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1 上海市杨浦区中考英语三模试卷 I.Choose the best answer(选择量恰当的答案)(共 20 分) 1.(1 分)Which of the following words is pronounced as /sel/?(  ) A.sale B.sell C.sail D.shall 2.(1 分)Sending e﹣mail has almost taken ________ place of writing letters.(  ) A.a B.an C.the D./ 3.(1 分)The church caught fire ________ Monday, causing major damage to the centuries﹣old building.(  ) A.on B.in C.at D.by 4.(1 分)Let's eat somewhere with fast service. I only have ________ time.(  ) A.few B.a few C.little D.a little 5.(1 分)Which can go________, a racing bicycle or a mountain bicycle?(  ) A.fast B.faster C.fastest D.the fastest 6.(1 分)This drink tastes________, but in a good way!(  ) A.strange B.well C.badly D.beautifully 7.(1 分)The teacher asked the boys to be quiet, but they just kept________.(   ) A.talk B.talking C.to talk D.to talking 8.(1 分)Is________ a gas station nearby, please? My car is running out of petrol.(  ) A.it B.here C.this D.there 9.(1 分)It's difficult for me to tell cheese________ butter.(  ) A.about B.by C.from D.between 10.(1 分)Cakes from the supermarket are usually terrible, ________ I always bake my own cakes.(  ) A.or B.but C.for D.so 11.(1 分)I ________ find the remote control. Have you seen it anywhere?(  )2 A.can't B.needn't C.mustn't D.shouldn't 12.(1 分)﹣ ________ is it from the nearest hospital? ﹣ About 200 metres.(  ) A.How far B.How long C.How many D.How much 13.(1 分)You ________ Tim, one of the team guides as soon as you arrive at the centre.(  ) A.meet B.will meet C.met D.would meet 14.(1 分)My grandpa is getting so forgetful ﹣ I have to remind him ________ his medicine.(  ) A.take B.takes C.to take D.taking 15.(1 分)Last night in Garden City, many trees ________ down in the storm.(  ) A.be blown B.are blown C.were blown D.have been blown 16.(1 分)________ everything was going according to the plan, there is no need to worry.(  ) A.Since B.Although C.Unless D.Before 17.(1 分)________ beautiful way to celebrate Easter! I wish we could have been there.(  ) A.What B.What a C.What an D.How 18.(1 分)﹣Can I borrow your calculator, please? ﹣ Sorry, I________ it to work out the figures at the moment.(  ) A.use B.will use C.used D.am using 19.(1 分)﹣How do you feel about Tina's dress? ﹣ ________(  ) A.She likes it B.She's too thin. C.It feels soft. D.It is lovely. 20.(1 分)﹣ ________ ﹣ I'd like to, but I have guitar lesson.(  ) A.Why can't you wash your dirty socks sometimes? B.If you like, I can help you with that project tomorrow.3 C.Would you like to go to the book fair on Saturday? D.Would you mind helping me with the maths problem? II.Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格.每空格限填一词,每词 或词组只能填一次)(共 8 分) 21.(4 分) A.electric B. amount C. all the way D. turn down E. turn on Our eyes need light to see. When we walk into the sun,(1)    a lamp, or look at a screen, light enters our eyes. There are many kinds of it. Some are visible, and some are not visible. Light comes in several different colors. Each color has a different(2)    of energy. Blue light has the most energy, and it is everywhere, Of course, you can see it in the sky, but it is also common in(3)    lights. Computers, TVs, and phones all produce lots of blue light, too. Our eyes are bad at blocking blue light because it is very strong. It can reach(4)    to the backs of our eyes. That is a problem because too much blue light causes damage. 22.(4 分) A.feet B. mood C. blind D. prevent E. protect The most harmful blue light comes from screens. Looking at them too much gives you eye strain. Blue light from screens also affects your sleep. Your body thinks you are looking at the sun all the time. So, it stops creating the chemical that makes you sleepy. Too much blue light can even make you(1)   . We can't avoid all blue light, and we wouldn't want to. It keeps us in a good(2)    during the day. However, we can(3)    our sight from it. There are special glasses and apps that block blue light. They are very helpful. Also, try following the 20﹣20﹣20 rule. Every 20 minutes, look at something 20(4)    away. Do that for 20 seconds each time. It gives your eyes the 4 rest that they need. III.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中 所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)(共 8 分) 23.(1 分)The    grade is very important for students who want to get into the right school. (nine) 24.(1 分)If we win the next three   , we could still go through to the final. (match) 25 .( 1 分 ) My     view is that pet owners should leave their pets at home. (person) 26.(1 分)In football you always need a bit of luck and this time luck is on    side. (we) 27.(1 分)The museum in the town is so huge that it's    to see everything in one day. (possible) 28.(1 分)Everyone sat    in a room, listened and took notes. (quiet) 29 .( 1 分 ) Nothing gives him more     than helping those in trouble. (please) 30.(1 分)Remember to    your notes very carefully before giving a speech. (organization) IV.Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子.每空格 限填一词.注意句首大写)(共 14 分) 31.(2 分)The children had a good time in Disneyland.(改为一般疑问句)     the children    a good time in Disneyland? 32.(2 分)This smart phone belongs to Peter.(对划线部分提问)        this smart phone belong to? 33.(2 分)"Jack, what was your childhood like?" asked the journalist.(用宾语 从句改写句子) The journalist asked Jack    his childhood    like. 34.