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高一英语 第 1 页 共 10 页 塘沽一中 2019—2020 学年度第二学期 高一年级第二次月考英语学科试题 温馨提示:疫情期间,受时间和地域限制,此次考试采用线上测试方式,答卷时,考生务 必将答案填涂在答题卡上,拍照上传部分的试题按要求,拍照清楚,在规定时间内完成上传。 特殊时期,请各位考生珍惜实战演练机会,独立作答! 祝各位考生考试顺利! 一、单选选择(共 50 题,每题 1 分,共 50 分) 1.—Give me a chance to say a word! — __________ I completely disagree with you. A.No way! B.Cool! C.Excellent! D.Really? 2.—Sorry,I have to hang up now. It's time for class. -OK,I________ back later. A. am about to call B. have called C. will call D. am going to call 3.Mrs Green bought________piano as a birthday gift for her daughter who has_______gift for music. A. a;the B. a;a C. the;/ D. the;a 4.—Why are you looking so happy? —I have received an invitation to a concert of Vienna Boys' Choir_______next Monday. A. to be held B. held C. being held D. holding 5.He got injured seriously in the Olympic Games._______, he couldn't take part in the games for several months. A. As usual B. As a result C. Even so D. So far 6.—That is my last offer and no more. —50 for a silk dress?________! A. You can't be serious B. That's right C.I totally agree with you D. You've got it 7.You look so energetic all the time, Jackson. Could you tell me the________? A.basis B.balance C.trick D.function 8.Lang Ping, coach of the Chinese women volleyball team, as well as her players, _______to attend the Military Parade on National Day in 2019. A. was invited B. were invited C. has been invited D. have been invited 9.To his great joy, David_______ a T-shirt in a shop not big enough with a satisfying price. A. put on B. took on C. picked up D. ended up 10.As it was getting late, we started looking for a motel, only_______that all were booked. 高一英语 第 2 页 共 10 页 A. finding B. found C. having found D. to find 11.It is from the book_______my father gave me as a birthday present_______I have benefited greatly. A. which; which B. that; which C. which; that D. what; that 12.When I asked the adviser for advice, she recommended that I________ the advanced literature. A.could choose B.should choose C.must choose D.will choose 13.I set the alarm clock before going to bed_______I should miss the first train to Beijing. A.even if B.as if C.so that D.in case 14.Traditional grocers' shops are fast_______,now that there are so many shops on the Internet. A.breaking out B.dying out C.breaking down D.dying down 15.If kids exercise _______through their school years, then they may be more likely to exercise as adults, which could have far-reaching positive effects on human health. A.regularly B.properly C.normally D.gradually 16.—Michael Phelps, a gifted swimmer, won 8 gold medals at the 29th Olympic Games. —________! No one can match him, I'm sure. A.I don't believe a word of it B.No way C.You've got it right D.Good for him 17.—Could you hurry, Susan? The Smiths_______for us outside. —All right. I'm coming. A.waits B.waited C.are waiting D.were waiting 18.I made many mistakes yesterday, which made my boss angry, so I decided this morning I couldn't face_______ day like that. A.other B.another C.the other D.others 19.In order to make himself_______by the waitress, Mr. Yang used body language. A.understand B.to be understood C.being understood D.understood 20.They admitted that they felt the sense of belonging to a team or a working community, which mainly_______ job satisfaction. A.puts on B.ends up C.contributes to D.picks up 21.—She is really a good singer although she only got the fourth place in the competition. —_______. I think she will become an excellent singer. A.All right B.Fine C.Go ahead D.Exactly 22.The 85-year-old lady attracted wide attention online for her unusual, positive_______ towards life despite experiencing many difficulties. A.responsibility B.attitude C.permission D.destination 23.The father and son sailed separate boats across the Atlantic when Mike was 14, _______himself the youngest person to cross that ocean solo. A.making B.to make C.made D.having made 24.Susan won first prize in the end-of-term examination, which_______her parents' expectations. 高一英语 第 3 页 共 10 页 A.made use of B.lived up to C.caught up with D.stood up to 25.—Why do you look so upset these days? —There are so many troublesome problems________. A.remaining to be settled B.remained settled C.remaining to settle D.remained to be settled 26.Educational reform is a hot topic in China_______we have argued about for years. A.why B.which C.where D.what 27.—We want someone to design the new art museum for us. —_______the young fellow have a try? A.May B.Need C.Will D.Shall 28.Nowadays teenagers are not _______ to stand and appreciate works of art; they prefer to participate in them. A.controversial B.content C.confident D.absolute 29.Things are very serious. It is high time the local government________measures to stop the fighting. A.took B.takes C.would take D.had taken 30._______the search engine just gave me some brief introductions rather than the whole content of the book to read. A.Mostly B.Fortunately C.Delightfully D.Disappointingly 31.