秘籍18 阅读理解七选五-2020年高考英语抢分秘籍(解析版)

秘籍18 阅读理解七选五-2020年高考英语抢分秘籍(解析版)


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1 秘籍 18 阅读理解七选五 考点归纳 考试大纲对阅读理解七选五的要求 试卷中题干表述如下:根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中 有两项为多余选项。 从《考试说明》对该题型命题目的的表述“主要考查考生对文章的整体内容和结构以及上下文逻辑意 义的理解和掌握。”可以得出以下判断:该题备选项可分为主旨概括句(文章整体内容)、过渡性句子(文 章结构)和注释性句子(上下文逻辑意义)三类。其多余的两个干扰项也往往从这三方面进行设置,例如 主旨概括句或过于宽泛或以偏概全或偏离主题,过渡性句子不能反映文章的行文结构,注释性句子与上文 脱节等。 三、阅读理解七选五题型的特点 (1)此类试题的材料一般是一篇 300 词左右的说明文或议论文,其中正文词数为 240 左右,选项词数 为 70 左右。而 2017 年课标·全国 I 卷的试题材料为记叙文,这是自从考查该题型以来,首次出现记叙文体 的选材。 (2)短文篇章结构常为:提出问题——解决问题的模式。 (3)七个选项意义上都与短文相关,设空类型一般有标类、段落主题句类、过渡句类、细节类; (4)选项多为完整的句子,但也有考查复合句的一部分的情况,句型不一; (5)选项顺序通常为从短至长。 近四年新课标全国卷高考七选五实况分析: 年份 卷别 体裁 题材 话题2 新课标卷 I 说明文 社会生活 新鲜空气是否对我们有好处 新课标卷 II 说明文 社会生活 如何确立正确的目标和动机 2019 年 新课标卷 III 说明文 社会生活 如何与在线课程教授沟通为学生提 出了建议 新课标卷 I 说明文 社会生活 室内设计中颜色的选择问题 新课标卷 II 说明文 社会生活 早晨锻炼对人体的四条好处 2018 年 新课标卷 III 说明文 社会生活 跳舞的好处 全国卷 I 夹叙夹议文 社会生活 作者爱上了露营,建议读者找到适合 自己的回归自然的方式 全国卷 II 说明文 社会生活 几点避免工作时被打扰的建议 2017 年 全国卷 III 说明文 社会生活 如何帮助人们制订一个计划去调节 生物钟,确保起床不再是一件令人头 疼的事 全国卷 I 说明文 文化科技 密码的设置方法和破解的方法 全国卷 II 说明文 社会生活 自己建设花园的具体建议 2016 年 全国卷 III 说明文 社会生活 买鱼和烧鱼的常识 分析篇章结构,把握全篇文脉是阅读填空题解题的关键,英语的语篇通常是由句子和语段构成的,语段 是句子和语篇之间的中间层次,句子虽然能够单独地表达相对完整的思想,但是它不能表达多方面的、比 较复杂的思想,只有把几个句子结合为较大的言语片段,才能表达一个相对独立的层意,所谓的"积句而 成章,积章而成篇。"就是这个道理。 分析文章的层次包含两种形式:一种是分析整篇文章的层次,也就是段落,另一种是分析每一个段落 内部的层次,也就是语篇层次。3 语篇与段落是有区别的,语段是篇章结构的中间层次,是由句子到篇的一种过渡形式,段落 (paragraph)是在某些语体(如记叙文、议论文)中比语段更大的意义单位,较小的段落可以只包括一个 语段或一个句子,一般来说,一个段落通常由几个语段构成。构成语段的方式有两种,一是靠句际间意义 的结合,二是靠句际间的关联词,逻辑性插入语来连接,在分析语段层次时,可以借助句际间的连接词语 作出判断,但最主要的还是要真正体会句际间的意义关系,把握作者的思路,从语序上去发现断续点,理 清层次,好文章的层次非常清晰,只有层层入手,才能真正理解文章。 锦囊妙计 【解题步骤】 步骤 1 在高考的现场如果考生用大量的时间来彻底读懂文章的意思其实是不现实的,也是没有必要的,我们 可以尝试以下四步走。 1. 先读文章的开始部分,明确文章的基本话题,然后仔细阅读五个空各自的前后句寻找并画出关键词。 2. 要对文章中出现的衔接手段保持敏感度。衔接手段分为三种:词汇衔接、逻辑衔接、结构衔接。可按这 几个原则判断原文的空与选项是否匹配。 3. 一旦确定一个选项,就要在该选项上做出标记(例如可以删掉),以避免干扰和分散注意力。 4. 将选项代入到文章中重读,依据行文逻辑,再次确定选项。 答题技巧 细节类题型解题技巧(词汇的衔接或逻辑的衔接) 1.词汇的衔接包括: (1)词汇复现 复现,是保证文章前后衔接而经常使用的一种写作手段,即作者在文章上下文不同的位置对同一个概 念进行重复描述。4 复现关系,主要是指原词复现、同义词复现、近义词复现、反义词复现等。 (2)同范畴词出现 同范畴词是指跟此词汇相关或同一领域的词汇在文章中共同出现,达到语义衔接的目的。你可以在选 项中找到与此词汇最接近的词,从而达到快而准。一般来说,上下文中词汇联系越接近,上下文的衔接关 系越紧密。 (3)代词线索 英语表达中代词出现的频率极高,代词的作用无非是指代前面提及的名词或形容词概念,巧妙利用这 样的指代关系和根据代词的单复数差异可以准确而快速地解题。例如 it 可指代单数名词或整个句子;they 或 them 指代复数名词;one 指代单数可数名词;that 指代不可数名词或句子;this 指代单数名词或句子;these 或 those 指代前句的复数名词。 2.逻辑关系的衔接 过渡性句子可以从细节逻辑上判断可分为: A, 并列关系:First(ly), Second(ly),...;First, then/next,...;In the first place, in the second place...; for one thing, for another thing ,...;then /next ,finally/last 等。 B, 递进关系:too ,also, besides, further ,furthermore ,moreover ,what’s more , in addition ,as well , to make matters worse ,not ...but... ,not only ...but also 等。 C, 解释例证关系:for example ,for instance ,in fact/as a matter of fact ,actually ,in other words /that is to say 等 D, 因果关系: so /therefore ,thus ,consequently(结果) ,as a result (of), so/ such ...that ...,so that ...等 E, 转折对比关系:but, however , yet ,while /though ,or /otherwise ,on the contrary ,instead, nevertheless(然 而), still ,yet, on the contrary ,in contrast / comparison 等 F, 概况归纳关系:in short , in brief , in summary ,generally speaking ,in general , to conclude ,in conclusion, in a word ,on the whole , to sum up 等。5 高考英语七选五阅读解题的十大技巧 技巧一:从细节逻辑上判断——因果关系 因果关系主要指前后的句子有着原因和结果之间的关系,这种关系往往说明了前因后果或者前果后因 等情况。