时),will have to(一般现在将来时)等。例如:  ①There must be some students in the classroom now.  ②We must learn English well.  ③He must stay at home and look after his brother.  ④There is no bus, we have to go to school on foot.  ⑤Lucy’s mother is ill in hospital, she has to look after her.  ⑥She couldn’t find her pen, she had to buy a new one.  ⑦The students will have to know how to use the computers.  (2)含有情态动词have to的各种句型  ①陈述句  I/We/You/They have to/had to. . . .  take this medicine three times a day  clean the classroom once a day  ②主语是第三人称单数  She/He has to/had to. . . .  take more exercise  drink more water  ③疑问句(借助助动词do/does/did/will等)  Do I have to. . .? Yes, you do./No,you don't.  Does she/he have to. . . ? Yes, she/he does. /No. she/he doesn t.  Did she/he have to. . .? Yes, she/he did./No, she/he didn't.  ④特殊疑问句  What do they have to do now?  What does he/she have to say at the meeting?  Why did he/she have to see a doctor?  Which book do we have to read?  教师可通过两人一组的形式操练有关内容,最后叫几个小组到教室前面表演。  2.系动词  系动词本身有一定的词义,但不能独立作谓语,必须和后面的由名词(短语)、形容词(短语)副词或介词短语构成的表语一起使用。最常用的系动词是be,另外还有look,become,get,seem,turn,grow,take,feel,soled,small筹。如:  (1) Twins usually look the same.  (2) The teacher became angry.  (3) His uncle is an English teacher.  (4) They look very happy/sad.  (5) This kind of apple tastes sweet.  (6) After he left school, he became a doctor.  (7) This food smells good.  (8) His face goes red.  教师可结合第71课练习册中的练习2,适当给出一些书面练习,让学生在课后进行操练。写作建议  教师可以让学生写两封短信一封是介绍自己的病情,一封是回信告诉对方如何保持健康。可以使用下列词语(do more exercise, play ball game, eat less sweets, have good rest, have a cold, have a fever, have a headache, need a good rest )  学生完成练习后,再读课文,并回答课后问题。学法指导  1.本单元新出现的词汇比较多,集中记忆比较困难,可以采用分散记忆法。把单词放在课文中去记忆,这样就会减少难度。  2.两篇课文篇幅都比较长,对课文内容能熟读就行了。但对一些常用的短语必须要牢牢掌握。如:be tired, wake up, be good for sb. , as soon as, fall asleep, be busy doing sth., all night long, a terrible storm, stop the ship from going down, sleeping pills, listen to music, be fast asleep, hard work, play the same piece, feel weak and died, rest every five minutes, look over, nothing much wrong with sb. ,What do you mean? rich food, take enough exercise, eat less food, some dry bread, feel much healthier, instead of等等。  3.本单元的语法项目①情态动词have to与②系动词。要掌握他们的用法必须在了解他们基本含义的基础上,通过一定量的口头和书面练习。词汇辨析  1. too much / much too  too much意为“太多”,常修饰不可数名词或行为动词;而much too意为“太”,常修饰形容词或副词,以加强语气。如:  He always eats too much meat, so he is much too fat. 他总是吃太多的肉,因此他太胖了。   You talked too much at the meeting. 你在会上讲得太多了。  另外,too much也可以单独用,相当于一个名词或代词。如:  He is a kind man and often gives too much but gets too little. 他是个好心人,经常付出的多而得到的回报少。  2. instead / instead of   instead与instead of都有“代替”之意,instead 后不跟其它成分,通常置于句末作状语;而instead of后常跟名词、代词、v-ing形式或介词短语等。如:  Why don’t you come and play volleyball instead? 你们为什么不来改打排球呢?  We can use the USA instead of America. 我们可以用the USA来代替America.   He went to school on foot instead of by bike yesterday. 昨天他步行去上学,没有骑自行车。  Jim likes swimming instead of skating. 吉姆喜欢游泳,而不是滑冰。疑难解析  1. What’s the trouble?你怎么了?  这是口语中常用的句子,常用于询问对方身体哪里不舒服或发生了什么不幸的事。类似的句子还有:What’s the matter (with you)? 或What’s wrong (with you)?  trouble名词,意思是“烦恼,苦恼,忧虑,困难”。常见的搭配有:go to the trouble“不辞辛劳地做某事”;get into trouble“陷入困境,惹麻烦”;be in trouble“处于不幸/苦恼/困境之中”。例如:  My teacher went to the trouble of teaching us.我的老师不辞劳苦地教我们。  They got into trouble when they climbed that hill yesterday.昨天他们爬山时陷入了困境。  He is always ready to help others when they are in trouble.当他们处于困境时,他总是乐于帮助他们。  2. I had to sit down and rest every five minutes. 每五分钟我就得坐下来休息一会儿。  every形容词,意思是“每个”,同数词连用时,名词可以有复数形式。表示“每……,每隔……的”。例如:  He comes every three days. 他每隔两天来一次。(他每三天来一次。)  She goes to Beijing every other year. 她隔年去一趟北京。  3. Last night, as soon as I fell asleep I dreamt that I went to the garden.昨天夜里我一睡着就梦见我到花园里去了。    1)as soon as是连词,引导时间状语从句,表示“一……就……”。如:  It began to snow as soon as I got home.  我一到家里就开始下雪了。  He will call you as soon as he arrives. 他一到就会给你电话的。  2)fall asleep 意思是“入睡的,睡着的”,fall在此是连系动词,后常跟asleep或ill作表语。如:  He was too tired, so he fell asleep very soon. 他太累了,因此很快就睡着了。  类似的词还有before, after, until, when等。当主句是一般将来时态时,时间状语从句必须用一般现在时态。  3)…that I went to the garden. 这是由that引导的从句作宾语,叫做宾语从句。如:  He said that he could not sleep well. 他说他睡不好。  4. They taste delicious. 它们吃起来很香。  taste是系动词。