—Do you think I should accept Peter's invitation, Helen? —________If I were you, I certainly would. A.I don't think so. B.Why not? C.It depends. D.So what? 32.People from all over the town are offering money to a thirteen-year-old boy________ public rock museum was broken into and robbed last week. A.whose B.who C.where D.which 33.At the end of high school, many young people in the United States ________admission to several different universities. A.search for B.call for C.apply for D.make for 34._______it comes to understanding music, it's an advantage to be older and wiser. A.While B.Unless C.Before D.When 35.The equipment_______ by his company is of high quality, and we plan to order some next year. A.provided B.providing C.to provide D.having provided 36.Saudi Arabia has a wealth of natural attractions, deserts, World Heritage sites, beautiful beaches and unique cultures, all of which will make it an important tourist_______. A.arrangement B.construction C.competition D.destination 37.—Sorry,my dog frightened your daughter. —_______!Animals will be animals. A.What a pity B.Cheer up C.Forget it D.Look out 高一英语 第 4 页 共 10 页 38.His mother stayed home in Shenyang, and his father _______his job and took Lang Lang to Beijing to study to play the piano. A.attacked B.quit C.resisted D.escaped 39.Accept mistakes, work hard and there is no doubt _______your success will come in the end. A.which B.what C.whether D.that 40.—I can't find my favourite sports magazine. —I saw Henry going away with_______,but I'm not sure whether it is yours. A.one B.those C.that D.some 41.We'd like to know the details about the accommodation so that we can make some preparations_______. A.in particular B.in need C.in advance D.in charge 42.Most of the friends I'd made in_______ years weren't around, so I felt very lonely in the first few months. A.precious B.previous C.anxious D.curious 43.Marty _______part in voluntary activities since he got help from a stranger on his trip to California. A.has been taking B.took C.was taking D.is taking 44.It was when she was only 14 years old_______ she won the gold medal at the Olympic Games, making her become the youngest champion in the history of the Olympics. A.that B.which C.whether D.what 45. _______by gradual blindness soon after the performance, Henry was still able to write some excellent works. A.Affecting B.Affected C.To be affected D.Having affected 46. China is about the same size as America, but it has _______ a population. A. four times as large B. four times as much C. as four times large D. as four times much 47. —How was his art exhibition last weekend? — Super! Rarely _______ the world’s attention. A. an exhibition attracted B. did an exhibition attract C. an exhibition did attract D. attracted an exhibition 48. Miss Yang also has three self-published books, which are all_______ on her website. A. accessible B. affordable C. available D.adjustable 49. When you consider what your weaknesses are, think about how to _______ them rather than complain. A. transform B.recognise C. attract D. overcome 50. He listened to them talking carefully, and threw in a word or two ________. A. more or less B. from time to time C. here and there D. sooner or later 二、阅读理解(共 15 小题,每题 2 分,共 30 分) 高一英语 第 5 页 共 10 页 A When 12 girls from San Fernando High School in California were agreed to develop an invention to solve a real-world problem, they decided to create a solar-powered shelter to help the homeless. Now for over a year, the girls have been working after school and over their winter and spring breaks to complete their project. “They have this amazing inner power that I’ve never seen,” said Violet Mardirosian. She is a math teacher at San Fernando High, who has worked with the team since the beginning of the project. “I thought at the beginning that maybe some of them would give up after meeting with some difficulties, but they go on.” As local people of a low-income community, the girls have seen the problem of homeless first-hand, which is why they chose that population to create a product for. Seventeen-year-old Maggie Mejia said that while she had no prior(优先的)engineering experience, the girls figured out as a team how to create the prototype(原型), using how-to videos that taught them how to do. But the most important lesson she’s learned over the course of the project isn’t professional. “I’ve learned a lot about helping others, helping the community and being selfless and showing a better world to other people and changing someone else’s life,” she said. The girls have been invited to MIT to show their invention and are raising money on Gofundme hoping that the whole team can attend. “In order not to put any pressure on the parents, we’d like to raise money for their trip. We want all 12 girls to be able to go because every single student has had some efforts into creating this great product,” Mardirosian said. Mardirosian says all the students taking part in the project have expressed interest in going into technical fields and that students from lower grades are already expressing interest in taking part in the project next year. 51. The shelter is powered by taking advantage of ________. A. sunlight B. earth heat C. wind D. moving water 52. In the opinion of Violet Mardirosian, the girls ________. A. are all from rich families B. felt blue when facing the problem C. are helpful students with a strong will D. got lots of support from their teachers and parents 53. How did the girls figure out how to create the prototype? A. By reading books. B. By asking experts. C. By doing experiments. D. By watching videos. 