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2020高考二轮专题复习 课题:应用文写作中的常见错误与方法指导一、评分原则 1. 本题总分为15分,按五个档次进行评分。 2. 评分时,应主要从内容组织、词汇语法和篇章结构三个方面考 虑,具体为: (1) 对内容要点的覆盖情况以及表述的清楚程度和合理性。 (2) 使用词汇和语法结构的准确性、恰当性和多样性。 (3) 上下文的衔接和全文的连贯性。 高考应用文写作评分标准第五档:(13-15分)能写明全部要点;语言基本无误;行文连 贯,表达清楚; 第四档:(10-12分)能写明全部或绝大部分要点;语言有少量 错误;行文不够连贯, 表达基本清楚; 第三档:(7-9分)能写明基本要点;语言虽有较多错误,但能 基本达意; 第二档:(4-6分)能写出部分要点;语言错误多,影响意思表 达; 第一档:(1-3分)只能写出一两个要点;语言错误很多,只有 个别句子正确。 二、各档次的给分范围和要求卷别 体裁 命题形式 话题 2019(Ⅰ) 申请信 文字提纲 向办中国画展览的伦敦美术馆申请志愿者工作 2019(Ⅱ) 告知信 文字提纲 告知队友有关排球队比赛信息 2019(Ⅲ) 邀请信 文字提纲 邀请英国朋友参加音乐节 2018(Ⅰ) 建议信 文字提纲 就中国餐桌礼仪回复对方的询问 2018(Ⅱ) 通知 文字提纲 英文短片放映通知 2018(Ⅲ) 介绍 文字提纲 向英国朋友介绍你校体育运动情况 2017(Ⅰ) 告知信 文字提纲 告知外国朋友下一次汉语课的计划 2017(Ⅱ) 邀请信 文字提纲 邀请外教参加中国剪纸艺术展 2017(Ⅲ) 邀请信 文字提纲 邀请留学生朋友加入校乒乓球队 2016(Ⅰ) 求助信 文字提纲 请求外教修改申请书和简历 2016(Ⅱ) 邀请信 文字提纲 邀请英国朋友参加国际中学生摄影展 2016(Ⅲ) 道歉信 文字提纲 因故不能赴约给好友写道歉信 2015(Ⅰ) 约稿信 文字提纲 请美国朋友为校报写稿 2015(Ⅱ) 邀请信 文字提纲 邀请外教一起去敬老院陪老人过重阳节明确常见失分点,对症下药 技法一 言之有规 · 显功底 问题描述:低端错误,直接降档 一、单词拼写错误 1.漏字母。常常被漏掉的字母有不发音的字母e、其他不发音的字母以及双写 的字母等。 believe government interest excellent permission beneficial meaningful familiar broaden therefore personally necessary pressure address beginning ability 2.多字母。受思维定式的影响,在单词中插入多余的字母。 writing eating habit ninth similar altogether forty truth truly 3.错字母。书写单词时无意识地拼错字母。 horizon pardon splendid professor monitor grammar independent actor scenery ordinary recommend 6 4.颠倒字母。由于记忆不清,或受其他单词的干扰,将单词中字母 的排列顺序颠倒。 first modern destroy history calm Wednesday receive 5.名词的单复数错误。不可数名词误加s,或者前面加a。 应用文中常见的不可数名词有:news advice information fun progress knowledge(have a good knowledge of了解) 二、语法运用错误 特别提醒:时态、语态和主谓一致的错误1.There is no denying the fact that two country have some different. 2. Only you want to good study , can’t everything beat you. 3.Keep it up, you will success. 4.Knowing that you will come to the UK and study in a university there. You may be meet some trouble which from your new study environment. 5.The place is in the International Exchange Center and the time is 9:30am. 6.Our school is going to hold the Campus Arts Festival next month. 7.You can contact me if you are convenient. there are some differences between the two countries. As long as you make your mind to study hard, nothing can defeat you. Keep it up and you will be successful. Knowing that ---go---,I would like to give you some suggestions. Maybe you will meet some trouble in the new surroundings. The activity will be held at 9:30am.in the International Exchange Center. The Campus Arts Festival will be held in our school next month. If it is convenient for you/if you are available. 技法二 言之有心 · 不跑题 问题描述:审题不清,错在源头 【典例】(2019·全国卷1)假定你是李华,暑假在伦敦学习,得知 当地美术馆要举办中国画展览。请写一封信申请做志愿者,内容包括: 1.写信目的 2.个人优势 3.能做的事情 Dear Sir/ Madam, Im Li Hua, an exchange student who is studying in London. I’m writing to apply to be a volunteer for the Chinese painting exhibition to be held in London. As an important part of Chinese culture, the Chinese paintings can date back to more than 6, 000 years ago. Different from Western paintings, the Chinese painting is known for its brush drawings in black ink and natural colors. People, landscapes, plants and animals are the most popular themes of the traditional Chinese painting. In the history of the Chinese painting, there were many famous painters, such as Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong, etc. Nowadays, Chinese paintings are becoming more and more popular and highly thought of throughout the world. So, I’m going to apply to help foreign friends to learn the Chinese painting voluntarily. looking forward to your reply as soon as possible. Yours, Li Hua根据2019年的全国卷1书面表达考生答卷抽样分析可知,写作主题方 面出现了以下4种失误: 1.