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完形填空之说明文 Grass is, of course a plant which grows in the field; a plant which some kinds of animals like to eat. When there has been plenty of ___1___, the grass is green. When the weather has been dry, the grass is brown. Animals like to eat grass when it is___2___and fresh. And if the grass in one place is greener than the rest, animals___3___to eat that grass. An animal in a field may look over the fence(篱笆) into the next field, where perhaps there are no animals and grass in the field____4____greener. But if the animal could get into the field, it would find that the grass is really the same. It just seems better from a distance(远处). So that’s the____5____of the expression "The grass is greener on the other side of the fence." We sometimes only say "The grass is___6___greener on the other side." We use the expression to describe the situation — someone looks at distant things and feels they are better than the things around him. But___7___he could go to the distant place, he would find that life there is just as difficult. So don’t always think that other people have a better situation. Just be___8___with what you have had. Enjoy and value it! 1. A. rain B. snow C. sunlight 2. A. green B. brown C. yellow 3. A. refuse B. prefer C. agree 4. A. smells B. tastes C. looks 5. A. form B. meaning C. advice 6. A. seldom B. sometimes C. always 7. A. when B. because C. unless 8. A. angry B. strict C. happy 【文章大意】动物们喜欢吃绿色、新鲜的草,当他们在这边吃草的时候,他们总是会觉得那边的草更绿, 这就是"这山望着那山高"这句俗语的意思。但实际上可能并非如此,所以作者建议我们要"知足常乐", 珍惜和享受现在所拥有的。 1. A【解析】句意:当那里有充足的雨水时,草会更绿。考查名词辨析,rain 雨水,snow 雪,sunlight 阳光。根据下句话 When the weather has been dry, the grass is brown."气候干燥时,草会是棕黄色 的",故与此相对,应该是"雨水充足时",故应选 A。2. A【解析】句意:动物们喜欢吃绿色新鲜的草。考查形容词辨析,green 绿色的,brown 棕色的,yellow 黄色的。根据下句话 And if the grass in one place is greener than the rest, animals___3___to eat that grass.可知,动物们喜欢吃绿色的草。故应选 A。 3. B【解析】句意:如果一个地方的草更绿,动物会更喜欢吃那里的草。考查动词辨析,refuse 拒绝,prefer 更喜欢,agree 同意。根据第 2 小题的注释和句意可知,如果草更绿,更新鲜,动物们就会更喜欢吃。故 应选 B。 4. C【解析】句意:田野里的动物可以越过篱笆望向另一片田野,那里没有动物,田野里的草也看起来更 绿。考查动词辨析,smells 闻起来,tastes 尝起来,looks 看起来。根据句意"草的颜色应该是看到 的",故应选 C。 5. B【解析】句意:所以这就是那句俗语的意思。考查名词辨析,form 形式,meaning 意思,advice 建 议。根据上文 An animal in a field may look over the fence(篱笆) into the next field, where perhaps there are no animals and grass in thefield____4____greener.But if the animal could get into the field, it would find that the grass is really the same. It just seems better from a distance 可知,动物们从篱笆这边望向那边,觉得那边的草更绿,而当他们真的到了那边时,会发现其实 一样绿。这几句话解释了"这山望着那山高"这句话俗语的意思,故应选 B。 6. C【解析】句意:别的地方的草总是看起来更绿。考查副词辨析,seldom 很少,sometimes 有时, always 总是。根据上文提到的这个俗语"The grass is greener on the other side of the fence."可知,那 边的草总是比这边的草更绿。故应选 C。 7. A【解析】句意:但当他能走到远处的草地时,他会发现,那边的生活也不好过。考查连词辨析,when 当...时,because 因为,unless 除非。