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重难点分析 数词是用来表示事物的数量和顺序的词,分为基数词和序数词两种。 功能 作主语、宾语、表语、定语、同位语 基数词 1~19, 20~29, 整十位数和 hundred, thousand, million, billion 会读个、十、百位数读法三要点 由右向左每三位数前的逗号分别读作 thousand, million 和 billion,逗号之 间的按百位以内的数读 表示“几百”、“几千”时,hundred, thousand 等词不加-s 基 数 词 注意 hundred, thousand 等词为复数时作名词,表示“数量很多”的意思 一般的基数词后加-th,多位数的基数词只变最后一位。如:ten→tenth, one thousand two hundred and thirty→one thousand two hundred and thirtieth 整几十的基数词,去掉词尾的 y 再加 ieth,如:forty→fortieth 构成 几个不规则词:first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth 序 数 词 功能 作定语(前面要加定冠词 the);年、月、日中的日;表示“第几”时;分数 中的分母 一、基数词:表示数量的词为基数词,它的构成如下表 范围 特点 实例 1~12 无规律 one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve 13~19 以 -teen 为 结 thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen尾 20~90 以-ty 结尾 twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety 21~99 十位与个位之 间要加连字符 “-” twenty-five, sixty-five, ninety-nine 101 ~ 999 百位和十位之 间通常用 and three hundred and twenty-five (美国英语中常将 and 省略) 千以上 6275 — six thousand two hundred and seventy-five; 1200 — twelve hundred 二、序数词:表示数目顺序的词为序数词,它的构成如下表 范围 特点 实例 1~19 各 基 数 词 尾 加 -th 其中 7 个例外:first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth。 其余,如:fourth, sixth, nineteenth 20, 30~90 把 -y 变 -i 后 加 -eth twentieth, fortieth, ninetieth 21 以后多位 数 最后一个数用序 数词,其余用基 数词 21st — twenty-first, 110th — one hundred and tenth 三、数词的用法 1. 英语中年月日、钟点、序数词、分数词、编号、算式表示法列表汉语示例 英语表示法 2001 年 6 月 30 日 June 30, 2001 / June 30th, 2001 / 30 June, 2001 / 30th June, 2001 七点二十五分(7:25) seven twenty-five / twenty-five past seven 十二点五十四分(12:54) twelve fifty-four / six to one 九点十五分(9:15) nine fifteen / a quarter past nine 两点半(2:30) two thirty / half past two 时 间 表 达 二十一点五十分(21:50) twenty-one fifty / ten to twenty-two 第二十一 twenty-first 第一百二十三 one hundred and twenty-third 二分之一;四分之一;五分 之四 a half; one fourth; four-fifths (分子大于 1 时,在分母序数 词后加-s) 二又五分之二 two and two-fifths 数 字 表 达 百分之二十 20 percent 第七路公共汽车 Bus number 7 / Bus No. 7 第 201 号房间 Room 201 人民路 153 号 153 Renmin Road 编 号 表 达 第三中学 No. 3 Middle School 4+8=12 Four plus eight is twelve. 11-7=4 Eleven minus seven is four. 6×5=30 Six times five is thirty.算 式 20÷5=4 Twenty divided by five is four.A>B A is more than B. A<B A is less than B. A≈B A is approximately equal to B. 表 达 A≠B A is not equal to B. 2. 约数表示法列表 含 义 英语表达 例句 more than He has lived here for more than twenty years. 他已经在这里住了 20 多 年了。 over She is over fifty. 她 50 多岁了。 大 于 or more There are thirty people or more in the meeting-room. 会议室里有 30 多 人。 less than I have less than (no more than) fifty dollars. 我有不到 50 美元。 under Children under seven are not allowed to enter. 7 岁以下的儿童不许入内。 below He would not sell it for below a hundred fifty dollars. 低于 150 美元,他 是不会卖掉它的。 小 于 or less The coat might cost him sixty dollars or less. 这件外套花了他 60 美元或 少一些。 nearly She is nearly sixty now. 她近 60 岁了。 almost It’s almost three o’clock. 差不多 3 点钟了。 up to Up to ten men can sleep in this tent. 这个帐篷可以睡近 10 人。or He spent four or five days writing the article. 他花了四、五天的时间写这 篇文章。 or so The distance is twenty miles or so. 距离是 20 英里左右。 about I visited the village about three years ago. 大约 3 年前,我访问过那个村 子。 some Their team has some four or five players. 他们队大约有四、五个选手。 more or less The container can hold more or less twenty pounds of water. 这个容器 大约可以装 20 磅水。 大 约 around/round Let’s make it around/round eight o’clock. 那我们就定在 8 点钟左右 吧。 3. 不定数量词“多”的表示法列表 被修饰名词的 数 英语表达 汉译 dozens of 几十;许多 scores of 许多 a number of, many, a good/great many(修饰复数可数名词), many a(修饰可数名词单数) 许多;大量 hundreds of 数以百计 thousands of 成千上万 millions of 数百万 修饰可数名词 billions of 亿万修饰不可数名 词 much, a great deal of, a large amount of, large amounts of 许多;大量 修饰可数名词 或不可数名词 a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a large quantity of, large quantities of 许多;大量 考点练透 一、完成句子 根据句意将括号内的汉语译成英语。 1. It is not rare _________ (在九十年代) that people in their fifties are going to university for further education. 2. _________ (五分之三) of the land in that district is covered with trees and grass. 3. Americans eat _________ (两倍多的) as many vegetables per person today as they did in 1910. 4. The earth is _________ (49 倍) the size of the moon. 5. The grain output of this year is _________ (高 8%) than that of last year. 6. _________ (几百万) people in the world are sending information by e-mail every day. 7. The hero of the story is an artist _________ (三十多岁). 8. Mr. Smith asked me to buy _________ (两打) eggs for the dinner. 9. — Tell me where you live, please. — I live _________ (在和平路 123 号). 10. About _________ (三千人) took part in the demonstration against the war on Iraq. 11. The rice production has _________ (增加了 5.8%) this year. 12. There were fifteen presidents before Abraham Lincoln, so he was _________ (第十六任) president. 