PEP版五下英语Unit 5 Whose dog is it part B Les talk 2课件

PEP版五下英语Unit 5 Whose dog is it part B Les talk 2课件


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Unit 5 Whose dog is it ? part B let's talk eat clean do sleep go climb jump play drink Whose footprint? (猜猜这是谁的脚印) Fido Fido likes walking very much. Fido 非常喜欢散步 Can you take Fido to the park? 你能带Fido去公园吗? Of course! 当然可以! Let’s try living room kitchen bedroom Where is Fido? A day of Fido (Fido的一天) In the morning. He’s sleeping in the living room. sleeping At noon. He’s eating in the kitchen. eating In the afternoon. He’s drinking in the kitchen. drinking I can read! (读一读) sleep sleeping 睡 eat eating 吃 drink drinking 喝 Can you read?(会读吗?) jump jumping 跳 watch watching 看 play playing 玩 I can read! (读一读) ingdo going swimmi ng inging ing shopping cleanread draw I can read! (读一读) play with…… 与谁一起玩耍 Of course! 当然可以! Can I play with you now? 我现在能和你一起玩吗? sleeping drinking water Of course! playing eating Faster and better!(看哪一组读得最快最好!) Can you take him to the park? Can I play with him now?? He’s sleeping. He’s eating. At night. What is Fido doing now? 晚上到了,Fido在做什么呢? Is he drinking water? No, he isn’t. He’s eating. Is he _____? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.He is_____ Pair-work(同桌对话) 1 2 3 4 Sam is at Chen Jie's home. But he can’t find Fido. Let’s talk Let’s listen Q1:Where is Fido now? Q2:Is he drinking water? Reading Tip: Get information from the pictures. 借助图片,获取信息。 Let’s check Q1:Where is Fido now? Q2:Is he drinking water? He is in the kitchen. No, he isn’t. He’s eating. Listen and repeat Reading Tip: Please read loud and correctly. (请大声而准确地跟读) (Sam is at Chen Jie’s home.) Sam: Where is Fido now? Chen Jie: He’s in the kitchen. Sam: Is he drinking water? Chen Jie: No, he isn’t. He’s eating. Sam: Can I play with him now? Chen Jie: Yes. Can you take him to the park? Sam: Of course! Fido, come here! Fido: Woof, woof! Read it better 要注意语气语调,并加上动作哦! Group work I can read. Tips: 1.Read in groups. 组内读。 2.GL check and help. 组长检测,帮助。 Group work(小组活动) Let’s act (演一演) 角色分配: 旁白(aside)1人 Sam 1人 Chen Jie 1人 Fido 1人 Group leaders are in charge of role play. 组长协调角色分配,组织练习 Tips: Group work(小组活动) Tip2 You can choose one: 以下三项选择一项完成 1.Read the dialogue. 朗读对话,发音准确。 2.Act the dialogue. 表演对话,动作表情自然。 3.Create the dialogue. 创编对话,内容有新意。 Fill the blank. (Sam is at Chen Jie’s home) Sam:Where is Fido? Chen Jie:He’s in the kitchen. Sam:Is he drinking water? ChenJie:No,he isn’t. He’s eating. Sam: Can I play with him now? Chen Jie:Yes,Can you take him to the park? Sam: Of course! Fido,come here! Fido: Woof,woof! Dogs and human’s friendship can last forever. 狗与人类的友谊永存 We should love animals! 我们应该爱护动物

资料: 29.3万


