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重难点分析 形容词和副词的比较等级是英语高考语法填空的常考点,命题形式一般是用所给词语的适 当形式填空;若是需要填 more, most 或 fewer, less, least 时,可能也会不给出原级。系动词后 接形容词作表语和一些常用副词(seldom, even, enough, never, hardly)也是高考的热点之一。 一、形容词和副词在句中的作用 1.形容词在句中通常作定语、表语和补语。如: English is a useful language.英语是一门有用的语言。(作定语) English is useful.英语很有用。(作表语) I find English useful.我觉得英语很有用。(作补语) 2.副词在句中作做状语,修饰动词、形容词、另一副词、介词短语,或者整个句子。如: He walked quickly in order to get there on time.他为了按时到达那里,走得很快。(修饰动 词 walked) He walked very quickly.他走得很快。 Obviously, I believe we can win it. 显然,我相信我能够赢得胜利。 二、形容词和副词的比较等级 1. 形容词副词的规则变化。  (1) 一般在词尾直接加 er 或 est。如:long—longer—longest。  (2) 以不发音的字母 e 结尾的,在词尾直接加 r 或 st。如:nice—nicer—nicest。  (3) 以辅音字母+y 结尾的,把 y 变为 i,再加 er 或 est。如:heavy—heavier—heaviest。  (4) 以“一个元音字母+一个辅音字母”结尾的重读音节,双写末尾这个辅音字母,再加 er 或 est。如:big—bigger—biggest。(5) 部分双音节词和多音节词分别在原级前加 more 构成比较级,加 most 构成最高级。如: slowly—more slowly—most slowly;beautiful—more beautiful—most beautiful。 2. 形容词和副词的比较等级的常用句型。 (1) 表示相等:as + 原级+as (2) 表示不如:not as/ so +原级+as (3) 表示超出:比较级+than (4) 表示“最”:the+最高级+ of/in 短语(表示比较的范围) 注意:除了 “the+最高级”外,最高级还有其他的表达方式。如:否定词 never 等与比 较级连用;比较级+than any other+名词单数;比较级+than any of the other+名词复数;比较 级+than anyone else 等。如: How beautifully she sings! I have never heard a better voice.她唱得多好听呀!我从没听过 比这更好的声音。 (5) 表示“越……越……”:the+比较级,the+比较级 (6) 表示“越来越”:比较级+and+比较级 (7) 表示“与其……不如……”:more…than… (8) the+比较级 特指两个人或者连个食物中较为突出的一个。 If the manager had to choose one of the two, he would say Tim was the better choice.如果 说经理一定得从这两个人中选择一个,他会说 Tim 是更好的选择。 (9) 倍数的表达法: ① A + be +倍数 as +计量形容词原级+as B This house is three times as wide as that one. 这个房子是那个房子的三倍宽。 ② A +be+倍数+计量形容词比较级+than BThe car is exactly five times more expensive than that one.这辆车比那本恰好贵 5 倍。 ③ A +be+倍数+the+计量名词+of B The new library is four times the size of the previous one.新的图书馆是以前的四倍大。 ④The+计量名词+of A +be+倍数+that of B The size of the new square is four times that of the previous one.新广场为以前的四倍大。 三、形容词、副词原级及比较级和最高级的常用句型 名称 句型 例句 as+原级+as The train travels as fast as the 3:55 train. 这列车和 3:55 的列车开得一样快。 as+原级+a/an+名词单 数+as He is as honest a man as you. 他和你一样是个诚实的 人。 as many+可数名词复数 + as; as much+不可数名词+ as I have as many books as you. 我和你一样有许多书。 相等 倍 数 +as+ 原 级 +as+ 名 词 My room is twice as big as my brother’s. 我的房间 是我兄弟的两倍大。 不及 not as+原级+as She is not as beautiful as her sister. 她不如她妹妹漂亮。 比较级+than Health is more important than wealth. 健康比金钱重 要。超越 the+比较级+of the two He is the taller of the two. 他是两者中较高的一个。两者中较……的一个 no+比较级+than 和……一样不 He is no richer than I. 他和我一样不富有。 否定 not+比较级 再……不过 (可译为“非常、十分”) His work couldn’t be worse. 他的工作糟得不能再糟 了。 程度递增 -er and -er, more and more + 多音节词 越来 越…… higher and higher 越来越高 more and more important 越来越重要 两 种 情 况 同时变化 the +比较级, the +比较 级 越……,越…… The quicker you get ready, the sooner we’ll be able to leave. 你越快准备好,我们就能越早离开。 三 者 或 三 者 以 上 比 较 the + 最高级+of/in+比 较范围 ……之中最…… They have got some of the most beautiful things in the world. 他们这儿拥有一些世界上最美的东西。 注意:no more (...) than 与 not more (...) than 的用法 在英语里面有很多短语都有其约定俗成的用法和意思,不能按其字面意思去理解,象这样 的短语有很多,这里先把大家觉得比较头疼的 no more (...) than 与 not more (...) than 的用法解 释清楚,希望对大家有所帮助: 1. 不用于比较,后接数词时,no more than 意为“仅仅、只不过、只有”(=only),而 not more than 意为“至多、不超过”(=at the most)。如: There are no more than fifteen eggs in the basket. 篮子里只有 15 个鸡蛋。(暗指 15 个鸡 蛋太少) There are not more than fifteen eggs in the basket. 篮子里至多有 15 个鸡蛋。(暗指可能少于 15 个) 2. 用于两者的比较时,“no+形容词或副词比较级+than”是对两者的否定,相当于 neither...nor...。如: This story is no more interesting than that one. (=Neither this story nor that one is interesting.) 