(2 分)They will publish the results in the media soon.(改为被动语态) The results will       in the media soon. 35.(2 分)Both my friend and I have signed up for the course.(保持句意基本不变)5 I have signed up for the course and      my friend. 36.(2 分)Linda never becomes angry easily.(保持句意基本不变) Linda never    her    easily. 37.(2 分)did, company, your father, which, work for(连词成句)     ? V.Readingcomprehension(阅读理解)(共 50 分)Choosethebestanswer(根据短文内容, 选择最恰当的答案)(12 分) 38.(12 分)Welcome to Our Web Site! AFTER SCHOOL FUN at Chester Elementary School March 10﹣ May 23 (There will be no classes during Spring Break, April 14 ﹣18) "After School Fun" begins at 3: 15. Pick up is at 4: 15. You MUST be picked up each day by 4:30 at the latest. After 4: 30 the school is locked. All classes are free, but for some you'll need special supplies. Sign up by March 3. Classes fill quickly! This is a great way to fill the time between school and dinner! Beading Teacher: Kate Moss. In this class, you can make a beautiful beaded necklace. You'll also learn how to put together cute friendship pins. Beading is fun and easy. Anyone can learn! (The teacher can tell you where to buy supplies.) Friday, Art Room Games Your Grandparents Played Teacher: Susan Taylor. This class will show you how children played long ago. You'll jump rope and play running games. You'll play board games and cards. You ll learn counting rhymes. The games your grandparents played were really fun! Wear comfortable clothes . Mondays , GymiSpanish, Si! Teacher: Juan Alvarado, Did you know that Spanish is spoken by more than 17 million Americans? After a few weeks with Juan Alvarado, you'll be able to talk about the weather. You'll be able to name the people in your family. You'll be able to name clothes and animals. For the last class, you will go to a real Mexican restaurant and order a meal in Spanish! Mexican food is truly delicious! Tuesdays, Library6 Kung Fu Teacher: Nina Pan. Kung Fu is a Chinese martial art. Kung Fu is better than just a sport. It teaches you to move beautifully. It teaches you to believe in yourself and have respect for others. Kung Fu is fun, but it is more than that. It can make you into a better person. Nina Pan is the best Kung Fu teacher around . You'll love her class . Wear loose , comfortable clothing. Thursdays, Gym. (1)Which of the following dates is the Spring Break?    A. Mar 3 B. Mar 10 C. APR 16 D. May 23 (2)What can we learn from the underlined sentence "Classes fill quickly"?    A. Time flies quickly in these classes B. classes are popular with students C. Supplies for classes will be provided D. Classes are full of fun activities (3)Students practice DIY (Do It Yourself) skills in    class. A. Beading B. Games Your Grandparents Played C. isPanish Si D. Kung Fu (4)What information is NOT given about each class?    A. Teacher in charge B. Days and times C. Place to meet D. Number of students (5)Students are expected to    in Kung Fu class. A. develop communication skills B. become confident and respectful7 C. play a lot of old and fun games D. meet some Chinese Martial artists (6)The website page mainly   . A. introduces after﹣school clubs B. offers information on homework C. displays the school schedule D. lists the upcoming sports events Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文)(12 分) 39.(12 分)There are many elderly people in Erdingford who live on their own and find it difficult to go out and to look after themselves. Yet most of them love their homes and want to go on living in them as long as possible. Helping Hand is a registered charity that helps such people to live independent lives in their own home environments. But our work (1)    volunteers, many of them young people, who visit our clients and help them with the activities of daily living, or just provide some friendly company for an hour or so. Some of the elderly clients we help have failing eyesight and often they like to be read to. Others just enjoy an opportunity for some friendly conversation or playing a (2)    such as cards or chess. What you do for your client is discussed and (3)    by you, your Volunteer Support Officer, and the person you are helping. You will not be asked to do anything you are not happy to do A Helping Hand volunteer can be trusted link with the ‘outside world', helping to keep our senior citizens independent. But it's not a one﹣sided benefit: volunteers learn so much from their clients experience of life as well as gaining new skills by taking on the (4)    of caring role. As Roy(18)said: I thought voluntary work would be a matter of doing little jobs for an old person I didn't know, and then feeling (5)    myself because I'd done something good . But it wasn't really like that . It was more like a friendship: I leant so much from Margaret about her generation, how things were 8 in the past, and about life itself. And she seemed to take me (6)   , and to listen to what I had to say. (1)A. deals with B. depends on C. stands for D. worries about (2)A. game B. ball C. trick D. character (3)A. marked B. recorded C. proved D. agreed (4)A. interest B. effect C. responsibility D. adventure (5)A. familiar withB. pleased withC. embarrassed about D. disappointed in (6)A. slowly B. badly C. carefully D. seriously Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适 当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14 分) 40.