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秘密★启用前 准考证
益阳市2021届 高三9月 调研考试
英 语
1.答 卷前,考 生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试题卷指定位置。
2,回 答选择题时,选 出每小题答案后,用 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
如需改动,用 橡皮擦干净后,再 选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将 答案写在答题卡
3.考试结束后,将 本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满 分30分 )
第一节 (共 5小 题;每 小题1.5分 ,满分7,5分 )
听下面5段 对话。每段对话后有——个小题,从 题中所给的A、 B、 C二个选项中选出最
佳选项。听完每段对话后,你 都有10秒 钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对
1,What飞 vill thc l|11an do this wcckend?
A.scc a doctor, E;.Walk around the lakc, C.Work at thc hospita1,
2.·V1/hcrc are t11.c spcakers?
A.On the stcct, B.At ho1η e. c.In a car,
3,Whatis the、voluan Wo|ricd about?
A.Hcr intervicw. B.Hcr trip, c.Hcr daughtcr,
4.Who spcaks Spanish thc fastest?
A,sally. B.Ryan. c,Howard.
5.What does thc wonlan suggcst buyi11g?
A.A bookshelf. B.A sofa. c.A tablc.
第二节 (共 15小 题;每 小题1.5分 ,满分22.5分 )
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、 C三
个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独自前,你 将有时间阅读各个小题,每 小题5秒 钟;
听完后,各 小题将给出5秒 钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听第6段材料,回 答第6、 7题 。
6,`Vhat、 vill the spcakcrs do rlext saturday?
A,iBuy a ncwˉ car. B.Travclto China. C.L0ok at son1e photos.
7.What’ s thc rclations11ip bct、 vccn thc speakers?
A,Neighbors. B.A cOuple. c,Fellow workers.
听第7段材料,回 答第8、 9题 。
8.Whcrc docs thc convcrsation takc place9
A.C)vcrthc phonc, B.In the kitchen. c.In a supcnnarket.
9,What、vill thc rnan look for ncxt?
A.Milk, B.ca△ ots. C.Yogu1△ .
听第8段材料,回 答第10至 第12题 。
10,Who is gctting Fnarricd’
A.Judy. B,Gracc. C.clara,
11.`Vllat will tlle nlan go for on saturd.ay?
A.A picnic. B.A wcdding. C.A birthday pa⒒ y.
12.What does t1· 1c、von1an~dccidc to do?
A.Miss thc wcdding.
B.Call Clara to say son· y.
C.`人 锐end thc、vcdding and the parbr,
高三 英语 第1页 共8页听第9段 材料,回 答第13至 第16题 。
13.·VVhy didn’ tthc Fnan、vatch the talk shoˉ 玑「?
A.iBecausc hc playcd f0otbal1.
B.Bccause the show was postponcd.
C,Bccausc soluc ncWs attlacted hirn.
14.WVho、 .vas badly inJurcd?
A,Thc tcachcr, B,Thc bus drivcr, C.Thc truck drivcr.
15.I-IO、 、`irl△
any studcnts got hurt in thc accidcnt?
A.2. B.18. C,20,
16.``严 hat causcd the accident?
A,Drurik driving B,spccding, C.Bad weather.
听第10段 材料,回 答第17至 第20小 题。
17.VVhat is the talk n1ainly about?
A,′rhe opening of a neⅥ `storc.
EI,solnc rulcs for the c111iployccs.
C1.Safcty rncasurcs beforc a storn1.
18,、、厂ho is I)o11na Joncs?
A.A customcr, B.A manager. C.A wcather forecaster.
19.ˉVV· herc should onc go ifhc is afi|aid of cro、 vds?
A.Thc rcstrooIns,
B,The parking 1ot.
C.Thc Custonler scrvicc Area.
20.Whatis t11c spcakcr going to do?
A.opcn thc iont doors,
B.Lock thc cash drawcr.
C).Keep the liste11ers infor· nled.
