人教新目标八年级英语上册Unit 8 Section B (3a-SC)精品课件

人教新目标八年级英语上册Unit 8 Section B (3a-SC)精品课件


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Section B (3a-SC) Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? 学习目标  Key words & phrases: rice noodles,for breakfast/lunch/dinner, chicken soup,one by one,cut up,put…into… ,cut…into pieces  Key sentences: 1.Now,it's time to have the rice noodles!  2.First,put some yogurt on a piece of bread. Then,cut up one apple and an onion and put them on the yogurt… Write a recipe for your favorite food. Super Chicken Sandwich Lead in First, take a slice of bread. Next, put some lettuce on the bread. Then, put two spoons of relish on the lettuce. Finally, put a slice of bread on the top. “过桥米线”是云南滇南地区特有的食品,已有百多 年历史,五十多年前传至昆明。过桥米线由四部分 组成:一是汤料覆盖有一层滚油;二是佐料;三是主 料(为各种肉片)及辅料;四是主食,即用水略烫 过的米线。鹅油封面,汤汁滚烫,但不冒热气。 Do you know Yunnan Rice Noodles? Pre-Writing Legend about the noodles 过桥米线已有一百多年的历史。相传,清朝时滇南蒙 自市城外有一湖心小岛,一个秀才到岛上读书,秀才贤慧 勤劳的娘子常常做了他爱吃的米线送去给他当饭,但等出 门到了岛上时,米线已不热了。后来一次偶然送鸡汤的时 候,秀才娘子发现鸡汤上覆盖着厚厚的那层鸡油有如锅盖 一样,可以让汤保持温度,如果把佐料和米线等吃时再放, 还能更加爽口。于是她先把肥鸡、筒子骨等熟好清汤,上 覆厚厚鸡油;米线在家烫好,而不少配料切得薄薄的到岛 上后用滚油烫熟,之后加入米线,鲜香滑爽。此法一经传 开,人们纷纷仿效,因为到岛上要过一座桥,也为纪念这 位贤妻,后世就把它叫做"过桥米线"。 过桥米线已被列入非物质文化遗产。 3a Read the recipe below and fill in the blanks with the words in the box. cook next wash finally have enjoy first cut Yunnan Rice Noodles In Yunnan, many people eat ice noodles for breakfast, and even for lunch and dinner. To make this special food, you need to _______ rice noodles, chicken soup, chicken, lettuce and eggs. (Of course, you can also have other things like fish and different vegetables.) have ________, _______ the lettuce and cut it up. ________, _______ the chicken into pieces. Then, make the chicken soup very hot, over 100℃. Then, _______ the eggs, meat and lettuce in the pot of hot soup, one by one. ________, put the rice noodles into the soup. Now, it’s time to ________ the rice noodles! First wash Next cut cook Finally enjoy Think of a favorite food in your hometown. Make a list of ingredients. 3b ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ First, … Second, … Next, … Then, … Finally, … pancakes How to make a pancake? Put an egg and some sugar in a bowl. Stir them. Next , pour in some milk. Put cake ingredients and flour in the bowl. Mix them all up. Pour flour jam in the pan. Bake the pancake. 3 4 3c Write a recipe for your favorite food. Use 3a and 3b to help you. While-Writing 习作在线 周末,同学们准备开一次聚会,在聚会上,大 家想自己动手制作一些喜欢吃的东西,许多同 学爱吃牛肉三明治,你会做吗?请你根据下面 所给的材料,写出制作牛肉三明治的过程。 2 slices of bread; 1 spoon of cheese; 1 green pepper; 1 onion; mushrooms; 3 slices of beef; 【写作过程】 1. 审题。本篇作文要求写如何制作牛肉三 明治,注意祈使句的用法。 2. 列出相关的短语和句子: 全面用到上面 所列出的短语,及不可数名词表示计量的方 法(量词 + of + 不可数名词)。 思路点拨 3. 谋篇。注意使用句型,特别是first, next, then, finally 四个副词的用法。 4. 注意。某些动词短语的使用,如:put ... on ...; cut up; add ... to ...等。 5. 写作。   First, put the cheese on a slice of bread. Then cut up a green pepper and an onion. Add these to the sandwich. Next, put some mushrooms and the beef slices on the sandwich. Put the relish on the beef. Finally, put the other slice of bread on the top. Sample 4 Make up a crazy recipe with your partner. Then tell another pair of students how to make this crazy food. The other pair will draw it. 1 Number these instructions for making tomato and egg soup in the correct order. Then complete the instructions with the words in the box. First Next Then Finally 4 3 1 2 _______, mix everything together and serve it. _______, cook for five minutes and add two eggs. _______, cut up three tomatoes and put them into a pot. _______, add some water, sugar and salt. First Next Then Finally Practice 2 Write questions and answers using the words in brackets. 1. Q: __________________________________ (how many / eggs / we / need / make / cake) A: ____________________________________ (two) How many eggs do we need to make a cake? We need two eggs. 2. Q: __________________________________ (how much/milk/we/need) A: ____________________________________ (three cups) 3. Q: __________________________________ (have to/add/sugar or honey) A: ____________________________________ (can/add/two spoons) How much milk do we need? We need three cups of milk. Do we have to add sugar or honey? Yes, we can add two spoons of honey. 1. Is it a _________ (传统的) food in China? 2. He cut some _____ (片) of meat and gave them to the boy. 3. How many _______ (火鸡) can you see over there? 4. He doesn’t eat ______ (洋葱) and ______ (生菜). 根据汉语提示填词。 traditional pieces turkeys onions lettuce Summary 1. Learn to make Yunnan Rice Noodles. 2. Write a recipe for your favorite food. • Review this unit. • Finish the Self Check in the unit.

资料: 29.3万


