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第 1 页(共 11 页) 2020 届山东省枣庄市英语高考二模试题 第一部分 阅读(共两节;满分 37.5 分)第一节(共 4 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)阅读下 列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项. 1.(10 分)Deciduous forests (落叶林) are home to many wild animals. The development and expansion of human presence in the forests has caused many of their native species to become endangered. Giant Panda The giant panda, one of the most recognizable endangered species, is a large, docile species of bear native to the deciduous forest of eastern China, Myanmar and Vietnam. Because of its limited diet﹣ the panda's main source of food is bamboo﹣ the species is limited in its habitat to areas where bamboo is available. Now the species only can be found today in 20 small patches of forest at the western edge of its historic range. Gray and Red Wolves The gray wolf, which once ranged from the East Coast of America to the West, and south to Mexico, now has a population of only 5,000 in the lower 48 states, mostly in the Rocky Mountains . The smaller red wolf, native to the southeastern United States, was declared extinct in the wild in 1980 , though conservation efforts have reintroduced small captive populations to the wild in California. Red ﹣ Crowned Crane The red ﹣ crowned crane is native to Japan, Korea and eastern China. Agricultural expansion and deforestation(森林砍伐) in these areas have removed a great deal of the marshes and forests that are the crane' s primary habitats. For a time, the crane was thought to have completely disap﹣ peared from Japan, but the recent discovery of cranes in Japanese marshlands has restarted con﹣ servation efforts. Today, around 2,500 cranes live in the wild, including 1,000 in Japan. European Mink Native to Europe, the European mink ranges from France in the west to Finland in the north, Russia in the east and the Balkans in the south. Destruction of the mink's aquatic (水的) habi﹣tat and use of the species for fur have caused dramatic drops in the species' population, which has been reduced by 85 percent since the mid ﹣19th century.第 2 页(共 11 页) (1)What has caused the wild animals to become endangered?    A. Global warming. B. International trade. C. Environmental pollution. D. The invasion of mankind. (2)Which species is native to North America?    A. European Mink. B. Red Wolves. C. Red ﹣ Crowned Crane. D. Giant Panda. (3)Which is mentioned as the reason for the decline of European minks?    A. The loss of their natural food. B. The hunting of human beings. C. Drought and forest fires. D. Excessive deforestation. (4)What is the purpose of the text?    A. To call for more efforts to protect forests. B. To study the living habits of wild animals. C. To introduce some endangered species. D. To find ways to protect wild animals. 2.(7.5 分)No books, no whiteboards, no markers or pens. That's the new reality for many classrooms across Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), where a company is using artificial intelligence (AI) to create a new learning experience. Built four years ago, Alef Education has managed to get its digital education platform into several schools in Abu Dhabi. Alef has worked closely with the government of UAE to bring the platform to 25,000 students at 57 public schools. The platform focuses on main subjects like math, science and English. It helps students by using AI to design curriculums for individuals. It also gives students, teachers and parents real﹣time feedback. For students, that could mean 第 3 页(共 11 页) a more personalized way to help them better understand what they are learning. The platform can also find students' strengths. "If a student is doing really well at science, why not raise their interest in what it's like to be a scientist?" Alef Education CEO Geoffrey Alphonso said. "That's our future goal to use AI to create individual learning plans. " But there are concerns that using the technology could come at a cost, such as increasing the amount of time children spend in front of screens. Alphonso said that his program solves this problem by limiting screen time to 3 hours and a half a day. The classes are followed by practical activities in which children interact with one another and use their hands for experiments. "We are looking to grow in countries that have a need for changing their education system," Alphonso said, adding that the company plans to bring its platform to more than 300 schools this year. (1)What is the benefit of the platform?    