第二部分 阅读(共 两节,满 分50分 )
第一节 C共 15小 题;每 小题2.5分 ,满 分37.5分 )
阅读下列短文,从 每题所给的A、 B、 C、 D四 个选项中选出最佳选项。
WelcoFne to 0xford(Jniversity bluseums
E.stablishcd in 1 683,thc Ashn1o1can MuscuI· 11 is thc oldcst 111useur11 in the 1.JK and onc ofthc
oldcst in thc、 vorld.It h.ou~ses the LIniversity’ s cxtcnsivc coIIcctions of art and antiquities,ran.gi11g
back over four nlillcnnia.
Location∶ l3catlrnont strcct Tel∶ 01865278000
C)pen∶ Tuc,-Sun,10∶ 00——17∶ 00
(二 )hargc∶ Ad11·1issiorl is fiee;spccial cxhibitions are ticketcd and a chargc rnay apply
l`Totc∶ IFor group bookings Tc1∶ 01865278015
0xford Universio l、1uscum of Natural History
Thc University Museun1 ofNanlral【 -Iistory houscs thc 1~Jnivcrsity’ s collections of zoological,
en-ton△ o1ogical, palaeonto1ogical aind n1ineral spccilucns. 、Vith 4.5 1nillion~spccilnen~s it is thc
largest collcction ofits typc Outside of thc nation.al co11cctions.
∶L.`ocation∶ Parks Road T· c1∶ 01865272950
C)pcn∶ 10∶ 00-17∶ 00 daily
Chargc∶ Adn1ission is nicc
N^otc∶ Groups rnust book in advancc
bIuseuⅡ 1.of the IIistory of science
The b亻 uscun1 of tllc I.listory of scicncc is housed in t1oe 、vor1(1)s oldcst s-urviving
高三 英语 第2页 共8页purposc-built n△ uscun△ building.It co11(ains the world’ s fincst collcction of historic scicntinc
Location∶ IBroad street TCl∶ 01865277280
C)pcn∶ Tuc.-Sun.12∶ 00-¨ 17∶ 00
Chargc∶ Admission is iee
Note∶ Booking rcquired R》 r groups of 15 or rnorc
Pitt RiVers b△useurn
1′ he Pitt iRivcrs ⒈`1uscun1 holds one of thc Ⅵ`orldrs 1tnest co11cctions of anthropology and
archaeology,with obuects iom cvelγ contincnt and△ onl thioughout h】 1man histo1y.
Location∶ Parks Road 1· ·
el∶ 0186527()927
(])pcn∶ ·
I′ ue,-Sun.and Bank I】 ollday Mondays∶ 10∶ 00——16∶ 30;Mon.12∶ 00-ˉ -16∶ 30
Charge∶ Admission is ice
Notc∶ Ciroups rnust book in advance
21,、A~group of 20 studcnts飞 Vantto pay a visitto th~e As11n△ o1ear1 λ41】 scurn,th~cy s∶hould call~,
A.0186527800() ˉE;.01865278015
C1 0186527092'7 I∶ ).01865277280
22,\、T11at kind of collection~s can.visitors see ill t11~c NIuseu111 of t1】 .c IIistory· of sciencc?
A.zoological sipccin△ ens. E;.co11cctions of art.
C.11istoric scientisc instru1△ ~ents. D.1△1ineral spcci11】 e1as,
23,、、rhich ofthe nluseurns can~visitors go to any dayˉ oft11c wcck?
A.Pitt Rivers N1uscum.
B.Ashn1o1can Muscum.
C,卜Iuscur11 ofthe Iˉ Iistory of scicnce.
D.0xford IJnivcrsity M·uscunl ofNatural Historv.
Being hig111y succcssful in any gcld is pretty rarc.It takes a con1bination of natural talcnt,
luck. dctcr111ination, and plcnty of outsidc support for so111eo11e to 111ake it big in sports,
cntcrtainrinent, or busincss.But 、、`hat if con1peting is all that lllatters to you, 、vhether you are
llkely to sucCccd or not? This `丙 `as thc goal of Michael lE.ddic t11c Eaglc iE.d-矾 i· ards, and that hc
reac11ed that goal was a11 an∶1azing achicve1nelat.