常用的系动词有:be, look, seem, feel, smell, sound, get, become等,系动词后常用名词、形容词、副词和介词短语作表语。例如:  (1) The teacher seems angry. 老师似乎生气了。  (2) The food smells good. 食物闻起来很香。  (3) It’s getting colder. 天气变冷了。have to 用法分析  have to是情态动词,意思是“必须;不得不”,表示客观要做的事情,后接动词原形。  一、have to的单数和复数  have to虽是情态动词,但有人称或数的变化。一般现在时第三人称单数用has to,其他人称用have to。例如:  You have to go with Tom.你得跟汤姆去。  She has to answer this question. 她不得不回答这个问题。  二、have to的肯定式  have to的肯定式由“have to+动词原形”构成。例如:  I have to tell him the news.我得告诉他这个消息。  She has to walk home.她不得不走回家。  三、have to的否定式  have to的否定式由“don’t have to+动词原形”或“doesn’t have to+动词原形”构成。例如:  You don’t have to do like this.你不必这样做。  He doesn’t have to be there on time. 他不必按时到那里。  have to的否定式还可在have/has后面加not (仅限于一般现在时和一般过去时)。例如:  He hasn’t to go there.他不必去那里。  I haven’t to get up early.我不必早起床。  四、have to的疑问式  have to的一般疑问式通常由“Do/ Does + 主语+nave to+动词原形+其他成分”构成,肯定回答用do或does;否定回答用don’t(have to)或doesn’t(have to)。例如:   ①–Do you have to go now?你现在就得去吗?   –Yes, I do.是的。  ②–Does he have to hay home? 他必须留在家里吗?   –Yes, he does. 是的。    (No, he doesn’t (have to) . 不,他不必留在家里。)  五、have to的时态  have to可用于各种时态。其一般过去时的肯定式是had to,否定式是didn’t have to;一般将来时的肯定式是will have to,否定式是won’t have to。例如:  He said he had to see me about something important.他说他有重要的事情不得不见我。  He said they didn’t have to borrow 200 yuan from John.他说他们不必向约翰借二百元。  You will have to do that again.你得重做那件事。  She won’t have to go with you. 她不必跟你去。  六、have to与 must的区别  1.have to有人称和数的变化,即第三人称单数用has to,其他人称用have to;而must没有人称或数的变化。例如:  He has to go there.他必须去那里。  She must be off now.她现在必须走了。  2.have to有时态的变化,must没有。例如:  He told me that I must be at the station by ten.他告诉我必须十点前到达车站。  He had to pay for it.他不得不赔偿。  3.have to强调客观上“不得不”做某事;must指主观上“必须”做某事。例如:  We must study hard.我们一定要努力学习。  He had to go on foot because there was something wrong with his car.因为他的汽车坏了,他不得不走着去。 Lesson 69教学设计方案   Teaching Objectives: Let the students understand “have to” and grasp how to use it. Learn some useful phrases and structures.   Language Focus: What’s the trouble? What’s the matter with you? have a headache, take one’s temperature, nothing serious, take this medicine three times a day, feel like eating, have( got) a pain in one’s head  Properties: Recorder, Overhead projector  Teaching Procedures:  I .Organizing the class  T: Ask the students to get ready for the class.   Greetings and a duty report.  II. Revision  1. Get the students to act out the passage in Lesson 68.  2. A quiz for them:   (l)have a good time   (2)at the head of  (3)in fact  (4)look after  (5)get on  (6)stand in line  (7)quarrel with  (8) invite. . . to. . .   (9) make a noise  (10) laugh at  (11) not. . . until (12)make friends  (13)throw about  (14)get off  (15)feel well  (16)complain about  (17)at the end of  (18) give the message to sb.  (19) grow up  (20) telephone sb.  III. Leading-in  T: When you feel bad or sick, you had better go to the hospital, arid doctors will help you.  Then the doctor will ask you some questions about illness and let you take your temperature, at last ask you to take some medicine if your illness is not too serious.  IV. Presentation  T: Jill didn’t feel very well. She began to cough. Her mother asked her what was the matter. She told her mother she had a headache and a cough. Her mother could see how terrible the cough was. So she took her daughter to see a doctor at once. (可把图书画出来)  T: Look at the picture. Try to guess what they are talking about.  V. Practice  1. Listening: Listen to the tape and try to understand it.  2. Reading: Read the dialogue after the tape, then read together. Try to memorize it.  3. Practising: Work in pairs.  4. Acting: Ask some pairs to come to the front and act it out.  VI. Teaching dialogue  T: Let’s do Exercise Two, Puzzle dialogue.   The students can discuss the answers each other.   Then check their keys.  T: This puzzle dialogue is between Jill and her doctor in the hospital.  Doctor: What’s the matter?  Jill: This morning I had a pain in my head.   Doctor: How are you feeling now?  Jill: I’m feeling even worse.  Doctor: Let me take your temperature. It’s cold. Nothing serious.  Jill: Really? But I don’t feel any better now.  Doctor: Did you eat anything for breakfast?  Mother: No, She didn’t feel like eating anything.  