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词汇运用 一、根括号内所给的中文提示,正确拼写单词。 1. The singer is good at playing the___________(吉他) and making wonderful music. 2. Bob and Jim have been good friends____________(自从) they joined the same tennis team. 3. The cinema was half__________(空的) because the movie was so boring. 4. Every time I want to give up, my parents always __________(鼓励))me to keep trying. 5. We will hold a party to say goodbye to our teachers next___________(星期三). 【答案与解析】 1. guitar 句意:这位歌手擅长弹吉他和演奏美妙的音乐。吉他 guitar,play the guitar 弹吉他,be good at doing sth.擅长做某事;故答案填 guitar。 2. since 句意:鲍勃和吉姆自从加入同一个网球队以来,他们一直是好朋友。自从 since,后接某一确 定的时间点,主句谓语动词是持续性动词,常与现在完成时态连用;故答案填 since。 3. empty 句意:电影很无聊,所以电影院只有一半的人。空的 empty,形容词,用在系动词 was 后面作 表语,构成系表结构;故答案填 empty。 4. encourage 句意:每次我想放弃的时候,我的父母总是鼓励我继续努力。鼓励 encourage,动词;由 语境可知句子时态用一般现在时,主语 my parents 是复数,所以谓语动词用原形;故答案填 encourage。 5. Wednesday 句意:下周三我们将举行一个聚会向老师们道别。星期三 Wednesday,next Wednesday 下 周三,故答案填 Wednesday。 根据中文提示完成下列单词的拼写,使句意完整与正确。每空一词。 1. For breakfast, Tina would like some milk and___________(蛋糕). 2. There’s a pay phone ______(在…… 的后面) the library. 3. It’s very ______(重要的) to make a plan before we do everything. 【答案与解析】 1. cakes 句意:对于早饭,Tina 喜欢喝牛奶、吃蛋糕。根据句意和单词的意思可知,这里考查 cake, 是一个名词。空前有 some 修饰,故填复数形式 cakes。 2. behind 句意:在图书馆后面有一个公用电话亭。根据句意和单词的意思可知,这里考查介词 behind,后面跟名词 the library 构成介词短语,在句中作地点状语。3. important 句意:在我们做每件事之前制定一个计划是非常重要的。根据句意和单词的意思可知, 这里考查的是 important,是一个形容词。这句话中使用了句型 It is +形容词+to do sth.“做某事是… 的”,It 是形式主语,动词不定式是真正的主语。 1. The secretary isn’t able to_________(翻译)this business letter into French. 2. According to a survey those born in the 2000s have a strong sense of national_______(骄 傲). 【答案与解析】 1. translate 句意:秘书不能把这封商务信函译成法语。be able to do sth.表示能做某事;短语 translate…into…表示把……翻译成……。根据句意,故填 translate。 2. pride 句意:根据一项调查,21 世纪出生的人有强烈的民族自豪感。national 形容词,后加名词。 pride 的意思是“骄傲”,根据句意,故填 pride。 1. The man is happily ______________(描述)what he saw during his winter vacation. 2. As the old saying goes, God helps those who help ______________(他们自己). 【答案与解析】 1. describing 句意“这个男人正在开心地描述他寒假期间看到的东西”。describe 描述,且根据空前 is 可知,用现在进行时 am/is/are doing,故填 describing。 2. themselves 句意“正如一句谚语所说:天助自助者”。根据句意可知,译为“他们自己”。themselves 他们自己,故填 themselves。 1. Have you made a__________(决定) to go on a vacation? 2. After discussing the project several times, they reached an____________(协议) finally. 【答案与解析】 1. decision 句意:你决定去度假了吗?不定冠词 a 后跟可数名词单数形式,make a decision 做决定, 根据汉语提示可知,答案为 decision。 2. agreement 句意:经过几次讨论,他们终于达成了协议。不定冠词 an 后跟可数名词单数形式,根据汉语提示可知,答案为 agreement。 1. Don’t worry. The storm won’t ________________(持续) long. 2. I’ve had a lone ______________(累人的) day. I need a good rest. 3. Please put all the books back in the right _____________(顺序) before you leave. 4. This is not the first time for the two teams to play ____________(对抗) each other. 【答案与解析】 1. last 句意:别担心。暴风雨不会持续太久。由语境和汉语提示可知,填:last;本题是一般将来时, won’t 后跟动词原形。故答案为:last。 2. tiring 句意:我度过了孤独的疲劳的一天。我需要好好休息。由语境和汉语提示可知,填:tire; day 是名词,前面应该用形容词来修饰,tire 的形容词有 tiring 和 tired。tired 是一个形容词。形 容一个人的感觉;tiring 是一个形容词。形容一件事情。本题的形容词是用来修饰后面的名词 day 的, 因此应该用 tiring。故答案为:tiring。 3. order 句意:离开前请把所有的书按正确的顺序放回原处。由语境和汉语提示可知,填:order;the right order:正确的顺序;所以答案为:order。 4. against 句意:对于这两个队来说,不是第一次交锋了。由语境和汉语提示可知,填:against;against 是介词,表示反对、对抗。play against each other:相互对抗;故答案为:against。 41. _______(幸运), he was at home when I called this morning. 42. Chinese________(文化) has influenced the world for thousands of years. 43. Why do more and more kids________(更喜欢) to spend time on screens? 44. It is science and technology that connect _______(进步)with the future of human. 45. We are very______(自豪)that a student from our school has won the first prize. 【答案与解析】 41. Luckily 句意:幸运的是,我今天早上打电话时他在家。Luckily 这里是副词可以单独使用,放在 句首,意思是“幸运地是”,根据句意,故填 Luckily。 42. culture 句意:中国文化几千年来一直影响着世界。culture 文化,Chinese culture 中国文化。 根据句意,故填 culture。43. prefer 句意:为什么越来越多的孩子更喜欢花时间在屏幕上?这是特殊疑问句,且结构是疑问词+do+ 主语+动词原形+其他?prefer 意思是“更喜欢”,根据句意,故填 prefer。 44. progress 句意:科学和技术将进步与人类的未来联系起来。progress 的意思是“进步”,根据句意, 故填 progress。 45. proud 句意:我们很自豪我们学校的一个学生得了一等奖。be 动词后加形容词,proud 的意思是 “骄傲的”,根据句意,故填 proud。 41. We all hope you can ______________(接受) our invitation and join us in the picnic. 42. Recently, there are about 12 _______________(千) pet hospitals in China, and many people choose small animal treatment as a career. 43. Last Monday was a ______________(特殊的) day for me because I gave a talk on Flag Raising Ceremony. 44. Don’t give Eddie anything to eat. I _____________(喂,喂养) him just now. 45. The twin brothers are not only of the same ___________(重量), but also the height. 【答案与解析】 41. accept 句意:我们都希望你能接受我们的邀请,和我们一起去野餐。根据句意和单词的汉语意思 可知,这里考查 accept,是一个动词。空前 can 是情态动词,故这里填动词原形。 42. thousand 句意:最近,在中国有 12,000 家宠物医院,很多人选择小动物治疗作为职业。thousand 千,是一个数量词,和基数词搭配,表示具体数量时,不用复数形式,故这里直接填 thousand。 43. special 句意:上周一对于我来说是一个特殊的日子,因为我在升旗仪式上讲了话。根据句意和所 给单词的汉语意思可知,这里考查 special,是一个形容词,作定语修饰后面的名词 day。 44. fed 句意:不要给 Eddie 任何东西吃,我刚才喂过他了。根据句意和所给单词的汉语意思可知,这 里考查的是 feed,是一个动词。根据句中的时间状语 just now“刚才”可知,这句话应用一般过去时, 故这里填过去式 fed,是不规则的变化。 45. weight 句意:这对双胞胎兄弟不仅体重一样,身高也一样。根据句意和所给单词的汉语意思可知, 这里考查的是 weight,这是一个名词,空前有 the same 修饰,表示“相同的…”,故填名词。 41.At the age of   (四十), the writer finished his fifth novel.42.To be safe, students should   (避免)going out alone at night. 43.Every autumn, the   (落下的)leaves make our school more beautiful. 44.When you are tired, you can go to a   (令人放松的)place to have a rest. 45.If you want to get a prize in the speech competition, you should   (准备)for it well. 【答案与解析】 41.forty 四十 forty,基数词;根据句意"这位作家四十岁时完成了他的第五部小说"可知,基数词 forty 作介词 of 的宾语,故答案为 forty。 42.avoid 避免 avoid,动词;根据句意"为了安全起见,学生们应该避免晚上独自外出"可知,在情态 动词后面用动词原形,故答案为 avoid。 43.fallen 落下的 fallen,形容词;根据句意"每年秋天,落叶使我们的学校更加美丽"可知,要用形 容词作定语,故答案为 fallen。 44.relaxing 令人放松的 relaxing,形容词;根据句意"当你累了,你可以去一个放松的地方休息"可 知,要用形容词作定语,故答案为 relaxing。 45.prepare 考查翻译填空.根据汉语提示及其英语句子,可知要翻译的部分为:准备,英语表达是 prepare,should 后接动词原形,故答案为 prepare。 36.For breakfast. Tina would like some milk and  (蛋糕) 37.There's a pay phone  (在……的后面) the library. 38.It's very  (重要的) to make a plan before we do everything. 【答案与解析】 36.cakes 考查翻译填空.根据汉语提示及其英语句子,可知要翻译的部分为:蛋糕.英语表达是: cake.some 接复数形式,句意:早餐.蒂娜想要一些牛奶和蛋糕.故答案为 cakes. 37.behind 考查翻译填空.根据汉语提示及其英语句子,可知要翻译的部分为:在……的后面.英语 表达是: behind.句意:图书馆后面有一个公用电话.故答案为 behind. 38.important 考查翻译填空.根据汉语提示及其英语句子,可知要翻译的部分为:重要的.英语表达 是: important.句意:在做任何事情之前都要制定一个计划是很重要的.故答案为 important. 【2019 •广西柳州市】76. Our monitor wants to have a _____________(讨论) about the sports meeting with us. 77. Tomorrow morning they are going to _____________(采访)a great scientist 78. The manager asked his ____________(秘书)to print the documents for him. 79. I think it _____________ (必要的) to prepare some food and water for our trip. 80. Very few people can _____________ (发音)my name correctly 【答案与解析】 76. discussion 句意:我们的班长想和我们讨论运动会的事。讨论 discussion,可数名词,根据句意" 我们的班长想和我们讨论运动会的事"根据 a 可知,要用单数形式.have a discussion.讨论,故答案为 discussion。 77. interview 句意:明天早上他们要去采访一个伟大的科学家。考查翻译填空。根据汉语提示及其英 语句子,可知要翻译的部分为: 采访,动词.英语表达是: interview.be going to+动词原形,句意: 明天早上他们要去采访一个伟大的科学家,故答案为 interview。 78. secretary 句意:经理让他的秘书为他打印文件。考查翻译填空。根据汉语提示及其英语句子,可 知要翻译的部分为:秘书,英语表达是:secretary,此处是单数名词.