Boi△·a in the LI.K.in 1963,Michae1、 vas an cnthusiastic do· w`nhill skier、、`bosc drea△1、λ`as to
cOnlpctc士lDr 13ritain in world-class co111petitions,IIc would妩 ave liked to represent his country in
the 1984 Wintcr olyrnpics,but there、 verc a large∶ nun1bcr of do、vnhill cori11petitors)and iEd、 vards
didntt quali灯.seeing his chance elsewhcrc,he switchcd tO skijumping.Skijumping didnlt cost
ncarly as lnuc11,aiF1(l there was a1111ost no con1petition for a place o1】 th.c Britain tcarn,
But a numbcr of hurdles(障 石导)could have meantthc end of Edwardsi drcam,Hc wcighcd
11· 10re than 1·most cor1△petitors,\vhich put 11ilu at a disadvantagc.1-】 c11ad no financial support for his
training.Poor cycsigbt meant that hc had tO wcar glasscs under his goggles(护 目镜)_not a
good thing、vhen thcy stcalu~cd up at high altitudes.iBut hc coutdnit let any of tllis discourage hi111.
Hc savv hirnsclf as a true 1oVer of thc sport、 vho sin1ply Ⅵ,anted thc chancc to Con1pctc.VVinning
、va.snlt thc point.IIaving thc oppoltunity to try、 vas all he carcd about..And nothing could stop
him iom trying.
In thc cnd,IE.d、 vards took 55th place ir1 thc 1987`V· orld Clhan·1pionships.Hc thc11、 vCnt o11 1o
t11c(3algary olyrnpiCs in 1988,、 vhcrc hc finishcd last in both of his cvcnts,R`汪any athletes、vould
have bccn cn1batTassc(】 by this result, but hc is proud of his achicven1e11t to tllis day. 1|1is
dcter1nination to inght against a11 the odds rnad.e hi111 a global hcro,and in 2016,t11c in~spiring∶ f1111△
E‘″J氵 召r`zc£
’夕g`召 Ⅵ`as 111adc about his lifc,
高三 英语 第3页 共8页24.`Vhat is thc ipu11冫 osC of thc tirst paragraph?
A.′r。 add s。nle background inforlllation, iB.1· ′o introduce the topic.
c.′ro expect an ans玑 `e1· 】on△ rcadcrs ID.To uncovcr thc seCret of success.
25,Why did Michae1 Edwards choosc skijumping9
A.Thc1·c晌`as littlc co1△pctition B.Thc equiplnent Was chcaper.
C,It took lcss skil1. D.Ft was easy to win the c11ar1】 pionship,
26./`fter thc Calgan`01ynlpics,Ed、 `ards
A.switc11cd to filrn lllaking B.、 vas en1barrasscd by his rcsults
C.felt he had reached his goal D,、 vas glad it、 vas ovcr
27,`几./hat n△ ade h汪ichacl E.d、 vards Outstanding?
A~His enthtlsias1m R)rthe spo1△ . B。 【ˉIis abilio.,to overct,Frle physical disabilitics,
C.I1is attitude towards the oly111pics. iD,His dctcrnlination to、 vin.
1|ligh b1ood prcssure,a con1111on condit文 on,rarcly has noticcabie syrnptoim-s,Vˇ ��hich n1akc thc
co11dition difa~cult to idcnti士
and that is、vhy n1any pcople dor1· t lJlo· ��i9tlley have it.′ lihe best、 vay
��ind out、vhethcr you have thc conclition is to ha、 /c your blood prcssurc(BP)cllCckCd、 vith a
'Γ his is irnportant because spotting any problcinls as early as possiblc redt1ces tlle risk of
complications(并 发症 ),whjch includc cardiovascular discasc such as strokc(中 � �),hea燕 a“ ack
and heart fatlure,amd kidncy disease.
So ho11`often should we check~your blood pressure to ind out whether you haVe the
【∶ 〉r sarah iBrc、ver, r1△ ed.ical dircctor of IIcaltllspan, said if you havcn’ t had.your ˉblood
prcssurc ci11cckcd in t11c last ycar,rnakc this a priority.
shc cxplaincd,“ If t11c readiF1g is bclow 130/80 rn【 n~IIg,t1】 en you go for、 vard and 1】ave your
b1ood prcssure c11cckcd at lcast o11~ce eVcry·5 ycars as it tends to increasc slo、 v】 v with agc.If your
BP is on thc high side of normal(130/85mmHg to 139/89mluHg)or if you are aged 40 or ovcr,
it’ s bcst to haVc a11.aiF111ual chcck. 1f vOur b1ood prcssurc is 140/901∶ llrn-Iˉ Ig or 11ighcr, scc your
or advicc On higll blood prcsstlrc.· ��
I1ow often should you check~yo扭 r blood pressure if youriB|P·is high?