根据句意可知,这里应表示"当…时候,他会发现…",故用 when 引导时间状语从句,选 A。 8. C【解析】句意:知足常乐。考查形容词辨析,angry 生气的,strict 严厉的,happy 开心的。根据上 下文 So don’t always think that other people have a better situation…. Enjoy and value it!可 知,作者告诉我们不要老想着别人的情况更好,要享受并且珍惜现在拥有的,知足常乐。故应选 C。 【点睛】 这是一篇说明文,作者先讲述具体的事例,然后呈现出问题—这山望着那山高,最后提出了建议。文章通 过具体事例引出问题,使学生们在阅读时比较容易理解和把握文章主题。题型是完形填空,考查学生们在 具体语境中运用语言的能力,综合性较强。做题时,应先通读短文,了解大意;然后根据上下文语境提示 做题,先易后难,注意空前后的固定搭配,并仔细辨析选项中单词的意思和用法;最后将答案代入原文, 再读一遍,检查答案是否正确。例如第 2 小题,考查形容词辨析,green 绿色的,brown 棕色的,yellow 黄色的。根据下句话 And if the grass in one place is greener than the rest, animals___3___to eat that grass.可知,动物们喜欢吃绿色的草。故应选 A。再如第 5 小题,考查名词辨析,form 形式,meaning 意思,advice 建议。根据上文 An animal in a field may look over the fence(篱笆) into the next field, where perhaps there are no animals and grass in thefield____4____greener.But if the animal could get into the field, it would find that the grass is really the same. It just seems better from a distance 可知,动物们从篱笆这边望向那边,觉得那边的草更绿,而当他们真的到了那边 时,会发现其实一样绿。这几句话解释了"这山望着那山高"这句话俗语的意思,故应选 B。 Thanksgiving Day was coming. A teacher gave her class an interesting task — to draw a picture of something to express their ___1___. The teacher thought most of her ___2___ would draw turkey or some other traditional food of the festival. And so they did. But Douglas made a ___3___ kind of picture. Douglas was a child of unhappiness. ___4___ other children played together, Douglas always stood close by his teacher’s side. His picture was special. When he was asked to draw a picture of something for which he was thankful, he drew a hand! ___5___ else. Just an empty hand. His work caught the attention of his classmates. Whose hand could it be? Scone guessed it was the hand of a farmer, because farmers raised turkeys, others guessed it was the hand of God, because God helped everyone. The discussions ___6___, and they even forgot to ask the artist himself. When the discussion stopped, the teacher asked Douglas whose hand it was. The little boy said in a low voice, "It’s ___7___, teacher." She got surprised at his words. Then she ___8___ that she often took his hand. Sometimes she said, "Douglas, take my hand, we’ll go outside." Sometimes she said, "Let me show you how to hold your pencil." And she ___9___ said, "Let’s do this together." Her eyes were full of tears. She had done these to all her students. She didn’t know these were so ___10___ to him. She hugged Douglas and decided to give him more love. 1. A. requests B. thanks C. opinions 2. A. friends B. neighbors C. students 3. A. different B. bright C. modern 4. A. After B. When C. Until 5. A. Nothing B. Anything C. Everything6. A. went away B. went on C. went up 7. A. hers B. mine C. yours 8. A. remembered B. forgot C. agreed 9. A. never B. hardly C. usually 10. A. important B. polite C. difficult 【文章大意】这篇短文主要讲述了感恩节到了,老师给同学们布置了作业让他们画出他们想感恩,但是道 格拉斯画了一种不同的画,他画了一只手——老师的手。 