牛津9B Unit 4 Great people

牛津9B Unit 4 Great people


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9B  Unit 4  Great peopleWelcome to the unit Date: Step 1  Warm-up activities 1 Read the conversation between Eddie and Hobo. Check understanding of ‘invent’ 2 Introduce the idea of  famous people.  3.Ask two more able students to role-play the conversation. Step 2 Presentation1 Ask more able students, 2  Ask students to look at Part A (P53)and explain that they are famous people  .  and then get students to write the correct words under the picture 3 Go around the class to check that students have written the correct letters. 4 Ask more able students to think of other famous people5  Read the list of words in Part B and check that students understand their meanings. 6 On the Bb, write. Language pointsStep 3  Homework1 Learn the language points by heart.2  Preview the Reading Part. Notes: ReadingDate: Step1  .Revision 1 Review key vocabulary according to the general ability of the class. Tell the class about a famous people ,a famous astronautStep2  Presentation (Reading A) 1 Divide the class into three groups and allocate one article to each group. While students skim the text on their own, ask them to underline the words they do not know. Then go through the words students have underlined. 2 On the Bb, write the headings. Ask each group to go through again and find words or expressions to match each heading. Invite students from each group to come forward and write their words and expressions under the correct heading. 3 Write some questions on the Bb for students to copy in their books.    Step3  Presentation (Reading B) 1 Explain the context and check that students understand the text . Then  complete  Part B1 in P56. Ask students to answer the them . 2 Ask students to do Part B1 on their own.Encourage students to check their answer with a partner. Then ask students to read out at a time. 3 Explain Part B2 and ask students to find each description in the corresponding letter. ask more able students to briefly describe Step 4  Presentation (Reading C) 1 Divide the class into teams of 4-5 students. Do Part C1 as a quiz. Set a time limit. 2  Ask students to correct the false sentences. 3 Explain the context of Part C2 and check that students understand the idea .Accept all reasonable answers,.Step 5 Language points (Part A)Learn Language points Step6 Homework1 Learn the language points by heart.2  Preview the Vocabulary & Grammar  Part. Notes:   GrammarDate: Step 1  Presentation (Grammar Part A) 1 Tell students that a defining relative clause identifies the noun before it . Explain that we can not take  it out of a sentence because it contains important information . We can use “who “ “which “ or “that” in defining relative clause .Read the examples on the page and invite students to think of more examples.2 .Read Part A Step2  Presentation (Grammar Part B) 1 It is a good idea to use examples of defining relative clause , 2 Add one or two students to elicit examples with defining relative clause.3 Ask students to complete in Part B1 on their own. 4  Ask students to complete in Part B2 on their own. 5  Ask students to complete the sentences in Part B3 on their own and compare answers with partner. Check answers orally with the class. 6.Get them to act out Part B3Step 4  Language points Step5 Do some exersicesFill in the blanks with who , whom ,which, whose, or that.1. A clock is a machine ________ tells people the time.2. A nurse is a person ________ looks after people who are ill.3. The house ________ he is looking for is very expensive.4. He is the person _____________ I met in the park yesterday.5. Can you help me find the person ________ saved the girl ?6. She is the engineer _______ work is considered to be the best here.7. The team ________ won the basketball match is from No.27 Middle School.8. I have lost the watch _________ my father gave to me two years ago.9. The person _____ designs were the best was Mr. King.Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.1. I met the lady in the park which showed us how to cook dumplings.2. He has two sons, all of whom are doctors.3. The watches which was repaired last week have not been sent back.4. Jane Evans is a famous doctor, to that the president is talking.5. The student who’s father works in your company is sitting at the end of the classroom.6. She is the girl whom was praised the other day.7. She can’t tell the reason where she sold the watch.8. The foreign tourists said that Hang-zhou was the most beautiful city which they had ever seen.9. This book, that only appeared a year ago, has been translated into English.10. July 7,1937 is a day when the Chinese people and the Japanese people will never forget.Choose the best answer 1. This is the mountain village __we visited the other day.A. which   B. in which  C. where   D. when2. A child __ parents are dead is called an orphan.A. which  B. his   C. whose   D. with3. She thought I was talking about her daughter, ___ , in fact, I was talking about my daughter.A. whom   B. where   C. which   D. while4. The gentleman ___ you told me yesterday was a thief.A. who   B. about whom   C. whom   D. with whom5. The doctor ___ is leaving for Africa next month.A. the nurse is talking to him    B. whom the nurse is talking C. whom the nurse is talking to   D. who the nurse is talking6. All __ is needed is a supply of oil.A. the thing   B. that   C. what   D. which7. Finally, the thief handed everything ___ he had stolen to the police.A. which   B. what   C. whatever   D. that8. A chemist’s shop is a shop ___ sells medicine.A. who   B. which   C. where   D. in which9. The students ___ do not study hard will not pass the examination.A. /   B. who   C. which   D. they10. He told us about the things and persons ____ he met during his staying in England.A. which and who   B. which   C. who   D. that`Step 6  Homework1 Learn the language points by heart.2  Preview the Integrated  skills  Part. Notes:  Integrated skillsDate:  Step1 Presentation (Integrated skills A) 1 Get students to  read Part A1 and then do the execises 2 Invite students to talk about Marie Curie. 3 Play the recording. Students listen carefully and complete the sentenes with  correct words in Part A3. 4 Ask students to read out.Read the completed text to check the correct answers. 5 Play the recording for Part A3 and ask students to complete. Go through on page 65 again. Read the completed text. Step2  Presentation (Integrated skills B) 1 Close the books and listen to me while I read the conversation. Ask students to repeat the sentences as they hear them. 2 Ask students to practice the conversation in pairs and then change roles. Step3  Language pointsStep4Homework1 Learn the language points by heart.2  Preview the Study skills, Main task & Checkout  Part. Notes: PronunciationDate: Step1  Presentation (Pronunciation) 1 Ask more able students what they want to find out when they read. Write ‘Stress ’ on the Bb  Underline the particular syllables.and put the stress in the right place . 3 Ask more able students to underline particular syllables 5  Tell students to read them again,.Step2  Language points (Pronunciation) Notes: Main taskDate: Step1  Presentation (Main task) 1 Explain the context of entering a writing competition of a great person . If possible, find out about similar writing. 2  sk students to look at Amy’s notes in Part A. 3 Remind students that when we take notes, we don’t need to write in complete sentences--- we just need to write down the keywords. 4  Encourage students to use a variety of words to avoid repetition. 5 Ask students to read Daniel’s article in Part B on their own. Then ask general questions to check comprehension. 6 Ask students to write a a great person using their notes in Part B,Amy’s article as a model and the plan in Part C. Step2  Language points (Main task) Notes:   CheckoutDate: Step1  Presentation (Checkout) 1 Tell students that they will be able to check their use of who which or that., a defining relative clause they have learned in the unit by doing Part A. 2 Ask students to read through it and complete the conversation. 3 Tell students that they need to select the correct words to fit the context of the sentences in the diary entry in Part B. Set a time limit. Step2  Language points (Checkout) Step3  Homework1 Learn the language points by heart. 2 Preview Unit 2. Notes:

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