Doctor: Well, take this medicine three times a day. Have a good rest and drink more water.  Jill: OK. Thank you.  VII. Teaching Language Points  1. What’s the trouble? = What’s the matter( with sb. ) ?  = What’s wrong? 怎么了?有什么不对?有什么不舒服的?  For example:  (1)A: What’s the trouble?   B: I don’t feel well today.  (2)A: What’s wrong? You look pale now!   B: I’ve got a bad cold.  (3)A: What’s the matter with you?   B: I feel terrible. I don’t want to eat or drink anything.  2. have a headache 头痛  (1) I have got a bad headache.  (2) Did Peter have a headache yesterday morning?  (3) Jenny always has a headache.  3. take one’s temperature 量体温  (1) Did you take your temperature yesterday?  (2) Why did the doctor take his temperature twice?  (3) I took my temperature by myself this morning.  4. nothing serious 没什么严重的  everything, nothing, anything and something  (1)I have something important to tell you.  (2) Do you have anything interesting to do tonight?  (3) If you work hard, you’ll find nothing difficult to do.  (4) When he came back home, he discovered everything tidy in the room.  5. take this medicine 吃这种药,服药  ( l)You must take this medicine after each meal.  (2) He often take this medicine for a cold.  (3) Has she taken this medicine?  6. three times a day一天三次 (once 一次;twice 二次)  (1) You must take this medicine three times a day.  (2) He listens to the English news twice a day.  (3) She takes a shower once a week.  7. feel like eating 想吃, feel like 想要、愿意  (1) Do you feel like a cup of coffee?  (2) I don’t feel like singing now.  (3) He feels like working in that company.  8. have( got) a pain in one’s head 头痛  (1)He fell off the bike this morning, and he has a pain in his head.  (2) Mary told her teacher she got a pain in her head and went home earlier.  VII. Learning grammar  T:“have to”意为“不得不”,表示客观上“必须”,“must”指主观上“必须”。他们后都接动词原形,但“must”没有人称与时态的变化,而have to有人称与时态的变化。  For example:  1. I have to sweep the floor every day.  2.He has to go to evening classes on Friday afternoon.  3. Did she have to go back home yesterday?  4. Will you have to go swimming tomorrow?  T: Ask the students to make sentences using “have to”.  For example:  1. I have to take her to the hospital.  2. Do you have to stop smoking?  3. I don’t have to give it up.  4. He has to hand it in on time.  5. Jenny doesn’t have to go home early.  6. Do they have to finish the work?  7. We didn’t have to stay at school yesterday.  X. Practice  T: Look at Exercise Three. Ask the students to look at the four pictures.  Jill is sick. What does she have to do?  Picture 1. She has to stay at home and she’s ill in bed.  Picture 2. She has to drink more water.  Picture 3. She has to take her temperature.  Picture 4. She has to take some medicine, because she wants to get over quickly.  T: When you feel sick, what will you have to do?  Let the students discuss the situation.  X. Exercises in class  Translate the following sentences into English.  1.我们必须自己动手去做。  2.玛丽必须在英语学习上努力吗?  3.上周日他不得不早起。  4.你没必要为你的功课担心。  5.彼得很累,不得不坐下来休息一会儿。  6.昨天他不得不呆在家里。  7.他不得不跑回学校取他的作业本。  8.你必须早些离去吗?  9.我没必要躺在床上。  10.我们必须在课堂上认真听老师讲课。Keys:  1. We have to do it ourselves.  2. Does Mary have to study hard at English?  3. He had to get up early last Sunday.  4. You don’t have to worry about your lessons.  5. Peter was very tired and he had to sit down and have a rest.  6. He had to stay at home yesterday.  7. He had to run back to school to get his exercise-books.  8. Did you have to leave early?  9. I don’t have to stay in bed.  10. We have to listen to the teachers carefully in class.  XI. Homework  1. Read the dialogue and try to make a new one.  2. Make sentences using “have to”.  3. Do exercises on page 79.  XII .Summary  词组“have to”也是情态动词,表示“不得不,必须”,它由have + to组成;当主语为第三人称单数时,用“has to”“have to”具有have的各种形式。  For example:  1. He knows what he has to do.  2. Did she have to tell the truth?  3. You don’t have to explain.时态填空:  1. We _________(not finish) the work yesterday.  2. It’s raining heavily. We have to ________ ( stay) at home.  3. Would you like me ________(tidy) the room?  4. A lady________(wait) for you at the gate now.  5. Sometimes he ________ ( come ) back home late.  6. They enjoy_________(listen) to pop music.  