表示因果关系的连词有 as a result 结果,thus/therefore 因此,so (such)...如此……以至于等。 技巧二:从细节逻辑上判断——转折关系 转折关系主要指英语行文中后句对前句构成逆转逻辑关系。如果空格前后两句话之间是逻辑上的逆转, 则空格处很有可能是个转折逻辑的句子。 表示转折关系的连接词有:However 然而, nevertheless 仍然,然而,不过, nonetheless 尽管如此,依然,然 而, still 还;然而, though 可是,不过,然而, yet 然而, in spite of 不顾,不管, at any rate 无论如何,至少, in any case 无论如何,不管怎样, whoever 无论是谁, whatever 无论什么,on the contrary 正相反, in contrast 与此相反, 相比之下, by contrast 相反, 相比之下等。 技巧三:从细节逻辑上判断——例证关系 前后句的某句是为了证明另一句而举的例子。例证的形式多样,但就其本质而言无非是思维上的形象 (例子、类比等)和抽象(观点)的辩证关系,用到的思维过程无非就是基本的归纳(从例子到观点)和 推理(从观点到例子)。 技巧四:从细节逻辑上判断——递进关系 递进关系主要指英语行文中后句对前句是一种顺承逻辑关系。如果空格前后两句话之间是逻辑上的层 进关系,则空格处很有可能是个递进的句子。 表示递进关系的连词有:also 也, 而且, further 另外(的);, furthermore 而且,此外, likewise 同样地, 照样地;也,又,similarly 相似地,类似地, moreover 而且再者,此外, in addition 另外,加之,what’s more 更重要的是, too 也,还, either 也, neither 两者都不, not only…but also 不但……而且等。 技巧五:从细节逻辑上判断——平列关系 表示列举关系的有:first 首先,第一; second 第二;third 第三……;firstly 第一,首先, secondly 第 二(点);其次,thirdly 第三……;first 第一, next 其次,then 那么, 然后……;in the first place 第一,首6 先;in the second place 第二,,其次……;for one thing 首先,一则, for another thing 其次……;to begin with 首先,第一; to conclude 首先,第一,等。 技巧六:从词汇线索上判断——代词 英语表达中的代词出现的频率极高,代词的作用是指代前面提及的名词或形容词概念,巧妙利用这样 的指代关系和根据代词的单复数差异可以准确而快速地解题。 技巧七:从词汇线索上判断——同义词/近义词 英语前言后语之间往往有同义词、近义词、近义表达语甚至相同词汇的重复使用,这是我们解题的一 个很好的判断线索。其实就其本质而言,上文讲的代词和下文将涉及的上下义词和同一范畴词都是特殊的 同义/近义词。 技巧八:从词汇线索上判断——上下义词/同一范畴词 上下义词和同一范畴词就是前者包含了后者,或可以说后者是前者的一个子集。利用前后句中这样的特 殊的同义关系常常可以很轻松地解题。 技巧九:从试题位置上判断——问题在段首 假如问题出现在段首,它通常是段落主题句。认真阅读后文内容,根据段落一致性原则,查找同义词 或其他相关的词,推断出主题句。另外着重阅读后文第一两句,锁定线索信号词,然后在选项中查找相关 特征词。通常正确答案的最后一句与空白后的第一句在意思上是紧密衔接的,因此这两句间会有某种的衔 接手段,尤其当选项是几句话时。 技巧十:从试题位置上判断——问题在段尾 所选答案是引出下一段的内容。如果在选项中找不出与前文之间的关联,此时可考虑与下一段开头是否 有一定的衔接。认真阅读下一段开头几句,看是否与选项的最后一句紧密连接起来。 分析与前文是转折或是对比关系。此时要注意在选项中查找表示转折、对比的关联词,同时注意选项 中所讲内容是否与前文在同一主题上形成对立、对比关系。 如果第一段的段尾是空白,要认真阅读,看此处是细节还是主题。通常文章第一段要提出文章的主题, 如果在段尾提出主题,会用一些信号词如转折词引出来,正确答案中应有这样的特征词。7 段尾通常是结论、概括性语句。注意在选项中查找表示结果、结论、总结等的信号词,如therefore, as a result, thus, hence, in short, to sum up, to conclude, in a word 等词语,选项中也可发现前文的同义词句。 名校模拟 Passage1 The Spring Equinox(春分) The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides a year into 24 solar terms. The Spring Equinox.as the fourth term of the year starts on March 20 and ends on April 4 in 2020. 1 . On the day of the Spring Equinox, sun is directly above the equator(赤道). After the equinox, the sun moves northwards, resulting in gradually longer day time in the Northern Hemisphere and longer night in the Southern Hemisphere. The ancient Chinese people divided the fifteen days of the Spring Equinox into three “hou’s” or five-day parts. 2 ; thunder cracks the sky in the second hou; lightning occurs frequently in the third hou, which vividly reveals the climate feature during the Spring Equinox. 3 . It is an old custom that dates back to 4,000 years ago. People practice this tradition to celebrate the coming of spring. It is believed that if someone can make the egg stand, he will have good luck in the future. Some believe that the Spring Equinox is the best time to practice this game because on this day the axis of the earth is relatively balanced against the orbital plane of the earth’s rotation around the sun, which makes it easier to erect an egg. Spring Equinox is also a good time to fly kites. 