4B Unit 1 A new student

4B Unit 1 A new student


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4B    Unit 1 A new student 第一课时     (A: Read and say.) 三维目标 1、 理解,掌握对话内容,用正确的语音语调朗读对话,初步表演对话。2、 正确运用日常交际用语Welcome to our school. Who’s that boy? I’m new here. 3、 能正确的听、说、读 单词 boy, woman, teacher, student, nurse预习作业教学准备 1、 通过查阅工具书,理解并会读A部分。 PPT,录音机,人物图片 Mike ( student ), Miss Li( teacher  ) Miss King ( nurse) Gao Shan (student )人物头饰 Ben          导航策略热身导入学生根据老师的问题回答相关的一系列的日常交际用语。   预习展示1、 师做动作,学生说出生词,了解新单词的拼写及读音。2、出示所有的图片3、根据出示的照片复习单词 boy , girl,man, woman合作探究1. 学生学习“Welcome back to school” 2.学生认识Mike , Gao Shan, Nancy,David, Helen 等人物并学习句型:Who’s this\that…..?He\ She is ¬¬_____ . He \She is a ______. (学习新单词student )   3、认识 Miss Li, Miss GaoMiss King , Mr Green, Mrs Green 的照片 (1)学习新单词teacher   (2)  学习新单词nurse   4. 学生闭上眼睛猜一猜:(1)  A: Who’s that ______?B: He’s(She’s) ________.A: He’s (She’s) a _________.B: You’re right. ( You’re wrong)(2) A: Excuse me. Are you _______?   B:: No, I’m not.A: Are you _________?B:  Yes , I am.5、让一学生戴上Ben 的头饰让另一学生猜T:  Who’s this boy?S:  He’s ________.T:  No, you’re wrong.S:  Are you ________?B:  No, I’m not.S:  Are you _________?B:   No, I’m Ben.6.Work in pairs1、学习:  I’m new here.Welcome to our school.2、 学生与Ben 对话   7.朗读课文(1)、 听录音,跟读。(2)、分段分角色朗读。 巩固练习Act the dialogue设情境老师与学生的对话,然后学生与学生对话, 1、 老师与学生示范 2 、同桌准备 3、 同桌表演     达标检测连词成句1. is , that , woman who (?)                          2. he ,a, student, is  (.)                        3. here , am , new , I (.)                     作业布置Homework 学程预设一、Free talk1、 Hello, nice to meet you.2 、How are you ? / How are you this morning?3 、Are you happy today? 4 、Welcome back to school.5、 Good morning. Glad to meet you. Welcome back to school.二、预习展示新单词T: I have many pictures here .I like them very much. Do you like them?三、1.T: Good morning, boys and girls . Glad to meet you ..教师出示 Welcome back to school. 理解并领读。2. Do you know these boys and girls? 1)   Who’s this boy? (Who’s that boy?) He’s _______. He’s a student. (2)   Who’s this girl? (Who’s that girl?)She’s _________. She’s a student.3. Do you know these men and women?1)Who’s this man? ( Who’s that man?) He’s _________. He’s a teacher. (2) Who’s this woman?(Who’s that woman)  She’s __________. She’s a nurse. 4. Play a game (通过游戏复习并学习新的日常交际用语) Are you ……..? Yes, I am.  \ No, I’m not.     师生之间示范操练。同桌之间互相操练。   加强对重点词汇和句型的操练   Ben与老师对话:A: Hello, I’m Ben. I’m new here.B: Hello, I’m Miss Li. Nice to meet you.Welcome to our school.     创设情境老师与学生的对话,然后学生与学生对话,Model:A: Hello, I’m Ben. I’m New here.B: Hello, I’m __________.  Nice to meet you. Welcome to our school.A: Thank you. Who’s that woman? B: She’s Miss ______. She’s our English teacher.A: Who’s that boy? B: He’s _________ . He’s a student. (He’s my classmate.)        A: Oh, time to go to class. Let’s go to the classroom.B: OK. Let’s go.       1、 听录音朗读对话。2、 根据课文内容自编小对话,下节课表演。3、 听录音,欣赏歌曲 Who’s that girl? 