7. We ________ ( plant) some trees there last year.  8.The teacher told the students that there________(be)an English examination the next Monday.  9. It’s cloudy, and it _________ ( rain ) this afternoon.  10. I ________ ( leave ) for Beijing if it _________ ( not rain) tomorrow.Keys: 1.didn’t finish  2 .stay  3 .to tidy  4 .is waiting  5 .comes  6 .listening  7. planted 8. would be 9. is going to rain  10. will leave/doesn’t rainXII .Writing on blackboard Lesson 69 Language points 1. What’s the trouble? = What’ s the matter? 2.have a headache 3. take one s temperature 4. nothing serious 5. take this medicine 6. three times a day 7. feel like eating 8. have (got) a pain in one s head Grammar have to & must 1. I have to sweep the floor every day. 2. He has to go to evening classes on Friday afternoon. 3. Did she have to go back home yesterday? 4. Will you have to go swimming tomorrow? 5.I don’t have Lesson 70教学设计方案   Teaching Objectives: Understand the text and learn how to use some useful words or phrases (No new grammar).  Properties: Recorder, Overhead projector  Language Focus: Words and phrases: dream, be tired, wake up, be good for, as soon as, fall (fast) asleep, be busy doing, stop . . .from doing . . . , why don’t you+ v.?  again and again.  Teaching Procedures:  I. Revision  1. Check their homework. Ask them to act their own dialogues out.  2. Read some good sentences in the students’ homework.  3.Quiz: (l)Nothing serious.      (2) I have a headache and a cough.      (3) Let me take your temperature.      (4) What does she have to do?      (5) She didn’t feel like eating anything.      (6) Take this medicine three times a day.  II. Leading-in  T: Talk about the questions in groups.  1. Do you sleep well every night?  2. Do you often have dreams?  3. Do you remember your nicest / worst dream?  4. Could you please describe your last dream?  5. What do you think of the dreams?  T: Let the students share their talking and choose two or three students to say in class.  III. Presentation  Have the students look at the picture on SB Page 17. Ask: What is the boy doing? (He is dreaming.)  Listen to the tape and try to understand the text.  Write on the blackboard the new words, wake, wake up, asleep and as soon as. Teach these new words and phrases.  asleep and awake  These adjectives are usually used as the predicative in a sentence. 这类形容词通常用在句子中作表语。  E.g. When mother came in, the boy is asleep/awake.  而fast asleep是一个固定用语。  Then ask the students to read the text together and individually.  IV. Teaching language points  as soon as 一……就……  (1)Last night, as soon as I fell asleep I dreamt that I went to the garden.  (2)The teacher came into the classroom as soon as the bell rang.  (3) The students went out of the classroom as soon as the class was over.  (4) I will tell her the news as soon as I see her.  fall (fast) asleep 睡觉很熟  (1)He was fast asleep.  (2) She fell asleep during the lesson.  (3) The baby was falling asleep while his mother was cooking.  be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事  (1) They are busy reviewing the lessons now.  (2) What are you busy doing these days?  (3) He was busy studying Japanese last year.  (4) Were you busy typing the letters yesterday?   stop. ..from doing 阻止……做某事  (1) We had to work for hours to stop the ship from going down.  (2) His parents stop him from smoking.  (3) I tried to stop Mary from crying.  (4) Don’t stop the soldiers from marching in the streets.  again and again 反复,一次次地  (1) We had to play the same piece again and again all night.  (2) He visited the museum again and again.  (3) The teacher asked the students to read the text again and again.  V. Practice  1. Let the students read the text again. Ask them to work in pairs and then act it out.  2. Try to retell the story.  3. Read the text once more, pay attention to some useful words and phrases.  4. Let the students do some questions and then ask them to answer these questions according to the passage.  1) What did Roy dream about?  2) Did the sleeping bill work?  3) Did he listen to the light music?   4) What did he dream about this time?   5. Ask the students write down a dream they have had using the new vocabulary words and phrases. In small groups, have the students read their dreams to each other.  