长郡中学高三英语写作高分秘籍 (课件共35张PPT)

长郡中学高三英语写作高分秘籍 (课件共35张PPT)


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高考英语写作高分秘籍1. 审题到位,信息明晰 2. 词汇丰富,句式多样 3. 条理清晰,衔接得当 4. 书写美观,行文流畅17 above 22What makes a good composition ? high-level words sentence frames升级 Sentence frames实例示范 原句:The climate in Kunming is very mild and sunny, and many tourists are attracted to enjoy its beauty and scenery. • The climate is so mild and sunny in Kunming that many tourists are attracted to enjoy its beauty and scenery. • So mild and sunny is the climate in Kunming that many tourists are attracted to enjoy its beauty and scenery. so… that … 原句:The Americans and the British speak the same language, and they also share many customs. • The Americans and the British not only speak the same language, but also share many customs. • Not only do the Americans and the British speak the same language, but also share a large number of social customs. not only…but also…原句:There are many cell phones to choose from, and I have no idea which one to buy. With many cell phones to choose from, I have no idea which one to buy. 原句:China has developed greatly. More and more countries have trade contacts with our country. With the great development of China, more and more countries have trade contacts with our country. . 介词短语 with +宾 (+宾补)原句: The Americans and the British speak the same language, and they also share many customs. Apart from speaking the same language, the Americans and the British share many customs. And I feel honored to have the chance to help you understand the Chinese idiom as well as its implication meaning.  介词短语 apart from/as well as In addition to原句:When you’ve been there, you will truly experienced the charm of the city. Only when you’ve been there,will you truly experienced the charm of the city. 原句: You can improve your oral English in this way. Only in this way can you improve your oral English. only + /介词短语或when/if从句 倒装倒装原句: I saw sadness and disappointment from his face. • What I saw from his face were sadness and disappointment. 原句: Motivation and diligence really matter in language learning . • What really matters in language learning are motivation and diligence.  主语从句 what原句: The price of mask has increased terribly, and this worries a lot of citizens in America . • The price of mask has increased terribly, which worries a lot of citizens in America. 原句: All people know that the compass was first made in China. • As is known to all, the compass was first made in China. 定语从句原句: What he said didn’t matter much. But what he did weighed a lot. • It was what he did rather than what he said that really mattered. 原句: Your being healthy is the most important. • It is your well-being that really counts. • (What really counts is your good health.) 强调句原句: I know your trouble in studying English, and I feel very sorry and I’m writing ... • Knowing your trouble in studying English, I feel very sorry and I’m writing … 原句: I am bored with everyday routine,  I really  wish to go back to my colorful old days.  • Bored with everyday routine, I really wish to go back to my colorful old days.  非谓语动词Sentence frames 1. 万能句式 so…that… ,only 倒装句 not only… but also… 2. 介词短语 with+宾+宾补、in addition to、as well as… 3. 三大类从句 4. 非谓语动词 5. 强调句 Summary 6. 连贯与衔接 moreover, besides, also, as for …假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom 想来中国旅 游并体验中国高铁。请你给他写封电子邮件, 推荐一个他可能感兴趣的景点。内容包括:         1.推荐地点;         2.推荐原因。         3.简介中国的高铁。           参考词汇: CRH(China Railway High- speed)中国铁路高速列车Dear Tom         So delighted to learn that you are coming to China for a visit. And  I’m writing to recommend a historic site that may interests you. It is  Beijing.         As you know, Beijing is a capital city with a history of over 3 ,000  years, passing down numerous cultural heritages. What attracts visitors  most is the Summer Palace. It is the most famous imperial garden ,  where you can get to know about the life of the ancient emperors. And  you can visit the Great Wall and enjoy Peking Opera, too.         