调整反思     课题4B    Unit 1 A new student 第二课时 (B:  Look , read and learn; C:  Ask and answer.)三维目标 1、 能正确地听、说、读、写词汇 a student, a teacher, a doctor , a nurse, a boy  a girl, a man, a woman, new2、 能听、说、读、写句型Who’s that_______? He’s / She’s _______. He’s/She’s a__.预习作业 教学准备 1、 通过查阅工具书,理解并会读B部分。2、 预习C部分的对话 1人物教学图片及单词卡片:a student, a teacher, a doctor, a nurse, a boy. a girl,a man, a woman2 录音机和磁带          导航策略预习展示1、中英文配对:  boy          老师  student       妇女  teacher       男士  woman       护士  doctor        女孩  nurse        男孩  girl          医生  man         女士热身导入(一)Sing a song :Who’s that girl?(二 )Review1、 同桌到讲台表演准备好的对话2、 同桌看C部分图Ask and answer: 合作探究 1、学习单词boy, girl, man, woman的拼读           (2) 用同样的方法教girl, man, woman 的拼读 2、学习单词 doctor 和student, teacher, doctor, nurse的拼读 (1)学生找单词 读单词 (2)读单词 拼读单词   巩固练习Play a game 1.游戏1:What’s missing?     2.游戏2:Follow me.(单词卡片贴在黑板上)     3.巩固操练句型4.抄写新单词和句型 Homework作业布置 学程预设 检查学生课文预习情况,为新课学习打下基础。           Who’s that ______? He’s/She’s____.   (1) 在同桌Ask and answer 时,老师把  boy, girl, man , woman 四幅图贴在黑板上,然后把这四个单词卡片打乱贴在黑板上,通过play a game 学习以上四个单词的拼写。请学生上讲台:师问:Who’s this boy?生答: He’s _________. He’s a ________.师问:Can you spell boy?学生找出单词卡片正确拼读 : Yes, B-O-Y, boy. 老师给正确的学生一红花。   2. (1)   出示doctor,teacher, student, nurse 图片,让学生找出老师所说单词的图。老师首先报:doctor. 这个单词没学过,学生通过排除的方法找出医生。老师拿着图领读 doctor, 抽读。(2)出示单词卡片:doctor, teacher, nurse, student,让学生把卡片贴在相应的图下面,并拼读单词,正确的给一红花。 游戏一:把八张单词卡片贴在黑板上,静听老师说出其中七个单词,然后老师问:What’s missing? 学生立即说出没报的单词。同样的方法复习每个单词。游戏二:全班分两大组,1、一组的一位同学报单词nurse, 另一组的一同学立即拼读:N-U-R-S-E, nurse.2、一组的一位同学拼读B-O-Y,另一组的一同学立即读出单词:boy.回答正确得分,否则另一组得分。最后看谁的分数高。   朗读拼读单词,准备默写单词、句型 调整反思     课题4B    Unit 1 A new student第三课时     (D: Look and say.   G: Fun house.)三维目标 1、听、说、读、写句型 Are you ________? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.2、正确的语音语调朗读对话,在熟读的基础上分角色朗读。预习作业教学准备 1.记B部分单词和C部分句型,准备默写。2.预习Are you …….? 一般疑问句的回答 及 you 的意思 人物职业图          导航策略热身导入1. Sing a song : Who’s that girl?2.学生与老师进行日常交际用语   3.默写单词及句型合作探究Review1 、Play a game (1)巩固练习单词猜单词 ,拼单词     2 、Play a game (2)巩固练习句型Are you ________? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.     加强练习上面句型的复数形式。区别这两句句型的不同之处3 、Look and say看图对话。学生先同桌准备,然后同桌看图对话。Fun house :  Look and read1、 看图理解课文2、 听录音,跟读对话。    3、 自读对话。    4、 分角色读课文。达标检测句子配对our school  一名新学生Who’s that boy?那个男孩是谁?Excuse me. 我们的学校a new student 谢谢你thank you 你是一名医生吗?Are you doctor?对不起打扰一下。作业布置Homework 学程预设 Free talk1、 How are you this morning?2 、Nice to meet you.3 、Who are you?4 、Who’s that boy (girl)?5 、Are you a student?6、 Are you a new student?   用准备好的八幅让学生猜:A: What picture is this?B: A teacher.A: Yes, you’re right.Can you spell it?B: Yes, T-E-A-C-H-E-R, teacher,A: Are you a teacher? B: No, I’m not. I’m a student. 把人物职业图分给一同学(不让其他学生看见,把图藏在身后),代替图的人物。请一同学上台对话:(若学生不会,老师可先示范)A: Excuse me, are you a teacher?B: No, I’m not.A: Are you a nurse?B: Yes, I am. ( Yes, you’re right. I’m a nurse.)补充教学:Are you ________s? Yes, we are. \No,we aren’t.                 1、预习 E:Read and act2 、复习抄写的句型,准备默写。 