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小升初英语专题 04《对话》 一、对话配对。(每小题 1 分,共 50 分) (一) ( )1. who's your music teacher? A. Thanks. ( )2. What are they doing? B. Mr Li. ( )3. Your room is really nice. C. I often play sports. ( )4. When do you go to school? D.At7:00. ( )5. What do you do on the weekend? E. They are singing. (二) ( )6. Lets clean the classroom. A. Her name is Sarah. ( )7. How was your holiday? B. OK. ( )8.Is this your aunt? C. It was good, thank you. ( )9. what's her name? D. Two storybooks and a maths book. ( )10. what's in your schoolbag? E. Yes. it is. (三) ( )11. Whose coat is this? A. It's windy and cold. ( )12. How much is this skirt? B. No, they aren't. They are goats. ( )13. Are these sheep? C. Yes, I do. ( )14. Do you have an art room? D. It's $60. ( )15. what's the weather like in London? E. It's my father's. (四) ( )16. What are you going to do tomorrow? A. He read books. ( )17. Can we use your crayons? B. I’m OK now. ( )18. Is your father a businessman? C. I'm going shopping. ( )19. Are you all right? D. OK. Take turns. ( )20. What did he do last Saturday? E. Yes he is. (五) ( )21. When is your birthday? A. Yes, there is. ( )22. Is there a river beside the house? B. it's on February 1st. ( )23. Happy birthday! C. I can draw pictures. ( )24. What can you do for the party? D. I d like some tea. ( )25. What would you like to drink? E. Thanks. (六) ( )26. it's 26 degree. A. No, it isn't. it's sunny. ( )27. Is it rainy in Singapore? B. They are ours. ( )28. Can I try them on? C. Yes. It's yours. ( )29. Is that my cap? D. It's warm. ( )30. Whose pictures are these? E. Sure. Here you are. (七) ( )31. Why do you like summer? A. It's next to the cinema. ( )32. Where is the hospital? B.It's9:00. ( )33. Is there a post office? C. You can go by the No. 11 bus. ( )34. How can I get there? D. Because I can go swimming.( )35. What time is it? E. Yes. there is. (八) ( )36. How do you feel? A. She works in a factory. ( )37. How did you go there? B. No, he doesn't. ( )38. Where does she work? C. I feel ill. ( )39. Does Oliver do word puzzles every day? D. I went by plane. ( )40. How tall are you? E. I m 1. 56 metres. (九) ( )41. What are your hobbies? A. it's near the window ( )42. What will you do for your mum? B. it's on the first floor. ( )43. Where is the computer room? C. I'll make a cake for her. ( )44. Where's the sofa? D. No, I had a cold. ( )45. Did you see a film? E. I like cooking Chinese food. (十) ( )46. Where did you go? A. He is 41 kg. ( )47. How heavy is he? B. I fell off my bike last Saturday. ( )48. What size are your shoes? C. I looked it up on the internet. ( )49. How do you know that? D. I wear size 35 shoes. ( )50. What happened? E I went to Sanya. 二、将下列句子用 ABCDE 重新编号排序,以组成通顺的对话。 ( )Wow! it's so big. ( )Yes, and our pictures are on the wall. ( )Hi, Zhang Peng! We have a new classroom. ( )Really? What,s in the classroom? ( )Lets go and see! ( )What did you do? ( )You are a good girl. ( )It was good, thank you. ( )How was your weekend? ( )I cleaned my room and washed my clothes. ( )Have a good time! ( )What are you going to do tomorrow? ( )I'm going to see a film. ( )I am going at 4 o'clock. ( )Sounds great! When are you going? ( )I like ice cream, too.What would you like to drink? ( )Nice to meet you, Lily! Do you like ice cream? ( )I'd like some milk. It's healthy for me.( ) Yes, it's sweet and delicious. How about you? ( )OK. let's buy some ice cream and milk. 三、从方框里选择正确的答案,补全对话。(每小题 1 分,共 40 分) (1) Alice. Hi. Lisa!1.__________ Lisa: I'm going to see a film in the new cinema. Alice. 2.________ Lisa it's about space travel! Alice: Sounds good. 3.________ Lisa: It's in front of the science museum. Alice:4._______ Lisa:We can go by subway. 