句意:经理让他的秘书为他打印文 件.故答案为 secretary。 79. necessary 句意:我认为为我们的旅行准备一些食物和水是必要的。考查翻译填空。根据汉语提示 及其英语句子,可知要翻译的部分为:必要的,形容词.英语表达是:necessary.句意:我认为为我们的 旅行准备一些食物和水是必要的,故答案为 necessary。 80. pronounce 句意:很少有人能对我的名字正确发音。考查翻译填空。根据汉语提示及其英语句子, 可知要翻译的部分为:发音,动词,英语表达是:pronounce.can 接动词原形,句意:很少有人能对我的 名字正确发音,故答案为 pronounce。 27.The lovely boy often   (分享) his toys with other kids. 28.As far as we know, safety comes first   (无论什么) you do. 29.The Yangtze River is the   (第三) longest river on the earth. 30.Traditional Chinese   (药)is getting more and more popular in the world. 31.We should remember the   (勇敢的) people who lost their lives in the Liangshan Mountain Fire. 【答案与解析】27.shares 考查翻译填空.根据汉语提示及其英语句子,可知要翻译的部分为:分享,动词.英语表 达是:share.时态是一般现在时,主语是单数,用动词三单式.句意:这个可爱的男孩经常和其他孩 子分享他的玩具.故答案为 shares. 28.whatever 考查翻译填空.根据汉语提示及其英语句子,可知要翻译的部分为:无论什么.英语表 达是:whatever.此处是单数,复数形式,句意:据我们所知,无论你做什么安全都是第一的.故答 案为 whatever. 29.third 考查翻译填空.根据汉语提示及其英语句子,可知要翻译的部分为:第三.英语表达是: third.句意:长江是地球上第三长河流.故答案为 third. 30.medicine 考查翻译填空.根据汉语提示及其英语句子,可知要翻译的部分为:药.英语表达是: medicine.不可数名词,句意:传统中医在世界上越来越受欢迎.故答案为 medicine. 31.brave 考查翻译填空.根据汉语提示及其英语句子,可知要翻译的部分为:勇敢的.英语表达是: brave.句意:我们应该记住勇敢的在凉山大火中丧生的人们.故答案为 brave. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。 51. The two ________ (factory) were moved outside the city last year. 52. The higher we climbed, the________ (thin) the air became. 53. In summer, it often rains___________ (heavy) with strong wind in Southern China. 54. Which is more_________ (value) to you, health or wealth? 55. In the playground, I threw the ball to her and she___________ (catch) it. 【答案与解析】 51. factories 句意:这两家工厂去年搬到城外去了。factory 工厂,可数名词,前面有表示数量的词 two,所以这里应用其复数形式,故答案填 factories。 52. thinner 句意:我们爬得越高,空气就越稀薄。the+比较级,the+比较级,表示“越……越……”, thin 稀薄的、瘦的,其比较级是 thinner,故答案填 thinner。 53. heavily 句意:夏天,中国南方经常下大雨,刮大风。heavy 重的,形容词;设空处修饰前面的动 词,所以应用其副词形式,与 heavy 所对应的副词形式是 heavily,故答案填 heavily。 54. valuable 句意:健康和财富哪个对你更有价值? value 价值,名词,由题干可知设空处应填入一个 形容词形式,与 value 所对应的形容词是 valuable“有价值的”;根据后面的 health or wealth,可知 句子应用比较级形式,valuable 是多音节词,其比较级为 more valuable,故答案填 valuable。 55. caught 句意:在操场上,我把球扔给她,她接住了。catch 抓住,动词,由前面的动词 threw 可知 句子时态用一般过去时态,catch 的过去式为 caught,故答案填 caught。51. There are many ways of ______ (get) information about Belt and Road(一带一路) 52. It’s _____ (danger) to play with fire. 53. In many restaurants, tea is ____ (serve) for free. 54. More and more people have realized the _____ (important) of China-Russia Heihe Bridge. 55. My mother and I went to the airport _____ (meet) my father yesterday. 56. “Dear, help ___ (you) to eat anything you like. “Mrs Li said to Mary. 57. Be sure to let Tom know the news as soon as he ___ (arrive). 58. Many foreigners, including ____ (Australia), are visiting Expo 2019, Beijing(北京世园 会). 59. We have prepared a beautiful cake for Tom’s ___ (nine) birthday. 60. How ____ (care) you are! You have left your book at home again! 【答案与解析】 51. getting 句意:获取“一带一路”信息的方式有很多种。of 为介词,后跟 V-ing 形式,故答案为 getting。 52. dangerous 句意:玩火很危险。It’s +adj.+ to do sth.是英语中常用句型,意思是“做某事怎 么样”,故答案填写形容词 dangerous。 53. served 句意:在许多餐馆,茶是免费供应的。主语 tea 与动词 serve 之间是被动的关系,助动词 is 后面需要加动词的过去分词,故答案为 served。 54. importance 句意:越来越多的人认识到中俄黑河大桥的重要性。动词 realize 后面缺少宾语,需 要由名词充当,故答案为 importance。 55. to meet 句意:昨天我和妈妈去机场接爸爸了。动词不定式用作目的状语,故答案为 to meet。 56. yourself 句意:“亲爱的,随便吃任何你喜欢的东西。”李太太对玛丽说。help oneself to eat...意思是“不要拘束,随便吃……”,这句话是对玛丽一个人说的,反身代词用单数形式,故答案 为 yourself。 57. arrives 句意:汤姆一到,确保让他知道这个消息。前面的句子是祈使句,as soon as 引导的时间 状语从句用一般现在时表示将来,主语 he 是第三人称单数,故答案为 arrives。 58. Australians 句意:许多外国人,包括澳大利亚人,正在参观 2019 年北京世博会。主语“Many foreigners”表示的是人,故此处填写“澳大利亚人”,注意用复数形式,答案为 Australians。 59. ninth 句意:我们为汤姆九岁生日准备了一个漂亮的蛋糕。在生日的前面要用序数词,表示某人多 少岁的生日,故答案为 ninth。60. careless 句意:你真粗心!你又把书忘在家里了!How+形容词或副词,根据系动词 are 判断,应 填写一个形容词;再结合后面的句意“你又把书忘在家里了!”说明粗心大意,故答案为 careless。 72. Huawei is one of the ___________ (big) smartphone makers in the world. 73. Mario is used to _______________ (volunteer) at an animal hospital now. 74. Many young people look up to the basketball ______ (hero) and want to become like them. 75. ________________ (lucky), people tried their best to put out the big fire in the forest. 【答案与解析】 72. biggest 句意:华为是世界上最大的智能手机制造商之一。短语“one of +形容词最高级”意为 “最……之一”,定冠词 the 放在形容词最高级前,所以填 biggest。 73. volunteering 句意:马里奥现在习惯于在动物医院当志愿者。短语“be used to doing sth.”意 为“习惯于作某事”。To 后跟动名词作宾语,故填 volunteering。 74. heroes 句意:很多年轻人羡慕篮球英雄,并想变成他们那样。根据后面“want to become like them”(想变成他们那样)可知,他们羡慕的人是复数,故填 heroes。 75. luckily 句意:幸运的是,人们尽最大努力扑灭了森林大火。根据人们扑灭了森林大火可知是幸运 的事情,这里作状语用副词 luckily。 根据语境,用所给词的适当形式填空。 56. Nothing is a waste if we have a________(create)mind. 57. The best things in life_______(be) free, like smiles, love and good memories. 58. The______(able)won’t feel lonely if everyone can do something to help them. 59. China has made great_______(achieve) since it opened its doors to the outside world. 60. Guiyang is developing so_______(quick)that more and more graduates choose to work. 【答案与解析】 56. creative 句意:如果我们有创造性的思维,没有什么是浪费。mind 是名词,前面应该用形容词修 饰名词,creative 的意思是“有创造性的”,根据句意,故填 creative。 57. are 句意:生活中最好的东西是免费的,比如微笑、爱和美好的回忆。主要是 The best things 是 复数,be 动词用复数 are。根据句意,故填 Are。 58. disabled 句意:如果每个人都能做点什么来帮助残疾人,他们不会感到孤独。disabled 的意思是 “残疾的”,the+形容词表示一类人,the disabled 表示残疾的人们。根据句意,故填 disabled。 59. achievements 句意:中国对外开放以来取得了巨大成就。短语 make great achievements 表示取 得伟大的成就。根据句意,故填 achievements。60. quickly 句意:贵阳发展如此之快,越来越多的毕业生选择了工作。这里是副词修饰动词,quick 的副词是 quickly,意思是“快速地”,根据句意,故填 quickly。 根据句意和音标提示以适当形式填写单词, 请将答案填写在答题卡指定位置。 26. He works in an office in the______/'sentr:əl/part of the city. 27. It gives me great ______/pleʒə (r)/to grow flowers. 28. Thank you for your______/'veljuəbl/information. 29. She took the clothes out of the washing ______/ma'ʃi:n/ 30. The talented boy can play different kinds of musical ______/ɪnstrəmənts/. 31. All the members are______/rɪ'kwaɪəd/to attend the meeting. 32. Turn over the page of the______/'kælɪndə(r)/. Today is June 13. 33. He______/leɪd/his tennis racket on the top of the shelf. 【答案与解析】 26. central 句意“他在城市中心部分的办公室工作”。根据空后 part 可知,空处用形容词,central 中心的,故填 central。 27. pleasure 句意“种花给了我很大的乐趣”。根据空前 great 可知,用名词。pleasure 乐趣,故填 pleasure。 28. valuable 句意“感谢你的有价值的信息”。根据空后 information 可知,空处用形容词。valuable 有价值的,故填 valuable。 29. machine 句意“他将衣服从洗衣机中取出” washing machine 洗衣机,故填 machine。 30. instruments 句意“这个有才能的小男孩能够弹奏不同种类的乐器”。根据空前 musical 可知,空 处用名词。instrument 乐器,且根据空前 kinds of 可知,空处用复数,故填 instruments。 31. required 句意“所有的成员都被要求参加这个会议”。require 要求,且根据空前 are 可知,用被 动语态 be done,故填 required。 32. calendar 句意“把日历翻过来,今天是 6 月 13 日”。calendar 日历,故填 calendar。 33. laid 句意“他将网球拍放到架子的最高层”。lay 放置,且根据句意可知,用一般过去时,故填 laid。 42. You told me you had ______________(deal) with these letters. Why are they still here? 43. The mother said goodbye with a smile, but her eyes couldn’t hide her __________(sad). 44. Look at you! You’re breathing so __________(heavy). We’re not even halfway there yet. 45. If you don’t have a deep love for something, don’t be __________(satisfy) until you find one.46. It’s said that 5G network _______________(bring) into use at the end of this year in Wu Xi. 47. –Can you pour me some tea, please, Jenny? -Are you sure? I _____________(think) you preferred coffee. 