54. It can be inferred from the passage that________. A. all girls have no interest in technical fields B. the girls need help to present the invention at MIT C. only one girl can go to MIT to show their invention D. helping others makes the girls learn how to work together 高一英语 第 6 页 共 10 页 55. Which of the following statements is right? A. All the girls went to MIT at last. B. Students have learned to become selfish. C. Other students want to take part in the project. D. MIT gave the students some help with technology. B Chinese fans are expected to travel to 2018 World Cup finals in record numbers with the growing interest in soccer and a friendly relationship with host Russian seen as key reasons, despite the national side’s failings on the pitch. China has only played at one World Cup, but Feng Tao, chief executive officer of marketing and events firm Shankai, believes fans will flock(涌入) to Russia regardless. “We are confident we can bring more fans to Russia because of the relationship between Russia and China,” said Feng, whose company has signed an exclusive(独家的) deal with BH Hospitality to sell travel packages to the Chinese market. He countries are very close, so it’s much easier to go to Russia than it is to go to Brazil, which takes 24 or 25 hours, or to South Africa, which takes 14 or 15 hours. To go to Russia takes only seven hours from China, so it’s easier. Historically, there’s a good-relationship between China and Russia and now football has become part of the mentality of the Chinese people. Businessmen, the media and fans are showing strong interest in the World Cup. While the number is unlikely to eclipse the numbers who traveled to South Korea to watch China play in 2002—as many as 100,000 were believed to have seen the side’s World Cup debut(首秀)— Shankai are expecting 50,000 packages to be sold to Chinese fans as part of the expected $25 million deal. The number represents the most of for a World Cup that does not feature the Chinese team. “The fans who went to Brazil were spending more money,” says John Parker, managing director of BH Hospitality. “But what we are seeing in China is that they are waking up to the enthusiasm of sport and, because of the Internet especially, they are now able to access everything they require and they are comfortable doing that. Tourism between Russia and China is very strong and the Chinese population is falling in love with soccer. China is going to be a growth market. It’s already developing from where it was historically.” 56. More Chinese fans will go to Russia to watch the 2018 World Cup because of the following reasons EXCEPT ________. A. the close distance of the two countries B. the growing interest the fans show in soccer C. the good relationship between the two countries D. the low price of the travel package 57. What’s Feng Tao’s attitude towards China’s market? A. Confident. B. Worried. C. Disappointed. D. Unclear. 58. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. Events firm Shankai doesn’t have interest in the Chinese market. 高一英语 第 7 页 共 10 页 B. Football has risen to the spiritual level of Chinese fans nowadays. C. Chinese fans mind their national team’s past failure in the World Cup. D. Events firm Shankai has worked with BH Hospitality many times. 59. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “eclipse” in Paragraph 4? A. Be the same as. B. Depend on. C. Be over. D. Be less than. 60. According to John Parker, ________. A. travelling to the World Cup in Brazil costs little B. the Internet makes the Chinese increase their interest in sport C. China hasn’t established tourism communication with Russia D. China’s market will be an attraction to all the countries C A British competition since 1920, the Blackpool dance festival moved to Shanghai, bringing its beauty to China’s economic center as it goes after the country’s ballroom dancing market. “China is a rising nation in ballroom dancing without doubt. It’s a billion-dollar business,” said Michael Williams, managing director of Blackpool Entertainment, which operates the festival. “Given those numbers it seemed right to come here.” From its origins in Britain between two World Wars, the festival held every year in Blackpool’s rococo-style Empress Ballroom now attracts competitors from dozens of countries. Ballroom dance is popular throughout East Asia, and in 2016 the Blackpool event saw more competitors from China than any other country. The Shanghai event—the second held here—saw competitors foxtrot, cha-cha and rumba in a sports stadium normally used for basketball practice, with the addition of a proscenium arch and orchestra stage(舞台口和交响乐演奏台). “What we have brought is the Empress orchestra—it’s exactly the same set-up and music that we have in Blackpool,” Mr. Williams added. China’s tech giant Alibaba live-streamed(直播) the Shanghai event online and is putting