(14 分)I've always known that dogs are intelligent animals, but even I was surprised when I heard about a dog called Red, at the Batter sea Dogs Home in London. The Home has been caring for lost and unwanted animals for over 140 years. (1)R    ,the staff there got a shock when they came to work in the morning. They found that some of the dogs had got out of their kennels during the night, opened cupboards and taken out food and toys. And it happened again, and again. The manager, Becky Blackmore, (2)d    that the only way to solve the mystery was to put in cameras to record how the dogs were getting out. When she and her staff played back the recording , they saw Red, a three ﹣year old lurcher, put his nose through the bars of his kennel and use his teeth to press the button that opened his door. That was (3)c    enough, but Red did more: he unlocked the kennels next to his and let those dogs out too. The group went along the corridor, broke into cupboards and (4)s   dog biscuits and toys to play with. Becky Blackmore said,‘It's surprising, because lurchers aren't famous for their intelligence. It's (5)a    that he worked out now on how to open 9 his own kennel, but also that he then let all his friends out.' Like most of us , I suppose , Red didn't like to have a party (6)a    ! The story has a happy ending: after Red was shown on television, several people came forward and offered to give him a new home as a family pet.‘ We are very happy about this,' said member of staff at the Dog' Home.‘ Lurchers are usually difficult to find homes for. When Red arrived here four months ago, he was very thin and in poor (7)c   . Now he can look forward to a comfortable new life with an owner who wants him. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)(12 分) 41.(12 分)Los Angeles, California﹣on October 7, Michelle Wood climbed into her kids' tree house. It was a good place, she thought, for a mother to go on strike (罢工). Mrs Wood, 36, was tired of having her three children talk back to her. She was tired of driving them everywhere without thanks and doing more than her share of the work around the house. Until things changed, Mrs. Wood was going to stay up in the tree. Mrs. Wood's strike got her kids attention, of course. But that's not all that happened. Word of the fed up mother spread. Before long, a camera crew from television's Today Show pulled into the Woods yard. Now people all across America were going to find out about the kids who drove their mother up a tree. As the cameras rolled, the three Wood kids stood with their father near the tree house. Katie Green, the Today Show host, had a question for them."What do you think about your mum on strike in that tree house? " she asked. "I am kind of embarrassed, " said Misty. "I'm really shocked, "said Joseph. "I did not think it would go this far." Rachel added, "I think she's pretty weird." But Mrs Wood had made her point. If the kids wanted her back, they knew what they had to do. When the TV crew left, Misty, Rachel, and Joseph went into their house and got busy. Not long after that, Mrs, Wood climbed down from the tree and went back to being a mom.10 (1)Michelle Wood has got three children , hasn't she?    (2)Where did Mrs. Wood go on strike?    (3)How old is Mrs. Wood?    (4)How did people across America find out about the Wood kids?    (5)When the kids went back into the house, what do you think they did?    (6)When Mrs Wood went back, what do you think the kids would say to their mom?    VI.Writing(作文):(共 20 分) 42.(20 分)Write a story of at least 60 words based on the given situation. Give your story a title.(根据所给情境,写一篇不少于 60 个词的短文,标题自拟,标点符 号不占格) Situation: One day, you woke up late. You left home in a hurry and tried to get to school on time The following points are for reference only.(以下内容仅供参考) √ how you tried to get to school on time √what happened on the way to school √how you dealt with it √ what happened in the end ________.11 2019 年上海市杨浦区中考英语三模试卷 参考答案与试题解析 I.Choose the best answer(选择量恰当的答案)(共 20 分) 1.(1 分)Which of the following words is pronounced as /sel/?(  ) A.sale B.sell C.sail D.shall 【分析】下面哪个词读成/sel/? 【解答】sale 出售,音标为;sell 卖,出售,音标为[sel];sail 航行,音标为[seɪl]; shall…好吗,要不要…,音标为 [ʃæl].根据选项的音标可知,B 项正确. 故选:B. 【点评】题目考查语音,要求学生在平时的学习中注意掌握单词的音标和发音规则.做 题时,根据单词的音标和发音规则,选出正确的答案. 2.(1 分)Sending e﹣mail has almost taken ________ place of writing letters.(  ) A.a B.an C.the D./ 【分析】发电子邮件几乎取代了写信. 【解答】a 修饰以辅音音素开头的单词.an 修饰以元音音素开头的单词./不填.the 表 示特指.take the place of…"代替…"固定搭配. 故选:C. 【点评】考查冠词,冠词包括定冠词 the,通常表示特指.不定冠词 a 和 an,a 修饰以辅 音音素开头的单词,an 修饰以元音音素开头的单词,/不填.要根据语境,积累一些固定 搭配,选择合适答案. 3.(1 分)The church caught fire ________ Monday, causing major damage to the centuries﹣old building.(  ) A.on B.in C.at D.by 【分析】教堂在周一失火了,对这个几百年的老建筑造成了严重的损坏. 【解答】A on 在具体的日期前;B in 在某年某月某季节前;C at 在具体某时刻前;D by 到…时间为止.Monday 是指星期一,所以用介词 on. 故选:A. 【点评】辨析时间介词的用法: in 接某年某月某季节,如 in September;at 接某一时12 刻,如 at 5 o'clock;C on 在具体某一天,如 on Sunday. 4.(1 分)Let's eat somewhere with fast service. I only have ________ time.(  ) A.few B.a few C.little D.a little 【分析】我们找个快餐店吃饭吧,我只有很少的时间. 【解答】few,少几乎没有,后面跟可数名词复数,a few 少但是有,后面跟可数名词复 数,题干中是用来修饰 time 的,所以排除 A,B.little 少,几乎没有,后面跟不可数 名词,a little 少但是有,后面跟不可数名词.根据题意,找个快餐店吃饭,几乎没时 间但是还有一点儿吃饭的时间,所以 a little 符合题意. 故选:D. 【点评】掌握形容词的含义和用法,根据题意选出正确答案. 5.(1 分)Which can go________, a racing bicycle or a mountain bicycle?(  ) A.fast B.faster C.fastest D.the fastest 【分析】哪个能更快一点,一个赛车还是一个山地自行车? 