VI. Discussion  出示下列问题,让学生进行讨论。  1) When did you have that dream?  2) What did you dream about?  3) What happened in the dream?  4) Do you want to make it come true?  讨论完成后,学生写一篇短文:My dream.  VII. Exercises in class  课文填空练习。  Dreams  Roy went to see his   1   . “I am always   2  when I   3  up in the morning,” he said. “Do you sleep well?” the doctor asked. “Well, not really. I dream so   4  .” “Well, sometimes dreaming is good for us.” the doctor said. “Maybe,” Roy said. “But the trouble is, I always dream about hard work! Last night, as soon as I   5  asleep I dreamt that I went to the garden. I dreamt that I was busy  6   trees all night long! Then a few nights ago, I dreamt I was on an old ship. There was a   7  storm. We had to work for hours to stop the ship   8  going down. It’s always like that. In my dreams I always have very difficult jobs to do.” “What about the sleeping 9__ I gave you? Don’t they work?” the doctor asked. “Yes, but not very well. But if I don’t take one, I will be   10  all night.” “Then try to relax before you go to sleep,” the doctor said. “But how?” Roy asked. “Well, why   11  you listen to music?” the doctor said. Roy wanted to try everything. He listened to some   12  music that night. In fifteen minutes he was    13   asleep. Next morning he went to see his doctor again. “Well?” his doctor asked him. “Did it work?” “I didn’t dream about hard work this time. I dreamt that I was in the school band, but because some of us could not play well, we had to play the same piece again and   14  all night! Now I feel__15  more tired this morning than I usually do!” Keys: 1.doctor  2.tired  3.wake  4.much  5.fell  6.planting  7.terrible  8.from  9.pills  10.awake  11.don’t  12.light  13.fast  14.again  15.even  VIII. Homework  1. Read the text and rewrite the passage in their own words.  2. Write a composition about your latest dream.  3. Do exercises on page 80.  IX. Summary完成句子。  1.我够不到那些苹果,请帮帮我。  I can’t ________ those apples. Please ________ ________.  2.他有很多书要读。  He _________ many books _________ _________.  3.你去过长城几次了?  ________ ________ times ________ you been to the Great Wall?  4.他们根本就没有必要呆在家里。  They ________ ________ at home ________ all.  5.保持身体健康非常重要。  It’s very important _________ _________ _________.  6.上课认真听讲对学习很有好处。  Listening ________ the teachers carefully ________ ________ ________ your study.  7.我对绘画越来越感兴趣。  I become ________ and ________ interested in ________.  8.不是每个人都喜欢吸烟。  Not every ________ ________ ________.  9.她一直等到孩子们入睡。  She waited until the children were_________.   10.保持室内清洁对身体健康有益。  It’s ________ ________ health to ________ ________ and tidy in the room.Keys: 1.reach, help me   2.has, to read  3.How many, have   4.needn’t stay, at  5.to keep healthy  6.to, is good for   7.more, more, drawing   8.one likes smoking  9.asleep                       10.good for, keep clean X. Writing on blackboard Lesson 71多媒体教学设计方案   Teaching objectives:Do the practice and read two famous persons’ stories; learn the usage of some link verbs.   Language FOCUS: Link verbs: be, taste, look, seem, feel, smell  Teaching Procedures  (演示录像)Seeing the doctor导入Practise的教学:看病时医生说了什么?  (演示录像)Practise的情景演示,然后让学生根据图进行替换练习。(学生活动)  Picture 2:  B: Do you have to stop eating chips?  A: I went to see my doctor yesterday.  B: What did she say?  A: She said I’m a little too heavy.  B: Do you have to stop eating chips?  A: No, I don’t have to, but I mustn’t eat too much.  Change the sentences:  Picture 3:  B: Do you have to stop eating cakes?  Picture 4:  B: Do you have to stop eating apple pies?  Picture 5:  B: Do you have to stop eating cheese?  (学生活动)最后让学生自已编类似的对话  For example:  Mum: I went to the hospital yesterday.  Dad: What did your doctor say?  Mum: He said that I am a little fat.  Dad: Do you have to stop eating sweets?  Mum: No, I don’t have to, but I mustn’t eat too much. I want to keep on a diet.复习have to   Jim is sick. She has to see the doctor.  My sister is ill. My mother has to look after her at home.  Today is Sunday. I haven’t to get up early.  It’s time for class. You have to go.  Look, match and read  (图片)描述图中物体的状况,教学系动词在句子的运用。  One:   It smells good.  Two:   It feels hard.  Three:  It is high.  