A. Lightening teachers' burden. B. Improving teaching efficiency. C. Creating a new learning style. D. Inspiring students to work harder. (2)How does Alef respond to the concern about the platform?    A. Limiting children's screen time. B. Decreasing the operating cost. C. Organizing sports activities. D. Providing real﹣time feedback. (3)What is Alef Education's future plan?    A. To update their digital platform. B. To change UAE's education system. C. To expand business to other countries. D. To build 300 schools in Abu Dhabi. 3.(10 分)"The moment before they called my name, I was really nervous because the other finalists' presentations are really good and I thought they would win , " Kara Fan , 14 , who has won 第 4 页(共 11 页) America's Top Young Scientist, told Yahoo Finance. "When they announced my name, I was really surprised actually. " To win that claim, Fan's nano ﹣ particle liquid bandage had to surpass the experiments of hundreds of fifth to eighth graders as well as nine other finalists. Fan started developing her liquid bandage in April 2019 to fight the overuse of antibiotics(抗生素). According to the CDC, roughly 2 million people every year suffer a bacterial infection in the U. S. and about 23,000 passed away as a result. If left alone, a UN study reported, drug﹣resistant diseases or the "superbug" could lead to 10 million deaths across the globe by 2050. When Fan's sprayable bandage dries on a person's skin, it creates a thin layer that protects the wounded area while breaking the cell wall and killing the bacteria on the skin. After experimenting with copper nitrate(硝酸铜) to fight bacteria, switching to the silver nitrate ended up being the major catalyst (催化剂) to seeing results for her award ﹣ winning project. "Thousands of years ago, ancient people would use copper and silver to eat with and they would drink water from like copper bowls to kill bacteria, " Fan explained. "I found out that it didn't work . So I used nano silver. " Sir Alexander Fleming's discovery of penicillin﹣ a type of antibiotic﹣ is Fan's favorite scientific discovery. That said, she doesn't think humans should rely too heavily on penicillin. Following her years at Westview High School, Fan hopes to continue her biology track at Stanford University. Along with the $25,000 cash prize she won on October 29, becoming Amer﹣ica's Top Young Scientist may help get the private university's attention. (1)How did Kara Fan feel about her winning the prize?    A. Confident. B. Regretful. C. Proud. D. Unexpected. (2)For what purpose did Fan develop her liquid bandage?    A. To fight overuse of antibiotics. B. To enter a national contest. C. To reduce deaths from injuries.第 5 页(共 11 页) D. To get into a good university. (3)Which of the following does Fan use to kill bacteria?    A. Copper nitrate. B. Copper. C. Silver. D. Nano silver. (4)What might be Fan's opinion about penicillin?    A. Addictive. B. Valuable. C. Useless. D. Irreplaceable. 4.(10 分)Rainbow ﹣ coloured rubbish is the colourful waste created by a Swedish city with a unique re﹣cycling system. Like many cities in Sweden, Eskilstuna has an impressive recycling record. It met the EU's 2020 target of recycling 50% of waste many years ago. But almost everyone who lives here follows a strict recycling policy at home. People are expected to sort their household waste into seven separate categories, including food, textiles, cartons and metal. But what really makes the system stand out is the bright colour code. The reason for this becomes clear at the city's recycling plant. The bags arrive all jumbled up because they' re collected altogether, once a fortnight from outside people's houses. But thanks to those bright colours, scanners can select the bags and separate them efficiently. The food waste in green bags is processed on site into slurry(浆) to make biogas, which powers the city's buses. One of the benefits of this method of recycling is that there is less cross ﹣ pollution,so more of the recycled waste can actually be used to make new things. Like the rest of Sweden, Eskilstuna is committed to sending zero waste from its citizens to landfill (垃圾堆). Waste that cannot be recycled is incinerated at a local plant to generate electricity. This reduces reliance on fossil fuels, but does create greenhouse gases. As countries around the world try to improve their recycling rates, some may look to Eskilstuna as an example to follow﹣ as long as they think they can persuade their citizens to get busy sorting at home. (1)How do people deal with their household waste in Eskilstuna?   第 6 页(共 11 页) A. Sorting and putting it in colourful bags. B. Dyeing it with different colours. C. Processing and recycling it at home. D. Sorting and taking it out every week. (2)What is the advantage of the bright colour code?    