【解答】A fast 原级;B faster 比较级;C fastest 最高级;D the fastest 最高级.根据 句意,是在赛车和山地自行车之间对比,用副词的比较级,结构是在词尾加 er. 故选:B. 【点评】两者间的比较用形容词/副词的比较级. 6.(1 分)This drink tastes________, but in a good way!(  ) A.strange B.well C.badly D.beautifully 【分析】这饮料尝起来很奇怪,但是还不错. 【解答】strange 奇怪的,well 好的,badly 糟糕的,beautifully 漂亮的.根据题意, 饮料尝起来很奇怪,但是还不错,只有 strange 符合题意. 故选:A. 【点评】掌握形容词的含义和用法,根据题意选出正确答案. 7.(1 分)The teacher asked the boys to be quiet, but they just kept________.(   ) A.talk B.talking C.to talk D.to talking 【分析】老师要求男孩们安静,但是他们继续讲话.13 【解答】A talk 动词原形;B talking 动名词;C to talk 动词不定式;D to talking to+ 动名词.固定搭配 keep doing sth 持续做某事,所以空格处是动名词 talking. 故选:B. 【点评】掌握动词的固定搭配和用法. 8.(1 分)Is________ a gas station nearby, please? My car is running out of petrol.(  ) A.it B.here C.this D.there 【分析】请问附近有加油站吗?我的车没油了. 【解答】A it 它;B here 这;C this 这个;D there 那里.根据句意,某地有某物, 用 there be 句型表示,疑问句时 be 动词提到句首,所以空格是 there. 故选:D. 【点评】there be 句型表示某地有某物,某地发生某事. 9.(1 分)It's difficult for me to tell cheese________ butter.(  ) A.about B.by C.from D.between 【分析】对我来说区分奶酪和黄油是非常困难的. 【解答】A about 关于;B by 通过;C from 从;D between 在…之间.根据句意,cheese 是指奶酪,butter 是指黄油,属于同一品种,所以是无法区分这两个东西,固定搭配 tell from 表示区分. 故选:C. 【点评】掌握固定搭配的用法. 10.(1 分)Cakes from the supermarket are usually terrible, ________ I always bake my own cakes.(  ) A.or B.but C.for D.so 【分析】从超市买的蛋糕通常比较差,所以我经常自己做蛋糕. 【解答】A or 或者;B but D 但是;C for 为了;D so 所以.根据上文表示从超市买的 蛋糕通常比较差,和下文我总是自己做蛋糕,两句之间是因果关系,所以空格处用表因 果关系的并列连词 so. 故选:D. 【点评】辨析上下文的句意和关系,选出正确的连词,使句子变得完整. 11.(1 分)I ________ find the remote control. Have you seen it anywhere?(  )14 A.can't B.needn't C.mustn't D.shouldn't 【分析】我找不到遥控器.你在哪里看到它了吗? 【解答】A can't 不能;B needn't 不必;C mustn't 不允许;D shouldn't 不应该.根 据句意,是我不能找到遥控器,所以用情态动词 can't. 故选:A. 【点评】辨析每个选项的词义,结合语境选出正确的答案. 12.(1 分)﹣ ________ is it from the nearest hospital? ﹣ About 200 metres.(  ) A.How far B.How long C.How many D.How much 【分析】﹣最近的医院来有多远? ﹣约 200 米. 【解答】A.多远 B.多长时间 C.多少 D.多少钱.根据 About 200 metres,可知表 达的是距离,用 how far 提问. 故选:A. 【点评】熟悉 how far 的用法,结合题意,给出答案. 13.(1 分)You ________ Tim, one of the team guides as soon as you arrive at the centre.(  ) A.meet B.will meet C.met D.would meet 【分析】你一到中心就会看到团队向导之一的 Tim. 【解答】A meet 一般现在时;B will meet 一般将来时;C met 一般过去时;D would meet 过去将来时.as soon as 引导的是时间状语从句,从句用一般现在时,主语用一般将来 时,所以空格处是 will meet. 故选:B. 【点评】as soon as 引导的是时间状语从句,遵循"主将从现"原则 14.(1 分)My grandpa is getting so forgetful ﹣ I have to remind him ________ his medicine.(  ) A.take B.takes C.to take D.taking 【分析】我的祖父变得很健忘.我不得不提醒他要吃药. 【解答】A take 动词原形;B takes 动词三单形式;C to take 动词不定式;D taking 动名词.固定搭配 remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事.15 故选:C. 【点评】掌握固定搭配的用法. 15.(1 分)Last night in Garden City, many trees ________ down in the storm.(  ) A.be blown B.are blown C.were blown D.have been blown 【分析】昨晚在花园城,许多树在暴风雨里被吹倒. 【解答】A be blown be+过去分词;B are blown 一般现在时的被动语态;C were blown 一般过去时的被动语态;D have been blown 现在完成时的被动语态.根据时间状语 last night,句子用一般过去时,所以排除 ABD 选项.主语 trees 是被刮倒,所以用一般过去 时的被动语态. 故选:C. 【点评】根据时间状语判断句子的时态,同时判断主语和谓语之间是主动还是被动关 系. 16.(1 分)________ everything was going according to the plan, there is no need to worry.(  ) A.Since B.Although C.Unless D.Before 【分析】既然一切事情都已经按照计划的进行,那就没必要担心. 【解答】A since 既然;B although 尽管;C unless 除非;D before 在…之前.根据 上文表示一切事情按照计划进行,和下文表示没必要担心,上文是没必要担心的原因, 所以用引导原因状语的从属连词 since. 故选:A. 【点评】辨析上下文的句意和关系,选择正确的连词,使句子变得完整. 17.(1 分)________ beautiful way to celebrate Easter! I wish we could have been there.(  ) A.What B.What a C.What an D.How 【分析】多么好的方式来庆祝复活节!我希望我们当时在那里. 【解答】感叹句的结构:how+形容词/副词+主语+谓语;what+a/an+形容词+可数名词单 数+主语+谓语.beautiful 是形容词,way 是可数名词单数,所以用 what 的感叹句结构, beautiful 是以辅音音素开头的单词,所以前用不定冠词 a. 故选:B.16 【点评】掌握感叹句的结构:how+形容词/副词+主语+谓语;what+a/an+形容词+可数名 词单数+主语+谓语;what++形容词+可数名词复数/不可数名词+主语+谓语. 18.(1 分)﹣Can I borrow your calculator, please? ﹣ Sorry, I________ it to work out the figures at the moment.(  ) A.use B.will use C.used D.am using 【分析】﹣我能借一下你的计算器吗?﹣对不起,我正在用它算这些数字. 【解答】A use 一般现在时;B will use 一般将来时;C used 一般过去时;D am using 现在进行时.根据时间状语 at the moment,句子用现在进行时,主语是 I,所以用 am using. 故选:D. 【点评】根据时间状语判断句子的时态. 19.(1 分)﹣How do you feel about Tina's dress? ﹣ ________(  ) A.She likes it B.She's too thin. C.It feels soft. D.It is lovely. 【分析】你觉得 Tina 的裙子怎么样?它是好看的. 【解答】A.She likes it 她喜欢它;B.She's too thin.她太瘦了.C.It feels soft.感觉柔软.D.It is lovely.它是好看的.根据 How do you feel about Tina's dress?可知应说它是好看的. 故选:D. 【点评】首先迅速地浏览一遍对话,根据对话的情境,How do you feel about Tina's dress?结合选项作答. 20.(1 分)﹣ ________ ﹣ I'd like to, but I have guitar lesson.(  ) A.Why can't you wash your dirty socks sometimes? B.If you like, I can help you with that project tomorrow. C.Would you like to go to the book fair on Saturday? D.Would you mind helping me with the maths problem? 【分析】﹣你想在周六去参加书展吗? ﹣我想去但是我有吉他课. 【解答】Why can't you wash your dirty socks sometimes?你为什么不能偶尔洗洗你17 的脏袜子呢?If you like, I can help you with that project tomorrow.如果你喜 欢 , 我 可 以 明 天 帮 你 做 那 项 工 程 . Would you like to go to the book fair on Saturday?﹣你想在周六去参加书展吗?Would you mind helping me with the maths problem?你介意帮我数学问题吗?根据 I'd like to,我想去,但是我有吉他课,可知, Would you like to go to the book fair on Saturday?符合题意. 故选:C. 【点评】掌握表示建议的句型,根据题意选出正确答案. II.Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格.每空格限填一词,每词 或词组只能填一次)(共 8 分) 21.