4 . So to pray for health, they wrote their medical issues on paper kite. When the kite was in the air, people would cut off the string to let the paper kite float away, symbolizing the flying away of diseases. ____5____. On the Spring Equinox, people write a blessing on the kite, hoping that the gods in the sky would see it. A. Later flying kites developed into a popular game of spring B. In ancient times, people did not have good medical resources8 C. The Spring Equinox signals the equal length of the day and night time D. It suggests that people flying kites help preserve health and bring good luck E. Farmers will reward cattle with sticky rice balls to express their gratefulness F. As the old saying goes, swallows fly back to the North in the first hou G. Standing an egg upright is a popular game across the country during the Spring Equinox 【文章大意】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了中国的节气“春分”,说明了划分春分的依据、气候特征以及春分时人们立 鸡蛋和放风筝的习俗。 1.C 【解析】根据后文 On the day of the Spring Equinox, sun is directly above the equator. After the equinox, the sun moves northwards, resulting in gradually longer day time in the Northern Hemisphere and longer night in the Southern Hemisphere.可知,在春分那天昼夜时间相等,春分之后,北半球昼长夜短。故 C 选项“春分标志着 白天和黑夜的长度相等”符合上下文语境。 2.F【解析】根据后文 thunder cracks the sky in the second hou 可知打雷发生在第二候。由此可知,本句是在 说明“第一候”。故 F 选项“俗话说,燕子飞回北方的第一候”符合上下文语境。 3.G 【解析】根据后文 It is an old custom that dates back to 4,000 years ago. People practice this tradition to celebrate the coming of spring. It is believed that if someone can make the egg stand, he will have good luck in the future.可知,本段是在说明春分时立鸡蛋的游戏。故 G 选项“在春分时节,立鸡蛋是一种流行的游戏”符合上 下文语境。 4.B 【解析】根据后文 So to pray for health, they wrote their medical issues on paper kite. When the kite was in the air, people would cut off the string to let the paper kite float away, symbolizing the flying away of diseases.可 知,本句应当是说明人们放风筝的原因是在古代,人们没有很好的医疗资源。故 B 选项“在古代,人们没有 很好的医疗资源”符合上下文语境。 5.A 【解析】结合后文 On the Spring Equinox, people write a blessing on the kite, hoping that the gods in the sky 9 would see it.可知,放风筝后来成了人们祈求祝福的一种春季游戏。故 A 选项“后来,放风筝成了一种流行的 春季游戏”符合上下文语境。 Passage2 Not everyone deals with their feelings as an open book for others to read. 1 Learn to open up in order to improve your mental health. 2 Accept this and move on. Give yourself some time to have sweaty palms or a shaky voice, since it will get better with practice. Ask people open-ended questions. To begin practicing opening up, you need to engage in honest, open conversation. Try a question like, "How are things going at work?" instead of "How's it going?” to get an open answer. Then, in turn answer open-ended questions with honest answers, instead of “Fine” or “OK”. 3 However, in most cases people are flattered that you are listening to them and interested in their life. Try emulating(效仿) someone who is very open. Observe them in a social situation. Then, try to act as if you are them occasionally. Many open behaviors are learned, and not a natural part of personality. 4 Avoid being a "know it all". Some people think advice is opening up, but it is unlikely to help you more open. When you want to give advice, listen and try to learn something new from the situation. 