Four:  They taste delicious.  Five:  They taste sweet.  Six:   She looks beautiful.  Seven: It tastes terrible.  Eight: He seems angry.  引导学生归纳Link verbs在句子的运用:  be, taste, smell, feel, seem, look等系动词后常用名词、形容词和介词短语。如:  I'm sorry I am late. 对不起我迟到了。         Roses smell sweet. 玫瑰花闻起来很香。         The snow looks beautiful on the trees. 树上积雪显得很美。      Sea water tastes salty and some medicine tastes bitter.海水有咸味,有些药尝起来很苦。  Practice  (学生活动)让学生用系动词描述图中的物体。  1. flowers: The flowers smell nice.  2. apple pies: The apple pies taste sweet.  3. thermometer: The thermometer is low.  4. soup: The soup tastes salty.  5. biscuits: The biscuits smell good.  6. the girl: The girl seems glad.  7. pills: The pills seem soft.  8.the boy: The boy looks ugly.Read and talk  图片介绍Florence Nightingale和Henry Norman Bethune两个著名人物,引导学生了解他们的事迹。  (演示动画课件)Nightingale和Bethune的生平介绍;教学rich and become两个新单词。  (学生活动)针对学生对Dr. Bethune比较了解,让学生回答关于他的问题:  Where was Dr. Bethune born?  Why did he become very popular in China?  Exercises in class  错题。  1. These apples smell well.  2. Florence Nightingale was a famous doctor.  3. I have finished my work two days ago.  4. Don’t shout and knock at the door so loudly.  5. They have both returned back the books on time.  6. Henry Norman Bethune came to China to help the Chinese in 1838.  7. How soon have you lived in Beijing?  8. She was born in Australia in May 11th, 1880.  9. He always puts on a yellow coat.  10. He asked me if I had had to eat anything.Keys: 1. well→good 2.doctor→nurse 3. have去掉 4.1oudly→loud 5. back去掉 6.1838→1938 7. soon→long 8. 第二个in→on 9. puts on→wears 10. to eat anything→anything to eat  Homework  1. Read the dialogue and choose one picture to write.  2. Copy the sentences from Exercise Two.  3. Read the short passages again and recite them.  4. Read more about Florence Nightingale and Dr. Henry Norman Bethune Lesson 71教学设计方案   Teaching Objectives: Do the practice and read two famous persons’ stories; learn the usage of some link verbs.   Language Focus: Link verbs: be, taste, look, seem, feel, smell  Properties: Recorder, Overhead projector  Teaching Procedures:  I. Organizing the class  T. Greet the students and then listen to one’s duty report.   Then ask the students to answer the duty reporter’s questions.  II. Revision  1. Make some sentences with “have to”.  2.Quiz:   (l)in my dreams (2)be good for sb. (3) wake up (4) be asleep (5) fall( fast) asleep (6) dream about (7)stop. . .from doing (8)again and again (9)Why don’t you+ v.? (10)be tired (ll)be busy doing.  III. Leading-in  T: There is a construction in Exercise One.  Look at the word “chocolate” in Practise.  This is a dialogue between a husband and a wife.  Could you describe the pictures?  1. ice cream 2. potato chips 3. cakes 4. apple pies 5. cheese  IV. Practice  Picture One: ( Wife = A, Husband = B. )  A: I went to see my doctor yesterday.  B: What did she say?  A: She said I’m a little too heavy.  B: Do you have to stop eating ice cream?  A: No, I don’t have to, but I mustn’t eat too much.  Change the sentences:  Picture 2:  B: Do you have to stop eating potato chips?  Picture 3:  B: Do you have to stop eating cakes?  Picture 4:  B: Do you have to stop eating apple pies?  Picture 5:  B: Do you have to stop eating cheese?  T: Ask the students to use it and make a new one.  For example:  Mum: I went to the hospital yesterday.  Dad: What did your doctor say?  Mum: He said that I am a little fat.  Dad: Do you have to stop eating sweets?  Mum: No, I don’t have to, but I mustn’t eat too much. I want to keep on a diet.  V. Presentation  T: Look at the pictures in the students’ books.  One:   It smells good.  Two:   It feels hard.  Three:  It is high.  Four:  They taste delicious.  Five:  They taste sweet.  Six:   She looks beautiful.  Seven: It tastes terrible.  Eight: He seems angry.  VI. Teaching language points  T: Link verbs(系动词): be, taste, smell, feel, seem, look 后面经常加上形容词、名词、副词和介词短语。  For example: ①He’s a teacher.②We feel happy.③You look well. ④She’s at work.  (书中着重介绍了系动词后用形容词的用法!再展示一些例句给学生们。)  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.          6.       VII. Practice  T: Ask the students to make some sentences using these link verb words.  Then let them look at the pictures and describe in other ways.  