(4 分) A.electric B. amount C. all the way D. turn down E. turn on Our eyes need light to see. When we walk into the sun,(1) E  a lamp, or look at a screen, light enters our eyes. There are many kinds of it. Some are visible, and some are not visible. Light comes in several different colors. Each color has a different(2) B  of energy. Blue light has the most energy, and it is everywhere, Of course, you can see it in the sky, but it is also common in(3) A  lights. Computers, TVs, and phones all produce lots of blue light, too. Our eyes are bad at blocking blue light because it is very strong. It can reach(4) C  to the backs of our eyes. That is a problem because too much blue light causes damage. 【分析】这是一篇选词填空,文章讲了我们的眼睛需要光线才能看得见,而光有许多种, 一些是可见的,一些不可见;光线有不同的颜色,每种颜色的能量也不一样,其中蓝光 的能量最大,而且它无处不在,但我们的眼睛阻挡蓝光的能力很差,因为它很强,这是 个问题,因为太多的蓝光会造成损害. 【解答】(1)E.考查动词短语,根据句意,当我们走进太阳,___灯,或看屏幕时,光 线进入我们的眼睛,可知是打开灯,turn on 打开,符合句意,故选 E. (2)B.考查名词,根据句意,每种颜色都有不同___的能量,可判断空格处填名词,amount18 为名词,意为"数量",符合句意,故选 B. (3)A.考查形容词,根据句意,蓝光能量最大,而且无处不在,当然在天上都能看到, 但在___灯里也很常见,可判断在电灯里也很常见,electric 为形容词,意为"电的",符 合句意,故选 A. (4)C.考查副词短语,根据句意,它可以___延伸到我们的眼睛后面,可知空格处词义 为一直,all the time 符合句意,故选 C. 【点评】阅读文章,把握文意,结合上下文,根据句意判断空格处的词义,选择正确的 单词,完成后最好检查一遍,看文意是否通顺. 22.(4 分) A.feet B. mood C. blind D. prevent E. protect The most harmful blue light comes from screens. Looking at them too much gives you eye strain. Blue light from screens also affects your sleep. Your body thinks you are looking at the sun all the time. So, it stops creating the chemical that makes you sleepy. Too much blue light can even make you(1) C . We can't avoid all blue light, and we wouldn't want to. It keeps us in a good(2) B  during the day. However, we can(3) D  our sight from it. There are special glasses and apps that block blue light . They are very helpful. Also, try following the 20﹣20﹣20 rule. Every 20 minutes, look at something 20(4) A  away. Do that for 20 seconds each time. It gives your eyes the rest that they need. 【分析】这是一篇选词填空,主要讲了蓝光对人类的危害和人类如何预防它. 【解答】细节推理题 (1)C.根据句意,太多的蓝光甚至会使你___,可知选词 blind 失明的,符合句意,故 选 C. (2)B.根据句意,它让我们在一天中保持好的___,可判断空格处要填名词,in a good mood 心情好,mood 为名词,表示"心情,情绪",符合题意,故选 B. (3)D.根据后文 There are special glasses and apps that block blue light. They are helpful.有特殊的眼镜和应用程序,可以阻挡蓝光.他们非常有帮助.可知前文说19 的是我们可以预防我们的视力免受它的伤害,选词 prevent 表示"预防",符合句意,故 选 D. (4)A.根据句意,每 20 分钟,看 20___远的东西,结合选词 feet,表示"英尺",符合 句意,故选 A. 【点评】阅读文章,把握文意,结合上下文,根据句意判断空格处的词义,完成后最好 检查一遍,看文意是否通顺. III.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中 所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)(共 8 分) 23.(1 分)The ninth  grade is very important for students who want to get into the right school. (nine) 【分析】九年级对那些想进好学校的学生来说是很重要的. 【解答】nine 九,基数词,定冠词 The 后用序数词 ninth"第九". 故答案为:ninth. 【点评】考查序数词.序数词是指表示顺序的数词,通常表示"第几".要结合语境,注 意序数词变法,正确写出答案. 24.(1 分)If we win the next three matches , we could still go through to the final. (match) 【分析】如果我们赢了接下来的三场比赛,我们仍然可以晋级决赛. 【解答】match 比赛,名词.根据 three"三"可知,用复数 matches. 故答案为:matches. 【点评】考查名词复数.要结合语境,判断名词单复数变化,会正确运用名词复数的变 法. 25.(1 分)My personal view is that pet owners should leave their pets at home. (person) 【分析】我个人的看法是宠物主人应该把宠物留在家里. 【解答】person 人,名词.这里修饰名词 view"看法"用形容词 personal"个人的". 故答案为:personal. 【点评】考查形容词.形容词通常修饰名词或构成系表结构,结合语境及所给单词提示, 正确写出答案. 26.(1 分)In football you always need a bit of luck and this time luck is on our  20 side. (we) 【分析】在足球界,你总是需要一点运气,而这一次运气是站在我们这边的. 【解答】we 我们,主格.这里修饰名词 side"边"用形容词性物主代词 our"我们的". 故答案为:our. 【点评】掌握形容词性物主代词修饰名词的知识点,根据所给单词提示,结合语境,正 确写出答案. 27.(1 分)The museum in the town is so huge that it's impossible  to see everything in one day. (possible) 【分析】镇上的博物馆太大了,一天之内不可能看到所有的东西. 【解答】possible 可能的.根据 The museum in the town is so huge"镇上的博物馆太 大了"可知,应该是"一天之内不可能看到所有的东西",it is+形容词+to do sth"做某事 是…"固定搭配,it 是形式主语,不定式是真正主语.用形容词 impossible"不可能的 ". 故答案为:impossible. 【点评】考查形容词.形容词通常修饰名词或构成系表结构,结合语境及所给单词提示, 正确写出答案. 28 .( 1 分 ) Everyone sat   quietly   in a room , listened and took notes. (quiet) 【分析】每个人都安静地坐在一个房间里,倾听并做笔记. 【解答】quiet 安静的,形容词.这里修饰动词 sat"坐"用副词 quietly"安静地". 故答案为:quietly. 【点评】副词通常用来修饰动词或句子,这里修饰动词,要结合语境,辨析副词用法, 根据所给单词,正确写出答案. 29 .( 1 分 ) Nothing gives him more   pleasure   than helping those in trouble. (please) 【分析】没有什么比帮助那些有困难的人更让他高兴的了. 【解答】please 请.形容词比较级 more"更多的"修饰不可数名词 pleasure"高兴". 故答案为:pleasure. 【点评】名词的用法比较广泛,要根据所给单词提示,结合具体语境,仔细分析,运用 正确形式完成试题.21 30 .(1 分)Remember to  organize   your notes very carefully before giving a speech. (organization) 【分析】演讲前记得仔细筹备笔记. 【解答】organization 组织,名词.remember to do sth"记得做某事",to 后跟动词原 形 organize"组织、筹备、管理". 故答案为:organize. 【点评】考查动词原形,掌握不定式 to 后用动词原形的知识点,结合语境及所给单词提 示,正确写出答案. IV.Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子.每空格 限填一词.注意句首大写)(共 14 分) 31.(2 分)The children had a good time in Disneyland.(改为一般疑问句)  Did  the children have  a good time in Disneyland? 【分析】﹣﹣孩子们在迪斯尼乐园玩得很开心. ﹣﹣孩子们在迪斯尼乐园玩得很开心吗? 【解答】原句是一般过去时,其一般疑问句在句前加 did,动词过去式 had 还原成原形 have. 故答案是 Did ,have 【点评】解答此类试题时,务必根据题目的要求,在准确理解句子意思的前提下,结合 时态准确作答. 32.(2 分)This smart phone belongs to Peter.(对划线部分提问)  Who  does  this smart phone belong to? 【分析】﹣﹣这部智能手机属于彼得的. ﹣﹣这部智能手机属于谁的? 【解答】根据划线部分 Peter 可知用疑问词用 who 谁,原句是一般现在时,主语是三人 称单数 this smart phone ,疑问词后跟助动词 does,三人称单数动词还原. 故答案是 Who does. 【点评】解答此类试题时,务必根据题目的要求,在准确理解句子意思的前提下,找准 疑问词,结合时态准确作答. 33.(2 分)"Jack, what was your childhood like?" asked the journalist.(用宾语 从句改写句子)22 The journalist asked Jack what  his childhood was  like. 【分析】"杰克,你的童年是怎样的?"记者问. 记者问杰克他的童年是什么样子的. 【解答】直接引语是 what 开头的特殊疑问句,要用 what 引导宾语从句,主句是一般过 去时,宾语从句也用一般过去时,宾语从句用陈述语序. 故答案为 what,was. 【点评】句型转换题,要求正确理解句意,分析句子成分.要注意运用正确的时态和语 序,有时还要添加助动词. 34.(2 分)They will publish the results in the media soon.(改为被动语态) The results will be  published  in the media soon. 