5 Schedule at least one long conversation per week. In the conversation you tell someone about the emotional and difficult part of your life. Get into the practice of opening up about what's good and bad in your life. A. In this case, practice can make perfect. B. Call close friends and family members more often. C. Asking people personal questions is not always proper. D. Try connecting about hobbies, interests, vacations or books.10 E. Listening patiently is a great way to overcome fear of sharing emotions in public. F. Understand that there is usually some fear with opening up to other people. G. However, closing yourself from new people can stop your personal growth. 【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。不是每个人都把自己的感情当作一本可以让别人阅读的书。要学会开放, 以改善你的心理健康。 1.G 【解析】根据第一段第一句 Not everyone deals with their feelings as an open book for others to read 与空后 的句子 Learn to open up in order to improve your mental health 可知,关闭与新朋友交往可以阻止你的个人成 长。故选择 G。 2.F 【解析】根据第二段第二三句 Accept this and move on. Give yourself some time to have sweaty palms or a shaky voice, since it will get better with practice 可知,了解向别人敞开心扉通常会有一些恐惧。故选择 F。 3.C 【解析】根据第三段最后一句 However, in most cases people are flattered that you are listening to them and interested in their life 可知,问别人私人问题并不总是合适的。故选择 C。 4.A 【解析】根据第四段第一二三四句可知,要是这样的话,熟能生巧。故选择 A。 5.B 【解析】根据第六段第二句 Schedule at least one long conversation per week 可知,经常给亲密的朋友和 家人打电话。故选择 B。 Passage 3 Indoor cycling offers an effective, low-impact, and social exercise option. 1 . Make sure to talk to the instructor about adjusting your bike the first time, and look to increase the intensity of your exercise each time you get on an indoor cycle. Here are some tips to follow. 1.Choose your seat before class. If you’re planning on a scheduled indoor cycling class, you may be able to reserve the specific bike you’d like to ride. If this choice is not available, try to arrive early enough to be able to choose the bike you want to ride. 2 . 2.Wear appropriate clothing. Tights or bike shorts are ideal options to wear on bottom. Avoid anything too loose or that prevents your range of movement. Bike shorts are worth trying out. They range in cost from about $20 to $100. 11 3 ; choose a pair based on comfort. 3.Eat 90 minutes before your class. 4 . However, you should eat a small, healthy snack an hour and a half or so before you begin cycling. This time frame allows you to digest the food and have energy stored for your exercise. 4. 5 . It’s always important to show up on time for group fitness events. You may not be allowed to join if you arrive late. Arrive especially early for your first few classes to ask any questions you may have and meet others in your classes. A. Don’t worry about brand B. Show up 10 minutes early C. You’d better consider the brand. D. You can begin indoor cycling at any fitness level E. Having a nutritional meal will keep you energetic F. Avoid eating a full meal within a few hours of your class G. Choose whatever place that will best enable you to focus on the class 【文章大意】本文为说明文。室内骑自行车成为了很多人健身的选择,然而你知道要注意的事项吗? 1.D【解析】根据该空前的 Indoor cycling offers an effective, low-impact, and social exercise option.可知,你可 以在任何健身水平上开始室内自行车运动。