more than Rmb 10m a year into the Blackpool brand in China, said Will Wei, vice-president of Alisports. He said that there were up to 80m ballroom dancers in China, with more than 100,000 at a competitive level. Alibaba’s participation proves that Chinese companies are looking to bring foreign sporting competitions to China, such as Wanda’s bringing in the Ironman triathlon event in 2015. Chinese companies have also been competing over live-streaming rights, with tech company Tencent announcing a deal with the NFL American football league this week. At the backstage, where competitors from China, the US and Russia warmed up, some grumbled about the smaller scale of the Chinese competition. “The atmosphere is not quite the same as in Blackpool; there are not enough foreign competitors,” said Latin dance specialist Jason Jiao,26. Alisports said 2,800 dancers from 25 countries competed, but most seats were empty and touts(票 贩子) struggled to sell tickets outside the stadium. “Shanghai Blackpool just started so it’s not very well popularized,” said Beijing-based ballroom enthusiast Andrew Gao, adding: “It’s new to China, 高一英语 第 8 页 共 10 页 but it will be one of the biggest competitions.” 61. The Blackpool dance festival moved to China to ________. A. find young dancers B. exchange cultures C. popularize ballroom dancing D. seek new development 62. According to the passage, Shanghai________. A. doesn’t have any experience of holding the Blackpool dance festival B. didn’t attract many foreign competitors C. has the largest number of ballroom dancers in China D. didn’t offer a specialized place for the Blackpool dance festival 63. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 4? A. Chinese companies are interested in foreign sporting competitions. B. The market in China is a big competitive field of sporting competitions. C. The Blackpool dance festival is a great attraction to Chinese companies. D. Foreign sporting competitions are much more popular in China. 64. What does the underlined word “grumbled” in Paragraph 5 probably mean? A. Joked. B. Worried. C. Complained. D. Argued. 65. It can be inferred from the passage that 2017 Shanghai Blackpool________. A. attracted only a few competitors B. wasn’t warmly welcomed by the audience C. let touts make good money D. has become one of the biggest competitors 三、单词拼写(10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分) 66. It’s the _______(过程) not the end product that matters. 67.Plants on houses and in gardens are a very popular ________(装饰) today. 68. It is such a great hotel that I would _______ (推荐) it to any friend of mine who is going to Beijing. 69. I suggest that we have _______(定期的) meetings. 70. I’m always _______(启发) by things of beauty and harmony. 71. Language is a social and cultural_______(现象) 72. Our world is but a small part of the ________(宇宙) 73. Sadly the library had moved from its_______(原来的) place into another building. 74.The bank refuses to accept _______(责任) for the mistake. 75. He was eager to be back after more than a week’s_______ (不在) from school. 四、听力理解 高一英语 第 9 页 共 10 页 第一节:(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 76. What is the man going to do? A. Go for a swim. B. Go to the Art Museum with the woman. C. Listen to a lecture about Chinese painting. 77. Where are the two speakers? A. In a hotel. B. In a railway station. C. In a bookstore. 78. Where is the man now? A. In Xi’an. B. In Beijing. C. In Haikou. 79. What does the woman want to buy? A. A yellow shirt. B. A dark shirt. C. A dark coat. 80. Which is the woman’s mobile phone number? A. 13963789053 B. 13966789050 C. 13966789053 第二节:(共 10 小题,每题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 听第 6 段材料,回答第 81-83 题 81. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Teacher and student. B. Shop assistant and customer. C. Husband and wife 82. On which channel is the baseball game on? A. Channel 2. B. Channel 6. C. Channel 8. 83. What does the woman agree to see at last? A. The baseball match. B. A western film. C. An American film. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 84-86 题 84. What are the two speakers talking about? A. How to become a millionaire. B. How to spend money. C. Collecting stamps. 85. What can we know about the man? A. He doesn’t like the stamps his father gave him. B. He has made many friends by collecting stamps. C. He has traveled to many places. 高一英语 第 10 页 共 10 页 86. What does the woman want to do? A. Collect stamps from now on. B. Buy some stamps from the man. C. Buy a book on stamps. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 87-90 题 87. Who are most probably attending the speech? A. Teachers. B. Students. C. Workers. 88. How many reasons does the speaker give to prove she is fit for the position? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 89. When did the speaker join the environmental club? A. Last year. B. 2 years ago. C. 3 years ago. 90. Why does the speaker want to give up the environmental club? A. She wants to put her heart into the new position. B. She doesn’t like the club now. C. She must spend more time on her studies.

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