高中必修2Unit5 Music ppt课件

高中必修2Unit5 Music ppt课件


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Death means I can not listen to Mozart any more. —Albert Einstein Music Listen to a song, and then guess who sing(s) the song. What is the type of this song? Westlife – my loveWarming up--- Task 1:Music family Rap Rock’n’Roll Folk Classical Jazz Country Orchestra Choral PopGroups of people play different musical instruments(乐器) together. Orchestra ɔ:kɪstrə Serious and traditional style,start in Europe Classical Music Mozart Beethoven Music of black people very romantic and usually no norms Jazz saxophone [dʒæz] Many people get together to sing. ChoralMusic or song in the traditional style of a country or a specific group Folk MusicTalking and singing with a fast speed or unclear voice about their personal feelings Rap or hip-hop Rock ’ n’ Roll Very loud sound with strong beat (节奏感),describe inner thought and social changeThe music comes from the southern and western US. Country MusicCountry Heavy Metal Country Hard Rock Very loud sound with strong beat(节奏感),easy lyrics, describe normal life, invented in China Dama- Damaist=Dama+istDo you like music?Yes, I love music very much, Why? I don’t know, I just love it Speaking = topic idea details+ + 口语交流=主题+点子+细节=TID1.Do you like music? Yeah, I love music very much. I listen to music everyday, especially when I am reading and surfing on the internet. My favorite band is Beatles because of the simple lyrics and the rhythmic beats. Among their so many golden albums, I fancy ‘let it be‘, it always encourage me and cheer me up when I am sad or in troubleD=My favorite band is Beatles because of the simple lyrics and the rhythmic beats. Among their so many golden albums, I fancy ‘let it be‘, it always encourage me and cheer me up when I am sad or in trouble T=Yeah, I love music very much I=I listen to music everyday, especially when I am reading and surfing on the internet. Discussion: Do you like music I don’t think …fit for me because XXX I feel uncomfortable when listening…because XXX lyrics 歌词 beat 节拍 melody 旋律 rhyme 韵律 blue 忧郁的 melodious 悠扬的 pleasant 悦耳的 relaxing 令人放松的 soulful 充满情感的 light music轻音乐 dancing music舞曲 pop music流行 blues布鲁斯/蓝调 folk songs民歌 Punk 朋克 I prefer… I fancy… I enjoy …. I am fond of… Practice Who is your English teacher? Where is your hometown?THE EVOUTION OF MUSIC SINCE 1100-2010 Evolution of Music - Pentatonix1. Do you know any famous bands? Can you list? 2. Which one do you like best? Why? A band is a group of two or more musicians who perform instrumental or vocal music.S.H.E.ZeroSodagreen BeyondWestlifeBackstreet boys甲壳虫乐队 又称:披头士 The BeatlesDo you know any other famous bands in the world ?Do you know the Monkees?Do you know the Monkees?The MonkeesThe Monkees — the most popular band in the USA from 1966 to 1968! A big hit!The band that wasn’t Reading2. Match main ideas with paragraphs Para 1: Para 2: Para 3: Para 4: How the Monkees formed the band? Dreaming of being famous. How the Monkees became popular and developed as a real band? The common way that bands form.1. What does the title of the passage mean? A.The band wasn’t a famous one. B.The band was formed in a different way. C.The band didn’t play their own music. D.The band wasn’t supported by his fans. Choose the best answer. B 2. How many musicians were there when the band was formed at the beginning? A. Four B. Three C. Two D. One 3. When did the Monkees break up and when did it reunite? A. 1970; 1996 B. 1970; 1990 C. 1970; the mid-1980s D. 1968; 1986 D C How do most people form a band? Put the following steps in the right order. Make records. Give performance in the pubs or clubs. Musicians get together and play music at home. Play music in the street or subway. reading Reading Comprehension 4 3 1 24. Relied on other musicians 7. Pretended to sing 5. Sang songs by others 6. Sang their own songs 2. Produced their own records 1. Broke up, then reunited 3. Produced a new record The band that wasn’t The band that isPara.3&4 began music & jokes after a year or so in about 1970 in the mid-1980s in 1996 as ? based on ? became serious ? ? a real banda real band Information about The Mooknees. a TV show The Beatles broke up reunitedWithout music, life is a journey through a desert.

资料: 29.3万