这个故事和那个故事一样没趣。 “not+形容词或副词比较级+than”是普通的比较级结构,表示前者不如后者,相当于 not as/so...as...。如: This story is not more interesting than that one. (=This story is not as/so interesting as that one.) 这个故事不如那个故事有趣。 四、比较结构的修饰语 1 用 于 原 级之前 almost, nearly, just, quite, half, twice, three times 等 The river is three times as long as that one. 这条河是那条河是三倍长。 many, a few (用于“more+可数名 词复数”前) It takes many more hours to go there by train than by plane. 坐火车去那里比 坐飞机要花多好多个小时。2 用 于 比 较级前 a lot, much, even, still, far, a great deal, rather, two years, 5%, twice 等 My desk-mate is even fatter than me. 我同桌甚至比我还胖。 3 用 于 最 高级前 the very, much the, by far, nearly, by no means, almost, not really, the first/second 等 This cake is by far the largest in the world. 这个蛋糕是迄今为止世界上最大的。五、两种形式的副词:一个与形容词同形,一个以-ly 结尾 hard 刻苦地;努力地;猛烈地;费 力地 He studies very hard. 他学习非常努力。1 hard hardly hardly 几乎不;简直不 We hardly had time to eat breakfast. 我们 几乎没时间吃早饭。 high 高高地;地位高;声音高 The plane flies high. 飞机飞得很高。2 high highly highly 高度地;非常(常和 praise, speak 等动词连用) They spoke very highly of him. 他们称赞他。 修饰具体动作时,往往两个 词可互换,但多用 deep They had to dig very deep/deeply in order to find water. 他们必须挖得很深,才能发 现水。 deep 表 示 静 止 状 态 时 只 用 deep(此时多于介词、副词 连用) The meeting continued deep into the night. 会议持续到了深夜。 修饰形容词或过去分词只 能用 deeply I am deeply grateful to you. 我非常感谢你。 3 deep deeply deeply deeply 可 与 hate, dislike, regret, admire, love, value 等动词连用,但不能与动词 like 连用 I deeply regret his death. 我对他的去世深 感遗憾。 late 迟;晚 The bus arrived 5 minutes late. 公共汽车迟到了五分钟。 lately 最近;不久前(同 recently) What have you been doing lately? 最近你 在做什么? 4 late lately as late as 与 as lately as 都有“近至、 直到”之意,用法相同 I saw him at late/lately as yesterday. 直到 昨天我才看见他。 near 近;临近;在附近 The train came nearer and nearer. 火车越 来越近了。 5 near nearly nearly 几乎;差不多;将近 It is nearly then o’clock. 差不多十点钟了。 close 靠近;挨近;接近 Come close so that I can see you. 走近点以 便我能看清你。 6 close closely closely 紧密地;紧紧地;秘密地; 仔细地;严密地 We followed closely after him. 我们紧紧地 跟在他后面。 六、以-ly 结尾的形容词 1 表示时间的形容 词 hourly 每小时的,daily 每天的,nightly 每晚的,weekly 每周的,monthly 每月的, quarterly 每季度的,yearly 每年的,early 早的,timely 及时的;适时的 This theatre will give a nightly performance. 这 个剧院将上演一台晚会。 2 表示人的形容词 manly 男子气的,womanly 女人气的,wifely 妻子似的,fatherly 父亲般的,childly 孩子 般的,comradely 同志式的 What are wifely duties? 什么是做妻子的责任? 表示人的外貌、 lovely 可爱的,friendly 友好的,ugly 难看 Children are usually 3 特征、性格、心 理等的形容词 的 , lively 活 泼 的 , lonely 孤 独 的 , unfriendly 不友好的,kindly 和蔼的,sickly 病弱的,poorly 贫穷的,elderly 年长的, homely 朴实的、不漂亮的 lively. 孩子们常常是精力 充沛的/活泼的。 4 表示事物特征、 环境、情况、状 态的形容词 likely 可能的,orderly 整齐的,costly 花费 大的,deadly 致命的,mannerly 有礼貌的, chilly 冷的,disorderly 乱七八糟的,unlikely 不可能的 Please leave our classroom in an orderly way. 让我们的教室整整 齐齐的。 注意:elder 与 older,这两个词都是形容词 old 的比较级形式,区别在于: (1) elder 指“年长的”,常修饰人,用来表示出生顺序的前后和年龄的长幼,常作定语, 不可用于 than 引导的比较状语从句。(2) older 指“年纪较大的、较老的、较旧的”,修饰人或 物都行。既可作定语,也可作表语,可用于 than 引导的比较状语从句。如:My elder brother is two years older than me. 我的哥哥比我年长两岁。 七、senior, junior, superior, inferior 等词与 to 连用 superior 优秀的、高 级的(反义词 inferior) This restaurant is superior to the one we went to last week. 这家饭馆比我们上周去的那家好。1 能与 to 连用, 但不能与 than 连用 senior 年长的、地位 高的、资格老的(反义 词 junior) She is senior to everyone else in the company. 她 在公司里比其他人资格都要老。 既不能与 than 连用,又不能与 major 主要的,minor 次要的,表示不太重 The young actress was given a minor part in the new play. 这年轻的女演员在这部新戏里被分配担2 to 连用的 要或较次要。 任一个小角色。 What is the major industry of our nation? 我们国 家的主要工业是什么? 八、某些以 a-开头的表语形容词 以 a- 开 头 的 只 能 作 表 语 的 形 容 词 有 afraid, alone, asleep, alive, alike, aware, awake, ashamed 等。 1. 