有些考生偏重介绍了中国绘画的特色与魅力,而个人优势和能做的 事情却一笔带过。上面这篇习作属于此类失误。 2.有些考生重点描述了在伦敦学习的情况,而忽略了真正的写作目的。 3.有些考生重点介绍了个人优势,而能做的事情却没有写出。 4.有些考生可能在背负被考上,背诵的有关画展或中国传统文化的作 文比较多,没有认真审题,就熟练地背写下来了,以至于写出的作文 与题目要求大相径庭。 针对以上问题,同学们在写作前要认真审题,要做到“言之有心”。 “言之有心“即”扣主线、要点全、不偏颇”。Dear Sir /Madam I’m Li Hua, an outgoing boy, who is studying in London.I am writing to apply to be a volunteer for the Chinese painting exhibition to be held in London. I have some advantages for the job. First of all, having lived in China for sixteen years and having learnt English since I was a child, I have a good command of English and Chinese, which is beneficial to introducing Chinese paintings. Besides, having a good knowledge of Chinese paintings because of my familiarity with Chinese painting culture, I can get foreigners and the locals to know more about Chinese paintings. Last but not least, through my introduction and efforts, I believe, I can strengthen the friendship between China and England. I would appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration. Yours, Li Hua Tip:tone friendly,sincere formal/respectful/modest技法三 言之有序 · 显逻辑 问题描述:结构松散,层次不清 一.行文连贯,过渡自然 (一)表示“开始”词汇有: 1. firstly, first of all, at first, in the first place, above all, to begin/start with ,first and foremost(顺序性) 2. today, now, nowadays, at present, currently, recently(时间) 3. generally speaking, according to,with the development of (引起话题)(二) 表示“递进”,衔接上文的词汇有: 1.besides, in addition, what’s more, moreover, furthermore, meanwhile, in the meantime ,at the same time,last but not least 2. soon afterwards, after that, then (三)表示“并列”的衔接词语: and, or, also, as well as, both ...and, neither ... nor ..., not only ... but (also) ..., either ... or ..., not ... but ...等。 such as ,as follows,for example,that is to say, in other words(四)表示“列举事实”的衔接词语: such as ,as follows,for example,that is to say,in other words (五)表示“总结”的衔接性词语: in brief, in short, to sum up,all in all,on the whole,in conclusion (六)表示因果 because, because of, therefore ,thus ,accordingly(因此),as a result,consequently (七) 表示转折 however, nevertheless, though,in spite of, despite,on the contrary, in contrast 二、创建起承转合,打造优秀篇章 起:How is everything getting along with you and your family? I’m more than delighted to know that------ Learning/knowing/Hearing that------,I------ I’m writing to ------ 承: Here are arrangements for this activity. My suggestions/The details are as follows. In my opinion/As far as I’m concerned,------ 转:some people have expressed the opposite opinion. 合:all in all, in conclusion,to sum up------ I hope you will find these suggestions helpful/I hope my suggestions will be of benefit to you. I would appreciate if you can take ------into consideration. 技法四 言之有技 · 经推敲 问题描述:隐蔽语病,中档徘徊 一、意义要完整 问题句:I suggest you take high-speed trains to Shanghai and Xiamen for your summer holidays and you’d better take summer wear plus an umbrella with you. 