For example:  1. flowers: The flowers smell nice.  2. apple pies: The apple pies taste sweet.  3. thermometer: The thermometer is low.  4. soup: The soup tastes salty.  5. biscuits: The biscuits smell good.  6. the girl: The girl seems glad.  7. pills: The pills seem soft.  8.the boy: The boy looks ugly.  VIII. Teaching reading  1. Look at the two famous persons.  One is Florence Nightingale, the other is Henry Norman Bethune. Ask the students to discuss or talk about them.  2. Fast reading: Read the content of it.  3. Comparing the two persons.   (1)   (2)     (3)   (4)   4. Read the introduction again.  IX. Exercises in class改错题。  1. These apples smell well.  2. Florence Nightingale was a famous doctor.  3. I have finished my work two days ago.  4. Don’t shout and knock at the door so loudly.  5. They have both returned back the books on time.  6. Henry Norman Bethune came to China to help the Chinese in 1838.  7. How soon have you lived in Beijing?  8. She was born in Australia in May 11th, 1880.  9. He always puts on a yellow coat.  10. He asked me if I had had to eat anything.Keys: 1. well→good 2.doctor→nurse 3. have去掉 4.1oudly→loud 5. back去掉 6.1838→1938 7. soon→long 8. 第二个in→on 9. puts on→wears 10. to eat anything→anything to eat  X. Homework  1. Read the dialogue and choose one picture to write.  2. Copy the sentences from Exercise Two.  3. Read the short passages again and recite them.  XI .Summary句型转换  1. His temperature seems all right.    His temperature seems ________ ________ all right.  2. She doesn’t know what she should do next.     She doesn’t know _________ _________ _________ next.  3. The man seems to be a famous doctor.     ________ ________ ________ the man ________ a famous doctor.  4. He got up very late. He missed the early bus.    He got up ________ ________ ________ catch the early bus.  5. I haven’t seen that film. He hasn’t seen that film, either.     ________ I ________ he ________ seen the film.  6. We are friendly.    We ________ ________ very well ________ each other.  7. Would you please lend me your car?     Can _________ _________ your car?   8. Peter is weak in Chinese.    Peter doesn’t________ ________ ________ Chinese.  9. The hand-bag is filled with money.    The hand-bag is ________ ________ money.  10. I think my father will arrive home soon.    I think my father will _________ home soon.Keys: 1.to be  2.what to do  3.It seems that, is  4.too late to  5.Neither,nor,has  6.get on, with  7. I borrow  8. do well in  9. full of  10. reach/get  XII. Writing on blackboard Lesson 71     1. Look at the pictures in the students books.     2. Link verbs:     (1) smell: The flowers smell nice.     (2) taste: The apple pies taste sweet.     (3) be: The temperature is low.     (4) seem: The girl seems glad.     (5)look: The boy looks ugly.     (6)feel: The cake feels hard.     3. Comparing the two famous persons. (1) (2) (3) (4) Lesson 72教学设计方案   Teaching Objectives: Understand the passage, learn a few expressions, practise using link verbs again.   Language Focus: Phrases: every five minutes, look over, I* m afraid. . . , take enough/more exercise, instead of  Properties: Recorder, Overhead projector  Teaching Procedures:  1. Organizing the class  T: Ask the students to get ready for class.    Greet them and listen to a duty report related to the text.  II. Revision  T: Ask the students to take one dictation.  1. I want to stop eating chocolate.  2.1 mustn’t eat too much.  3. She looks beautiful.  4. They smell sweet.  5. They taste delicious.  6. It feels hard.  7. He seems angry.  8. She became a famous nurse.  9. He was a very nice doctor.  10. He became very popular then.  III. Leading-in  T: Ask the students to listen to the tape and answer the questions on page 82.  IV. Reviewing exercises  T: Ask the students to do the match exercise. Make sentences.  Pay attention to the usage of link verbs.  1. She looked tired, but she soon felt better.  2. He always seems very quiet, but sometimes he makes trouble.  3. He wanted to be a great singer, but he became a doctor instead.  4. She looks like her sister, but she’s much younger.  5. This dress is a bit old, but it still looks nice on you.  