牛津3B Unit11 a good idea

牛津3B Unit11 a good idea


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Text book Fun with English 3B Unit  11 Title  A good idea Period     2 Aims   1.To provide students with basic language to ask other people what do they do at leisure time. 2.Review sport words; learn to say the 4 words correctly: cilmbing, skating, skiing, rowing. 3.Using “Let’s go …” and “That’s a good idea” to make sentences correctly. 4.To cultivate their interest of learning English and the consciousness of communicating in English. Main points and difficult points  1. Sentence: Let’s go … That’s a good idea. 2. Part A Look and say 3. Do a survey Aids  Pictures, tape recorder, balls Period Two: Step 1: free talk 1) T: How are you? Ss: I’m happy. 2) T: What’s the weather like today? Ss: It’s sunny day. Ss: It’s warm. T: Yes, spring is coming. How beautiful it is! You see, there are many pretty __flowers___and green __trees.__ Where is it? Ss: Park. T: Let’s go to the park. Ss: Ok. Let’s go. T: Now, follow me! (sing the song) Step 2 words reviewing and teaching. 1.1) I like this park very much. Look, there is a nice lake in the park. The water is clean. Please guess: What do you like doing ? I like…(help students answer the question using this sentences pattern) S1: I like swimming. T: Do you like swimming? Ss: Yes, I do. (swimming , swimming, I like swimming) T: What do you like? (Point to the lake) S2: I like fishing. (fishing, fishing, I like fishing) Ss: What do you like? T: I like rowing. (板书) 2) first look at my mouth, then read after me. 3) train, train go go go. 2. And I also like climbing in spring. (板书) (PPT show the hill) 1) read the words by climb the ladders. 2) T carries the bag and say: Do you like climbing, If Ss say “yes” T says: let’s go climbing. Give the bag to S1. S1: Let’s go climbing. T: Help them say: Good idea. ( write the title on the Bb) At the same time, we learn That’s a good idea. Read several times and practice. 3.1) Oh, season changes quick. I feel very cold. Now we are in winter. Everything turns to white.(T acts cold.) (PPT shows) The lake is frozen. Can you guess what I like doing in winter? Ss: Do you like swimming? T: Absolutely not. It’s too cold, I’m not strong enough. Ss: Do you like running? T: Yes, I do. But not on the frozen lake, it’s dangerous. T: I’ll tell you, I like skating. (板书) 2) first look at my mouth, then read after me. 3) T reads loudly, you read lowly. 4)Do you like skating? Ss: Yes, I do. T: Ok, let’s go skating. (板书) 2) look at the hill, the hill is covered by the snow. T: Let’s go skiing. Boys read, girls read. Group one, two, three read. Step 3 practice: 1) 4 pictures: Missing game. (the show the missing picture) T: Do you like…? (ask individuals) Ss: Yes, I do. T: Let’s go … Ss: Good idea./That’s a good idea. (也可以让猜对的同学拿着图片问大家:Do you like…Let’s go….然后大家一起回答。) 2) Say and act: Ask one of them to come to the front and let her/him choose one picture(或者是写着字的标签) then act. Others ask like this? Ss: Do you like…? (according to his/her action) S1: Yes, I do.                        No, I don’t. Ss: Let’s go…                       What do you like? S1: Good idea./ That’s a good idea.       I like…. T: That’s a good idea. (板书)            Let’s go…                                    Good idea. … Work in pairs. Step 4 presentation Now you know Miss He likes… and I know you like….next let’s see what David likes doing. Watch carefully. 1) listen and watch. Listen to the tape with a guiding question Q1: Does David like swimming? What does David like? Ss: Yes, he does. Q2: What are they going to do? Ss: They are going to swimming. 2)  3) Read along the video with the subtitle. 4) Read the words together. 5) Listen and imitate Practice with partner. Step5 do a survey   swimming running jogging climbing fishing skating skiing rowing father         mother         grandpa         grandma         Friend          (现在课堂上问在场的家长和你要好的朋友,剩下的family members 回家) Make dialogues according to the survey. Eg.  S1: Do you like…?        S2: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. S3: What do you like?        S4: I like …       Unit 11 A good idea Let’s go…                      That’s a good idea. Resources Reference book Postscript  

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