这类形容词一般都不能用 very 修饰,但可用 much 或 very much 等修饰。如: 不能说:I am very alone. 只可以说:I am much/very much alone. 2. 另外,若它们本身带有修饰语,则也可用于名词前作定语。如: the fast asleep children 熟睡的孩子 a really alive student 真正活跃的学生 九、多个形容词修饰一个名词的排列顺序 限定词(冠词/代词)→数词→描绘形容词→大小→形状→新旧→年龄→颜色→国籍→材料+ 名词。如: a small round wooden table 一张小圆木桌 an old Chinese stone bridge 一座中式老石桥 the man’s first two famous small red French oil paintings 这个人的头两幅著名的红色法 国小油画 注意:enough 修饰形容词时,放在被修饰词之后。十、有些副词置于句首可修饰全句,作评注性状语 常见的此类副词有 actually, anyway, interestingly, strangely, eventually, fortunately, luckily, obviously 等。如: Obviously, your answer is totally wrong. 很明显,你的答案全错了。 Interestingly, he was only eleven when he composed the sonata. 有趣的是,他写那一首奏 鸣曲时年仅十一岁。 考点练透 一、单句填空 用适当的形容词、副词或用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. The number of the trees that the villagers planted last year reached as ________ as 6,000,000. 2. There was so ________ smoke that they couldn’t see across the hallway. 3. My little brother is not old ________ to go to school. 4. In that case, there is nothing you can do ________ than wait. 5. I must be getting fat — I can ________ do my trousers up. 6. They are ________ little insects that we can not easily see them with our eyes. 7. There was ________ little food left then that we had to turn to the local people for help. 8. Mary kept weighing herself to see how much ________ she was getting. 9. I haven’t seen the movie and my brother haven’t ________. 10. He is always telling lies, so I will ________ believe him. 11. John is very lazy. He falls ________ behind in his studies. 12. Two passengers fell into the sea. ________, neither of them could swim. 13. We talked ________ into the night and I was ________ moved by his words. (deep) 14. I found his talk very ________ and I was really ________ in it. (interest) 15. Who is the greatest poet ________ (live)? 16. The more words you know, the ________ (easy) you can read. 17. David has won the first prize in singing; he is still very excited now and feels ________ (little) desire to go to bed. 18. We have a ________ (month) rainfall of four inches in winter here. 19. He is by far the ________ (good) student in his class. 20. I have two brothers and both of them are ________ than me. My ________ brothers are friendly to me. (old) 21. His teacher took a deep drink, smiled __________ (warm), and thanked his student very much for the sweet water. 22. I left it early because I had an appointment __________ (late) that day. 23. He must be __________ (mental) disabled. 24. Mary felt __________ (please), because there were many empty seats in the room. 25. It might have made it a little __________ (hard) for everybody because it meant they had to turn around, but that didn’t stop the kids in the class. 26. “That would be a very__________ (reason) thing to do in a big city, but it could destroy a small village like ours,” Nick said. 27. “But such a small thing couldn’t__________ (possible) destroy a village.” 28. We drank together and talked______ (merry) till far into the night..29. He was very tired after doing this for a whole day, but he felt very happy since the crop did “grow”______ (high). 30. “You tasted the water. I tasted the gift. The water was simply the container for an act of kindness and love. Nothing could be _______ (sweet).” 