修改句: I suggest you take high-speed trains to Shanghai and Xiamen for your summer holidays and both the cities are hot and rainy,so you’d better take summer wear plus an umbrella with you. [点评]问题句中”you’d better take summer wear plus an umbrella with you.”是作者的观点,但前后没有出现支撑这个观点的语句,因此这句话的出现有 些突兀。修改后的句子内容充实完整,易于读者理解。二、行文要一致 问题句:I’m going to attend a lecture on modern Chinese drama, because he is a dramatist I like. 修改句: I’m going to attend a lecture on modern Chinese drama, because the speaker is a dramatist I like. [点评]问题句中没有提到另外的人,“he”的指代不明确,故应用具体的名词交代清楚。 三、表达要简洁 问题句:our school will hold a music festival next Sunday morning in the school hall. And I’m writing to invite you to join us for the music festival. 修改句:And I’m writing to invite you to join us . 【点评】问题句中划线部分中的“the music festival”与前文重复,为了使句子更简洁 可省略。技法五 言之有艺 · 秀文采 问题描述:语言平淡,缺乏亮点 应用文写作得分在中档的写作特点:1.仅使用简单的词或短语 2.句式单一,单句较多 3.缺乏承上启下的词语和句子 4.不会使用从句 5.不会正确使用非谓语或短语 6.不会 使用倒装句和强调句型。 毛坯---精装 一、洗词炼句、地道表达 策略1 多用具体词,少用笼统词 在形容一个人的品质时,可以说“ She is nice.”,但是单单一个“nice不足以形象地表达出 一个人的品质。这时,可以选用generous, humorous, interesting, smart, gentle,warm- hearted,easy- going等一些包含具体意义的词。这些词可以把一个人的品质生动地呈现给 阅卷者。再如” That’s a very good movie.“这一句中的 good过于笼统,可以选用 instructive 或 moving等较为具体的词,这样更符合英语的表达习惯。常用的笼统词及与其对应的具体 词,供同学们参考。笼统词 具体词 good amazing令人惊叹的terrific极好的 outstanding出色的 pleasant令 人愉快的 fantastic极好的 bad awful很坏的 unpleasant令人不快的 terrible可怕的令人极不快的 happy cheerful快乐的 delighted快乐的 pleased高兴的 joyful快乐的 sad depressed沮丧的,抑郁的 gloomy优郁的 upset难过的 pretty appealing有吸引力的 cute可爱的 elegant优美的 big large大的 huge巨大的 giant巨大的 enormous庞大的 like admire欣赏 cherish珍爱 treasure珍视,珍爱 appreciate欣赏策略2 多用高级表达方式,少用普通表达方式 释义 普通表达 高级表达 be able to do be capable of doing 未能 be not able to do fail to do 完成 finish accomplish 习惯于 be used to be accustomed to 实际上 actually as a matter of fact 喜欢 like, love,enjoy have a taste for,be fond of,be crazy about 认真地 carefully attentively 得到 get obtain, acquire 重要,要紧 important matter, count, essential, significant,vital,crucial 虽然,尽管 though/although despite the fact that 决定做 decide to do be determined to do 相信 believe that--- hold the firm belief that---,be convinced that--- 能够做培养 develop, train foster, cultivate 不同种类的 different kinds of a variety of 使某人做某事 make sb.do sth enable sb. to do sth. 显然 clearly apparently, obviously 即将来临 be coming be around the corner, be approaching 忙于 be busy with be occupied with sth, be occupied in doing 掌握 master have a good command of 考虑 consider take---into consideration/account 记住 remember keep/bear---in mind 努力做 try to do spare no effort to do, make great efforts to do. 使某人意识到 make sb.realize--- raise sb.’s awareness of------ 帮助某人 help/aid/assist sb. do sb. a favor, give sb.a hand 影响 affect have an effect/influence/impact on 全神贯注于 focus on put one’s heart into,concentrate on,be absorbed in,be devoted to有利于有助于 be good for,do good to be beneficial to, contribute to 一定会做某事 be sure/certain to do be bound to do 向某人道歉 apologize to sb. make an apology to sb. 面对面临 face be faced with 知道,意识到 know, realize be aware of/that,be conscious of,come to realize 重视,关注 value, pay attention to attach great importance to,take sth.seriously 试图做某事 try to do make an attempt to do. 