1. B【解析】句意:一位老师给了她的班级一项有趣的任务——画一张图片来表达他们的感谢。A. requests 要求;B. thanks 感谢;C. opinions 观点。根据上文 Thanksgiving Day was coming.可知下文是说表达感 谢。根据题意,故选 B。 2. C 句意:老师认为大部分学生都会画火鸡或其他传统的节日食物。A. friends 朋友们;B. neighbors 邻 居们;C. students 学生们。根据下文 And so they did. But Douglas made a ... kind of picture 可知 上文是说老实人为她大部分的学生们。根据题意,.故选 C。 3. A 句意:但是 Douglas 制作了不同种类的图画。A. different 不同的;B. bright 明亮的;C. modern 现代的。根据下文 His picture was special. When he was asked to draw a picture of something for which he was thankful, he drew a hand! ... else. Just an empty hand. 可知,制作来不同种类的 画,根据题意,故选 A。 4. B 句意:当其他孩子一起玩的时候,Douglas 总是站在老师身边。A. After 在……之后;B. When 何时; C. Until 直到。这里是 when 引导的时间状语从句。根据题意,故选 B。 5. A 句意:他画了一只手!没有别的了。只是一只空手。A. Nothing 没什么;B. Anything 任何东西;C. Everything 一切东西。根据下文 Just an empty hand.可知上文是没有其他什么东西。根据题意,故选 A。 6. B 句意:因为上帝帮助了所有人。讨论还在继续,他们甚至忘了问问艺术家自己。A. went away 离开; B. went on 继续;C. went up 上升。根据下文 and they even forgot to ask the artist himself.可知 上文是说讨论继续。根据题意,故选 B。 7. B 句意:那个小男孩低声说:"它是你的手,老师。"A. hers 他的;B. mine 我的;C. yours 你的。 根据下文 She got surprised at his words. Then she ... that she often took his hand. Sometimes she said, "Douglas, take my hand, we’ll go outside."可知这里是对老师说是你的手,用名词性物主代词 yours。根据题意,故选 B。 8. A 句意:然后她记得她经常拉他的手。A. remembered 记住;B. forgot 忘记;C. agreed 同意。根据下 文 Sometimes she said, "Douglas, take my hand, we’ll go outside." Sometimes she said, "Let me show you how to hold your pencil." And she ... said, "Let’s do this together."可知上文是说她 记得。根据题意,故选 A。 9. C 句意:她通常说,"我们一起做吧。"A. never 绝不;B. hardly 几乎不;C. usually 通常;根据下 文 Let’s do this together.可知上文是通常说。根据题意,故选 C。 10. A 句意:她不知道这些对他这么重要。A. important 重要的;B. polite 礼貌的;C. difficult 困难 的;根据下文 She hugged Douglas and decided to give him more love.可知上文是说对他如此重要。根 据题意,故选 A。 Do you know that the "Happy Birthday to You" song is the first song sung in outer space?Apollo IX astronauts 1 it on March 8, 1969. It is one of the most popular English songs of all time. Here’s the story behind it. The song was written by two sisters from Kentucky, Mildred and Patty Smith Hill. It was first published under the 2 of "Good Morning to All" in 1893. It was used as a classroom 3 . Teachers sang it each day to welcome their students to the classroom. The composer, Mildred Hill, was a concert pianist. Her sister Patty Smith Hill wrote the original(最初的) lyrics(歌词) for the song while she was a teacher in a kindergarten in Louisville, Kentucky, where Mildred also 4 . The Hill sisters copyrighted(取得版权) their song on October 16, 1893. However, it appeared 5     their agreement in Robert H. Colemans songbook on March 4, 1924. Coleman changed prat of the lyrics to say, "Happy Birthday to You", 6 the song still had its original title. The song was then published several times over the next ten years, often with small 7 in the lyrics. In 