故选择 D 项。 2.G 【解析】根据本段主题句 Choose your seat before class.与空前的 If this choice is not available, try to arrive early enough to be able to choose the bike you want to ride.可知,选择最能让你在课堂上专心的地方。 3.A 【解析】根据空后的语境 choose a pair based on comfort 可知,不要担心品牌。故选择 A 项。 4.F 【解析】根据本段主题句Eat 90 minutes before your class.与空后的However, you should eat a small, healthy snack an hour and a half or so before you begin cycling.可知,避免在上课这几个小时吃饱饭。 5.B 【解析】本段提到 show up on time for group fitness events、You may not be allowed to join if you arrive 12 late.可知,要提前十分钟到达。故选择 B 项。 Passage4 Body language provides a lot of information on what other people are thinking. A research has shown that 55% of communication comes from body language. ___1___ Next time you’re in a meeting, watch for these cues(暗示): Real smiles crinkle (使起皱纹) the eyes. When it comes to smiling, the mouth can lie but the eyes can’t. Real smiles reach the eyes, crinkling the skin to create crow’s feet around them. People often smile to hide what they’re really thinking and feeling, so the next time you want to know if someone’s smile is real, look for crinkles at the corners of their eyes. ___2___ ___3___ Have you ever been in a meeting with someone and noticed that every time you cross or uncross your legs, they do the same? Or perhaps they lean their head the same way as yours when you’re talking? That’s actually a good sign. It means that the conversation is going well and that the other party accepts your message. Eyes that lie. Most of us believe that it’s difficult to hold someone’s gaze (凝视) when they’re lying. But that’s such common knowledge that people will often try to hold eye contact, hoping to cover up the fact that they’re lying. ___4___ If you’re talking with someone whose gaze is making you uncomfortable, something is up and they might be lying to you. Even if you can’t read a person’s exact thoughts, you can learn a lot from their body language.___5___ A. Copying your body language is a good thing. B. If they aren’t there, that smile is hiding something. C. Good sings lead to good conversations in a meeting. D. You’ll have to find out how long they have looked at you. E. Learning how to understand that 55% can give you a lot of help. F. That’s especially true when words and body language don’t match.13 G. The problem is that most of them will hold eye contact until it feels uncomfortable. 【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。一项研究表明,55%的交流来自肢体语言。短文介绍了一些肢体语言所暗示 的信息。 1.E 【解析】根据第一段第二句 A research has shown that 55% of communication comes from body language.以 及第四句 Next time you’re in a meeting, watch for these cues 可知,E 选项(学习如何理解 55%的肢体语言可以 给你很多帮助)符合语境。故选择 E。 2.B 【解析】根据第二段第四句后半部分 so the next time you want to know if someone’s smile is real, look for crinkles at the corners of their eyes 可知,B 选项(如果眼角无皱纹,那就说明微笑下隐藏着一些事情)符合语境。 故选择 B 项。 3.A 【解析】根据第三段整段内容可知,本段主要在说明模仿你的肢体语言是件好事,判断,A 项(模仿你 的肢体语言是件好事)符合语境。故选择 A 项。 4.G 【解析】根据第四段第五句 If you’re talking with someone whose gaze is making you uncomfortable, something is up and they might be lying to you.可知,G 选项(问题是,他们中的大多数人会一直保持目光接触, 直到眼睛感到不舒服为止。)符合语境。故选择 G 项。 5.F 【解析】根据第五段第一句 Even if you can’t read a person’s exact thoughts, you can learn a lot from their body language.