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2021 年全国卷高中英语《经济学人》外刊新高考培优讲义[06-08] 作文素材阅读理解语法词汇拓展积累 (含词汇讲解、长难句解析、翻译技巧、背景知识、写作积累:均由阿满编写) 原文[续 06-07] Horses might have fared better had savings from mechanisation stayed in rural areas. Instead, soaring agricultural productivity led to falling food prices, lining the pockets of urban workers with more appetite for a new suit (or car) than anything four-legged. Similarly, the financial returns to automation flow to profitable firms and their shareholders, who not only usually live apart from the factories being automated but who save at high rates, contributing to weak demand across the economy as a whole. Indeed, roughly half of job losses from robotisation (as from exposure to Chinese imports) are attributable to the knock-on effect from reduced demand rather than direct displacement. 如果机械化带来的节余留在了农村,那么马的境况可能会好一些。然而,飙升 的农业生产力导致食品价格下降,口袋鼓起来的城市工人对新衣服(或新车)比对 任何四条腿的东西都更感兴趣。同样,自动化的收益流向了盈利的公司以及它们的 股东。这些人的住所通常都远离自动化工厂,而且他们还会以高利率存钱,导致整 个经济的需求疲软。其实,在机器人的使用所导致的岗位减少中(因中国进口商品 减少的岗位也一样),约有一半是需求减少的连锁反应,而不是直接被替代的结 果。词汇讲解 .fare better 文中释义:境况好一些 fare 现如今有三个看似不相干的用法:它做名词使用的时候可以表示旅行中的 “交通费用”,也可以表示“伙食”;它做动词使用的时候则表示“进展”、“境 况”、“遭遇”、“过日子”这类含义。 它做名词使用的时候常见搭配有 o bus/train/air/cab fare 公共汽车、火车、飞机、计程车的票价 o half-fare/full-fare 半票价;全票价 它做动词使用的时候常见搭配有 o fare well/badly/better etc 表示进展或日子过得好或者不好 (to be successful, unsuccessful etc) 相关例句补充 o What is the bus fare to London? 到伦敦的公共汽车费是多少? o travel at half/full/reduced fare 半价[全价/减价]票旅行 o economy fares 经济舱票价 o fine, simple, wholesome fare 很好的﹑简单的﹑有益健康的食物 o How did you fare (ie What were your experiences) while you were abroad? 你在国外时过得好吗?fare 在文中这里即是做动词使用,表示 progress 或者 get on 的含义。我觉得该 含义用法比较好的记忆方式是联想离别时候的话语“farewell”(我觉得可以对应汉 语中的“走好”)。farewell 从词源上看的字面含义即 to fare well,而 fare 已废弃 的动词含义是“旅行”或者“行走”,相关的含义在现如今的名词用法上留有痕 迹,在动词用法上则变成表示“进展”、“遭遇”、“过日子”这类含义。 .line line 做动词使用的时候可以表示“给衣服等制作内衬” (cover the inside surface of sth with a layer of different material),可以进而泛化使用表示“覆盖里层”(to cover the inner surface of) 和“用钱或食物填满” (to fill plentifully, as with money or food)。 那么在“用钱或食物填满”的用法下,有习语 line your own pockets 表示“发 财”,过去多带有来路不正的意味 (to make yourself richer, especially by doing something dishonest - used to show disapproval)。这个用法的可以对应汉语中的 “让口袋鼓起来”。 .knock-on effect knock-on effect 在文中被翻译成“连锁反应”,不过它更确切的字面义是“撞 击效应”。含义相近的表达还有 ripple effect 和 domino effect 翻译技巧 翻译知识点:英语人称代词的翻译问题 分析:英语中的人称代词是最常见、也是使用最频繁的词类之一。按其语法功 能可充当句子的主语、宾语、表语、定语、补语等成分可以在同一句子中重复使用 前后交替出现。而汉语人称代词的使用率要比英语低得多,所以翻译时需酌情删 减。 试以下列句子为例: He put his hands into his pockets and then shrugged his shoulders. 他将双手放进衣袋,然后耸了耸肩。 They went into dinner. It was excellent, and the wine was good. Its influence presently had its effect on them. They talked not only without acrimony, but even with friendliness. 他们进入餐室用餐。美酒佳肴,顿受感染,言谈间绝无恶言恶语,却充满友好 之情。 以上第一句中的英语共有四个代词,省略了三个。第二句中有六个英语代词, 省略了五个。由此可见英语的人称代词在翻译成中文时不可随意套用,而要根据实 际情况进行删减。 此段中 firms and their shareholders 真的需要翻译成“公司以及它们的股东” 吗?现在看来未必,其实可以直接翻译成“公司及股东”。 参考文献:许建平.英语人称代词的翻译问题[J].清华大学教育研究,2003(S1):106- 110.长难句解析 Horses might have fared better // had savings from mechanisation stayed in rural areas. •提取主干:Horses might have fared better,主谓结构。 •其他成分: ① 全句是虚拟语气,但把条件状语从句放在了后半句,且省略了 if,采取了倒 装形式。由 if 引导的条件状语从句,可以把 if 省略,把 were/should/had 放在主语 前。 ② 在条件状语从句中,from mechanisation 作定语修饰 savings,in rural areas 是地点状语。 注:长难句解析栏目仅供参考。到底是怎样,希望你可以自己动动手去分析才 好。 写作积累 •Horses might have fared better had savings from mechanisation stayed in rural areas. 如果机械化带来的节余留在了农村,那么马的境况可能会好一 些。•Instead, soaring agricultural productivity led to falling food prices, lining the pockets of urban workers with more appetite for a new suit (or car) than anything four-legged. 然而,飙升的农业生产力导致食品价 格下降,口袋鼓起来的城市工人对新衣服(或新车)比对任何四条腿的东西 都更感兴趣。 •contributing to weak demand across the economy as a whole. 导致整 个经济的需求疲软 •Indeed, roughly half of job losses from robotisation (as from exposure to Chinese imports) are attributable to the knock-on effect from reduced demand rather than direct displacement. 其实,在机器人的使用所导致的岗 位减少中(因中国进口商品减少的岗位也一样),约有一半是需求减少的连 锁反应,而不是直接被替代的结果。 --- 未完待续 ---

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