四年级英语下册Unit 3 Weather Part A Les learn课件(PEP版)

四年级英语下册Unit 3 Weather Part A Les learn课件(PEP版)


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a PEP4 Unit 3 Weather Part A Let's learn Mickey A wonderful trip(旅 行)!Let’s go! Hong Kong Lhasa Harbin Beijing Map of China Hong Kong Hot, hot. It’s hot in Hong Kong. hot 390c What ’s the weather like in Hong Kong ? 天气 Hong Kong Harbin Lhasa Beijing Lhasa 15 0c 凉爽的 What ’s the weather like in Lhasa ? Cool, cool. It’s cool in Lhasa. cool 15 0c 凉爽的 Hong Kong Beijing Lhasa Harbin Cold, cold. It’s cold in Harbin. -15℃ 寒冷的 Harbin cold What ’s the weather like in Harbin ? Hong Kong Harbin Beijing Lhasa Warm, warm. It’s warm in Beijing. 20 0c 暖和的 Beijing warm What ’s the weather like in Beijing ? Hot, hot. It’s in . Cold, cold. It’s in . Warm, warm. It’s in . Cool, cool. It’s in . hot cold warm cool Hong Kong Harbin Beijing Lhasa warmwarm coolcool hothot coldcold warmwarm warmwarm coolcool hothot coldcoldcoldcold warmwarm coolcool hothot coldcold coolcool warmwarm coolcool hothot coldcold coolcool hothot warmwarm coolcool hothot coldcoldcoldcold warmwarm It’s ______ .cold It’s ______ .warm It’s ______ .hot It’s ______ .cool Let’s chant! Brr, it’s cold. It’s cold outside. Put on a hat. Cold, bye-bye! Mmm! It’s warm. It’s warm inside.Let's chant 1.swf Take off your shoes. It feels so nice. Harbin Beijing Hong Kong Lhasa Good morning. This is the report. It’s in Lhasa. cold hot warm weather cool cool weather report 天气预报 Harbin Beijing Hong Kong Lhasa Good morning. This is the report. It’s in Lhasa. It’s … in Hong Kong. It’s … in Beijing. It’s …in Harbin. cold hot warm weather cool cool weather report 天气预报 The trees are cut down. 树木被砍伐 The forest is destroyed. 森林被砍伐 Polluting gases flow into the sky. 污染气体排入天空 The Sea-level rise. 海平面上升 Bad weather 坏天气 We should protect our environment. 我们要保护环境。 ★: Talk the weather with your parents. ★★: Please make a card of weather about theses days for Mickey. Mickey will visit huaibei next Sunday. Homework 米奇下个星期天将来淮北 和你父母说说天气 为米奇制作一张这几天的天气表格

资料: 29.3万