1f you ha,ve hypcrtcnsion(】 ��J·��t`压 )^check your blood prcssttre as oftcn as your doctor tclls you
to,said Dr Brcwcr,
sl1~e added,‘ ��Cluidclincs suggcst your doctor revie喁 `you every· 3 to 4 1n.o1△ths until your b1ood
prcssure is ��vcll contro11c|d. 011cc ��/our blood prcssllrc is stablc On 1· ucdication, you 111a`7 bc
rcvie、 vcd lcss of· tcn,cˉ vcry 6 n△ o|nths or anntlally.It’ s a good idca to check your b1ood pressurc
��`ith a 1|1o1△
1~e11· 1onitor sO vOtl Can cnsure it isit1)t increasing or affcctc【i by cllanges in diet9 1ifestyle
ancl strcss.:′
28,`~i′ hy arc Inany pcoplc llnavy.iarc thcy ha、 /c11igh b1oo(】 pressurc bascd on the passage?
A.Bccause its symptoms arc dimcultt。 idcnt1灯 .
B.Bccausc thcy do11’ t co11sider high b1ood pressure fisky.
C.13ccausc the、vay to idcnti1``high blood pressurc is n.ot found yct.
D.【3ec之111sC it is difficult to get a r11onitorˉ used to chcck.b1ood prcssurc.
29.Noticing high blood pressurc in tin1e is in1porta1】 t bccausc____,
.A.it is il11possiblc to spot it as ti111c goes by
B~patients、 von’ t have to scc a doCtor1· cgularly a∶Rcr that
C)~uncontrolled 11igh b1ood prcsstlre ca11 1cad to scrious hcalth problcrFls
ID,it、 vill ta|kc doctors less nloney to trcat paticnts、 vith high I3P by doing that
`Vhich ofthc fo11oⅥ
`ing will be supportcd by E9r sarah iBrc、 vcr’
.A.A41-ycar——o1d adult should havc 13P chcckcd at lcast oncc a 111ont11.
EI.IBP取/ill never change if you havc it chcckcd witlil a 1△ 1onitor.
C1,Itis good女t)r you to consult a doctorifyour I3P is 140/90n111]I· Ig or1】igher.
D.You don’ t havc to、|vorl、 .′ abotlt BP i壬
′your agc is bc1o、 v40,
31.`汛△1ich coluInn i1】an△ agazinc could this passage belong to’
A.Hcalt11, B.stylc, C,Li1o. D,Sport.
����: 英诺 ��4页 ��8页D
rΓ hinking is sorn.ething you choose to do as a g.sh ch。 oscs to liVc in、vater,To bc hurnan is to
think.I3ut thinking n1ay cornc naturaIIy、vithout your knowing how you do it, Tihinking about
thlnking is the key to critica1(扌 比劣ll性 )thinking.When you think critica11y,you take control of
yot1r thinki11g proccsscs. othcr.Ⅵ厂ise, you 111ight be contro11ed by t11c ideas of others, Indccd,
cr1tical thinking is at the hcart of cducation.
'Γ he、vord“ critical’
’hcre has a spccial rncaning, It does not lncan taking one vicw against
anothcr vicⅥ`,as、vhen.sorneone criticizes anothcr pcrson for d.oing so111cthing`丙 `rong,'I′he n.aturc
of critical thinking is thinking beyond thc casily sccn-bcyond thc picturcs on'I′ V,thc untrue
rcports in thc newspapers,and thc fau1o rCasoning(错 误 的 推 理 ).
Critical thinking is an attitudc as 1nuch as an activity.If you are curiou~s about life and dcsirc
to dig dceper into it, iyou are a critical thinkcr; if iyou fi11d pleasurc in decp thinking about
diffcrcnt idcas,charactcrs,aind facts,you arc a critical t11inker.