48. _____________(realize) his lifelong dream, the young man went to the Hollywood by himself, with only a few dollars in his pocket. 49. "I _____________(fail) over and over again in my life and there is why I succeed, " said Michael Jordan, a famous basketball player. 50. –How did you fall in love with my dad, Mum? - He ______________(make) a speech when I first saw him. He was so handsome and got a very attractive voice, you know, back then. 51. We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What ___________(matter) is the part we choose act on. That’s who we really are. 【答案与解析】 42. dealt 句意:你告诉我你已经处理过这些信了。他们为什么还在这里?根据 You told me you had ___________(deal) with these letters.中的 told 可知,从句应该用过去完成时,其结构是:助动词 had+动词的过去分词。deal 的过去分词为 dealt。故答案为:dealt。 43. sadness 句意:母亲微笑着说再见,但她的眼睛无法掩饰她的悲伤。根据句中的 her 可知,her 是 形容词性的物主代词,应该后跟名词,sad 的名词为 sadness。故答案为:sadness。 44. heavily 句意:看看你!你呼吸太急促了。我们还没到一半呢。根据句中的 breathing 可知,breathing 是动词,后面应该用副词来修饰,heavy 的副词为 heavily。故答案为:heavily。 45. satisfied 句意:如果你对某件事没有深深的爱,在找到它之前不要满足。由系动词 be 可知,后 面应该跟形容词,在分析句子 don’t be __________(satisfy) until you find one.可知,该句话是 省略了主语 you 的句子,因此后面应该用形容词 satisfied 来修饰,be satisfied“满意的”意思。所 以答案为:satisfied。 46. will be brought 句意:据说,5G 网络将在今年年底在无锡投入使用。我们知道 5G network 与动 词 bring into use 之间存在着被动关系,因此应该用被动句;再由时间状语 at the end of this year 可知,本题的时态为一般将来时,故该题用一般将来时的被动语态来写。其结构是:will be+动词的过 去分词。故答案为:will be brought。 47. thought 句意:——珍妮,请给我倒点茶好吗? ——你确定吗?我以为你更喜欢咖啡。根据句子I _________(think) you preferred coffee.中的 preferred(过去式)可知,主句应该用一般过去时, 语境是:我以为你更喜欢咖啡。是过去以为的,因此应该用过去式。故答案为:thought。 48. To realize 句意:为了实现他毕生的梦想,这个年轻人独自去了好莱坞,尽管口袋里只有几美元。 句子 the young man went to the Hollywood by himself 这个年轻人独自去了好莱坞的目的是为了实 现他毕生的梦想。因此该题应该用动词不定式做目的状语。首字母要大写。故答案为:To realize。 49. failed 句意:“我一生中一次又一次的失败,这就是我成功的原因,”著名篮球运动员迈克尔乔丹 说。由句子 I ________(fail) over and over again in my life, 我一生中一次又一次的失败。的语 境可知,这些失败是过去发生的,因此应该用一般过去时,fail 的过去式为 failed。故答案为: failed。 50. was making 句意:——妈妈,你是怎么爱上我爸爸的? ——我第一次见到他时,他正在讲话。 你知道,那时他很英俊,声音很迷人。根据 when I first saw him. 我第一次见到他时。可知,句子 He _________(make) a speech,应该用过去进行时,表示过去正在发生的动作或存在的状态,其结构是: was/were+动词的现在分词。主语是 He,因此 be 动词用 was。语境是:我第一次见到他时,他正在讲话。 故答案为:was making。 51. matters 句意:在我们的心里都经历过光明和黑暗。重要的是我们选择的行动部分。我们就是这样 的人。在里这 matter 是动词,意为“要紧,重要",matters 是动词的三单形式,那么当“what matters”做主语或宾语时,谓语应用单数。所以答案为:matters。 36. Lots of the latest novels can be borrowed in these newly-built ______________(library). 37. -The plan for summer study trip may be ______________ (cancel). - Really? I'm looking forward to it. 38. After the earthquake, plenty of food and clothes were provided for the__________ (home) people. 39. As we know, Huawei technology has been developing _____________ (rapid). 40. Some couples are willing to give birth to a second child. The ____________ ([ˌpɒpjuˈleɪʃ n] )may be growing larger. 【答案与解析】 36. libraries 句意:在这些修建的图书馆里可以借很多最新的小说。 library 图书馆,是一个名词。根据句意和空前的 these…“这些”可知,这里应填名词的复数形式 libraries。 37. cancelled 句意:-夏天学习之旅的计划可能要被取消了。-真的吗?我期待着它呢。cancel 取消,是一个动词。根据句意可知,该句的主语 The plan for summer study trip 与动词构成被动 关系,应使用别的语态,空前有了 may be,这里应填过去分词 cancelled。 38. homeless 句意:地震之后,很多食物和衣服被提供给了那些无家可归的人。 home 家,根据句意 After the earthquake 可知,这里应表示“无家可归的人”,故应填形容词 homeless。 39. rapidly 句意:众所周知,华为技术一直在快速地发展。 rapid 快速的,是一个形容词。根据句子结构可知,该空修饰的是前面的谓语动词 has been developing, 应用副词形式,故填 rapidly。 40. population 句意:一些夫妇愿意生二胎,人口可能会变得更多。 根据句意和所给单词的音标可知,这里考查 population,是一个名词,意为“人口”。 【2019 •四川省广元市】 72. Huawei is one of the___________(big) smartphone makers in the world. 73. Mario is used to_______________(volunteer) at an animal hospital now. 74. Many young people look up to the basketball ___________( hero) and want to become like them. 75.________________ (lucky), people tried their best to put out the big fire in the forest。 【答案与解析】 72. 句意:华为是世界上最大的智能手机制造商之一.one of+形容词的最高级+名词复数形式,表示…中 最…之一.故填 biggest. 73. 句意:马里奥现在习惯于在动物医院做义工.be used to doing sth 表示习惯于做某事.故填 volunteering. 74. 句意:许多年轻人崇拜篮球英雄,想成为他们这样的人.从 them 判断这里用复数形式.故填 heroes. 75. 句意:幸运的是,人们尽力扑灭了森林中的大火.放在句首用副词形式 luckily 表示幸运的是.故填 luckily. 【2019 •鄂州市】 根据括号内的英语或汉语提示,完成句子。 47. A hen on my farm ____(lay) a green egg yesterday. 48. No matter what happens, believe in ____ (you), boys and girls. 49. A Chinese father made some nice dresses for his daughter with his ____ (wife) old shirts 51. The ____ (careful) you work, the fewer mistakes you’ll make. .52. There are some boys ____ (swim) in the river now. It’s very dangerous. 53. Cathy and Linda ____ (not be) back to their hometown for two years. 54. Look! The Browns ____ (eat) supper in the kitchen 【答案与解析】 47. laid 句意:我农场里的一只母鸡昨天下了一个绿色的蛋。lay 意为“下蛋”,根据句意和句中的时 间 yesterday 可知,该句应用一般过去时态,这里应填过去式。lay 的过去式是不规则的变化,应该是 laid。 48. yourselves 句意:孩子们,不管发生什么,都要相信你们自己。you 你,你们,是人称代词。根据 句意可知,这里表示“相信你们自己”,应填反身代词。注意句中 boys and girls 是复数的,因此这里 应填 yourselves。 49. wife’s 句意:一位中国的父亲用他妻子的旧衬衣为他的女儿做了一些漂亮的衣服。wife 妻子,是 一个名词。根据句意和空后的 old shirts 可知,这里表示“他妻子的旧衬衫”,故这里应填名词所有格 形式,故填 wife’s。 51. more carefully 句意:你工作越仔细,你犯的错误就越少。careful 仔细的,小心的,是一个形容 词。根据句意可知,该空修饰的是句中的动词 work,应用副词 carefully;且句中使用了句型 the +比 较级,the+比较级,意为“越……,就越……”。故填 more carefully。 52. swimming 句意:现在有一些男孩在河里游泳,非常的危险。swim 游泳,是一个动词。根据句意和 句中的 now 可知,这里表示正在进行的动作,boys 与该空构成主动关系,故应填现在分词 swimming, 在句中作后置定语。 53. haven’t /have not been 句意:Cathy 和 Linda 两年没有回他们的家乡了。根据句意和句中的时 间状语 for two years 可知,这里表示过去发生的动作对现在的影响,应用现在完成时,主语为复数, 故用 have+过去分词,否定形式在 have 后加 not。故填 have not been,或缩写为 haven’t been。 54. are eating 句意:看!Brown 一家人正在厨房吃晚饭。eat 吃,是一个动词。根据句意和句中的 Look 可知,这里表示一个正在进行的动作,应使用现在进行时 be+现在分词形式。主语 The Browns 表示“Brown 一家人”,谓语动词用复数,故应填 are eating。 55. A nurse’s job is to take good care of every ______________(a person who is ill) in hospital. 56. —__________(not make) a mess on the balcony, Betty. —Sorry, I won’t. 57. It is reported that the number of working ____________(wife) is becoming larger and larger. .58. My hometown is greener now. More and more trees ______________(plant) every spring. 59. Hangzhou will be the third Chinese city to host the ___________(Asia) Games after Beijing And Guangzhou. 60. Uncle Chen ____________(repair) more than five bicycles since last Friday. 61. The question is a little difficult. Let’s have a _____________(discuss) about it. 62. Every child wants to be the _________(proud) of their parents. 63. Literature helps us think and encourages us ___________(open) our minds. 64. It will be a good ____________(choose) to take the high-speed train to Yancheng from Suqian next year. 65. Mr. Jiang’s robot irons his business suit ____________(smooth) every morning. 【答案与解析】 55. patient 句意:护士的工作是照顾好医院里的每一个病人。take good care of 照顾;every 每一 个,后接单数名词;根据句意结构和 a person who is ill 提示,可知填 patient。 56. Don’t make 句意:——贝蒂,别把阳台弄得一团糟。——对不起,我不会的。本句是否定祈使句, 动词需用原形;句首单词的首字母需大写,根据句意结构和单词提示,可知填 Don’t make。 57. wives 句意:据报道,有工作的妻子(职业女性)的数量越来越多。working 有职业的,形容词修 饰名词;the number of...……数目,后接复数名词,单数意义;根据句意结构和单词提示,可知填 wives。 58. are planted 句意:我的家乡现在更绿了。每年春天种的树越来越多。trees 是动词 plant(种植) 的受动者,需用“be done”被动语态结构;trees 是复数形式,系词需用 are;根据句意结构和单词提 示,可知填 are planted。 59. Asian 句意:杭州将是继北京和广州之后第三个举办亚运会的中国城市。名词 games(比赛)需用 形容词修饰;the Asian Games 亚运会,根据句意结构和单词提示,可知填 Asian。 60. has repaired 句意:自从上星期五以来,陈叔叔已经修了五辆以上的自行车。