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1 高频完形词的熟词生义&高频完形词块汇总练习 一、完形高频词块练习 1. above all ___________________ 2. after all ___________________ 3. apart from ___________________ 4. as a result of ___________________ 5. as for ___________________ 6. as if ___________________ 7. as / so long as ___________________ 8. as to sth ___________________ 9. as usual ___________________ 10. as well ___________________ 11. as well as ___________________ 12. at least ___________________ 13. at most ___________________ 14. at times ___________________ 15. before long ___________________ 16. by all / no means ___________________ 17. by chance ___________________ 18. calm down ___________________ 19. due to ___________________ 20. even so ___________________ 21. even if / though ___________________ 22. except for ___________________ 23. ever since ___________________ 24. far from ___________________ 25. for lack of ___________________ 26. get rid of ___________________ 27. in addition ___________________ 28. in addition (to) ___________________ 29. in a hurry ___________________ 30. in case (of) ___________________ 31. in detail ___________________ 32. in exchange for ___________________ 2 33. in favour of ___________________ 34. in fact ___________________ 35. in need of ___________________ 36. in other words ___________________ 37. in return ___________________ 38. in short ___________________ 39. in spite of___________________ 40. in the end ___________________ 41. instead of ___________________ 42. in store (for sb) ___________________ 43. in terms of ___________________ 44. in time ___________________ 45. in turn ___________________ 46. in vain ___________________ 47. now and then ___________________ 48. now that ___________________ 49. on behalf of ___________________ 50. on purpose ___________________ 51. on the contrary ___________________ 52. on the whole ___________________ 53. once again ___________________ 54. once in a while ___________________ 55. once more ___________________ 56. other than ___________________ 57. out of place ___________________ 58. out of sight ___________________ 59. rather than ___________________ 60. so far ___________________3 二、完形高频词的熟词生义练习 ________ 1. These plans were abandoned because of financial problems. ________ 2. It is no accident that every letter we send is delayed. ________ 3. The discovery was a happy accident. ________ 4. A hole in the top of the roof admitted the light. ________ 5. Congress finally adopted the law after a two-year debate. ________ 6. She was paid a £100,000 advance for her next two novels. ________ 7. Don’t advertise the fact that you’re looking for another job. ________ 8. In the United States alone, over 100 million cellphones are thrown away each year. ________ 9. You can arrange things from beginning to end, small to large or by some other order. ________ 10. Freddy was an average student, but not an average person. ________ 11. The key to successful small talk is learning how to connect with others. ________ 12. Don't go over that line or your throw won't count. ________ 13. Her behaviour is creating a lot of problems. ________ 14. Many bad habits can be especially difficult to cure. ________ 15. Attempts to cure unemployment have so far failed. ________ 16. The car developed engine trouble and we had to stop. ________ 17. Every month the magazine introduces a fresh new topic with articles. ________ 18. It felt like the loneliest place in the world. ________ 19. He has to manage on less than $100 a week. ________ 20. You don't get rich, but you can get a modest 4 living out of it. ________ 21. We do not fully understand how the brain is organized. ________ 22. In Belgium only qualified doctors may practise alternative medicine. ________ 23. Replace the magazines after reading. ________ 24. Moths flew in front of it, eventually settling on the rough painted metal. ________ 25. This could make your superiors hesitate to trust you with major responsibilities. 5 参考答案: 一、 1. above all 最重要的是;尤其 2. after all 毕竟;终究 3. apart from ① 除…外 (别无);若不② 除…外 (尚有) 4. as a result of 作为…的结果 5. as for 就…而言 6. as if 好像;似乎 7. as / so long as 只要 8. as to sth 关于某事 9. as usual 像平常一样 10. as well 也;还 11. as well as ① 与…一样好② 和;也;除…之外 12. at least ① (数量上) 不少于② 至少;起码 13. at most 至多;最多 14. at times 有时;间或 15. before long 很快;不久 16. by all / no means 尽一切办法;务必;当然可以 / 决不 17. by chance 碰巧;意外地 18. calm down (使) 平静下来 19. due to 由于;因为 20. even so 尽管如此;即使那样 21. even if / though 尽管;即使 22. except for 除了…外;除去;只是 23. ever since 自从;从…以来 24. far from 远非;完全不 25. for lack of 因缺少 26. get rid of 摆脱;除去 27. in addition 另外;加之 28. in addition (to) 除…之外 (还) 29. in a hurry 匆忙;急于6 30. in case (of) 假使;免得;以防 (万一) 31. in detail 详细地 32. in exchange for 交换;调换 33. in favour of 赞同;支持 34. in fact 其实;实际上 35. in need of 需要 36. in other words 也就是说;换句话说 37. in return 作为交换; 作为回报 38. in short 总之;简言之 39. in spite of 不管;尽管 40. in the end 最后;终于 41. instead of 代替;而不是 42. in store (for sb) 即将发生 (在某人身上);等待着(某人) 43. in terms of 从…方面来讲;就…而言 44. in time 迟早;及时 45. in turn 依次;反过来;转而 46. in vain 徒劳;白辛苦 47. now and then 时而;偶尔 48. now that 既然;由于 49. on behalf of ① 代表 ② 为了… 50. on purpose 故意地;有意地 51. on the contrary 正相反;恰恰相反 52. on the whole 总的看来;总体而言 53. once again 再一次 54. once in a while 偶尔;间或 55. once more 再一次 56. other than 除…以外 (except) 57. out of place 不在合适的位置上;不合适的;不相称的 58. out of sight 看不见;在视野之外 59. rather than 而不 60. so far 迄今为止7 二、 1. 中止 2. 并非偶然;绝非偶然 3. 机缘巧合(accident 偶然的事;意外的事) 4. 透进光线(admit 容许…进入) 5. 正式通过;表决采纳 6. 预付款 7. 宣扬(自己的事) 8. 仅仅;只 9. 整理;排列 10. 普通的 11. (融洽地) 沟通;相处 12. 算数;作数;(被)正式接纳,正式认可 13. 引起;造成;产生 14. 矫正;改正 15. 解决;改善 16. 出现(问题) 17. 推出;推行 18. 最偏僻的;最荒凉的 19. 支撑;凑活着活下去 20. 适度的;适中的 21. 构成;分配;安排 22. 从事(工作) 23. 把…放回原处 24. 降落;停留 25. 托付

资料: 29.3万