【分析】﹣﹣他们很快就会在媒体上公布结果. ﹣﹣结果很快就会在媒体上公布. 【解答】原句是一般将来时,被动语态由 will be +过去分词构成,即 will be published 故答案是 be published. 【点评】解答此类试题时,务必根据题目的要求,在准确理解句子意思的前提下,结合 被动语态的构成准确作答. 35.(2 分)Both my friend and I have signed up for the course.(保持句意基本不变) I have signed up for the course and so  has my friend. 【分析】我和我的朋友都报名了这门课. 我已经报名了,我的朋友也报名了. 【解答】根据题干,可知要求改为同义句,原句是指两人都报名了.结合题干,推出是 句型:so+动词+主语,表示前者的情况也适合后者.根据前面的时态是现在完成时,助 动词是 have,故后面也是现在完成时,friend 是单数,用助动词 has. 故答案为 so has. 【点评】同义句转换主要是考查对句型的活用,同一个内容多种形式表达的能力.在做 题时要注意应弄清楚所给句子的内容和句式结构,试题填空部分与原句的对应关系,表 达形式. 36.(2 分)Linda never becomes angry easily.(保持句意基本不变) Linda never loses  her temper  easily. 【分析】琳达从不轻易生气.23 琳达从不轻易发脾气. 【解答】temper 脾气,loses one's temper 发脾气,是固定短语."琳达从不轻易发脾气 "和"琳达从不轻易生气"句意是相同的.原句是一般现在时,还用一般现在时,主语是第 三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式. 故答案为 loses,temper. 【点评】句型转换题,要求正确理解句意,分析句子成分.要注意运用正确的时态和语 序,有时还要添加助动词. 37.(2 分)did, company, your father, which, work for(连词成句)  Which company did your father work for  ? 【分析】你父亲在哪家公司工作? 【解答】由题干"连词成句",及句末的符号.判断出句子是一般现在时的特除疑问句.它 的结构是:疑问词组+助动词+主语+谓语+状语?疑问词组是 Which company,助动词是 did ,主语 your father ,谓语是 work ,状语是 for.因此可连接成句子为:Which company did your father work for? 故答案为:Which company did your father work for? 【点评】本题是连词成句,做此类题时,注意句子的结构、时态及句末的标点符号,从 而连接成正确的句子. V.Readingcomprehension(阅读理解)(共 50 分)Choosethebestanswer(根据短文内容, 选择最恰当的答案)(12 分) 38.(12 分)Welcome to Our Web Site! AFTER SCHOOL FUN at Chester Elementary School March 10﹣ May 23 (There will be no classes during Spring Break, April 14 ﹣18) "After School Fun" begins at 3: 15. Pick up is at 4: 15. You MUST be picked up each day by 4:30 at the latest. After 4: 30 the school is locked. All classes are free, but for some you'll need special supplies. Sign up by March 3. Classes fill quickly! This is a great way to fill the time between school and dinner! Beading Teacher: Kate Moss. In this class, you can make a beautiful beaded necklace. You'll also learn how to put together cute friendship pins. Beading 24 is fun and easy. Anyone can learn! (The teacher can tell you where to buy supplies.) Friday, Art Room Games Your Grandparents Played Teacher: Susan Taylor. This class will show you how children played long ago. You'll jump rope and play running games. You'll play board games and cards. You ll learn counting rhymes. The games your grandparents played were really fun! Wear comfortable clothes . Mondays , GymiSpanish, Si! Teacher: Juan Alvarado, Did you know that Spanish is spoken by more than 17 million Americans? After a few weeks with Juan Alvarado, you'll be able to talk about the weather. You'll be able to name the people in your family. You'll be able to name clothes and animals. For the last class, you will go to a real Mexican restaurant and order a meal in Spanish! Mexican food is truly delicious! Tuesdays, Library Kung Fu Teacher: Nina Pan. Kung Fu is a Chinese martial art. Kung Fu is better than just a sport. It teaches you to move beautifully. It teaches you to believe in yourself and have respect for others. Kung Fu is fun, but it is more than that. It can make you into a better person. Nina Pan is the best Kung Fu teacher around . You'll love her class . Wear loose , comfortable clothing. Thursdays, Gym. (1)Which of the following dates is the Spring Break? C  A. Mar 3 B. Mar 10 C. APR 16 D. May 23 (2)What can we learn from the underlined sentence "Classes fill quickly"? B  A. Time flies quickly in these classes B. classes are popular with students C. Supplies for classes will be provided D. Classes are full of fun activities (3)Students practice DIY (Do It Yourself) skills in A  class.25 A. Beading B. Games Your Grandparents Played C. isPanish Si D. Kung Fu (4)What information is NOT given about each class? D  A. Teacher in charge B. Days and times C. Place to meet D. Number of students (5)Students are expected to B  in Kung Fu class. A. develop communication skills B. become confident and respectful C. play a lot of old and fun games D. meet some Chinese Martial artists (6)The website page mainly A . A. introduces after﹣school clubs B. offers information on homework C. displays the school schedule D. lists the upcoming sports events 【分析】这篇文章主要是为 "After School Fun"着项活动进行广告的.这项活动从 3 月 10 日到 5 月 23 日,设有三个不同的活动. 【解答】(1)C.细节理解题.根据 There will be no classes during Spring Break, April 14﹣18.可知春节假期在 4 月 14 日至 18 日.故选:C. (2)B.推理判断题.根据 This is a great way to fill the time between school and dinner!这是一个很好地度过放学和晚饭之间的时间办法,可知这个活动很受欢迎.故选: B. (3)A.细节理解题.根据 In this class, you can make a beautiful beaded necklace.可知在 Beading 课上你可以动手做美丽的珠子项链.故选:A. (4)D.细节理解题.根据 Beading Teacher: Kate Moss.等可知提供了老师的信息, 故排除 A 项;根据 March 10﹣ May 23 可知文章提供了时间信息,故排除 B 项;根据 at 26 Chester Elementary School 可知文章提供了地点,故排除 C 项.故选:D. (5)B.细节理解题.根据 It teaches you to believe in yourself and have respect for others.可知通过功夫课,学生会标的自信,并能尊重别人.故选:B. (6)A.细节理解题.根据 Welcome to Our Web Site!AFTER SCHOOL FUN at Chester Elementary School.可知这个网站介绍了课外活动俱乐部.故选:A. 【点评】阅读理解题要求学生通过阅读能够获取并处理文章中的一些信息,这种能力不 是一蹴而就的,需要通过不断的阅读去提升. Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文)(12 分) 39.