since last Friday 自从上星期五以来,是一段时间,用于现在完成时;Uncle Chen 是单数第三人称,需用“has done”结 构;根据句意结构和单词提示,可知填 has repaired。 61. discussion 句意:这个问题有点难。让我们来讨论一下。不定冠词 a 修饰单数名词;have a discussion 讨论一下,根据句意结构和单词提示,可知填 discussion。 62. pride 句意:每个孩子都想成为父母的骄傲。定冠词 the 后接名词,the pride of...……的骄傲; 根据句意结构和单词提示,可知填 pride。63. to open 句意:文学帮助我们思考,鼓励我们开放思想。encourage sb. to do 鼓励某人做某事; 根据句意结构和单词提示,可知填 to open。 64. choice 句意:明年从宿迁乘高铁到盐城将是一个很好的选择。good 好的,形容词修饰名词;根据 句意结构和单词提示,可知填 choice。 65. smoothly 句意:江先生的机器人每天早上都能很顺利地熨他的西装。iron(用熨斗)熨,动词需用 副词修饰;根据句意结构和单词提示,可知填 smoothly。 【2019 •湖北省孝感市】 46. Ben was very __________ to have a "dog helper". (luck) 47. I’ll lead you to visit our school. Please __________me. /'fɒləʊ / 48. Mobike is considered to be a new ___________ in China. (invent) 【答案与解析】 46. lucky 句意:本很幸运有一个“狗助手”(导盲犬)。本句缺表语形容词,根据句意结构和所给单词 提示,可知填 lucky。 47. follow 句意:我将带你参观我们的学校。请跟我来。本句是祈使句,动词需用原形;根据句意语 境和音标提示,可知填 follow。 48. invention 句意:摩托自行车(两用车)被认为是中国的一项新发明。new 新的,形容词修饰名词; 根据句意结构和所给单词提示,可知填 invention。 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(每空不限一词) 。 66. It is reported that Taizhou Sports Park _____________ (complete) next year. 67. In his __________ (eighty), I. M. Pei (贝堇铭) designed Suzhou museum for his hometown. 68. So far, the couple ___________ (not change) their flat since they had a second child. 69.—Do you have any difficulty____________ (chat) with your deaf uncle? —No. His body language helps me understand him well. 70.—Why didn't you come to my party yesterday afternoon? —Sorry, I with my parents ______________ (harvest) the wheat in the field at that time. 【答案与解析】 66. will be completed 句意:据报道,台州体育公园将于明年建成。主语 Taizhou Sports Park 和动 词 complete 之间存在着被动关系,因此应该用被动句,再由 next year 可知,本题的时态为一般将来 时,所以本题应该用一般将来时的被动句来写。其结构是:will+be+动词的过去分词。故答案为:will be completed。 67. eighties 句意:在他八十岁时,贝聿铭为家乡设计了苏州博物馆。我们知道:在某人多少岁时的 英文表达是:at the age of+某人岁数,或 in one's+基数词复数。本题给的是基数词 eighty,因此答 案为:eighties。 68. haven’t changed 句意:到目前为止,这对夫妇自从有了第二个孩子就没有换过公寓。根据 So far 可知,本题的时态为现在完成时,其结构是:助动词 have/has+动词的过去分词。本题是否定句,have not=haven’t。故答案为:haven’t changed。 69. chatting 句意:——你和你的聋叔叔聊天有困难吗? ——不,他的肢体语言能帮助我很好地理解 他。本题考查 have difficulty (in ) doing sth. 做某事有困难;in 在句子中可以省略。故答案为: chatting。 70. was harvesting 句意:——你昨天下午为什么不来参加我的聚会? ——对不起,当时我和父母 正在田里收割小麦。根据 yesterday afternoon 和 at that time 是指:昨天的这个时候,可知,本题的时 态为:过去进行时,其结构是:was/were+动词的现在分词。I with my parents 中的 with 表示伴随,因此 谓语由 I 来决定,故 be 动词用 was。所以答案为:was harvesting。 三、按照首字母提示完成句子 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。要求写出完整单词(每空限填一词) 51. —How o______ do you go to the library? —At least once a week。 52. David studies hard. I am sure he can pass the English e_____. 53. When she first went to university, she felt very I _____ because she knew no one there. 54. We can I _____ a lot about pandas from different books and TV programs. 55. He likes all kinds of jokes because he has a great sense of h_____. 56. The boy fell behind, so he had to run to c_____ up with his father. 【答案与解析】 51. often 句意:-你多久去一次图书馆?-至少一周一次。根据下面的回答 At least once a week 可 知,这里问的是去图书馆的频率,应用 How often,意为“多久一次”,故这里填 often。 52. exam 句意:David 学习很努力,我确信他能通过英语考试。根据句意 David studies hard…he can pass…“他能通过…”以及首字母可知,这里表示“通过考试”,故应填 exam,是一个名词。 53. lonely 句意:当她第一次去大学的时候,她感到很孤独,因为在哪里她谁也不认识。根据句意 because she knew no one there 可知,她“感到孤独”,故应填 lonely,形容词,在句中作表语。 54. learn 句意:在不同的书和电视节目中,我们可以了解很多关于大熊猫的事情。根据句意 a lot about pandas from different books and TV programs 可知,这里表示“了解…”,应用动词 learn,空前有 情态动词 can,故这里填动词原形。 55. humor/humour 句意:他喜欢各种各样的笑话,因为他很有幽默感。根据句意 He likes all kinds of jokes 可知,这里应表示“他有幽默感”,humor 或者 humour 两种拼写方式都可以,意为“幽默”。 56. catch 句意:这个小男孩落后了,因此他不得不奔跑来追赶上他的爸爸。根据句意 The boy fell behind 可知,这里应表示“追赶”,考查固定短语 catch up with…,空前是 had to,“不得不”,故这里填动 词原形 catch。 根据首字母提示完成下列单词的拼写,使句意完整与正确。每空一词。 54. He s _______up late to watch the football match last night. 55. Come on! We haven’t finished our task y______. 【答案与解析】 54. stayed 句意:昨天晚上他熬夜看足球比赛 根据句意可知,这里考查的是动词短语 stay up,意为 “熬夜”。由句中的时间状语 last night 可知,这句话应用一般过去时态,故这里填过去式 stayed。 55. yet 句意:快点!我们还没有完成我们的任务呢。根据句意和单词的首字母可知,这里考查 yet, 意为“还,仍然”,是一个副词,常和现在完成时搭配使用,用于否定句或疑问句中。 31. It's good manners to keep your v______________ down in public. 32. The peaceful music will make you feel r_________. 35. We all agree that the driver who drives after drinking wine(酒)should be p___________. 【答案与解析】 31. voice 句意“在公共场合压低你的声音是好的行为”。根据句意可知,表示“压低你的声音”。voice 声音,故填 voice。 32. relaxed 句意“柔和的音乐将会让你感到放松”。根据句意可知,译为“感到放松”。根据 make sb adj 可知,空处用形容词,修饰人。relaxed 放松的,故填 relaxed。 35. punished / prevented 句意“我们都同意酒后开车的司机应该被惩罚/阻止”。根据句意以及首字 母可知,可译为“惩罚”或“阻止”。punish 惩罚,prevent 阻止。且主语 the driver 与动词 punish/prevent 之间为被动 be done,故填 punished/prevented。 21. Thank you for i_________me to your birthday party. 23. Mary is a________from class today because she is in hospital. 24. G________speaking, different countries have different table manners. 【答案与解析】21. inviting 句意:谢谢你邀请我参加你的生日聚会。Thank you for doing sth.因做某事而感谢;invite sb. to 邀请某人去……,根据句意以及首字母提示可知,答案为 inviting。 23. absent 句意:玛丽今天不上课,因为她住院了。be absent 缺席;be absent from class 旷课。 故答案为 absent。 24. Generally 句意:一般来说,不同的国家有不同的餐桌礼仪。generally speaking 一般说来,一般 而言。根据句意以及首字母提示可知,答案为 Generally。 36.We can't smoke in p    It's harmful to others. 37.We will try our best w    we are successful or not. 38.Mark can a    at the office on time every day. He is never late. 39.Helen didn't go to Chongqing by plane. I   , she went there by train. 40.We will have a wonderful s    vacation as soon as junior high school days are over. 【答案与解析】 36.public public 公开的,in public 在公共场所,固定短语;结合首字母 p 和预猜句意"我们不能在 公共场所吸烟.对别人有害"可知,要填"在公共场所",故答案为 public。 37.whether whether 是否,whether…or not,固定搭配;结合首字母 w 和预猜句意"无论我们是否成 功,我们都将尽最大努力"可知,要填"whether",故答案为 whether。 38.arrive arrive 到达,动词;结合首字母 a 和预猜句意"马克每天都能准时到办公室,他从不迟到" 可知,要填"到达",在情态动词后面用动词原形, 故答案为 arrive。 39.knew 由题干"Helen didn't go to Chongqing by plane. I___, she went there by train.海 伦没有乘飞机去重庆.我___,她坐火车去的."可知,此句是一般过去时的并列句.因此可选用疑问词 How,因此句子可变成:Helen didn't go to Chongqing by plane. I knew, she went there by train,故答案为:knew。 40.summer summer 夏天,summer vacation 暑假;结合首字母 s 和预猜句意"初中结束后我们将有一个 美妙的暑假"可知,要填"夏天",故答案为 summer。 39.He s    up late to watch the football match last night. 40.Come on! We haven't finished our task y   . 【答案与解析】 39.stayed 句意:他昨晚熬夜看足球赛.last night 用于一般过去时,stay up 表示熬夜.故填 stayed. 40.yet 句意:快点!我们还没有完成任务.yet,还,仍然.用于现在完成时态,疑问句句末.故填yet. 36.Bob is interested in dancing. His dream job is to be a d   . 37.My friends c    stamps in order to learn more about history. 38.Alice asked me to read the book Harry Potter, but I have a    read it twice. 39.The little girl kissed her father and said, " Dad, I love you three   (千) time." 40.Drums are   (基础的) to African music. People there play them often. 【答案与解析】 36.dancer 考查名词.根据上文"鲍勃对跳舞很感兴趣",推断他梦想的工作是当一名舞蹈家.由首字 母 d 考虑名词 dancer,意为"舞蹈家",由空前的冠词 a 推断此处填单数形式.故答案为 dancer。 37.collect/collected 考查动词.根据语境"我的朋友收集邮票是为了了解更多的历史",由首字母 c 考虑动词 collect,意为"收集",因本句无明确的时间状语,可以用一般现在时或一般过去时.故答案 为 collect/collected。 38.already 考查副词.根据语境"爱丽丝要我读《哈利波特》,但我已经读了两遍了",由空前的 have 推断本句属于现在完成时,由首字母 a 考虑副词 already,意为"已经".故答案为 already。 39.thousand 考查翻译填空.根据汉语提示及其英语句子,可知要翻译的部分为:千,mc.英语表达 是:thousand.前面有具体数字,用单数形式.