二、语篇填空 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 Once, there lived two brothers in a lonely village. The ____1____ (old) brother was much ____2____ (wise) than the younger. One day, there was a big hill on the road, which was as ____3____ (heavy) as 10 tons, blocking their way. How could they move it to the side of the road since there were no modern machines at that time? The elder brother chose to give in because it was too ____4____ (easy) for him and found another way which were about 20 kilometers way. The other insisted that it would be ____5____ (possible) solved if he removed it. The older one laughed at him, saying that he was ____6____ (stupid) than persistent. ____7____ (final), his move moved others, who helped him solve the problem together. This story reminds us that as long as we are ____8____ (hope) and keep on doing it, hope will not give us up. 三、语法填空 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 China, one of the earliest cradles of civilization with a long history, is on the rise on the international stage. Accordingly, 1 the tradition influenced by Confucianism (儒家思想), the Chinese people are generally friendly and 2 (unite). They love peace and are inclined to get along well with each other in harmony. At emergency, some people would sacrifice their own interests, or rather, give those 3 need help a warm hand at the expense of their own life. Chinese people sometimes are modest and cope with problems in 4 indirect manner. Occasionally, Chinese individuals say “yes” not because they see eye to eye with others 5 out of polite, which often make foreigners puzzled and in a dilemma, since 6 cannot make an accurate judgment. Frequently, they settle a matter in a devious (委婉的) way 7 (avoid) a hot debate. In conclusion, different country has different characteristics due to their respective histories, cultures, geographies and so on and personality is just a small portion (部分). Each nation, 8 it is big or small, strong or weak, should 9 (respect) and with the diversity of civilization, the world will become 10 (colorful). 助读词汇 cradle n. 摇篮 accordingly adv. 因此 respective adj. 各自的 interests n. 利益 occasionally adv. 偶尔 be inclined to 倾向于 in harmony 和睦融洽地 at the expense of 以……为代价 cope with 处理 see eye to eye with 与……意见相同 out of polite 出于礼貌 in a dilemma 处于进退两难的境地参考答案 考点练透 一、单句填空 1. many 2. much 3. enough 4. other 5. hardly 6. such 7. so 8. heavier 9. either 10. never 11. far 12. Unluckily/Unfortunately 13. deep; deeply 14. interesting; interested 15. alive 16. the more easily 17. the least 18. monthly 19. best 20. older; elder 21. warmly 22. later 23. mentally 24. pleased 25. harder 26. reasonable 27. possibly 28. merrily 29. higher 30. sweeter 二、语篇填空 1. elder 与 younger 相对,指“哥哥”。 2. wiser 由后面的 than 可知,要比较级。 3. heavy 这里用作表语,依然用形容词,又由 as…as 之间要用原级可知,填原级。 4.uneasy 作表语,依然用形容词;由后面的“找另一条道路走”可知,应填表示“不容 易”的 uneasy。 5. possibly 修饰谓语动词,作状语,用副词形式。 6. more stupid 因 than 可知,要用比较级;由句意可知,是表示“与其……不如……”的 more…than…句型,意为“与其说他坚持,不如说他愚笨”。 7. Finally 放在句子的开头,作状语,修饰整个句子,用副词。 8. hopeful 作表语用副词,用其形容词形式。 三、语法填空 本文作者主要介绍中国人民的个性和特点,并认为任何国家的特点和个性都应该受到尊重。1. with 表“带着/有/由于/在……的帮助下”等常用介词 with。此处 with 意为“由于”。 2. united 作表语用形容词与 friendly 并列。united 在此意为“团结的”。 3. who 根据句意和上下逻辑可知,此处是个定语从句,先行词是 those 指人,故填 who, who 在从句中作主语。 4. an 不定冠词的最基本用法,此处意为“一种(方式)”。 5. but 根据前面的 not because 可知,此处是 not…but…结构,意为“不是……而是……”。 but 在此作连词。 6. they 缺少主语填代词,they 在此指代前面的 foreigners。 7. to avoid 分析句子成分可知,动词 avoid 作非谓语。不定式 to avoid 在此作目的状语。 8. whether 根据空后 big or small, strong or weak 可知,此处应填一个意为“无论,不管” 的连词,只有 whether 合适。习惯搭配 whether…or…意为“无论……或……”。 9. be respected 分析句子成分可知动词 respect 在此作谓语,故只考虑时态和语态。时态 是一般现在时,语态需要用被动,故填 be respected。 10. more colorful 此处存在一个隐性比较级。句意:正因为有不同种类的文明存在,这个 世界才变得更加丰富多彩。

资料: 29.3万