可知,F 选项(当口头语言和肢体语言不匹配时尤其如此)符合语境。故选择 F 项。 专家押题 Passage 1 There was a time when I didn’t think I could ever be happy. Luckily, that all began to change when I started looking inside. I discovered how I was the cause of my unhappiness. Here are some of the things I discovered: 1. Being afraid of making mistakes. If I am afraid of making mistakes, I assume that I have something to lose. I don’t know if making a mistake helps me grow. We’re human. 1 That’s okay, as long as we’re honest with ourselves.14 2. 2 I try to be perfect because I think it’ll bring approval from others. Yet, the act of trying to be perfect means dismissing myself. It means not loving who I am right now. It means not doing what I can with what I have. 3. Chasing happiness. 3 But to me, it’s more like I’m avoiding my feelings. I feel bad, so I want to be happy. I create an image of a future where I’m happy, and I long for it. I want it now. 4. Trying to control life. I don’t control life. I control my reactions and actions but not much else. When I try to control life, people, and places, I end up exhausted. It’s not my domain. It’s not up to me to control results. 4 5. Trying to fix others. I used to think it was my responsibility to fix others. 5 You have mistakes you need to make. You have experiences to collect. I am not going to stand in the way of that. A. We make mistakes. B. Aiming for perfection. C. Perfection is hard to realize. D. So it won’t make a difference to me. E. I now let people travel their own path. F. I often fall into the habit of chasing happiness. G. All I can do is follow my heart, and see what happens. 【文章大意】本文为说明文。我通过亲身经历明白了一些道理,有些事情会妨碍我们的幸福与快乐。 1.A 【解析】根据第二段中的主题句 Being afraid of making mistakes.以及空前的 We’re human.可知,我们犯 错。故选择 A 项。 2.B 【解析】第三段中提到 I try to be perfect、the act of trying to be perfect means dismissing myself 同时根据 第一段中的 I discovered how I was the cause of my unhappiness. Here are some of the things I discovered 判断, 追求完美。故选择 B 项。 3.F 【解析】根据第四段的主题句 Chasing happiness.以及后面的 But to me, it’s more like I’m avoiding my feelings. I feel bad, so I want to be happy.判断,我经常养成追逐幸福的习惯。故选择 F 项。15 4.G【解析】根据第五段的主题句 Trying to control life.该空前的 It’s not up to me to control results.判断,我所 能做的就是跟着感觉,看看会发生什么。故选择 G 项。 5.E【解析】根据第六段空前的 I used to think it was my responsibility to fix others.以及空后的 You have mistakes you need to make.判断,现在我让人们走自己的路。 Passage 2 Traveling With a Group? Here’s How to Plan and Stay Friends From bachelor parties to family reunions, group trips are opportunities to explore the world with the people you love. They also have the potential to be planning messes, with scheduling, decision-making and sorting-out finances coming together. 1 We’ve rounded up tips, tricks and tools to help plan your group trip well. Understand your group dynamic Is it a group of friends, or is it a couple of families traveling together? Is it a multigenerational trip with a big age range? These factors all come into play with activity level, comfort zones and rooming. 