句意:这个小女孩吻了她父亲说,"爸爸,我爱你三千 年".故答案为 thousand。 40.basic 考查翻译填空.根据汉语提示及其英语句子,可知要翻译的部分为:基础的,形容词.英语 表达是:basic.句意:鼓是非洲音乐的基础.那里的人们经常玩.故答案为 basic。 52. Leo is an honest boy. He never tells a l_____________. 53. —How can we go to the theatre, Bruce? —It’s a long way to go. We’d better take the underground i___________ of walking there. 54. The policemen are working hard to make the town a ____________(not in danger) place. 【答案与解析】 52. lie 句意:里奥是一个诚实的男孩。他从不说谎。不定冠词 a 修饰单数名词;tell a lie 说谎,根 据句意语境和首字母提示,可知填 lie。 53. instead 句意:——布鲁斯,我们怎么去剧院?——还有很长的路要走。我们最好乘地铁而不是步行去那里。instead of 而不是,作为……的替换;根据句意语境和首字母提示,可知填 instead。 54. safe 句意:警察们正在努力使这个城镇成为一个安全的地方。place 地方,名词需用形容词修饰; 根据句意结构和 not in danger 提示,可知填 safe。 43. Most of the earth’s surface is c___________ by water. 44. I like Friday because the next day is S__________ 45. The British teacher is very humorous, He always tells us j______ 【答案与解析】 43. covered 句意:地球表面大部分被水覆盖。be covered by…表示被……覆盖。根据句意,故填 covered。 44. Saturday 句意:我喜欢周五因为第二天是周六。Saturday 周六。根据句意,故填 Saturday。 45. jokes 句意:那位英国老师很幽默,他总是给我们讲笑话。短语 tell hokes 表示讲笑话。根据句 意,故填 jokes。 根据句意完成已给出肖字母或汉语提示的单词,使补全后的句子意思通质,语法正确, 16. M_______ is the day after Sunday and before Tuesday. 17. China is the biggest country in A_______. 18. The young man was b________ enough to save his neighbors from a fire! 19. A________ all the school subjects, English in my favorite. 【答案与解析】 16. Monday 句意:星期一在星期天之后,星期二之前。根据 after Sunday and before Tuesday 和首 字母,可知是 Monday 星期一;故填 Monday。 17. Asia 句意:中国是亚洲最大的国家。根据句意和首字母,可知是 Asia 亚洲;故填 Asia。 18. brave 句意:这个年轻人足够勇敢,他从火中救了他的邻居。根据 save his neighbors from a fire 和首字母,可知是 brave 勇敢的,形容词作表语;故填 brave。 19. Among 句意:所有的学校科目中,英语是我最喜欢的。根据 all the school subjects, English in my favorite 和首字母,可知是 among 在……之中(三者以上);故填 Among。 根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空限填一词)。 46. I’m very hungry. I haven’t e________ anything since 7:00 this morning. 47. His team had lost the game because of him. He felt like there was a heavy w____ on his shoulders as he walked home alone. 48. A d________ is a conversation between two people in a book, film or play. 49. Judy is good-looking, but I think she looks much p________ with long hair than with short hair. 50. Growing vegetables looks easy, but a________ it takes a lot of learning. 51. Hearing the funny story, all the students began to l________ loudly. 52. The doctor told the patient to take the m________ three times a day. 53. J________ 1st is Children’s Day. 54. She is nineteen, and next year she is going to celebrate her t________ birthday. 55. It takes me 45 m________ to get to school by bike every morning. 【答案与解析】 46. eaten 句意:我非常饿,从今天早上 7 点我还没有吃任何东西。根据句意 I’m very hungry 可知, “我很饿”,因此是没有吃东西,应使用单词 eat。根据句意和空前的 haven’t 可知,这句话用的是现 在完成时态,故这里填过去分词 eaten。 47. weight 句意:他的球队因为他而输了比赛。当他独自回家的时候,他觉得肩上有一个沉重的负担。 根据句意 His team had lost the game because of him 以及空前后 heavy…on his shoulders 可知, 这里应表示“有沉重的负担”,故填 weight,是一个名词,意为“重量,负担”。 48. dialogue/dialog 句意:对话就是书、电影或戏剧中两个人之间的交谈。根据释义 a conversation between two people 和首字母可知,这里应填 dialogue 或者 dialog,意为“对话”。 49. prettier 句意:Judy 非常好看,但是我认为她留长发比短发看起来更美丽了。根据句意 Judy is good-looking 和首字母 p 可知,这里应考查单词 pretty,“漂亮的,美丽的”。再由句意和空后的 than… 可知,应填比较级形式,故填 prettier。 50. actually 句意:种植蔬菜看起来简单,但事实上它需要大量的学习。根据句意 looks easy…takes a lot of learning 可知,这里表示“实际上,事实上”,故填副词 actually。 51. laugh 句意:听到这个有趣的故事,所有的学生都开始大声笑起来。根据句意 Hearing the funny story 和首字母 l 可知,这里应表示“笑起来”,句中使用了句型 begin to do sth.开始做某事,故这里填动 词原形 laugh。 52. medicine(s) 句意:医生告诉病人一天吃三次药。根据句意 The doctor told the patient…和首字母可知,这里考查名词 medicine,意为“药”,句中没有明确药的数量,故这里可以填单数 medicine 或者复数 medicines。 53. June 句意:六月一日是儿童节。根据句意 1st is Children’s Day 可知,儿童节在六月一日,故 这里应填 June。 54. twentieth 句意:她 19 岁了,第二年她就要庆祝她的二十岁生日了。根据句意 She is nineteen, and next year…可知,下一年她就二十岁了,而表示“……岁生日”,应用序数词,因此这里应填 twentieth。 55. minutes 句意:每天早上骑自行车上学花费我 45 分钟的时间。根据句意 It takes…是表示花费的 句型,结合首字母 m 可以猜测应填 minute“分钟”,空前是 45,故这里填名词复数 minutes。 根据首字母及句意写出完整单词。 46. The trade war between China and the US will have influence on our country, but our government c_________ says that we have the ability to deal with it. 47. Being e__________ by my teachers, I can solve almost all the problems that seemed difficult for me at first. 48. It's known to all that Taiwan is part of China, and it can never be s________ from our motherland. 49. The manager will be so busy next month, that he has to c__________ a few unimportant meetings. 50. Creativity is great w_________ for us because of its value in our work and life. 【答案与解析】 46. confidently / calmly 句意:中美之间的贸易战将对我国产生影响,但我国政府自信地表示,我们 有能力应对。say 说/表述,动词需用副词修饰;根据句意语境和首字母提示,可知填 confidently / calmly。 47. encouraged 句意:在老师的鼓励下,我几乎可以解决所有刚开始觉得困难的问题。本句 I 是动词 encourage 的受动者,需用“be + 过去分词”被动结构;根据句意语境和首字母提示,可知填 encouraged。 48. separated 句意:众所周知,台湾是中国的一部分,它永远不能脱离我们的祖国。“be + 过去分 词”表示被动语态结构;be separated from 与……分离,根据句意语境和首字母提示,可知填 separated。49. cancel 句意:经理下个月将非常忙,他不得不取消几个无关紧要的会议。have to 不得不,后接原 形动词;根据 The manager will be so busy 和首字母提示,可知填 cancel。 50. wealth 句意:创造力对我们来说是巨大的财富,因为它在我们的工作和生活中很有价值。great 巨 大的,形容词修饰名词;根据 because of its value in our work and life 和首字母提示,可知填 wealth。 40.F    comes after Thursday,and the next day is weekend. 41.Please speak more I   ,so all of us can hear you. 42.Zhang Peng didn't go home u    he finished his homework yesterday. 43.When you visit someone,it's polite to k    at the door before entering. 44.I p    milk to cola because milk is much healthier,I think. 【答案与解析】 40. Friday 星期五 Friday,名词;根据首字母 F 和预测句意"星期五是星期四之后,第二天是周末"可 知,要填"星期五".故答案为 Friday。 41. loudly loudly 大声地,副词;根据首字母 l 和预测句意"请大声说话,这样我们大家都能听到你 的声音"可知,要填"大声地",用副词作状语.故答案为 loudly。 42. until until 直到,连词;根据首字母 u 和预测句意"张鹏昨天直到做完作业才回家"可知,要填"直 到",引导时间状语从句.故答案为 until。 43. knock knock 敲,动词;根据首字母 k 和预测句意"当你拜访某人时,进门前敲门是礼貌的"可知, 要填"敲",在不定式符号 to 后面要用动词原形.故答案为 knock。 44. prefer prefer 更喜欢,动词;根据首字母 p 和预测句意"我更喜欢牛奶而不是可乐,因为牛奶更健 康,我想"可知,要填"更喜欢",要用一般现在时.故答案为 prefer。 根据手写字母的提示补全单词,使句子完整,通顺。将完整的单词写在答题卷上。 66. October is the t month of a year. 67. It is r hard outside. Take an umbrella with you. 68. Don’t make up a story, I have already known the t about it. 69. Mr. Wang asked me to i myself when I first came to the class. 70. Boys and girls, help y to some fish. 【答案与解析】66. tenth 句意:十月是一年中的第十个月。十个用 tenth来表示,所以该填空要填tenth。 67. raining 句意:外面下着很大的雨呢,你带着伞吧。根据第一句话,有be动词,表示的是进行状态, 所以要用现在进行时,要用 raining。 68. truth 句意:不要编造故事,我已经知道事情的真相了。根据第一句话,我们可以判断出要用名词。 69. introduce 句意:王先生让我在我第一次来上课时自我介绍一下。 70. yourselves 句意:孩子们,请随便吃一些鱼肉。根据语境可知,这里考查的是“help oneself to some .....”这一结构的用法。由于这里反身代词指的是“boys and girls”,因此反身代词应用复数。 故应填“yourselves”。 根据句意及首字母提示,把所缺单词写在横线上,并注意其变换形式。 46. It is reported that h_______ of houses fell down and many people died in the earthquake. 51. U_______ the Monkey King can hide his tail, he can’t turn himself into a man. 54. This kind of special noodles t_______ so delicious that I can’t help asking for more. 【答案与解析】 46. hundreds 句意:据报道,数以百计的房屋倒塌,许多人在地震中丧生。hundreds of成百上千的; hundred和of连用表盖指,需用复数形式;根据句意语境和首字母提示,可知填hundreds。 51. Unless 句意:除非美猴王能把尾巴藏起来,否则他不能把自己变成一个人。本句是条件状语从句, 句首单词的首字母需大写,根据句意语境和首字母提示,可知填Unless。 54. tastes 句意:这种特殊的面条吃起来太好吃了,我忍不住要多吃一点。