1934, when the song was sung every night in a Broadway Musical, another Hill sister, Jessica, went to court(法院) over the copyright problem of the song. She was 8 about the theft of the song and the failure to pay to her sisters. She 9 her case. The Hill family owned the rights to the melody and had to be 10 every time the song was part of a commercial(商业的) production. The Hill sisters, who devoted their lives to educating children, could never imagine that the simple little song would continue to earn about $2 million every year. 1. A. saved B. wrote C. invented D. sang2. A. notice B. order C. title D. law 3. A. party B. greeting C. discussion D. test 4. A. taught B. searched C. for D. prepared 5. A. as B. under C. for D. without 6. A. although B. until C. because D. after 7. A. chances B. tasks C. changes D. signs 8. A. satisfied B. glad C. curious D. angry 9. A. lost B. won C. heard D. dropped 10. A. paid B. praised C. invited D. warned 【文章大意】本文说的是《祝你生日快乐》这个首歌。文章介绍了这首歌曲的作者、创作背景,以及围绕 这首歌的版权问题产生的一系列问题及其结果。 1. D【解析】考查动词。saved 拯救;wrote 写;invented 发明;sang 唱歌. 根据上文"Do you know that the" Happy Birthday to You" song is the first song sung in outer space"可知,你知道《生日快乐 歌》这首歌是第一首在外太空被唱的歌曲吗?阿波罗九号宇航员在 1969 年 3 月 8 日演唱了这首歌。故选 D。 2. C【解析】考查名词。notice 通知;order 命令,菜单;title 名称,标题;law 法律。根据语境可知, 这首歌于 1893 年首次以《大家早上好》为标题发行。故选 C。 3. B【解析】考查名词。party 聚会(党); greeting 问候;discussion 讨论;test 测验. 根据下文"Teachers sang it each day to welcome their students to the classroom"可知,它被用于课堂问候语。老师每 天唱着它,恭候同学们来到教室。故选 B。 4. A【解析】考查动词。taught 教;searched 搜索;for (介词)为了;prepared 准备. 根据语境可知, 最初的歌词是由她妹妹帕蒂•斯密斯•希尔写的,她妹妹在肯塔基州路易斯威尔市的一所幼儿园当老师,米尔 德里德也在那里教学。故选 A。 5. D【解析】考查介词。as 作为;under 在……下面;for 为了;without 没有。根据上文"The Hill sisters copyrighted(取得版权) their song on October 16,1893"可知,希尔姐妹在 1893 年 10 月 16 日取得 她们歌曲的版权。但是似乎在罗伯特•科尔曼于 1924 年 3 月 4 日在未经她们允许的情况下在自己的歌曲集 中更改了部分歌词,例如"祝你生日快乐"。故选 D。 6. A【解析】考查连词。although 尽管;until 直到;because 因为;after 在……之后。根据语境可知, 尽管这首歌还是原来的标题,但是似乎罗伯特•科尔曼于 1924 年 3 月 4 日在未经她们允许的情况下在自己 的歌曲集中更改了部分歌词,例如"祝你生日快乐"。故选 A。 7. C【解析】考查名词。chances 机会;tasks 任务;changes 改变;signs 标识。根据语境可知,这首歌 在后来的十年中出版了多次,每次歌词都做了稍稍改动。故选 C。8. D【解析】考查形容词。satisfied 满意;glad 高兴;curious 好奇的;angry 生气的。根据上文"another Hill sister,Jessica,went to court over the copyright problem of the song"可知,希尔的另一个 妹妹杰西卡,就这首歌的版权问题诉诸法院。她对盗用这首歌,并且未向她姐妹们支付金钱感到愤怒。故 选 D。 9. B【解析】考查动词。lost 失去;won 赢得;heard 听说;dropped 跌落。根据下文"The Hill family owned the rights to the melody and had to be ... every time the song was part of a commercial(商业 的) production"可知,她赢得官司。希尔一家取得了这首歌曲的版权,并且每次在这首歌用于商业目的 时她们要获取报酬。故选 B。 10. A【解析】考查动词(过去分词)。paid 支付; praised 赞扬; invited 邀请;warned 警告。根据语 境可知,希尔一家取得了这首歌曲的版权,并且每次在这首歌用于商业目的时她们要获取报酬。所以选 A。 