人教新目标七年级英语上册Unit 3 Section B (1a-1e)精品课件

人教新目标七年级英语上册Unit 3 Section B (1a-1e)精品课件


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Section B (1a-1e) Unit 3 Is this your pencil? Ask questions about the things in the classroom. 利用教室中的实物进行问答。 A: Is this your book? B: Yes, it is. A: Are these your pencils? B: No, they aren’t. They are hers. … Review: Lead in Read and learn Words and expressions baseball watch computer game card notebookring What’s this in English? bag ID card Match the words with the things in the picture. 将下列单词与图中物品配对。 1 654 32 computer game____ baseball ____ watch ____ notebook _____ ID card _____ ring ____ 6 35 21 4 课文展现 Presentation 1. baseball ____ 4. ID card ____ 7. ring ____ 2. watch ____ 5. key ___ 8. pen ____ 3. computer game ___ 6. notebook ___ 9. bag __ b h a i g c d e f Match the words with the things in the picture.1a A: What’s this in English? B: It’s a / an … A: How do you spell it? B: … Ask and answer questions about the things in the picture.就上图中物品与同伴问答。 1b Practice 1. baseball ____ 4. ID card ____ 7. ring ____ 2. watch ____ 5. key ___ 8. pen ____ 3. computer game ___ 6. notebook ___ 9. bag __ b h a i g c d e f Listen and circle the things you hear in 1a.1c Listen again. Write the things in the chart.再听一遍录音。在表格中填入这些 物品。 Linda Mike watch ID card pen baseball 1d Conversation 1 Linda: I lost my watch this morning. Teacher: OK. Is this your watch? Linda: No, it isn’t. That’s my watch. Teacher: Here you are. Linda: And that’s my ID card. Teacher: OK. What’s your name? Linda: Linda. Tape script: Conversation 2 Mike: That’s my pen. Teacher: This? Mike: Yes, and that’s my baseball. Teacher: All right. What’s your name? Mike: Mike. Teacher: OK. Here’s your baseball. Mike: Thank you. 1e Student A is Linda and Student B is Mike. Make conversations about the things in 1d. Then change roles. Is this your watch? No, it isn’t. It’s Jim’s. That’s is my watch. Here you are.  听磁带并朗读: 1. 认真听,注意语音语调 2. 听并模仿跟读若干遍(按暂停键) 3. 听并跟磁带一起读 4. 自己朗读若干遍(会背诵) 5. 听并纠正自己的发音

资料: 29.3万