“so +形容词/副词+ that 从句”表示“如此……以至于”,引导结果状语从句;根据so delicious that I can’t help asking for more和首字母提示,可知是“尝起来taste”;This kind of special noodles是单数第三人称, 动词需用三单形式,故填tastes。 根据首字母及句意写出完整单词。 46. The trade war between China and the US will have influence on our country, but our government c_________ says that we have the ability to deal with it. 47. Being e__________ by my teachers, I can solve almost all the problems that seemed difficult for me at first. 48. It's known to all that Taiwan is part of China, and it can never be s________ from our motherland.49. The manager will be so busy next month, that he has to c__________ a few unimportant meetings. 50. Creativity is great w_________ for us because of its value in our work and life. 【答案与解析】 46. confidently / calmly 句意:中美之间的贸易战将对我国产生影响,但我国政府自信地表示,我们 有能力应对。say 说/表述,动词需用副词修饰;根据句意语境和首字母提示,可知填 confidently / calmly。 47. encouraged 句意:在老师的鼓励下,我几乎可以解决所有刚开始觉得困难的问题。本句 I 是动词 encourage 的受动者,需用“be + 过去分词”被动结构;根据句意语境和首字母提示,可知填 encouraged。 48. separated 句意:众所周知,台湾是中国的一部分,它永远不能脱离我们的祖国。“be + 过去分 词”表示被动语态结构;be separated from 与……分离,根据句意语境和首字母提示,可知填 separated。 49. cancel 句意:经理下个月将非常忙,他不得不取消几个无关紧要的会议。have to 不得不,后接原 形动词;根据 The manager will be so busy 和首字母提示,可知填 cancel。 50. wealth 句意:创造力对我们来说是巨大的财富,因为它在我们的工作和生活中很有价值。great 巨 大的,形容词修饰名词;根据 because of its value in our work and life 和首字母提示,可知填 wealth。 40.F    comes after Thursday,and the next day is weekend. 41.Please speak more I   ,so all of us can hear you. 42.Zhang Peng didn't go home u    he finished his homework yesterday. 43.When you visit someone,it's polite to k    at the door before entering. 44.I p    milk to cola because milk is much healthier,I think. 【答案与解析】 40.【解答】星期五 Friday,名词;根据首字母 F 和预测句意"星期五是星期四之后,第二天是周末"可知, 要填"星期五".故答案为 Friday。 41.【解答】loudly 大声地,副词;根据首字母 l 和预测句意"请大声说话,这样我们大家都能听到你的声 音"可知,要填"大声地",用副词作状语.故答案为 loudly。 42.【解答】until 直到,连词;根据首字母 u 和预测句意"张鹏昨天直到做完作业才回家"可知,要填"直到 ",引导时间状语从句.故答案为 until。 43.【解答】knock 敲,动词;根据首字母 k 和预测句意"当你拜访某人时,进门前敲门是礼貌的"可知,要填"敲",在不定式符号 to 后面要用动词原形.故答案为 knock。 44.【解答】prefer 更喜欢,动词;根据首字母 p 和预测句意"我更喜欢牛奶而不是可乐,因为牛奶更健康, 我想"可知,要填"更喜欢",要用一般现在时.故答案为 prefer。 根据手写字母的提示补全单词,使句子完整,通顺。将完整的单词写在答题卷上。 66. October is the t month of a year. 67. It is r hard outside. Take an umbrella with you. 68. Don’t make up a story, I have already known the t about it. 69. Mr. Wang asked me to i myself when I first came to the class. 70. Boys and girls, help y to some fish. 【答案与解析】 66. tenth 句意:十月是一年中的第十个月。十个用 tenth来表示,所以该填空要填tenth。 67. raining 句意:外面下着很大的雨呢,你带着伞吧。根据第一句话,有be动词,表示的是进行状态, 所以要用现在进行时,要用 raining。 68. truth 句意:不要编造故事,我已经知道事情的真相了。根据第一句话,我们可以判断出要用名词。 69. introduce 句意:王先生让我在我第一次来上课时自我介绍一下。 70. yourselves 句意:孩子们,请随便吃一些鱼肉。根据语境可知,这里考查的是“help oneself to some .....”这一结构的用法。由于这里反身代词指的是“boys and girls”,因此反身代词应用复数。 故应填“yourselves”。 根据句意及首字母提示,把所缺单词写在横线上,并注意其变换形式。 46. It is reported that h_______ of houses fell down and many people died in the earthquake. 51. U_______ the Monkey King can hide his tail, he can’t turn himself into a man. 54. This kind of special noodles t_______ so delicious that I can’t help asking for more. 【答案与解析】 46. hundreds 句意:据报道,数以百计的房屋倒塌,许多人在地震中丧生。hundreds of成百上千的;hundred 和of连用表盖指,需用复数形式;根据句意语境和首字母提示,可知填hundreds。 51. Unless 句意:除非美猴王能把尾巴藏起来,否则他不能把自己变成一个人。本句是条件状语从句, 句首单词的首字母需大写,根据句意语境和首字母提示,可知填Unless。 54. tastes 句意:这种特殊的面条吃起来太好吃了,我忍不住要多吃一点。“so +形容词/副词+ that 从句”表示“如此……以至于”,引导结果状语从句;根据 so delicious that I can’t help asking for more 和首字母提示,可知是“尝起来 taste”; This kind of special noodles 是单数第三人称,动词需 用三单形式,故填 tastes。四、选词填空 61. Scientists_________are working together to find a cure for AIDS. 62. Everyone _________something, but some people are truly talented. 63. It's very hard for the climbers to________air as they get near the top of Qomolangma. 64. The dragon plays an important part in Chinese festivals.It is______the Chinese nation. 65. ______,many countries hope to build trade relations with China because of the"Belt and Road". 【答案与解析】 61. around the world 句意:世界各地的科学家正在共同努力寻找治疗艾滋病的方法。around the world 表示全世界。根据句意,故填 around the world。 62. is good at 句意:每个人都擅长某件事,但有些人确实很有天赋。短语 be good at…表示擅 长……。主语是单数,be 动词用 is。根据句意,故填 is good at。 63. take in 句意:当攀岩者接近珠穆朗玛峰的顶部时,他们很难吸入空气。It's+形容词+to do sth. 表示做某事是……;短语 take in 表示吸入。根据句意,故填 take in。 64. a symbol of 句意:龙在中国节日中起着重要 作用,是中华民族的象征。短语 a symbol of…表 示……的象征。故填 a symbol of。 65. In fact 句意:事实上,许多国家希望与中国建立贸易关系,因 “一带一路”。短语 in fact 表示 事实上。根据句意,故填 In fact。 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。 satisfy she leaf decide lucky 51. I like autumn best especially when the _______ on the trees turn brown. 52. ______, the old lady was saved from a big fire by her neighbor yesterday. 53. Professor Li is quite _______ with his students’ creative inventions. 54. I would like to buy some beautiful hair clips different from___________. 55. You’d better think about it again because it is an important____________. 【答案与解析】 51. leaves 句意:我最喜欢秋天,尤其是当树上的叶子变成褐色时。这里是一般现在时态,谓语动词 是原形,主要是复数,leaf 树叶。复数是 leaves,根据句意,故填 leaves。52. Luckily 句意:幸运地 ,这位老太太昨天被邻居从大火中救了出来。Luckily 幸运地。根据句意, 故填 Luckily。 53. satisfied 句意:李教授对学生的创造性发明很满意。短语 be satisfied with…表示对……满意。 根据句意,故填 satisfied。 54. hers 句意:我想买一些不同于她的漂亮的发夹。这里是说她的发卡,her clips 相当于 hers,根 据句意,故填 hers。 55. decision 句意:你最好再考虑一下,因为这是一个重要的决定。根据 an important 可知下文是名 词单数。decision 的意思是“决定”,根据句意,故填 decision。 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。 communicate deal lie finish discover 56. We ____________ this beach while we were sailing around the island. 57. —There is something wrong with my computer. —Don’t worry. I____________ with it for you. 58. —Can you go walking in the park with me, Daisy? —Sure. I _____________my DIY project. 59. —Where is your daughter, Christopher? —She ____________ on the grass behind the house. 60. My aunt ____________ with a foreigner when I saw her in the street. 【答案与解析】 56. discovered 句意:当我们在环岛航行时发现了这个海滩。根据 while we were sailing around the island.可知这里是一般过去时态。discover 的过去式是 discovered,根据句意,故填 discovered。 57. will deal 句意:-我的电脑出毛病了。-别担心。我会帮你处理的。这里是一般将来时,其结构是 will+动词原形,deal with…表示处理……,解决。根据句意,故填 will deal。 58. have finished 句意:——-你能和我一起去公园散步吗,黛西?——当然。我已经完成了我的 DIY 项目。根据语境可知用现在完成时,其结构是 have done 的形式。根据句意,故填 have finished。 59. is lying 句意:——你女儿克里斯托弗在哪里?——她躺在房子后面的草地上。根据语境可知用 现在进行时,其结构是 be doing 的形式。根据句意,故填 is lying。 60. was communicating 句意:当我在街上看到我姑妈时,我姑妈正在和一个外国人交流。这里是 when 引导的时间状语从句,从句是一般过去时态,主句是过去进行时。其结构是 be doing 的形式。根据句意,故填 was communicating。 根据句意,从方框中选用合适的词或短语,用其适当形式完成下列句子.每个选项只能选用一次,注 意其中有两项为多余选项. care, photo, teach, provide, bad, playground, look after (1)A well﹣trained math   can bring a classroom to life. (2)A motorcycle hit Mary yesterday and she was   hurt. (3)Lily is very   because she is afraid to make mistakes. (4)Mr. Smith likes taking   .He often goes outside with his camera. (5)The two sisters will   their baby brother when their mother isn't at home. 【答案与解析】 (1)teacher 考查名词.根据语境"一个训练有素的数学老师能使教室变得生动",考虑选择动词 teach,意为"教",由空前的冠词 A 推断此处填名词形式,故答案为 teacher。 (2)badly 考查副词.根据语境"昨天一辆摩托车撞了玛丽,她受了重伤",考虑选择形容词 bad,意为 "坏的",由空后的 hurt 推断此处填副词形式,故答案为 badly。 (3)careful 考查形容词.根据语境"莉莉很小心,因为她害怕犯错",考虑选择动词 care,意为"关心 ",由空前的 very 推断此处填形容词形式,故答案为 careful。 (4)photos 考查名词.根据语境"史密斯先生喜欢拍照.他经常带着照相机出去",考虑选择名词 photo,意为"照片",因不止拍一张照片,推断此处填复数形式,故答案为 photos。 (5)look after 考查动词短语.根据语境"当他们的母亲不在家时,这两个姐妹将照看她们的小弟弟 ",考虑选择短语 look after,意为"照顾",由空前的 will 推断此处填原形,故答案为 look after。 用所给词或短语的适当形式填空。 someone wait for decide even though week as well as high mention Germany try one’s best 61. —Could I ask if you _______________ this to her till now? —Yes, but she refused to listen. 62. ___________the usual activities, such as sailing and climbing, there was a writing class in the summer camp. 63. On a beach, run away from the sea and move quickly to ____________ground when an earthquake happens. 64. In order to catch the early bus, we had to stop ____________them. 65. As is known to all, __________________who breaks the rules should be punished. 66. He asked for two __________leave to look after his sick father. 67. During the World War Ⅱ, millions of _________lost their lives. 68. —Which sport are you in at the school sports meeting? —No decision yet. I think it _______after discussing with my PE teacher. 69. The students in Miss Wang’s class are all _______to study hard to go to the university. 70. She won’t leave the TV set, _________her supper is on the table. 【答案与解析】 61. have mentioned 考查动词短语.根据意思:"我能问问你到现在为止是否向她提起过这个吗?是的, 但她拒绝听."现在完成时态,have done.故答案是:have mentioned. 62. As well as 考查副词短语.根据意思:"除了通常的活动,如航海和攀岩,夏令营还开设了写作 课.",也 as well as.故答案是:As well as. 63. higher 考查形容词.根据意思:"在海滩上,当地震发生时,要逃离大海,迅速移动到高地.", 更高的 higher.故答案是:higher. 64. waiting for 考查动词短语.根据意思:"为了赶上早班车,我们不得不停止等他们.",stop doing 停止干某事.故答案是:waiting for. 65. anyone 考查不定代词.根据意思:"众所周知,任何违反规则的人都应该受到惩罚.",任何人 anyone.故答案是:anyone. 66. weeks' 考查所有格.根据意思:"他请了两个星期的假来照顾生病的父亲.",所有格以 s 结尾加 ',故答案是:weeks'. 67. Germans 考查名词.根据意思:"二战期间,数百万德国人丧生.德国人复数是 Germans",故答案 是:Germans. 68. will be decided 考查动词短语.根据意思:"你在学校运动会上参加什么运动?还没有决定.我 想和我的体育老师商量后决定."一般将来时态被动语态 will be done,故答案是:will be decided. 69. trying their best 考查动词短语.根据意思:"王老师班上的学生都在努力学习以便上大学.", 现在进行时态 be doing.故答案是:trying their best. 70. even though 考查副词短语.根据意思:"即使她的晚餐在桌上,她也不会离开电视机."即使 even though,故答案是:even though. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次(每空一词)。 aloud lock behave their low (1)Make sure the door is ________ when you leave the room. (2)It's so cold today. The temperature may be the ________ this winter. (3)The pain in his leg made him cry ________. (4)Mary always ________ so well that everyone likes her. (5)When our washing machine broke, our neighbors let us use ________. 【答案与解析】 (1)locked 句意:离开房间时一定要锁门。根据句子结构可知,缺少谓语动词,要用 lock。door 与 lock 之间是被动关系,要用被动语态 be +过去分词。空格前有 is,要用 lock 的过去分词 locked,故答案 为 locked。 (2)lowest 句意:今天很冷。今年冬天气温可能是最低的。根据空格前有 be 和 the,要用形容词最高 级。由 this winter,这个冬天,可知温度最低的,要用 low 的最高级 lowest,故答案为 lowest。 (3)aloud 句意:他的腿疼得他大声哭了起来。根据 cry,哭泣,动词,修饰动词要用副词,要用 aloud,此处要用原级 aloud,故答案为 aloud。 (4)behaves 句意:玛丽总是表现得很好,每个人都喜欢她。根据句子结构可知缺少谓语动词。由 everyone likes her,可知一定是行为表现好,要用 behave,表现;always,总是,频率副词,常与一般现在时 连用;主语 Mary,第三人称单数,谓语动词 behave 的第三人称单数 behaves,故答案为 behaves。 (5)theirs 句意:当我们的洗衣机坏了,邻居们让我们用他们的。根据 use,使用,及物动词,要接 宾语。且后面没有名词,要用名词性物主代词。形容词性物主代词 their 的名词性物主代词 theirs, 故答案为 theirs。 仔细阅读下面五个句子,然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使每个句子在结构、句义和逻辑 上正确。(提示:方框中有一个单词或短语是多余的。) brought work out interesting try out left bright 46. Our hometown has ____ many soft and sweet memories in our heart. 47. They are seen as ____ symbols of happiness and good wishes. 48. Mary decided to _____ for a job at an after-school reading program last year, 49. We usually plan to do something______, or go somewhere together.50. Although the storm broke many things apart, it ______ families and neighbors closer together. 【答案与解析】 46. left 句意:我们的家乡在我们心中留下了许多温馨的回忆。本句是现在完成时,其构成 has/have done sth.;leave sth. sp.:把某物留在某处,leave…in one’s heart:把……留在心中,leave:留下, 过去式 left;结合句意和所给词可知填 left。 47. bright 句意:它们被视为幸福和美好愿望的鲜明象征。本词修饰名词 symbols,可知填形容词; bright:明亮的,鲜明的;结合句意和所给词可知填 bright。 48. try out 句意:玛丽去年决定在一个课后阅读班找份工作。短语 decide to do sth.:决定做某事; try out for. 是“参加……选拔”的意思;结合句意和所给词可知填 try out。 49. interesting 句意:我们通常计划做一些有趣的事情,或者一起去某个地方。形容词修饰不定代词 要后置,something interesting:有趣的事情;结合句意和所给词可知填 interesting。 50. brought 句意:尽管风暴把许多事情都分开了,但它使家庭和邻居更紧密地联系在一起。本句是 Although 引导的让步状语从句,从句时态是一般过去时,可知主句时态是一般过去时(Although 引导 的时间状语从句,主从句时态一般保持一致)。bring sb closer together:和某人的关系更亲密,bring 的过去式是 brought;结合句意和所给词可知填 brought。 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。 above plant child since rain 41. ___________ like listening to stories by Andersen at bed time. 42. I usually play with my little sister at home on _____________ days. 43. Adam has been working in the hospital ____________ he left school. 44. One hundred trees __________ along the riverside yesterday afternoon. 45. Qomolangma, the world Highest mountain is about 8,848 metres __________ sea level. 【答案与解析】 41. Children 根据_____ like listening to stories by Andersen at bed time.结合备选词汇,可 知应选择 child“孩子”,可数名词单数;句意是:孩子们喜欢在睡觉时听安徒生的故事。由句中的谓语 动词 like 可知这里应用 child 的复数形式 children;又因其位于句首,所以第一个字母要大写,故答案填 Children。 42. rainy 根据 I usually play with my little sister at home on ____ days. 结合备选词汇,可 知应选择 rain“雨”,名词;句意是:我通常在下雨天和我的小妹妹在家里玩。设空处修饰后面的名词 days, 所以这里应用 rain 的形容词形式 rainy“下雨的”,on rainy days“在下雨天”,故答案填 rainy。 43. since 根据 Adam has been working in the hospital ____ he left school. 结合备选词汇,可 知应选择 since“自从……之后、自从……以来”;句意是:Adam 自从离开学校以后就一直在医院工作。 since 后接某一时间点,主句谓语动词是持续性动词,常与现在完成时连用,故答案填 since。 44. were planted 根据 One hundred trees _____ along the riverside yesterday afternoon.结合 备选词汇,可知应选择 plant“种植”,动词;句意是:昨天下午在河边种了一百棵树。主语 trees 与动 词 plant 之间存在被动关系,所以应用被动语态,由 yesterday afternoon 可知句子时态用一般过去时, 一般过去时的被动语态构成为:was/were+动词的过去分词;主语 trees 是复数,所以 be 动词用 were, plant 的过去分词是 planted;故答案填 were planted。 45. above 根 据 Qomolangma, the world Highest mountain is about 8,848 metres _____ sea level. 结合备选词汇,可知应选择 above“在……上方”,介词,above sea level“海拔高度”;句意 是:世界最高峰,珠穆朗玛峰,海拔 8, 848 米。故答案填 above。 用所给词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。 require, organize, wait, connect, sell 41. Jack is a good learner because he always _________ what he needs to learn with something interesting. 42. English Day is coming, and we ________ an English party soon. 43. He_____________ to hand in his science report last week. 44. The writer is so popular that he _____________ more than 200,000 books so far. 45. —Where is Grace? — She is at the gate of the theatre. She _____________ in line to buy tickets. 【答案与解析】 41. connects 句意:杰克是个很好的学习者,因为他总是把需要学习的东西和有趣的东西联系起来。 connect…with…把……和……联系起来,根据频率副词 always 判断,because 引导的原因状语从句的 时态为一般现在时,因为主语 he 是第三人称单数,动词用三单形式,故答案为 connects。 42. will organized 句意:英语节就要到了,我们不久将组织一个英语晚会。soon“不久”,用于一般将来时态的句子中,结合句意可知,答案为 will organize。 43. was required 句意:上周他被要求提交他的科学报告。根据句意可知,选择动词“require”,last week 是表示过去的时间状语,句子的时态为一般过去时,而主语 he 与 require 之间是被动的关系,一 般过去时态被动语态的构成为 were/was+过去分词,故答案为 was required。 44. has sold 句意:这位作家很受欢迎,到目前为止已售出 20 多万本书。根据句意可知,选择动词 sell;so far 到目前为止,用于现在完成时态的句子中,其构成为 have/has+过去分词,主语 he 是第 三人称单数,助动词用 has,故答案为 has sold。 45. is waiting 句意:——格蕾丝在哪里?——她在剧院门口,她正在排队买票。wait in line 排队 等候。问句是询问格蕾丝在哪里,是询问当前的情况,答语是回答某人在某地或回答某人正在做什么, 故此句的时态为现在进行时,答案为 is waiting。 从方框中选择恰当的词或短语并用其正确的形式填空(每个词或短语只能用一次)。 