5.________. Alice: Cool! I love popcorn. Lets go together. (2) Sarah. Hi. Dad. This is Sarah. What are you doing? Dad: I’ m walking on a bridge. Sarah: 6.________ Dad :Thanks. What are you doing? Sarah: I'm colouring at the desk with Sam. Dad:7.________ Sarah.:OK, we will.8.______ Dad:Sure. Take turns. 9.______ Sarah: She’s sleeping. She worked last night. Dad. Shh! 10._______ Sarah: OK. (3) A: Winter holiday is coming. 11._______ B: I'm going to take a trip. A: Where are you going? B:12.______My uncle lives in Hangzhou. A:What does he do? B:13._______ A. Wow! 14._______ B: No, he doesn't. He goes to work by bike. A:15.________ B: He likes riding a bike and singing English songs. A: Cool! (4) Tom: Hello. Lily: Hi, Tom. 16.______ Tom: It's in May. A. what's the film about? B. How can we get there? C. But where is the new cinema? D. And we can buy some popcorn! E. What are you going to do this Saturday evening? B A. Talk quietly B.Can we use your computer? C. What is your mother doing? D. Keep to the right. E. Keep your desk clean. A. I am going to Hangzhou. B. He is a TV reporter. C. What are you going to do? D. What are his hobbies? E. Does he go to work by car? A. Will you make a cake for her B. What will you do for your mum on Mother’s Day? C. When is Mothers Day? D. Will you come to our party? E. What about you?Tom:I’ll make a card and say “Thank you” to her. 18._______ Lily: I'll cook for my mother. Tom: 19._______ Lily: Yes, I will. And we will have a party. 20._______ Tom: Sure. Thank you. (5) Mike: Mum,21.______ Mum: It’s snowy. Mike: Can I go outside? Mum: 22._____It's too cold outside. You can put on your sweater and coat. Mike: OK. But where is my coat? Mum:23.______ Mike: It’s blue. Mum: 24.______ Mike: Yes, it is. I’m warm now. Can I go outside now? Mum:25._______ Be careful. (6) Robin: You look tired. 26.______ Wu Yifan:I have PE. Robin:27._______ Wu Yifan: No I don’t. 28.________ Robin: What do you often do on the weekend? Wu Yifan: 29._______Sometimes I read books. Robin: You should play sports every day. 30.________ (7) Assistant(售货员):31._______ Amy: Yes. The white shoes are nice. 32.________ Assistant: Of course. What size? Amy: 33._______ Assistant: Here you are. Are they OK? Amy: No.34._______ Assistant: Hmm. let's try size 8. Amy: They are just right. 35.______ Assistant: They are $150. Amy: Oh, sorry! That’s too expensive. (8) A :Where did you go over the summer holiday? B: 36.______My grandparents live there. A: What did you do? A. What colour is? B. Yes, you can. C. No, you can’t. D. what's the weather like today? E.Is this yours? A. Do you often play sports? B. I often watch TV. C. What do you have on Friday? D. Here is a new schedule for you. E. I don,'t like sports. A. Can I try them on? B. They are too small. C .How much are they? D. Size 7 E. Can I help you? A. I went fishing everyday. B. I studied there four years ago. C. I went to a small village in Lishui. D. Yes, it was great. E. Now there's a big one.B:37.________ A: Was it interesting? B: 38._______ A :Did you do anything else? B :Yes, I visited the school there and took lots of pictures. 39._______ A:Is it different now? B: Yes. There was a small playground then40.________ It's new and beautiful. A :Cool! 【参考答案】 一、对话配对 (一)B E A D C (二)B C E A D (三)E D B C A (四)C D E B A (五)B A E C D (六)D A E C B (七)D A E C B (八)C D A B E (九)E C B A D (十)E A D C B 二、将下列句子用 ABCDE 重新编号排序,以组成通顺的对话。 (1)D E A B C (2)C E B A D (3)E C B A D (4)C A D B E 三、从方框里选择正确的答案,补全对话。(每小题 1 分,共 40 分) (1)E A C B D (2)D E B C A (3)C A B E D (4)C B E A D (5)D C A E B (6)C A E B D (7)E A D B C (8)C A D B E

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