Activitics of the rnind.and.11ighcr-ordcr reasoning arc processcs of dCCp and careR11
consideratior1.1∶ ′11.cy takc tillle,and do not go hand in|hand with thc fast spccd in todayls、 vorld,
fast food-s,instant coffee,and self-dcvc1opir1g iiln1.If you arc aFnong thclpeoplc w11o belicvc that
specd is a measurc of intelligcnce,you may learn昼 9meth血 ⒏ne卫 iom a story about A1bc11
Einstcin.Thc nrst tin1e B.anish IIofaman.a scientist,was to discuss his work Ⅵ/ith A1bert Einstcin,
I-IOffn· 1an、vas too nervous to spcak, But iEinstcin it11n1cdiately put【 -Iofan~an at easc by saying、
“Plcasc go slowly,I donlt understand things quickly.”
32.Clritical thinking is inlportant to us becausc if、 ve do not think critica11y,_‘
A‘ 、vc lnight bc contro11ed by other peopicis ideas
B 、ve、vill undcrstand the ideas of others natura11y
Cl it、 `ill be hard for us to think naturally and fast
D,wc lnight bc foo1cd by othcr peoplcis ideas
33 If you arc a critical t11inkcr,iyou、 vill
A.criticizc Other pcople for thcir rnistakcs iB,think dccply about diffcren.t idcas
C1.takc One view against anothcr Vie、 、· D.trust the rcports in thc ne· 哂`spapcrs
34 In the last paragraph9‘‘son1ething nc、 v” suggcsts that_,
A.thc s1m~arter you arc,the faster you do things
E;.the fastcr you do things,thc sI· n~arter you becornc
C.specd can inlprovc intclligen.ce
D.intelligence is not dccidcd by spced
35 `Vh.at、 vould be thc bcst titlc for thc passagc?
丿A..Thinking Natural and I· Iulinan B.Thinking and Critical Thinking
C.LIndcrstanding Critical Thinking D,Thinking Fast Means Intelligcncc
第j1节 (共 5小 题;每 小题2.5分 ,满 分12.5分 )
阅读下面短文,从 短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为
Articlc、vriting has been a way of convcying infornlation through thc wcb.If you’ rc a writcr,
being able to let t11enl stay on your articlc for Fnorc tharl t、 vo scCoinds is alrcady a succcss.Your
l汀 riting style Can creatc 111ore readcrs for your content if you knoⅥ /how to capture the attcntion of
rcadcrs. 36
Be Direct-to-the-Point
cbsitc Ⅵ⒎riting diffcrs florn print writing.Pcople do not want to spend n1uch tilnc On a
局三 英语 第 5页 共 8页websitc bccause thcy wantto gett|he inforIn.ation they need.
lBe InforI11ative
Articlcs for web content are boeny wntten.They ncsh out thc infomlation without
decorations,Be sWe that your articles are not confusingly worded. 1.Iake surc you
organizc your facts logica11y so that your rcadcr can cffcCtivcly proccss thcin1.
Be Conversational
39 ]Be conⅤ ersational so that rcadcrs can grasp what you 1m.ean in you.r articlc.
/ith quality content,cngage your rcaders so that your articlc、 vill havc that personal and hurnan
Be Connected
Most amcle writcrs just placc sc11tenCes that state a ccrtain fact to fonn a paragraph.
Howevcr,in rcadcrs’ hopcs,thcsc writcrs fail to establish a hulnan cOnncction._.z年 0 _.so
it is i111portant to nlake tlle conn.cction sn1ooth aind not abrupt.
A.Most readers likc to read articlcs that“ spcak” to thcn1.
EI,stay away a· on.1 decorations、 vhcn、 vriting onlinc contcnt,
C,IIcrc arc sonlc in1portant points to consider bcforc writing onlinc.
D.Gct to your point dircctly so that your rcadcrs can proccss the inforlnation.
E.Co111plcx scntcnces tend to Ⅵ`rongly lead your rcadcr and n1akc then1 confuscd.
F,(C.onnection· Ⅵoll allow thc rcaders’ n1inds to cffcctively proccss、 Vhat is writtcn.
