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满分写作技巧-句式 句式高大上  我们来看下面这个句子的翻译:  越来越多的人开始骑自行车。  学沫版:More and more people begin to ride bikes.  学渣版:An increasing number of people begin to cycle.  伪学霸:Cycling attracts more and more people.  学霸版:Cycling is now adding its appeal for many citizens.  学神版:Cycling gains its popularity.  不同级别的同学对这个句子的不同表达,其实无形中就奠定了你的作文 分数。那么要如何写出精彩的句子,进而写出一篇优秀作文呢?首先, 我们要先弄清英语的基本句式,然后在其基础上进行优化,具体是如何 做呢?赶紧看看下面的方法吧!如何两步弄清英语句式? 英语句式组成成分  构成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分,包括主语、谓语、表语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语、 状语、同位语  那么,这些成分的含义是什么呢?哪些词性的词可以充当呢?别急,我们一个个看。  1. 句子说明的人或事物为主语, 通常由名词、代词、数词、名词化的形容词、不定式、动 名词或从句担任。   The young should respect the old.(名词化的形容词作主语)  2. 谓语说明主语的动作、状态和特征。由动词担任。   The work will be done before two'clock. (由情态动词或助动词+动词/动词词组组成句子 谓语)  3. 放在系动词后的成分叫做表语, 表示主语的性质、状态和特征。通常由名词、代词、数 词、形容词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式、动名词、分词或从句等担任。  That remains a puzzle. (名词作表语) 英语句式组成成分  4. 宾语是动作的对象或承受者——及物动词或介词的宾语。通常由名词、代词、 数词、形容词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式、动名词、分词或从句等担任。  She didn't say anything. (代词作宾语)  5. 有些及物动词除了有一个直接宾语以外,还要有一个宾语补足语,说明宾语的 身份和状态以补充其意义不足,使句子的意义完整。 通常由名词、形容词、副词、 介词短语、动词不定式、分词等担任。宾语和宾语补足语一起构成复合宾语。   She asked me to lend her a hand.(带to不定式作宾补)  6. 定语是修饰或限制名词或代词的部分。通常由名词、数词、形容词、副词、介 词短语、动词不定式、分词、从句等担任。  There is a sleeping baby in bed.(现在分词作定语) 英语句式组成成分  7. 状语说明地点、时间、原因、目的、结果、条件、方向、程度、方式和伴随状况等。通 常由介词短语、动词不定式、从句等担任。  He studies hard to learn English well.(动词不定式作目的状语)  8. 一个名词(或其它形式)对另一个名词或代词进行修饰,限定或说明,这个名词就是同 位语。同位语与被它限定的词的格要一致,并常紧挨在一起。通常由名词、代词、数词、 从句等担任。  We Chinese peopleare brave and hardworking.(名词作同位语) 句式基本类型-主谓  1. 主语+谓语  ★ 句式须知  在这种结构中,谓语一般由不及物动词或不及物动 词词组充当。例句如下:  Mrs. Black and her children talked and laughed.  布莱克夫人与和她的孩子们有说有笑。 句式基本类型-主系表  2. 主语+系动词+表语  ★ 句式须知  主系表结构的关键在于系动词。换句话说,有系动词就有主系表!常见 的系动词有:  表示存在的系动词:be,prove;  表保持的系动词:remain,keep,stay,stand;  表变化的系动词:become,get,grow,turn,go,come,fall;  表感官的系动词:seem,appear,look,sound,smell,taste,feel等。  例句如下:  The city's walls remain as good as before.  这座城的城墙保存完好。 句式基本类型-主谓宾  3. 主语+谓语+宾语  ★ 句式须知  这种结构中,谓语动词一般由及物动词或及物动词 词组充当。例句如下:  They are talking about a maths problem.  他们在讨论一个数学问题。 句式基本类型-主谓间宾直宾  4. 主语+谓语+间宾+直宾  ★ 句式须知  直接宾语和间接宾语合称为双宾语。一般间接宾语为人,直接宾语 为物。常见的能够带双宾语的动词有:award,bring,hand,lend ,mail,offer,owe,pass,pay,post,read,return,send,sell ,buy,show,teach,tell,throw,write等。例句如下:  He offered me some coffee. = He offered some coffee to me.  他给我冲了杯咖啡。 句式基本类型-主谓宾宾补  5. 主语+谓语+宾语+宾补  ★ 句式须知  宾语和宾语补足语合称为复合宾语。常见的带复合宾语结构的及物 动词有:find,get,have,hear,imagine,keep,make,notice ,see,let,smell,watch,allow,appoint,ask,believe,call ,catch,cause,consider,elect,expect,feel,force,know, tell,want,wish等。例句如下:  I saw them crossing the street.  我看到他们正在穿过马路。 满分写作技巧 优化升级句型 方向一:越长越好  首先,咱们写句子的时候,要越长越好!高 中生了,不要总是:I am fine. I like it. I will go.  之类的简单句,可以用,但千万不要全 篇都是如此,极易踩雷!咱们要在保证正确 的基础上,试着把两个或者三个、四个简单 句写成一个长句子,越长越好!那么该怎么 做呢?高中阶段,三大复合句,是你的首选! 1.定语从句,用起来!  The air is seriously polluted.  