人教新目标八年级英语上册Unit 10 Section B (1a-1d)精品课件

人教新目标八年级英语上册Unit 10 Section B (1a-1d)精品课件


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Section B (1a-1d) Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time! 学习目标  Key words & phrases:   travel,agent,go to college,get an education, travel around the world,make a lot of money  Key sentences: 1.If you join the Lions, you'll become a great soccer player.   2.What do you think I should do ?Can you give me some advice?  If-adverbials,conditional adverbials. What kind of things are the most important to you? Lead in be happy go to college be famous travel around the world make a lot of money get an education 1a Which of the things below are the most important to you? Circle three things. _____ be happy ______ travel around the world _____ go to college ______ make a lot of money _____ be famous ______ get an education Presentation 1b Listen. Look at the list in 1a. Write “A” before each thing the soccer agent talks about and a “p” before each thing Michael’s parents talk about. _____ be happy ______ travel around the world _____ go to college ______ make a lot of money _____ be famous ______ get an education P P A A P P 1c Listen again. Complete the sentences. 1. If you join the Lions, ____ 2. If you become a Lion, ____ 3. And if you work really hard, ____ 4. If you become a soccer player, ____ 5. But if I don’t do this now, ____ a. you’ll be famous. b. I’ll never do it. c. you’ll become a great soccer player. d. you’ll never go to college. e. you’ll travel around the world. c e a d b I think I’m going to work until night. (be tired) If you do, you’ll be tired. Patterns If you do, you’ll be happy. I think I’m going to the party. If you do, … I think I’m going to exercise every day. 1d Student A is Michael. Student B is his friend. Student B, give Student A advice. A: What do you think I should do? Can you give me some advice? B: I think you should go to college. A: But if I go to college, I’ll never become a great soccer player. Practice PAIRWORK A: I think you should … B: But if I …, I’ll … get an education, playing it every day after school as a hobby … Summary 1.Key vocabulary:travel,agent,go to college , travel around the world,make a lot of money , get an education 2.Target language: A:What do you think I should do ?Can you give me some advice? B:I think you should go to college. A:But if I go to college,I'll never become a great soccer player. 1.Remember the new words in the period. 2.Practice the conversation in 1d.

资料: 29.3万