尊敬 respect show respect for 利用,使用 use make full use of,take advantage of,make the best of 参加(活动/比赛)join in,take part in participate in ,get involved in 参观 visit pay a visit to 应该 should be supposed to 想要做某事 want to do sth. can’t wait to do sth.,desire/long to do sth.二、丰富表达,妙笔生花 策略1 特殊句式,风景独好 1.运用强调句 It was your invitation that let me have such a fragrant (芳香的, 美好的)memory in my life. 2.运用倒装句 Only in this way can we---/not only----,but aslo--- So perfect the concert was that it left an unforgettable impression on me. 3.运用虚拟语气 If you hadn't invited me, I wouldn't have experienced such an unforgettable concert. 策略2 三大从句,编排巧妙 1.运用定语从句,让表述更丰满。 Some distinguished(著名的) professors will be invited to deliver lectures on how to promote the development of---during which you will definitely gain a better understanding of it. 2.运用名词性从句 What impressed me most was the fantastic performance given by the pianists.3.运用状语从句,让逻辑更清晰。 However/No matter how tough the task is, there is no doubt that we will overcome all the difficulties. 策略3 活用非谓语,让表述言简意赅。 Learning that you’re leaving for the United States soon, I’m eagerly writing to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for your help. 策略4 活用万能佳句1.I’m planning to participate in the English speech contest whose topic is---- 2.Aimed at improving the students’ spoken English and their skills in making public speeches, the/an activity/contest will be held in our school next week. 3.I wonder if you are available/if it is convenient for you at 3 p.m. this Saturday? 5.I think it is a window through which I can get to know English culture and custom. 6.Without /But for your assistance ,I would haven’t make such great progress. 7.In addition to what I have mentioned above,I---- 9.Do bear in mind that--- 10.The reason why---is that--- 11.What I want to stress is that----12.Your early reply will be earnestly anticipated. 1.Hearing that you are concerned about/interested in my lengthy vacation,I couldn’t resist my inner excitement to get you informed of some details. 2.What is known to all is that our winter vacation was put off/postponed,which gave us overwhelming(压倒性的,势不可挡的)tension(紧张). 3.On account of the outbreak of COVID-19,we have no alternative but to stay at home. 4.As a high school student,under no circumstances should we stop learning. 5.Without being overseen by teachers,I have become an automatic (自动的 )learner. 6.Having listed a clear schedule,I made an arrangement for myself. 7.A variety of internet classes,books and sports activities not only feasted our eyes (使大饱眼福)but aslo made us have a better understanding of life. 关于疫情和超长假期生活的佳句8.Hearing teachers’ voice,it seems that I had always been in class.The books are taken out from the shelf one by one,which helps to broaden my horizons. 9.Learning on Internet opens a window through which we fuel our enthusiasm to--- (激发对---的热情). 10.As is known to us all,the rapid spread of the COVID-19 makes China at a time of crisis(危机),disturbing (打扰,干扰)the routine (日常事务,例行公事) in our daily life. 11.It is urgent(紧急的)that we should take an ocean of measures to prevent us form being infected.Thank you

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