2 Families might prefer the ease and facilities of a hotel or resort. Big groups of friends might opt to search through home rental sites like VRBO and Airbnb. Shared apps are vital Once you’ve decided on the group, figure out when everyone is available. Doodle allows users to create a poll online of possible travel dates and then vote on preferred options. Tried and true Google Sheets is a nice way to organize options for destinations, housing and more in a spreadsheet. 3 It will allow you to send messages both while planning and when traveling. ___ 4 ___ Tracking expenses is doable via spreadsheet, but still requires a fair amount of work to properly divvy(分摊) up shares and figure out who owes what. Splitwise is a popular app for tracking, prorating and ultimately balancing expenses. It also integrates directly with the payment app Venmo, allowing you to make payments and receive money directly.16 Getting group deals Investigating group deals may be a bit time-consuming. 5 Amtrak recently launched Share Fares, which earns you greater discounts on tickets the more people you travel with. If booked at least\ three days in advance, this program can reduce ticket prices up to 35 percent for groups of four. A. Budget carefully. B. Figure out finances. C. But they don’t have to be. D. But the research can save you money. E. WhatsApp is of great help to communicate. F. These apps bring much convenience to your group trip. G. Group dynamics can play a big role in determining where to stay. 【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。文章就怎样安排团体出行,和怎样与团员相处给出了一些建议。 1.C 【解析】上一句“他们也有可能把计划搞得一团糟,把日程安排、决策和财务整理放在一起。”下句“我 们收集了一些建议、技巧和工具来帮助你更好地计划团队旅行”。选项承上启下,C 选项“但他们不一定是这 样的。”切题。故选 C。 2.G 【解析】下一句“一些家庭可能更喜欢酒店或度假村的舒适和设施。很多朋友可能会选择在 VRBO 和 Airbnb 等房屋租赁网站进行搜索。选项承接下文,G 选项“团体力量在决定待在哪儿时起很大作用。”切题。 选项中的Group dynamics与本段的主旨句Understand your group dynamic呼应,且与下文的Families 和Big groups of friends 呼应。故选 G。 3.E 【解析】下一句“它让你在计划和旅行的时候发消息。”,选项承接下文,E 选项“WhatsApp 这个软件再 交流中由很大作用。”切题。选项中的 WhatsApp 与本段主旨句 Shared apps are vital 呼应,且与下文的 it 呼 应。故选 E。 4.B 【解析】下一句“通过电子表格跟踪费用是可行的,但还要做大量的工作来适当地分摊,找出谁欠什么。17 选项为本段标题,B 选项“弄清楚财务状况。”切题。选项中的 finances 与下文的 expenses 呼应。故选 B。 5.D 【解析】上一句“调查团体待遇情况可能有点费时。”选项承接上文,D 选项“但是这样的调查可以节约 钱。”切题。且前文的 Investigating 与选项中的 the research 呼应,故选 D。 Passage3 Timeless Ways to Live a Happy Life Achieving happiness can be different for each one of us. The following ways to live a happy life can be adapted to fit your needs. 1. Judge whales right. Some of us see the glass as being half-full, while others see the glass as half-empty. If you get in the slow line at the grocery store, take the opportunity to pick up a magazine and do some “guilty pleasure” reading. 1 At the end of the day, you will be more content and happy. 2. Be grateful. How many times do you say “thank you,” in a day? How many times do you hear these same words? If you are doing the first thing, saying the “thank you,” the latter will naturally happen. 2 3. Remember the kid you were. 3 _ I mean playing like you did when you were a child—a game of tag, leap frog, or street baseball when the bat is a broken broom handle. It’s believed that one way to find or maintain your happiness is to remember the kid you were and play! 4. Be Kind. 4 Watching ads of kindness increases the desire for us to perform good deeds as well. When we make a commitment to be kind, we can experience new heights of happiness and enthusiasm for our lives. 5. 