People breathe the air will easily get ill.  ☛ People breathe the air which/that is seriously polluted will easily get ill.  She is in a hopeless situation.  We will keep a very close eye on her.  ☛ She is in a hopeless situation, where /in which we will keep a very close eye on her. 2.名词性从句,用起来!  We cooperate well with one another and we will succeed,or we failed.  ☛ Whether we succeed or not mostly depends upon how well we can cooperate with one another.  English is important.  It is an undoubted fact.  ☛ That English is important is an undoubted fact. 3.状语从句,用起来!  I will lend you the book.   you return it on Monday.  ☛ I will lend you the book on condition that you return it on Monday.  It is fine weather.  We all want to go to the park.  ☛ It is such fine weather that we all want to go to the park. 方向二:越怪越好  写作文,句子越怪越好!大家注意了,这里说的怪, 绝不是那种“随性洒脱”毫无章法的句子。这里的“怪 ”指的是区别于我们常见的基本句型和常规复合句, 在呈现形式上一反常态,给人一种很怪,但是又有 语法规则依据的句子,让人一看到有种不明觉历的 感觉!那么英语中,有哪些“怪”句子适合用于写作 中拿分呢?我们一起来看一下吧! 1.部分倒装  I  have seldom met such a determined person  in all my life.  ☛ Seldom in all my life have I met such a determined person.  The bell hardly had rung when the class began.  ☛ Hardly had the bell rung when the class began. 2.全部倒装  A pine tree stands on the top of the hill.  ☛ On the top of the hill stands a pine tree.  Then the day of his examination  came.  ☛ Then came the day of his examination. 3.强调句  He likes it very much.  ☛ He does like it!  The small house was built with stone by his father and hespent his childhood there.  ☛ It was in the small house which was built with stones by his father that he spent his childhood. 满分写作技巧-句式 避免常见错误 句子残缺  (✘)If no self-confidence, all our dreams will merely be daydreams.  (✔)If we had no self-confidence, all our dreams would merely be daydreams.  (✔)When seen from the top of the mountain, the city looks so beautiful.  ☛ 解析:每一个主句都有主语和谓语(祈使句属于例外),每一个从句也有其 主语和谓语。要写出正确的句子,就要有应有的句子成分,第一个句子缺少 主谓,故是错误的。但是要注意,第三句中,后面是过去分词,此时可以同 时省略主语和be,句子正确。即-ed分词和- ing分词充当状语时,可以直接跟在连词后面,不属于残缺的句子。 从句口语化  (✘)Secondly, you should join in discussions and slow your interest in other's ideas. If you do this, you can get to know different people and let them see you are easy-going.  (✔)Secondly, you should join in discussions and show your interest in other's ideas in order that you can get to know different people and let them see you are easy-going.  ☛ 解析:写作时所写的英语是书面语,要避免使用 if you do so,because of this,although you did that这种比较口语化的句子。表面看来,带有if you do this之类的句子不是错误,但会使阅卷人认为作者的英语表述不够地道。若用适当的 连词将两个句子连接起来,便实现了句式的华丽变身,形成作文中的亮点。 误将with用作从属连词  (✘)With time goes by, we are growing taller and taller and we must learn to be able persons.  (✔)As time goes by, we are growing taller and taller and we must learn to be able persons.  ☛ 解析:表示“随着……”时,with是介词,后接复合宾语,即动词 的相应形式。as是从属连词,引导状语从句。所以,上例第一句可 更正为:With time going by,we are growing taller and taller and we must learn to be able persons. 误用because构成独立句式  (✘)If you want to make friends with others, so you should remember others' names.  (✔)If you want to make friends with others, you should remember others' names.  ☛ 解析:受中文思维的影响,学生写作时,很容易就会在含有because,if 的状语从句中误加连词so,或在含though,although的句子中误加连词but。因 为汉语连词常常成对出现,例如:如果…就…,因为…所以…,虽然…但是…。 但英语却不一样,除了not only…but also…,either…or…,neither…nor..…等成对出现外,if、because、since、tho ugh、although 等都只能独立引导状语从句,后面无需再加连词。但yet,still,already可以用 在含though,although的句子中。  如:Though she was busy with her work, yet she managed to find time to stay with her family.  虽然她忙于工作,但她还是挤出时间与家人在一起。 混淆并列句与从句  (✘)Please don't throw litter everywhere, that will make our environment dirty.  (✔)Please don't throw litter everywhere, which will make our environment dirty.  ☛ 解析:学生写作时,误以为逗号能连接两个并列句,并在后句用代词that代指前文内 容。这种写法是错误的。如上面第一个句子,其实是非限制性定语从句,修饰前面一 整句话,根据定语从句的基本用法可知,不能用that。两个并列句之间要么用分号隔 开,要么用and等来连接。所以,上例还可更正为:  (✔)Please don't throw litter everywhere; that will make our environment dirty.  (✔)Please don't throw litter everywhere, and that will make our environment dirty. 定语从句叠加错误  (✘)We need to work hard to increase our math scores,which plays an important role in the college entrance examination, without which we can't go to a key university.  (✔)We need to work hard to increase our math scores,which plays an important role in the college entrance examination, in order that / so that we can go to a key university.     ☛ 解析:原则上一个先行词之后只接一个非限制性定语从句,关系紧密的对比 性定语从句例外。尽管在先行词和定语从句之间可以有一个如介词短语之类 的插入语,而构成分隔定语从句,如 Now children like to go to the fast food restaurant, as the name says, where eating doesn't take much time. 但是不能无限制地叠加定语从句,致使后面定语从句与先行词相隔太远导致 句子结构紊乱。为了避免这类错误,最好将后一个定语从句调整成一个状语 从句或一个独立的句子。 误用关系词  (✘)There are 45 minutes in a lesson, which some of the time the teacher speaks and some of the time we discuss.  (✔)There are 45 minutes in a lesson, some of which the teacher speaks and some of which we discuss.  ☛ 解析:定语从句的关系词既能引导定语从句,又在定语从句中 充当一定的成分,所以在定语从句中不能重复出现引导词所代 替的内容。此时,可以直接用不定代词 + of + which的结构。例句如:They produced two reports, neither of which contained any useful suggestions. 误用从属连词  (✘)We should finish much homework, in case we canremember the new knowledge.  (✔)We should finish much homework, in order that we can remember the new knowledge.   (✔)We should finish much homework, in case we forgetthe new knowledge.  ☛ 解析:in case引导目的状语从句或条件状语从句,意思是“万一”。上面第一个例 句,句子含义为“我们应当完成很多作业,万一我们会记住新知识”句 意不当,故学生在使用的时候,要注意理清句子含义,第一个例句想要 表达的应该是我们应该多做作业,才能记住新知识或者多做作业以免忘 记新知识。故以上第二和第三个例句才是正确的使用方式。 长句训练  1. 人们都相信,随着科技的进步,在月球上生活将不是一个梦 .(同位语从句)  2. 无论你喜欢哪一个,总会有适合你的主题公园。(用让 步状语从句) .  3. 封面是绿色的那本杂志属于我。(whose)  4. 他哥哥12岁前就已经被送到了美国.(by the time)  5. 我对这个我已经住了8年的城市很熟悉.(介词 +which/whom 引导的定语从句)  1. 答案  People believe in the idea that with the development of technology, it will not be a dream to live on the moon.   2. 答案  Whichever or whatever you like, there is a theme park for you.  3. 答案  The magazine whose cover is green belongs to me.  4. 答案  By the time he was twelve,his brother had been sent to America.  5。答案  I am familiar with the city in which I have lived for eight years.

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