13. It will take me _________ (一年半的时间) to finish the course. 14. Is the Yellow River _________ (第二大河) in China? 15. _________ (开始的三个部分) of the text are rather difficult for us beginners. 16. I will stay here for _________ (一两天). 17. He lived in _________ (五楼 506 房). 18. The class was over. The students went out of the classroom _________ (三三两两地). 二、语篇填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据括号内的汉语提示用适当的数词填 空。 Have you ever seen 1 (一个) chimpanzee (黑猩猩) in a zoo? If not, better run and see one. Why? Because they are in danger and there may soon be none left. Chimpanzees were once found in 2 (许多) African countries. But, a United Nations report said last week that they are disappearing from some countries fast. In Senegal, for example, there are only 3 (两百) left. There used to be 4 (几 千). Chimpanzees are a kind of great ape. There are three other kinds of great ape: gorillas, gibbons and orangutans, which are all in danger. There are about 5 (四十万) great apes in the world. “They all face extinction, some soon, others within 6 (五十五年),” says Klaus Topers, head of the UN Environment Programme. “Over 7 (百分之九十六) of great ape’s DNA is like ours. If we lose them, we will destroy a part of ourselves,” says Klaus. Why are chimpanzees in danger and how can we save them? That’s because of human. We are killing them and destroying the forests where they live. According to the UN report 8 (数以千计) chimpanzees die each year because of humans. Some people kill them for money. But 9 (三分之二) of them die after humans cut down the forests where they live, which means great apes have no place to live and no food to eat. Last week, scientists from 10 (四分之三的) the countries of the world met in Paris, France, and made a report telling countries how to protect apes. 三、语法填空 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Hot Springs in Changbaishan Changbaishan is a famous nature reserve, most of which is covered with thick forest. It is home to a great diversity of plants and animals. 1 the rare animals are cranes (鹤), black bears, leopards (豹) and Siberian tigers. The most popular attraction in the reserve is Tianchi 2 you can enjoy the sight of the crystal clear waters and the view of the other sixteen mountain peaks that surround Tianchi. When you 3 (finish) your visit to Tianchi, don’t rush away. There are plenty of other things to see and do in Changbaishan. For example, you can relax in the nearby hot springs. There are many pools 4 (heat) by hot water out of the ground. What’s more, you can find water is heated by boiling rocks in the ground. 5 you are hungry, put an egg into the water. 6 a few minutes, you can have 7 delicious egg. There are so many hot springs, 13 pools in 1,000 square meters area, that you can choose 8 you like best. Some pools are very hot (over 60℃), but 9 are very pleasant for bathing. Staying in the pools can not only help you refresh yourself but also be good for health. It is a great 10 (enjoy) to bathe in hot springs and admire the beautiful scenery.助读词汇 refresh vt. 使精神振作 nature reserve 自然保护区 thick forest 茂密的森林 be home to… 是……的所在地 a great diversity of 各种各样的 Siberian tiger 东北虎 crystal clear 完全透明的 mountain peak 山峰 hot spring 温泉 admire the beautiful scenery 欣赏美丽的风景 参考答案 考点练透 一、完成句子 1. in the 1990s 2. Three fifths 3. more than twice 4. 49 times 5. 8 percent higher 6. Several million 7. in his thirties 8. two dozen 9. at 123 Heping Road 10. three thousand people 11. increased by five point eight percent 12. the sixteenth 13. one and a half years’ time 14. the second largest 15. The first three parts 16. one or two days 17. Room 506 on the fifth floor 18. in twos and threes 二、语篇填空 1. a/one 2. many / a great number of 3. two hundred 4. several thousand 5. four hundred thousand 6. fifty-five years 7. ninety-six percent 8. thousands of 9. two-thirds 10. three-fourths of / three quarters of三、语法填空 文章简要介绍长白山自然保护区的迷人风景以及温泉。 1. Among 常用句型:among…is/are…意为“在……之中有……”,是个倒装句型。 2. where 引导定语从句,修饰先行词 Tianchi,where 在从句中作状语。 3. have finished 根据后面的 don’t rush away 可知,finish 在此先发生,与 rush away 存 在先后关系,故用现在完成时最佳。 4. heated 根据空后的 by 可知填过去分词,此处是过去分词短语作后置定语。 5. If 空后是两个分句,故此处填连接词。根据句意和逻辑,两句间存在条件关系。故填 If 引导条件状语从句。注意首字母要大写。 6. After 分析句子成分可知,此短语单独存在且在句中不作主语、宾语和表语,故肯定是 填介词。根据句意可知,此处指几分钟之后,故填 After。注意首字母要大写。 7. a 不定冠词的基本用法,意为“一个/只”。 8. one 此处 one 作代词,指 13 pools 中的一个。 9. others 前面是 Some 可知故此处填 others(作代词,指其他温池)。Some…others…是常 用句型。 10. enjoyment 形容词修饰名词。enjoyment 在此意为“享受、乐趣”。

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