G,Article writing is a n.In、 vay of cstablishing a conncction with a rcadcr and a writcr.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分 )
第一节 (共 15小 题;每 小题1分 ,满 分15分 )
阅读卜面短文,从每题所给的A、 B、 C、 D四 个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
M∶ y motller would scnd prcscnts to others.Thc Occasion ncvcr~ 41 _— Christmas,
birthdays,annivcrsaries or no occasion.at al1.
shc was always thinking about who 1might cnJoy what,Creativity and_42~wcnt into
thc presents she gavc,and she _ZI3_ a thank you notc.Oncc shc sent out a note to hcr oWn
childrcn and grandchildrcn、 vho had not ackno`严 ledgcd prcsents, _44 ~ that thcy、 、7erc noⅥ`on
her“Fecal Rostcr(黑 名单)” and`vould not bc rcmoVed until shc had rcccivcd a propcrthank you
Evcn if you didn’ t ~_45 _ a thank you notc,shc’ d givc you anothcr prcsent thc next
__46~~shc had,she thought bad nlanncrs、 Vere your problen· 1,not hcrs.
Evcry ti1ncˇ 1o1m and Dad_生 △_to visit,all of us would gathcr in the drivcway as thcy
un10adcd luggagc.′ I′ hcrc、vas alWays sonlething for thc kids,oa.cn a couplc of littlc toys or a big
_48 ~ of ho111eI· nadc Cookics.Thcy Ⅵrcrcn’ t prcscnts for particular occasion.Thcy werc
~49 “Isn’ t lifc grcat?” presents,
C)nc spring、 vhen they carnc to visit,shc handcd nlc a _50~ bag.Insidc、 v.as a painting
that ~51_∶ ‘‘A spccial I)aughtcr,You’ ve broughtlaughtcr andjoy to our lives and so lnuch 1oVc
to our hcarts.′ rhc rnost prccious things Ⅵ⒎e can _52 ~ for you are thc things you haVc givcn us
··· 53 and ILovc.”
Morn was a _54~ prcscnt giver,but thc best prcscnts、 vc、Vill ahays rcn△ cn1bcr her br
wcrc her 1ove for 55 and hcrlove for us.
41,A,arose B.varied C.1mattcrcd iD.occun· cd
42.A.sy1mpathy B,justiCc C.authority lD.thoughtfulncss
43.A.apprcCiatcd ^B.rcsisted C).prornised I).ignored
高二 英语 第6页 共8页44.A.assunli11g B,abusing C.con· ccting lD.stating
45,A.obtain B.scnd C.conduct ·D.purchasc
46.A.chance B.tirne C,holiday D.fcstival
47.A.rode aw· ay B.drovc Over C.walkcd by D,wandcred around
48,A.cage B.holdcr C.containcr I).tank
49,A.especially I3.fairly C.si1·nply I).apparently
50.A.toy B.cookie C,hand iD.prcsent
51.A,told B,read C.appcarcd D,showed
52.A.recomlnend B.apply C.wish I).ask
53.A.Satisfaction B.Privilegc C.Assistance D.Happincss
54.A,grand B.grcat C,scrious ID.extrelnc
55.A,lifo B.prcscnts C.fa1· nilics |D.kids
第二节 (共 10小 题;每 小题1.5分 ,满 分15分 )
阅读下面短文,在 空白出处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
To revive(复 苏)thc coronaVirus-strickcn economy,China is now promoung the idca ofthe
Ditan,or“strect vending” cconon1y.ACCording to a rccent spccch by the Chincsc Prilnc Ministcr
Li Keqiang,strcct vcnding is ~ 56_“ lifeb1ood” of the country,It’ s also a kcy source of
_呈z~_(en1p10y)in this special pcriod.
People havcˉ bccn~cncouragcd to sct tlp strcet stalls nation、 vide sin.cc|Prcr11icr I~、 i’ s spccch.
Now,people in China~58~(se11)thCirˉ wares,including snacks,c1othes,acccssories and cvcn
rabbits,on the street,on pavcmcnts orin thc tmnk(屋 丿箱)of cars.
Local ~5.9~(rcsidCnt)have wclco1△ cd thc rcopening of roadside busincsses,
_鱼9_0Ren supply goods at lower priccs.Eating and _61._~(shop)at roadsidc sta11s is also a
good choice fo.r ofRcc、 vorkcrs、vhen thcy rcturn】 .orn work at night.