T: Then ask the students to read the sentences again.   Try to encourage them to make some sentences.  V. Presentation  T: Ask the students to answer the questions in the students’ books. They can answer them with their imagination. The answers are different — show them keys. (Teacher can write them down on the blackboard.)  1. Why did Mrs. Brown go to see the doctor?  For example: —ill, sick, visit, something wrong  2. Is there anything wrong with Mrs. Brown?    —Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.  3. What does she have to do?    —take some exercise, stop eating something, work late, study hard  4. What does she have to eat and drink?    —fruit, meat, vegetable, fish, bread, dumplings, rice, water, juice, coffee, tea, Coca- Cola  5. Why did the doctor ask Mrs. Brown to eat and drink those things?   —health, body need, illness, too fat  T: Ask them to look at the picture and its title, try to describe it.  VI. Teaching reading  1. Pre-reading: Listen to the tape three times, let the students understand the main idea.  2. While-reading: Read the text again by themselves.  Then read it after the tape, try to imitate the sound. Ask some individuals to read it in class. At last, try to explain the text.  3. After reading: Read and act.  T: Get the students to read the dialogue in pairs: Mrs Brown and her doctor.   Then call out several pairs to act out the dialogue in class.  VII. Teaching language points  1. every five minutes 每隔五分钟   (1) I had to sit down and rest every five minutes.   (2) Write on every other line.   (3) There are buses to the station every eight minutes.   (4) I go to visit my grandparents every three days.  2.1ook over 仔细(全身)检查  (1) The doctor looked over Mrs. Brown carefully.  (2) Patients should be looked over by their doctors.  (3) It’s necessary to look over you when you go to see the doctor.  3. I’m afraid... 我恐怕……  (1) I’m afraid you have a problem.  (2) I’m afraid I’ll fail the examination.  (3) I’m afraid he will come back soon.  (4) I’m afraid you’ll meet some difficulties.  4. take enough(more) exercise 进行足够(更多的)锻炼  (1) You don’t take enough exercise, and you have to take more exercise.  (2) It’s good for us to take enough exercise every day.  (3) You look heavy. You should take more exercise.  5. instead of. . .代替……  (1) Shall we have rice instead of bread today?  (2) I’ll go instead of you.  (3) He has been playing computer games all day instead of doing his homework.  (4) The students will have English lessons in the hall instead of in the classroom.  VIII. Practice  T: Encourage the students to ask some questions according to the dialogue in class.   Then answer the questions in the students’ books. This time, they must have the same answers. Check the keys to the questions together.  IX. Exercises in class  Translate the following sentences into English.  1.你最好去看看你的病。  2.快点!只剩下五分钟了。  3.我感到有点害怕。  4.他的老师经常在英语学习上帮助他。  5.你务必照顾好你的儿子  6.他们二个人都不是医生。  7.最好多锻炼。  8.她每天早晨都收听天气预报。  9.希望你暑假过得快乐!  10.英语与汉语一样重要。Keys: 1. You’d better go to see the doctor.   2. Hurry up! There’s only five minutes left.   3. I feel a little afraid.   4. His English teacher often helps him with his English study.   5. Make sure you look after your son well.   6. Neither of them is a doctor.   7. It’s best to take more exercise.   8. She listens to the weather report every morning.   9. I hope you will enjoy yourself during the summer holiday.   10. English is as important as Chinese.  X. Checkpoint 18  T: Go through the checkpoint 18. Understand the grammar better and remember the useful expressions.  XI. Homework  1. Rewrite the dialogue and do Exercise Four - writing.  2. Finish the exercises of this unit.  3. Review the whole unit.  XII. Summary  Dictation : (听写练习)  1. What’s the trouble?  2. take one’s temperature  3. stop. . . from doing. . . 4. feel like doing something  5. look over  6. every five minutes  7. wake up  8. take one’s medicine  9. have to do something  10. have a pain in. . .  11. fall asleep  12. be busy doing  13. I’m afraid. . .  14. have a headache  15. seem angry  16. nothing serious  17. again and again  18. as soon as  19. What’s the matter with you?   20. dream about. ..  Writing on blackboard

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