(12 分)There are many elderly people in Erdingford who live on their own and find it difficult to go out and to look after themselves. Yet most of them love their homes and want to go on living in them as long as possible. Helping Hand is a registered charity that helps such people to live independent lives in their own home environments. But our work (1) B  volunteers, many of them young people, who visit our clients and help them with the activities of daily living, or just provide some friendly company for an hour or so. Some of the elderly clients we help have failing eyesight and often they like to be read to. Others just enjoy an opportunity for some friendly conversation or playing a (2) A  such as cards or chess. What you do for your client is discussed and (3) D  by you, your Volunteer Support Officer, and the person you are helping. You will not be asked to do anything you are not happy to do A Helping Hand volunteer can be trusted link with the ‘outside world', helping to keep our senior citizens independent. But it's not a one﹣sided benefit: volunteers learn so much from their clients experience of life as well as gaining new skills by taking on the (4) C  of caring role. As Roy(18)said: I thought voluntary work would be a matter of doing little jobs for an old person I didn't know, and then feeling (5) B  myself because I'd done something good . But it wasn't really like that . It was more like a friendship: I leant so much from Margaret about her generation, how things were 27 in the past, and about life itself. And she seemed to take me (6) D , and to listen to what I had to say. (1)A. deals with B. depends on C. stands for D. worries about (2)A. game B. ball C. trick D. character (3)A. marked B. recorded C. proved D. agreed (4)A. interest B. effect C. responsibility D. adventure (5)A. familiar withB. pleased withC. embarrassed about D. disappointed in (6)A. slowly B. badly C. carefully D. seriously 【分析】文章介绍了援助之手为老人提供的服务、志愿者可以提供的帮助以及获得的经 验与收获. 【解答】1. B 考查短语,deal with"处理";depend on"依赖;依靠;取决于";stand for"代表;支持;象征";worry about"担心".根据 who visit our clients and help them with the activities of daily living, or just provide some friendly company for an hour or so.可知他们拜访"我们"的客户,帮助他们进行日常生活活动,或者只是为 他们提供一个小时左 右的友好陪伴.推出"我们"的工作依赖于(depend on)志愿者,其 中很多是年轻人,故选 B. 2. A 考查名词,game 游戏;ball 意为"球",trick 意为"诡计;恶作剧",character 意 为"性格;品质",根据 such as cards or chess,可知这些都是棋牌游戏,句意:其他老 人只是享受与志愿者友好交谈或玩游戏(game) ,如纸牌或象棋的机会.play a game 意 为"玩游戏",为固定搭配.故选 A. 3.D 考查动词,mark 意为"标记;记号",record 意为"记录",prove 意为"证明;证 实",agreed 同意.根据…by you, your Volunteer Support Officer, and the person you are helping,结合语境,推出句意:你为你的客户们所做的事情是由你、你的志愿 者支持官和你所帮助的人讨论和同意(agree) 后决定的.故选 D. 4.C 考查名词,结合文意,interest 意为"兴趣",effect 意为"影响;效果", responsibility 意为"责任 ";adventure 意为"冒险",根据 volunteers learn so much from their clients experience of life as well as gaining new skills ,可知志愿者从 他们的客户的生活经历中学到了很多,同时也获得了新的技能.结合语境,推出此处是28 指:他们通过承担起照顾客户的责任(responsibility) ,获得了新的技能.take the responsibility of ..意为"承担…的责任",为固定搭配.故选 C. 5.B 考查短语, familiar with"对…熟悉";pleased with"为…感到高兴";embarrassed about"感到尴尬";disappointed in"对. …失望". 根据 because I'd done something good,可知"我"做了一些好事,所以"我"为自己做了好事而感到高兴(pleasedwith).故 选 B. 6.D 考查短语,take sb. sriously 意为"认真对待某人",为固定搭配;slwly 意为"缓 慢地";badly 意为"恶劣地;糟糕地";carefully 意为"小心地;仔细地".根据上文 It was more like a friendship : Ilearnt so much from Margaret about her generation, how things were in the past, and about life itself. 可知,作者 认为志愿活动更像是一﹣种友谊,她从 Margaret 那里学到了很多关于 Margaret 那﹣ ﹣ 代人的事情,过去的事情,以及生活本身.同时 Margaret 似乎很认真地(seriousy)对 待作者,并听她讲一些事情.故选 D. 【点评】解答完形填空题需要快速阅读全文,了解文章大意,再带着选项去读,边读边 做,注意联系上下文. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适 当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14 分) 40.(14 分)I've always known that dogs are intelligent animals, but even I was surprised when I heard about a dog called Red, at the Batter sea Dogs Home in London. The Home has been caring for lost and unwanted animals for over 140 years. (1)R ecently  ,the staff there got a shock when they came to work in the morning. They found that some of the dogs had got out of their kennels during the night, opened cupboards and taken out food and toys. And it happened again, and again. The manager, Becky Blackmore, (2)d ecided  that the only way to solve the mystery was to put in cameras to record how the dogs were getting out. When she and her staff played back the recording , they saw Red, a three ﹣year old lurcher, put his nose through the bars of his kennel and use his teeth to press the button that opened his door. That was (3)c lever  enough, but 29 Red did more : he unlocked the kennels next to his and let those dogs out too. The group went along the corridor, broke into cupboards and (4)s elected  dog biscuits and toys to play with. Becky Blackmore said,‘It's surprising, because lurchers aren't famous for their intelligence. It's (5)a mazing  that he worked out now on how to open his own kennel, but also that he then let all his friends out.' Like most of us , I suppose , Red didn't like to have a party (6)a lone  ! The story has a happy ending: after Red was shown on television, several people came forward and offered to give him a new home as a family pet.‘ We are very happy about this,' said member of staff at the Dog' Home.‘ Lurchers are usually difficult to find homes for. When Red arrived here four months ago, he was very thin and in poor (7)c ondition . Now he can look forward to a comfortable new life with an owner who wants him. 【分析】本文介绍了狗的聪明:通过 Red 将自己的狗屋打开并放出其同伴这件事来说名 狗的聪明. 【解答】1.Recently;考查副词,由下文的 the staff there got a shock when they came to work in the morning 可知,最近,那儿的工作人员早晨来工作的时候感到震惊,使用 副词 recently"最近",修饰整个句子,故答案为 Recently. 