Body image — the way people feel about their looks — is a big problem for many young people today. According to a 1 , more than half the teenage girls in the USA. think 2 should be on a diet(节食) and almost one in five teenage boys are 3 about their bodies and their weight. But what’s the cause? In the study, many blame(责备) the media(媒体). Tom on the TV and you’ll 4 see beautiful models, handsome actors and fit sports stars. 5 a magazine or a newspaper, look through the Internet, and it’s usually 6 . Many young people feel pressure to 7 these "perfect’ people. But for most, this is just not possible. In the USA. the average(平均的) woman is 163 cm tall and weighs 64 kilos, 8 the average model is 180 cm tall and weighs 53 kilos. When people don’t look the way many 9 people look, they may become less confident. Some stop eating 10 in order to lose weight. Students can lose so many confidence that they start to 11 taking part in classroom activities at school. Body image problems don’t 12 as we get older, either. In the UK, for example, women over 50 spend more money on cosmetics(化妆品) than any other 13 group. Older men spend a lot of money trying to 22 hair loss(损失). Is there a solution to the problem? A 2016 study in the UK suggested that body image lessons should be provided in 14 . Others believe it’s a problem that all of society needs to deal with. As Meaghan Ramsey says, "We need to judge people by what they do, not what they look like." 1. A. newspaper B. magazine C. study D. book 2. A. we B. they C. you D. she 3. A. confident B. sure C. worried D. happy 4. A. probably B. hardly C. never D. finally 5. A. Get B. Open C. Take D. Find 6. A. the same B. different C. special D. interesting 7. A. look after B. look for C. look at D. look like 8. A. because B. although C. but D. or 9. A. kind B. strong C. young D. famous 10. A. early B. properly C. slowly D. carefully 11 A. enjoy B. stop C. finish D. forget 12. A. come B. continue C. disappear D. happen 13. A. age B. job C. hobby D. man 14. A. make B. avoid C. refuse D. protect 15. A. supermarkets B. streets C. parks D. schools 【文章大意】文章介绍了自我形体影像对今天的许多青少年是一个大问题,这是什么造成的呢?很多人认 为是媒体的原因,电视上、报纸上和杂志上的都是漂亮的模特、英俊的演员、健康的体育明星,许多年轻 人看到这些完美的人就感到有压力,失去自信,自我形体影像问题不随着年龄的增长而消失,它是一个社 会问题,Meaghan Ramsey 说"我们要通过他们做什么来判断一个人,而不是他们的外貌。" 1. C【解析】句意:根据一项调查。考查名词辨析和语境。根据 newspaper 报纸,magazine 杂志,study 调查,book 书;根据 more than half the teenage girls in the USA. think ___2___ should be on a diet(节食) and almost one in five teenage boys are ___3___ about their bodies and their weight.可知是调查;故选 C。 2. B【解析】句意:美国一半以上的年轻女孩认为她们应该节食。考查人称代词和语境。根据 we 我们, they 她们, you 你, she 她;根据 more than half the teenage girls 可知是她们;故选 B。3. C【解析】句意:几乎五分之一的男孩担心他们的身体和体重。考查形容词短语。根据 confident 自信 的,sure 确信的, worried 担心的, happy 高兴的;根据 According to a____1____, more than half the teenage girls in the USA. think ___2___ should be on a diet(节食) and almost one in five teenage boys 可知是 be worry about 担心;故选 C。 4. A【解析】句意:你也许看见美丽的模特。考查副词辨析和语境。