possible; tidy; go on a school trip; rain hard; have a fever; look for; such as; be strict with; take place; pass away 56. —Timmy, your bedroom is dirty and _________________. —Sorry, Mum. I'll clean it right away. 57. —You look so worried. What can I do for you? —I _______________ my key. Have you seen it? 58. Louis Cha Leung-yung, one of the greatest Chinese writers, __________last year. He built a fantastic wuxia world and created different types of heroes. 59. Do scientists agree that there's a __________ that humans in the future would live on Mars? 60. It______________, but the boys went on playing football on the playground. 61. The Smiths ______________their children about table manners and always remind them to behave well. 62. —I ________________ since last night. —You'd better go to see a doctor. 63. Alibaba opened a hotel in which a series of tasks _____________check-in, light control and room service can be done by AI and robots. 64. The rainy season usually_______________ from June to September in my hometown. 65. —More than 20 international students __________ with us next week, won't they? —Yes, they will. 【答案与解析】 56. untidy 句意“——蒂米,你的卧室脏且不整洁。——对不起妈妈,我立刻打扫”。根据 I'll clean it right away 以及空前 dirty 可知,空处表示“不整洁的”。untidy 不整洁的,故填 untidy。 57. am looking for 句意“——你看起来很担忧,我能为你做点什么吗?——我正在找我的钥匙,你 看到它了吗?”。根据句意可知,表示“钥匙丢了,我正在寻找钥匙”。look for 寻找,用现在进行时, 主语为 I,故填 am looking for。 58. passed away 句意“去年,中国最伟大的作家之一查良镛去世。他创造了迷人的武侠世界并且创造 不同类型的英雄”。根据句意可知,译为“去世”。pass away 去世,且根据 last year 可知,用一般过 去时,故填 passed away。 59. possibility 句意“科学家们同意未来人类有可能生活在火星上吗”。根据空前 a 可知,空处用名 词,possibility 可能性,故填 possibility。 60. was raining hard 句意“雨下得很大,但是男孩们继续在操场上踢足球”。根据句意可知,译为“雨 下得很大”,且表示正在下雨,根据 went 可知,用过去完成时,主语为 it,故填 was raining hard。 61. are strict with 句意“史密斯一家人关于餐桌礼仪方面对孩子们很严格并且总是提醒他们要表现 得好”。根据句意可知,译为“对……严格”。根据 remind 可知,用一般现在时,且主语为 the Smiths, 用复数,故填 are strict with。 62. have had a fever 句意“——自从昨天晚上,我已经发烧了。——你最好去看医生”。have a fever 发烧,且根据 since last night 可知,用现在完成时,主语为 I,故填 have had a fever。 63. such as 句意“阿里巴巴开了一个酒店,在这里例如登记入住、照明调节、房间服务一系列任务都 由人工智能和机器人完成”。根据句意可知,译为“例如”。such as 例如,故填 such as。 64. takes place 句意“在我的家乡,雨季通常发生在 7 月到 9 月”。take place 发生,且根据 usually 可知,用一般现在时,主语为 the rainy season 可知,用单数,故填 takes place。 65. will go on a school trip 句意“——下周将有 20 多名国际学生和我们一起去学校旅行,对吧? ——是的”。go on a school trip 参加学校旅行,且根据 next week 可知,用一般将来时,故填 will go on a school trip。 用所给词语的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。Asia treat silent anybody pay for 31. Hearing the bad news, he sat down ____. 32. Spring Festival is celebrated in many ____ countries. 33. It’s terribly hot outside. There isn’t ____ in the square. 34. The old man takes good care of his dog and ____ it as a friend. 35. I’m so excited that my parents agreed to ____ my trip to France. 【答案与解析】 31. silently 根据题干 Hearing the bad news, he sat down ____.结合备选词汇,可知应选择 silent,意为“沉默的”,形容词;句意为:听到这个坏消息,他默默地坐了下来。设空处修饰前面的 动词短语,所以应用 silent 的副词形式 silently“默默地”,故答案填 silently。 32. Asian 根据题干 Spring Festival is celebrated in many ____ countries.结合备选词汇,可知 应选择 Asia“亚洲”,名词;句意为:许多亚洲国家都庆祝春节。设空处修饰后面的名词复数 countries,所以这里应用与 Asia 所对应的形容词 Asian“亚洲的”,故答案填 Asian。 33. anybody 根据题干 It’s terribly hot outside. There isn’t ____ in the square. 结合备选 词汇,可知应选择 anybody“任何人”;句意为:外面热得要命,广场上一个人也没有。anybody 任何人, 用于否定句或疑问句中;本句为否定句,故答案填 anybody。 34. treats 根据题干 The old man takes good care of his dog and ____ it as a friend. 结合备 选词汇,可知应选择 treat“对待、视为”,动词,treat… as“把…当作”;句意为:这位老人把他的 狗照顾得很好,并且把它当作朋友。and 连接两个并列成分,在本句中是连接 takes good care of his dog 和____ it as a friend,主语都是 The old man,为第三人称单数,所以动词 treat 也要用第三人 称单数形式,故答案填 treats。 35. pay for 根据 I’m so excited that my parents agreed to ____ my trip to France. 结合备选 词汇,可知应选择 pay for“为…而付钱、付款”;句意为:我太兴奋了,我父母同意支付我去法国旅行 的费用。agree to do sth.是固定搭配,意为“同意做某事”,所以此处应用动词原形,故答案填 pay for。 根据句子意思,从方框中选用恰当的单词或短语填空。 in the middle of, make up, less than, choice, no longer valuable, wisely, live on, broke down 46. Children should be taught to manage their time _________________. 47. As we all know, giant pandas ____________ a special kind of bamboo. 48. My car _______________ on a country road yesterday. I had to ask my friends for help. 49. There is an island _______________ the lake in our hometown. 50. Jazz musicians can ___________ the music while playing. 51. At present, living in the countryside may be a good _______________. 52. The magazine provides lots of _____________ information on fashion. 53. Mr. Smith ____________ works here. It's hard for me to see him as often as before. 【答案与解析】 46. wisely 句意:应该教育孩子们明智地管理时间。这里是副词修饰动词,wisely 的意思是“明智 地”,根据句意,故填 wisely。 47. live on 句意:众所周知,大熊猫靠一种特殊的竹子为食。短语 live on…表示靠……为食;这里 是一般现在时态,主要是复数,动词用原形。根据句意,故填 live on。 48. broke down 句意:我的车昨天在乡村公路上抛锚了。我不得不向朋友求助。短语 broke down 表示 抛锚;根据时间状语 yesterday 可知用一般过去时态,break 的过去式是 broken。根据句意,故填 broke down。 49. in the middle of 句意:在我们的家乡,湖中央有一个小岛。in the middle of…表示在……中 央。根据句意,故填 in the middle of。 50. make up 句意:爵士乐手可以一边演奏一边编音乐。make up 表示编造,can+动词原形。根据句意, 故填 make up。 51. choice 句意:目前,住在农村可能是个不错的选择。a good+名词,choice 选择。根据句意,故填 choice。 52. valuable 句意:这本杂志提供了许多关于时尚的有价值的信息。valuable 的意思是“有价值的”, 根据句意,故填 valuable。 53. no longer 句意:史密斯先生不再在这里工作了。我很难像以前那样经常见到他。no longer 表示不再。根据句意,故填 no longer。 A. tidy B. empty C. collect D. simply E. produce F. promise 36. When we make a ____________ to others, we should keep it. 37. It's a good habit to keep your room ____________ every day. 38. I happened to know that my grandpa used to _____________ tea sets. 39. When travelling in Singapore, You can ___________ speak Putonghua a lot of the time. 40. The Chinese company Huawei is always trying to ________ the best smart phones all by itself. 41. Bob wanted to get something to eat from the fridge, but found it _____________. 【答案与解析】 36. F 句意:当我们给别人做了承诺,我们应该遵守它。根据 we should keep it.和选词,可知是 make a promise 做保证,故选 F。 37. A 句意:每天保持你的房间整洁是一个好习惯。根据. It's a good habit to keep your room 和选词, 可知是 tidy 整洁的,keep sth+形容词 保持……处于某种状态,故选 A。 38. C 句意:我碰巧知道我爷爷过去常常收集茶具。根据句意 my grandpa used to _____________ tea sets.和选词,可知是 collect 收集,故选 C。 39. D 句意:当在新加坡旅游时,你确实能很多时间说普通话。根据句意和选词,可知是 simply 确实,实 在,的确,故选 D。 40. E 句意:中国公司华为总是尽力独立生产最好的智能手机。根据 The Chinese company Huawei is 和 the best smart phones all by itself.以及选词,可知是 produce 生产,try to do sth 尽力做某事, 故选 E。 41. B 句意:鲍勃想在冰箱里拿些吃的东西,但是他发现是空的。根据 Bob wanted to get something to eat from the fridge, but 和选词,可知是 empty 空的,find sth+形容词发现某物是怎样的,故选 B。 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词仅用一次,每空一词。she true pride twelve between 46. December is the month of the year. 47. She wants me to meet an old friend of . 48. I’m sorry that things had to end like this. 49. He takes great in his children’s success. 50. The competition is open to kids six and ten years of age. 【答案与解析】 1.twelfth 考查数词。根据语境"十二月是一年中的第十二个月",考虑选择数词twelve,意为"十二",由 空前的定冠词the推断此处填序数词形式,故答案为twelfth。 2.hers 考查代词。根据语境"她想让我见见她的一个老朋友",考虑选择代词she,意为"她",由空前的of 推断此处填名词性物主代词,故答案为 hers。 3.truly 考查副词。根据语境"我真的很抱歉事情不得不这样结束",考虑选择形容词true,意为"真的", 由空后的形容词sorry推断此处填副词形式,故答案为 truly。 4.pride 考查名词。根据语境"他为孩子们的成功感到骄傲",考虑选择名词pride,构成短语take pride in, 意为"为……骄傲",故答案为 pride。 5.between 考查介词。根据语境"比赛对6到10岁的孩子开放",考虑选择介词between,构成短语 between... and...,意为"在……与……之间",故答案为 between。

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