调整反思     课题4B    Unit 1 A new student 第四课时     (E: Read and act ; F: Listen and repeat.  )三维目标 1 、复习句型:Who’s that ______? He’s (She’s) _________. He’s (She’s) a _____.Are you a ______? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.2、能正确运用对话中的日常交际用语:Come down. Don’t climb trees again.3、用正确的语音语调朗读对话,在熟读的基础上表演对话。预习作业教学准备 能读熟E部分 挂图,磁带,录音机          导航策略热身导入(一)Sing a song: Who’s that girl?(二) Free talk:       合作探究  学习E部分1.学生Look at the picture,  answer these questions:       2. 听E录音数遍,回答问提:1)Who’s the boy in the tree?2)Please say something to Liu Tao 教Don’t climb trees again.听录音,读对话。3、自读,齐读,分角色读。4、表演对话。Listen and repeat1、学生听录音,跟读这四个单词,体会w, z 的发音. 2、学生体会w 的发音.      (六)Play a game.全班分两大组,老师把单词卡片 1 Are, you, a, new, teacher,  student, doctor, nurse,   Yes, No., I ,am, not2 Who’s, that, this, boy, girl, man, woman, He’s. She’s Mike, Helen, Mr Green, Miss Gao 达标检测1连词成句(1)   the, over, Who’s, man, there, Mr, Wang. He’s (? .)                            (2)   you, a , Are , nurse, new, Yes, am, I (?,.)                            (3) to, welcome , school, our (.)                            2默写句子(1)   Who’s that boy? He’s Mike. He’s a student.(2)   Are you s teacher? Yes ,I am.作业布置 学程预设师生之间日常交际1、 How are you today?2、 Nice to meet you.     3 、Welcome to my home.4 、Excuse me, are you Mike?5 、Are you a student?6 、Are you a new student?7、Are you a teacher?8、 Is Miss Li a teacher?9、 Is your mother a nurse?10 、Is your father a doctor? 出示图:1、 Who’s this girl?2 、Is she a student?3、 Who’s that man? 4、 Is he a doctor?5 、Who’s this boy in the park?6 、Who’s this woman in the classroom?7 、Is she your English teacher?8 、Who’s the man over there? 第一题学生很快会作答。第二题若有学生说出 Come down, Liu Tao. 给一朵红花。然后边做手势边教读,让学生理解句意。同样的方法教Don’t climb trees again.   出示图及 walkman, woman, zebra,  zoo 四个单词, 出示:watch, window, 以便学生更好的体会w 的发音   分别发给分好的两组同学手中,老师口报句子Are you a new doctor? No, I am not?手持含句子中单词的学生上台按顺序站好,本组同学齐声朗读这句话.那么这组获一红五星.以此交替进行,五星多的小组获胜.           1. 熟读本单元课文.2. 完成《一课一练》Unit 1的笔试部分 调整反思     4B第一单元测试 听力部分一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(10’)(  )1   A . pen           B. Ben          C. ten(   ) 2   A . ball           B . boy          C . toy(   ) 3   A . his            B . her          C . he(   ) 4   A . evening        B . morning      C . afternoon(   ) 5   A . I am new here .  B . I am new .    C .I am a new student .二、听录音,选择正确的应答。(10’)(   ) 1   A . She  is  Su Yang .  B . He’s  Ben .      C . I’m  Tom .(   ) 2   A . Yes , I am .         B . I’m a nurse .      C . Thank  you .(   ) 3   A . Yes , he is .         B . Yes , she is .      C . No , he isn’t . (   ) 4   A . Hello , I’m LiuTao .  B . Good morning .   C .Good afternoon .(   ) 5   A . My mother .        B . My grandmother .  C . My sister .三、听录音,填入所缺的单词。(10’)1.---Who’s  that  ________?  ---__________Helen’s  brother .2.---Who’s the ________in the classroom ? ---__________Li Hui .3.