根据 probably 也许,hardly 几乎不, never 从不,finally 最后;根据 see beautiful models, handsome actors and fit sports stars. ___5___ a magazine or a newspaper, look through the Internet,和语境,可知是也许会看见;故选 A。 5. B【解析】句意:打开一本杂志。考查动词辨析和语境。根据 Get 得到,Open 打开,Take 带走,Find 找到;根据 you’ll ___4___ see beautiful models, handsome actors and fit sports stars. ___5___ a magazine or a newspaper, look through the Internet,和语境,可知是打开杂志也能看见;故选 B。 6. A【解析】句意:它通常是一样的。考查形容词辨析和语境。根据 the same 一样的,different 不 同的,special 特殊的, interesting 有趣的;根据 you’ll ___4___ see beautiful models, handsome actors and fit sports stars. ___5___ a magazine or a newspaper, look through the Internet,可 知电视上,杂志上,网络上是一样的;故选 A。 7. D【解析】句意:看起来像这些完美的人许多年轻人有压力。考查动词短语和语境。根据 look after 照 顾, look for 寻找, look at 看, look like 看起来像;根据上文看电视美丽的模特和青少年减肥担心 自己的体重,和 But for most, this is just not possible. In the USA. the average(平均的) woman is 163 cm tall and weighs 64 kilos, ___8___ the average model is 180 cm tall and weighs 53 kilos.可知是看起来像这些完美的人有压力;故选 D。 8. C【解析】句意:但是模特平均身高 180cm,体重 53 公斤。考查连词和语境。根据 because 因为,although 尽管, but 但是, or 或者,否则;根据 In the USA. the average(平均的) woman is 163 cm tall and weighs 64 kilos, 和 the average model is 180 cm tall and weighs 53 kilos.之间是转折关系,表示但是; 故选 C。 9. D【解析】句意:当人们看起来不是许多名人看起来的样子时,他们就失去自信。考查形容词辨析和语 境。根据 kind 善良的, strong 强壮的, young 年轻的, famous 著名的;根据上文年轻人想让自己看起 来像模特、明星一样,可知是著名的人;故选 D。 10. B【解析】句意:一些人为了减肥停止正确地饮食。考查副词和语境。根据 early 早地,properly 合适 地,slowly 慢地, carefully 仔细地;根据 in order to lose weight.Students can lose so many confidence that they start to ____11____ taking part in classroom activities at school.可知是为了减肥停 止正确地饮食;故选 B。 11. B【解析】句意:学生失去太多的自信,以至于在学校他们开始停止参加教室活动。考查动词辨析和语 境。根据 enjoy 喜欢, stop 停止, finish 完成,forget 忘记;根据 lose so many confidence 可知是失 去自信,所以停止参加活动;故选 B。 12. C【解析】句意:自我形体影像不会因为我们年龄的增长而消失。考查动词辨析和语境。根据 come 来, continue 继续,disappear 消失,happen 发生;根据上文青少年注意自己的自我形体形象,和 In the UK, for example, women over 50 spend more money on cosmetics(化妆品) than any other ____13____ group. Older men spend a lot of money trying to ____14____ hair loss(损失).可知是不会因为我们年龄的增长而 消失;故选 C。 13. A【解析】句意:50 多岁的女人比其他年龄的人群花更多的钱买化妆品。考查名词辨析和语境。根据 age 年龄,job 工作,hobby 爱好, man 男人;根据 Body image problems don’t ____12____ as we get older, either.可知是年龄;故选 A。 14. B【解析】句意:更老的男人花许多钱避免头发的损失。考查动词辨析和语境。根据 make 制造, avoid 避免, refuse 拒绝, protect 保护;根据 Body image problems don’t ____12____ as we get older, either. 和 women over 50 spend more money on cosmetics(化妆品) than any other ____13____ group.可知是 避免掉发;故选 B。 15. D【解析】句意:自我形体影像课应该在学校被提供。考查名词辨析和语境。根据 supermarkets 超市, streets 街道, parks 公园, schools 学校;根据上文青少年注意自我形体影像的问题和 lessons,可知 是在学校提供这样的课程;故选 D。 