In fact,strcct vcndors _.62_(scc)as a syn1bol of back.哂7ardness and povcrty in thc past.
Although China is now rcstarting thc strcct Vending cconorny, sorne 1ocal govern.nlents and
ofscial nledia are against a largc-sCale return _63 _infonual strcct salcs,arguing that therc arc
many problcms like food safct)7 and product quality._64 ~(dCve1op)thC strcet Vcnding
econo1ny,health and safety rcgulations and urban planning should bc _65_(sCrious)
第四部分 写作(共 两节,满 分40分 )
第一节 (满 分15分 )
假定你是高三学生李华,你 的笔友Bob是 一名高一新生。他发来邮件询问“Whatto
leam in scnior hig11 schoo1” ,请根据以下要点给他回复ˉ一封邮件。
学会学习:方 法、习惯等;
学会做人;真 诚、友善等;
1.词 数:80词 左右,开 头结尾已给出,不计入总词数;
2.可 适当增加细节,以 使行文连贯。
Dear Bob,
I am glad to share with you my opinions on whatto learn h senior high schon1
● j
· ·
Li IIua
高三 英语 第 7页 共 8页第二节 (满 分25分 )
阅读下面材料,根 据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使 之构成一篇完整的短文。
续写的词数应为150左 右。
C)ncc upon a tirne,there、 vas an old lnan、 vho couldn’ t rcad or writc.Whcn he was littlc,his
falnily was so poorthat hc cOuldn’ t attend schoo1.∶ But he al、 vays dreanlcd ofbcing ablc to rcad,
(二 )nc day,hc took his scven-ycar-old grandson to sc11oo1,
Since he didn’t have anything to do that day,hc didn’ t lcavc iInrncdiatcly,Instcad,hc stood
outsidc his grandson’ s classroorn and.lookcd in through thc、 vindo、v.
The kids’ teacher,、 vho was an old 1man in his ifties,entercd thc classrooFn、 vhcn thc class
began, The tcacher、 vas、vearing thick glasscs. He stalted teaching.'rhrough watching hiln,thc
old rnan found sornething intcresting, I.Ie noticcd that thc teacher could read nothing、 vithout
putting his glasscs on.As soon as hc put on his glasscs,hc could rcad vcry、 vcl1.
I】 ow anlazing!’’sai(i the old nlan to hituself.
I|Ic、vaited outsidc th.c classroorn~until thc class、 vas ovcr and stoppcd t11c tcachcr.
“Excusc rne,sir,” sai(l thc old r11an to thc teachcr.
“Yes’ ’’said thc teac|her.
“In。uced s。 mething amazing.You can’ t rcad without thc glasscs,right?” said thc old man.
“Yes,that’ s truc.I cain rcad nothing、ithout then1,’ ’replied th.c teacller.
“I3ut you can read once you.putthern on,can’t you?” asked thc old rnan.
“Yes, that’ s true, too,” replied the teacher, 、voindcring、vhy thc old rn.an Was asiki11g suc11
strange questions.
The teacher looked at the old 111an,、 vho leR in a hury with a big srnilc On his facc.
Thc old 1·11an,、 vho、vas cxtrcrncly happy,dccidcd to go to town to find an eycglasscs store.
ARicr bcing unablc to rcad sO Inany ycars,he i.na11y found an casy way to rcad,vvhich chcered
him up,He rcalized what hc nccdcd to rcad wasjust a pair ofglasscs.
“I canˉ snally rcad,’ ’said thc old luan to hiInsclf、 vhcn walking to the town.
Finally,the lnan aniiVcd at thc to、 vn,Hc 1ookcd around and soon found a storc、Vith glasscs
in it.'Γhc 1·nan happily cntcrcd tllc storc.
Paragraph 1:
召o″ ″c″ e刀 r召 ″
'r`,e sro″
,r乃 e sro″ ow″ 召rg″ 召勿歹乃栩.
Paragraph 2:
z勿 cs咱,Fo”叨召乃r′::磁f刀 gr`1c o″ ″夕刀历″刀饣′汝召r`,夕 r`历‘
0r乃 召r`历rヵ r加勿.
高三 英语 第 8页 共 8页