---________you  a  _______here? ---No,_______  ________.I’m a new student here .4.---Is  ______ a  doctor? --- No, he ______. 笔试部分 一、英汉互译(10’)1. 一位新来的学生_______________    2. 那位女孩__________________3. 这位医生_______________________  4. 她的老师____________________5. 三位护士________________________  6. in the tree____________________7. come down_______________________  8. come here___________________9. new here_____________         10. Welcome to our school.______________二、 判断下列各组单词化纤部分读音是否相同,正确“T”,错误“F”。(6’)1、student, bus (     )  2、woman,  violin (     )  3、teacher, sweater (      )4、toy, boy  (      )  5、bird, girl (      )     6、zebra, zoo  (       )三、单项选择(20’)(    )1. ----______ that man?       ----He’s a doctor.          A. Who’s          B. Whose           C. Who(    )2.----Is he a teacher?     ----________.          A. Yes, he’s a doctor.  B. No, he’s a teacher.    C. No, he’s a doctor.(    )3.______, are you a nurse here?A. Sorry          B. Excuse me           C. Who’s(    )4. _______ climb th tree.         A. Do          B. Not            C. Don’t(    )5. Who’s the man in the tree?         A. He’s my brother.    B. She’s my sister.     C. No, I’m not.(    )6. Look at the apples _______ the tree.         A. in         B. on           C. at(    )7. ----Who’s the man _______?  ---- He’s Mr. Brown.          A. over there       B. there          C. come here(    )8. ----Welcome to our school.   ---- _____________.         A. Me, too.          B. Thank.           C. Thank you.(    )9. ----_______ that on the desk?  ----It’s a black cat.         A. Where’s       B.What’s          C. Who’s(    )10. ----Are you a new student?  ----_______.         A. Yes, I am.      B. Yes, you are.    C. No, I’m not.四、 连词成句。(10’)1、 there,  who’s,  over,  boy,  that (?)_________________________________________________2、 new,  am,  here,  I (.)_________________________________________________________3、 you,  a,  are,  nurse,  me,  excuse (, ?)______________________________________________4、 that,  who’s,  girl (?)___________________________________________________5、 again,  don’t,  trees,  climb (.)____________________________________________________五、 根据上下文完成对话。(20’)1、 A: Excuse me, _______ your name?            B: ______ Xiao Jun. I’m ______ here.A: Oh, I see. Welcome ______ our school .      B: ________  _______ very much.2、 A: _______ that _______?                     B: She’s Miss Wu.A: Is _______ a ________(护士)?B: ________, she’s a ________(教师). She’s _______ here.3、A: _______ ______, _______ you a _______ (医生)?   B: _____, I’m a ______(护士).   A: Welcome ____ our hospital(医院).                B: Thank you.六、 根据实际情况回答问题。(4’)1、 What’s your name? _________________________________2、 Are you a new student? _______________________________3、 Is your mother a nurse? _______________________________4、 Who is your English teacher? ___________ Mr./Miss______.  

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