March 22 is World Water Day. It started in 1993. It not only makes us think about the importance of water, but also calls on(号召)us to 1 and protect water. Today, we’re facing terrible water problems. Among them, the wastewater problem is rather 2 , And the subject of World Water Day in 2017 is "wastewater". What is wastewater? It is used water. Usually, wastewater comes from homes, 3 , hospital and so on. It is produced by different kinds of activities, including washing machines, taking showers and using kitchens. The rain also 4 wastewater when it is running down the street during a storm. No matter where it comes from, this kind of water is sure to have 5 harmful in it. 6 must we treat(处理)wastewater? Wastewater has a big influence in our lives. It causes both illness for us and pollution for the environment. We must care for our environment and our own 7 . How can we treat wastewater? Different kinds of wastewater need different ways of treatment. Wastewater 8 homes can be reused. Then there will be 9 wastewater. Also, factory wastewater has to be cleaned 10 it goes back to nature. 1. A. drink B. save C. carry D. watch 2. A. easy B. popular C. small D. serious 3. A. factories B. lakes C. rivers D. seas 4. A. gets back B. hands in C. changes into D. picks up 5. A. nothing B. something C. nobody D. somebody 6. A. What B. Who C. Why D. How 7. A. work B. interest C. health D. business 8. A. on B. for C. with D. from 9. A. less B. more C. better D. worse 10. A. and B. whether C. after D. before 【文章大意】现在我们面临着严重的水问题,其中废水问题尤为严重。2017 年世界水日主题为"废水"。 短文介绍了什么是废水,我们为什么要处理废水,以及如何处理废水。号召我们要节约和保护水资源。 【解析】1. B 句意:它不仅使我们思考水的重要性,而且呼吁我们节约和保护水。A. drink 喝;B. save 节约;C. carry 搬运;D. watch 观看。前半句提到世界水日让人们来思考水的重要性,因此我们要节约用 水,故答案为 B。 2. D 句意:其中废水问题较为严重。A. easy 容易的;B. popular 流行的;C. small 小的;D. serious 严 重的 根据后面的句子 And the subject of World Water Day in 2017 is"wastewater". 2017 年世界水日主 题为"水"。说明废水问题较为严重。故答案为 D。 3. A 句意:通常废水来自家庭、工厂、医院等。A. factories 工厂;B. lakes 湖;C. rivers 河流;D. seas 大海。工厂会产生工业污水,是产生废水的主要来源,故答案为 A。4. C 句意:暴雨期间雨水在沿着街道流淌时也会变成废水。A. gets back 拿回;B. hands in 上交;C. changes into 变成;D. picks up 捡起。雨水变废水,雨水流到街道上也是废水产生的一个来源,故答案为 C。 5. B 句意:这种水肯定含有有害物质。A. nothing 没有什么;B. something 某物;C. nobody 没有人;D. somebody 某人。雨水中含有的东西,不能用指人的不定代词来表示,排除 C、D;根据生活常识可知, 废水中含有各种有害物质,故答案为 B。 6. C 句意:我们为什么要处理废水?A. What 什么;B. Who 谁;C. Why 为什么;D. How 怎么样。根据后面 的句子"Wastewater has a big influence in our lives. It causes both illness for us and pollution for the environment."废水对我们的生活有很大的影响。它既给我们带来疾病,也给 环境带来污染。这也是处理废水的原因,因此上句是询问原因,答案为 C。 7. C 句意:我们必须关心我们的环境和我们自己的健康。A. work 工作;B. interest 兴趣;C. health 健 康;D. business 生意。上句提到水污染会让人们产生疾病,因此我们必须要关注我们的健康问题, 故答案为 C。 8. D 句意:家庭废水可以再利用。A. on 在……上面;B. for 为了;C. with 与……一起;D. from 来自。 使用介词 from 表示废水的来源,故答案为 D。 9. A 句意:这样废水就会减少。A. less 更少的;B. more 更多;C. better 更好的;D. worse 更糟的。上 句提到家庭用水得到循环利用,因此废水可以有效的减少,故答案为 A。 10. D 句意:在工厂废水回归自然之前,必须对其进行清洁。A. and 和,而且;B. whether 是否;C. after 在……之后;D. before 在……之前。此句是强调工业污水必须要净化处理,肯定是是在回归自然之 前处理。故答案为 D。

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