A. It avoids cross ﹣ pollution entirely. B. The waste can be stored in a fixed site. C. It's easier to classify the bags of rubbish. D. The city takes on a colorful look. (3)What does the underlined word "incinerated" mean in the last paragraph?    A. burnt B. broken C. reused D. washed (4)Which of the following is the best title of the text?    A. Tips on Sorting of Household Waste. B. A Swedish City's Recycling Efforts. C. A Unique Waste Recycling Plan. D. A New Policy for Conservation. 第二节(共 1 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入 空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项. 5.(12.5 分)COVID ﹣19 is still affecting a great many people all over the world. Most people who become infected experience mild illness and recover, but it can be more severe for others. Take care of your health and protect others by doing the following: (1)   Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol ﹣ based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol ﹣ based hand rub kills viruses that may be on your hands. Maintain social distancing. (2)   When someone coughs or sneezes, they spray small liquid droplets from their nose or mouth which may contain virus. If you are too close, you can breathe in the droplets, including the COVID ﹣19 virus if the person coughing has the disease.第 7 页(共 11 页) Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. (3)   Once contaminated(弄脏), hands can trans﹣fer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and can make you sick. Practice respiratory hygiene(呼吸道卫生). Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze.(4)   Droplets spread virus. By following good respiratory hygiene you protect the people around you from viruses such as cold, flu and COVID ﹣19. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance . Your national and local authorities will have the most up to date information on the situation in your area. Calling in advance will allow your health care provider to quickly direct you to the right health facility. (5)    A. Wash your hands frequently. B. Stay at home if you begin to feel unwell. C. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately. D. Wear a mask if you are coughing or sneezing. E. Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. F. Maintain at least 1 metre distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing. G. This will also protect you and help prevent spread of viruses and other infections. 第二部分语言运用(共两节;满分 15 分)第一节(共 1 小题;每小题 15 分,满分 15 分)阅读下 面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项. 6.(15 分)When you walk through the doors of Morton Plant Hospital on an early Tuesday afternoon, you'll be greeted by the comforting voice of Mary Ellen Owens. Owens, who is now 98, started(1)   at the hospital after her husband died nearly 20 years ago. "My husband was a(n)(2)   here, off and on for about six weeks over four years, " she(3)   ." Everyone at the hospital had been so good to us when he was sick. " To show her(4)   , Owens wanted to give back in a big way. "I don't have several million dollars, but I can give my(5)   ," she said. Owens is approaching 7,000 hours in volunteer time. "I used to give three days a week," she said . "Now I'm(6)   . So I don't get around as much as I(7)   , so I only give one daya 第 8 页(共 11 页) week. " To get to her weekly four ﹣ hour(8)   , Owens receives a ride from a volunteer who she now calls her friend. "Every(9)   , Richard picks me up from my home and brings me here ," she said. "I don't believe people of my age should be(10)   ." In her younger years, Owens used to walk up and down the fashion runways in New York City and Richmond, Virginia. She also had a(n)(11)    to be in the 1939 film classic Gone with the Wind. Because she had other work at the time, however, Owens(12)   to turn it down . "What I didn't do in my life is more(13)    than what I've done", she laughs.(14)    she's in her golden years, Owens plans to continue to live her life with(15)   by greeting each patient with a smile. (1)A. volunteering B. training C. working D. nursing (2)A. doctor B. expert C. patient D. assistant (3)A. commented B. promised C. responded D. explained (4)A. attitude B. appreciation C. sympathy D. response (5)A. hand B. love C. smile D. time (6)A. old B. strong C. sick D. lucky (7)A. had to B. hoped to C. used to D. ought to (8)A. stand B. ride C. turn D. shift (9)A. day B. Monday C. morning D. Tuesday (10)A. struggling B. driving C. running D. changing (11)A. part B. character C. performance D. opportunity (12)A. decided B. hoped C. agreed D. happened (13)A. difficult B. interesting C. well﹣paid D. challenging (14)A. Now that B. Guessing that C. Supposing that D. Except that (15)A. relief B. success C. purpose D. spirit 第二节(共 1 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个单词或括号内第 9 页(共 11 页) 单词的正确形式. 