5 The absence of goals in our lives makes us stuck and ineffective. The pursuit of goals in our personal lives, in 18 our relationships, or with our careers, devotes to having a life full of passion and enthusiasm. A. Pursue goals in your life. B. Do the things you want to do. C. Kindness is indeed appealing to us. D. So you will receive an abundance of joy. E. You can carry the burden of failure in life. F. Accept it with what’s right about the situation. G. Don't forget how to play when you were young. 【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了实现快乐生活的方法。 1.F 【解析】由上一句“如果你在杂货店排队很慢,抓住这个机会拿起一本杂志,做一些“又内疚又喜悦的矛 盾”阅读。”可知,承接上文,F 选项“接受当前的处境。”切题;该选项中的 Accept 对应上文中的 take the opportunity。 2.D 【解析】由上一句“如果你正在做第一件事,说“谢谢”,后者(听别人说谢谢)自然会发生。”可知,承 接上文,D 选项“因此你会得到极大的快乐。”切题;前后两句是因果关系。 3.G 【解析】由下一句“我的意思是像你小时候一样打球,打吊牌、跳蛙或街头棒球,球棒是个破扫帚柄。” 可知,承接下文,G 选项“别忘了你年轻时怎么玩。”切题。 4.C 【解析】由下一句“看善意 广告也会增加我们做好事的欲望。”可知,承接下文,C 选项“仁慈确实对 我们有吸引力。”切题。 5.A【解析】由下文“生活中没有目标会让我们陷入困境,效率低下。在个人生活、人际关系或事业中追求目 标,致力于拥有充满激情和热情的生活。”可知,本段讲的是要追求生活中的目标,承接下文,A 选项“追求 生活中的目标。”切题。 Passage4 Do you wish to go outside and ride a bike? 1 In fact, it's quite easy to ride a bicycle if you follow 的19 these simple steps. ★ Find a safe place to practice. Concrete is the easiest surface to bike on but is dangerous if you fall. 2 Riding on the sidewalk is not good in some areas, because you might hit people. ★ 3 If your bike has brakes on the handlebars( 手 把 ), test to see which brake controls which tire. If your bike doesn't have brakes on the handles, it should have back-pedal brakes. In order to brake, you will need to bring the pedals. ★ 4 Push yourself along a flat surface with your feet and get the feel of how the bike is. Do this until you have a good feel and some confidence about riding the bike. This is the key bike-riding skill: balancing and steering(掌舵). Take as much time with this step as you need to feel confident. Balance is easier to keep when the rider is moving faster. ★Get ready to ride. 5 However, still keep it low enough so that you can touch the ground with the tip of your toes while seated. Going too slowly while riding will not keep the rider safe. A. Raise the seat a bit. B. Practice balancing on the bike. C. Make sure you know how to brake. D. Maybe you don't know how to ride a bike yet. E. Short grass would be acceptable choices for anyone who falls. F. You're comfortable when starting and stopping on a flat surface. G. Brake to a complete stop and try putting only one foot out to hold yourself up.20 【文章大意】你会骑自行车吗?如果你不会骑,也不要担心。其实学起来很容易!只需遵循以下步骤就 可以了。 1.D 【解析】根据前后语境可知,文章以问句“你想去外面骑自行车吗?”开头,引出话题,进而告知其实骑 自行车很简单,故 D 项“也许你还不知道怎么骑自行车呢”能起到承上启下的作用。 2.E 【解析】根据本段的主题“Find a safe place to practice”和空前的“Concrete is the easiest surface to bike on but is dangerous if you fall”可知,在混凝土路面练习骑自行车,一旦摔倒会很危险,故 E 项“短草地是任何一个 跌倒的人都可以接受的选择”符合语境。 3.C 【解析】段落中反复出现“brake”,说明本段主要涉及“刹车”的使用。故 C 项“确保你知道如何刹车”最 能概括本段的主题。 4.B 【解析】根据本段中的关键信息“balancing and steering”和“balance”可知,本段主要涉及骑自行车时的平 衡问题。故 B 项“在自行车上练习保持平衡”符合语境。 5.A 【解析】 根据空后的“However, still keep it low enough so that you can touch the ground with the tip of your toes while seated”可知,座位也不能太高,否则当你坐在上面的时候你的脚趾的顶端就接触不到地面了。故 空处应选一个和下文构成转折意义的句子,故 A 项“稍微提高一下座位的高度”符合语境。

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