2.decided;考查动词,由下文 that 的从句,可知前使用谓语动词,根据首字母 d 可知 使用动词 decide"决定",表示过去发生的事件,因此使用一般过去时,故答案为 decided. 3.clever;考查形容词,由上文的 put his nose through the bars of his kennel and use his teeth to press the button that opened his door 可知,Red 的做法是足够聪明的, enough 修饰形容词 clever,故答案为 clever. 4.selected;考查动词,由下文的 dog biscuits 可知,Red 和这群狗沿着走廊走,进入 食物柜并挑选了曲奇和玩具去玩,使用动词 select,表示过去发生的动作,因此使用一 般过去时,故答案为 selected. 5.amazing;考查形容词,由下文的 he worked out now 可知,他能自己打开狗窝,这是 多么令人惊奇的事情啊,使用形容词 amazing,作表语,故答案为 amazing. 6.alone;考查副词,由上文的 let all his friends out 可知,Red 不想独自一人举行30 派对,使用副词 alone,修饰谓语动词,故答案为 alone. 7.condition;考查名词,由上文的 he was very thin 可知,当 Red 四个月前到这的时 候,他很瘦且状态不好,使用短语 in poor condition,故答案为 condition. 【点评】题目要求根据首字母提示填写适当的单词补全短文,考查学生对语境的理解能 力及对所学词汇的把握和运用能力.做题时,先把上下文语境或句意与首字母提示结合 起来,推出所需单词;然后根据语法知识填写单词的适当形式. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)(12 分) 41.(12 分)Los Angeles, California﹣on October 7, Michelle Wood climbed into her kids' tree house. It was a good place, she thought, for a mother to go on strike (罢工). Mrs Wood, 36, was tired of having her three children talk back to her. She was tired of driving them everywhere without thanks and doing more than her share of the work around the house. Until things changed, Mrs. Wood was going to stay up in the tree. Mrs. Wood's strike got her kids attention, of course. But that's not all that happened. Word of the fed up mother spread. Before long, a camera crew from television's Today Show pulled into the Woods yard. Now people all across America were going to find out about the kids who drove their mother up a tree. As the cameras rolled, the three Wood kids stood with their father near the tree house. Katie Green, the Today Show host, had a question for them."What do you think about your mum on strike in that tree house? " she asked. "I am kind of embarrassed, " said Misty. "I'm really shocked, "said Joseph. "I did not think it would go this far." Rachel added, "I think she's pretty weird." But Mrs Wood had made her point. If the kids wanted her back, they knew what they had to do. When the TV crew left, Misty, Rachel, and Joseph went into their house and got busy. Not long after that, Mrs, Wood climbed down from the tree and went back to being a mom. (1)Michelle Wood has got three children , hasn't she? Yes,she has. 31 (2)Where did Mrs. Wood go on strike? In her kid's tree house.  (3)How old is Mrs. Wood? 36.  (4)How did people across America find out about the Wood kids? By watching TV.  (5)When the kids went back into the house, what do you think they did? They may do some housework.  (6)When Mrs Wood went back, what do you think the kids would say to their mom? Sorry.  【分析】这篇文章讲述了一位 36 岁的母亲由于得不到孩子的尊重和认可而罢工住进了树 屋. 【解答】(1)Yes,she has.细节理解题.根据 As the cameras rolled, the three Wood kids stood with their father near the tree house.可知 Wood 有三个孩子.故答案 为:Yes,she has. (2)In her kid's tree house.细节理解题.根据 Michelle Wood climbed into her kids' tree house. It was a good place, she thought, for a mother to go on strike (罢工). 可知对孩子的罢工 Wood 爬进来孩子们的树屋.故答案为:In her kid's tree house. (3)36.细节理解题.根据 Mrs Wood, 36.可知 Wood36 岁了.故答案为:36. (4)By watching TV.推理判断题.根据 Before long, a camera crew from television's Today Show pulled into the Woods yard.可知电视台为此做了一期节目,所以美国人 可知通过看电视看到这些孩子.故答案为:By watching TV. (5)They may do some housework.推理判断题.根据 She was tired of driving them everywhere without thanks and doing more than her share of the work around the house. Until things changed, Mrs. Wood was going to stay up in the tree.可 知 Wood 做了太多的家务,所以为了让母亲回家,他们应该做一些家务.故答案为:They may do some housework.32 (6)Sorry to their mom.推理判断题.根据 Mrs Wood, 36, was tired of having her three children talk back to her. She was tired of driving them everywhere without thanks and doing more than her share of the work around the house.可 知孩子们不感谢母亲,对她顶嘴,不做家务,所以应该为他们的行为向母亲道歉.故答 案为:Sorry to their mom. 【点评】细节题是用来进一步表达主题,体现中心思想的,往往针对短文某个细节来设 题.做此类题时,应快速捕捉信息,可能是一些事例、数字等,阅读时要有针对性. VI.Writing(作文):(共 20 分) 42.(20 分)Write a story of at least 60 words based on the given situation. Give your story a title.(根据所给情境,写一篇不少于 60 个词的短文,标题自拟,标点符 号不占格) Situation: One day, you woke up late. You left home in a hurry and tried to get to school on time The following points are for reference only.(以下内容仅供参考) √ how you tried to get to school on time √what happened on the way to school √how you dealt with it √ what happened in the end ________. 【分析】【高分句型一】 Although I might be late,I decided to help the old man up. 尽管我可能会迟到,我还是决定把老人扶起来.although 引导让步状语从句.decide to do sth 决定做某事. 【高分句型二】 He said that he was moved by what I had done. 他说他被我所做的事感动了.that 引导便语从句.what 引导宾语从句. 【解答】Arrive at school on time I overslept this morning.I jumped up quickly from the bed,drank a glass of hot milk and rushed out of the room.(起因)I was waiting for the bus when I saw an old man fall down.At the same time, the bus came.Although I might be late,33 I decided to help the old man up .【高分句型一】As a result , I missed the bus.As I continued to wait for the next bus, I heard someone calling me.I turned around and saw my neighbor, Mr. Peter.He asked me to get in the car.He said that he was moved by what I had done.【高分句型二】He decided to drive me to my school.As I entered the classroom and sat down, the bell rang.(事情的经过和结果) People should help each other.Helping others is helping ourselves.(感想) 【点评】能够根据提示进行书面表达,能够围绕主题准确使用一定的语法、词汇、短语 和句型等,清楚连贯地表达自己的思想,进而完成写作任务.

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