7.(15 分)Holi is the ancient Hindu festival of colours and love. It(1)   (celebrate) in India and Ne﹣pal and many parts of South Asia. There are also lots of Holi celebrations in the UK, organized(2)   the large British﹣Hindu community. Holi marks the beginning of spring. The dates change each year according to the full moon,but it is(3)   (normal) in March and sometimes in late February. Its celebrations happened as early as the(4)    (five) century. It is a celebration of good winning over evil, and a time to give thanks for the good harvest. In recent years, holi ﹣ themed events have become popular with a new generation in Europe and North America. Every year, large(5)   (crowd) of people go to Holi events in London andall over the country. There are paint﹣throwing parties at music festivals and races like the five﹣ kilometre 'Colour Run',(6)    is celebrated in more than 35 different countries. It does not matter(7)   you are rich, poor, old or young, everyone can throw coloured paint powder at each other. They arrive dressed in white T﹣shirts and return(8)   (cover) from head to toe in bright colours. In the UK, restaurants and cultural organisations also offer their own Holi celebrations, with special menus, Indian music and dance. There is a spirit of togetherness and(9)   (equal) in Holi. It is a time(10)   ( forgive) people and repair broken relationships, as well as meet with other people, play and have fun. 第三部分写作(共两节;满分 15 分)第一节(满分 15 分) 8.(15 分)假定你是李华.你的外籍教师 John 本打算春季开学时返回中国,现因新冠(COVID﹣ 19)疫情待在 London 家中.你在英语学习中遇到了一些困难,请给他写一封 email 寻求帮助. 内容如下: 1.询问 John 的健康情况; 2.告知学习中的困难; 3.请求帮助. 注意: 1.词数 80 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.信的开头已为你写好.第 10 页(共 11 页) 笫二节(满分 25 分) 9.(25 分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文.续 写的词数应为 150 左右. There was once a wonderful old man who loved everything: animals, spiders, insects and all sorts of living things. One day while walking through the woods, the old man found a cocoon(茧). He decided to take the cocoon home to watch its beautiful transformation from a little cocoon to a beautiful butterfly. A few days later, the cocoon started to move. It moved frantically! He sat and watched it struggle and struggle for several hours. But it seemed not to make any progress. Then the old man felt sorry for the little butterfly inside, and rushed to its aid. With a pair of scissors and gently,he cut a little opening in the cocoon so the butterfly could come out. And then the butterfly came out of its cocoon. It had a swollen body and small, fragile wings, but it never was able to fly. He was quite puzzled. Had he accidentally killed the little butterfly? No, it was still moving a little bit. Maybe it was sick. Then he decided that the best thing he could do for the butterfly was to place it gently back into its cocoon. He did so, and placed a drop of honey on it to seal the cocoon, leaving the butterfly to nestle (处在) in its natural state. The next day he noticed that the cocoon was moving again. It struggled and struggled. Finally the butterfly broke free from its cocoon and stretched its wings out. Its beautiful wings were filled with wonderful colors! It took off! It was flying! The wonderful butterfly flew and flew till it was almost out of the old man's sight. What a joy, he exclaimed! But then he started to think: what did I do wrong by trying to help that beautiful little butterfly out at first? Finally the answer came out._________ Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life._________ 2020 届山东省枣庄市英语高考二模试题答案 第一部分 阅读(共两节;满分 37.5 分)第一节(共 4 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)阅读下 列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项. 1.D;B;B;C; 2.C;A;C; 3.D;A;D;B; 4.A;C;A;B; 第二节(共 1 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入第 11 页(共 11 页) 空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项. 5.A;F;E;C;G; 第二部分语言运用(共两节;满分 15 分)第一节(共 1 小题;每小题 15 分,满分 15 分)阅读下 面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项. 6.A;C;D;B;D;A;C;D;D;B;D;A;B;A;C; 第二节(共 1 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个单词或括号内 单词的正确形式. 7.is celebrated;by;normally;fifth;crowds;which;whether;covered;equality;to forgive; 第三部分写作(共两节;满分 15 分)第一节(满分 15 分) 8.   ; 笫二节(满分 25 分) 9.   ;

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