As for your choice on CRH, I like to express my appreciation for it.  CRH is the best means of transportation in China. China’s advanced  technology contributes to its high speed, comfort and safety, which also  enjoys great fame abroad.         I hope you will have a good time in China and I am expecting to  see you soon. Yours, Li Hu书面表达中需避免的问题 ①审题不到位;遗漏信息点 ② 句子层面上各种语法错误; ③ 表达方式的单一; ④ 语篇层面上的衔接没有做好。; ⑤ 书写及布局等问题。2020年长沙市统一考试备考对策 • ① 把握好信息内容,仔细审题很重 要。 2018全国1:假定你是李华,你的新西兰朋友Terry 将去中国朋友家做客,发邮件向你询问有关习俗。 请你回复邮件,内容包括: 1.到达时间: 5’ 2.合适的礼物:5’ 3.餐桌礼仪。 5’ 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 语言流畅及要点的适当拓展 10’Dear Terry,        I learn from your last letter that you are going to pay a  visit to your Chinese friend. Here are several relevant details  you have to pay attention to.        First and foremost, you are supposed to arrive at your  friend’s house ten minutes earlier, which shows your respect  for the family. Additionally, it makes sense to bring a suitable  present with you, and taking some fruit or flowers is a good  choice. Last but not least, you had better eat the food in front  of you in that putting your chopsticks in front of others is  considered a bad manner. Always keep in mind that you can’t  be too talkative when you are eating.        I hope these suggestions would be beneficial to you.  Yours, Li Hua• ② 注意语用的得体性; • ③ 注意应用文语言的简洁; • ④ 不要留白; • ⑤ 一定要把握好书写关。该信词数96个,词数符合要求。 提醒学生注意版面覆盖。 --《湖南省教育考试院提供》 15• 书面表达高分原则  120词左右,不能少于100或超过130字,最 好3段式。先在题卷上划出信息点,确定文 体及正确的人称、时态;首段要开门见山, 直截了当;选用恰当的关联词衔接,使文章 结构清晰、完整;同时注意长短句结合,避 免重复使用相同词语、句式。写完后必须检 查。另外,卷面要整洁,尽量避免勾抹,避 免犯低级错误。2018全国1:假定你是李华,你的新西兰朋友 Terry将去中国朋友家做客,发邮件向你询问有 关习俗。请你回复邮件,内容包括: 1.到达时间: 2.合适的礼物: 3.餐桌礼仪。 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Terry,        I learn from your last letter that you are going to pay a  visit to your Chinese friend. Here are several relevant details  you have to pay attention to.        First and foremost, you are supposed to arrive at your  friend’s house ten minutes earlier, which shows your respect  for the family. Additionally, it makes sense to bring a suitable  present with you, and taking some fruit or flowers is a good  choice. Last but not least, you had better eat the food in front  of you in that putting your chopsticks in front of others is  considered a bad manner. Always keep in mind that you can’t  be too talkative when you are eating.        I hope these suggestions would be beneficial to you.  Yours, Li Hua长郡中学2020届第3次月考 假定你是向阳高中的李华。你校拟选拔一批优秀 学生,利用寒假到世界外国语小学(World Foreign Language Primary School)给外国小 朋友辅导汉语。你希望参加此活动。请你根据以 下提示,用英语给校评选组写一封申请信: • 对此活动的理解 • 个人优点 • 你的打算 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以增加适当细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Sir or Madam,      I’m Li Hua from Xiangyang High School.  Knowing the activity that some students will teach  foreign students in the World Foreign Language  Primary School this winter vocation, I’m eagerly  writing to apply for this precious opportunity.      From my point of view, not only can this activity  be a brilliant chance to spread Chinese culture, but  also it could give me some teaching experience.  When it comes to teaching, I possess several  qualities such as patience and tolerance. What’s  more, the dream that I desire to be a teacher could  greatly motivate me to do a better job. If I’m lucky  enough to be chosen, I’ll spare no effort to teachChinese by telling them traditional stories as well as  sharing with them some Chinese masterpieces.      All in all, I think I have the qualifications you’re  looking for. please take my application into account.       Looking forward to your reply!  Yours sincerely,  Li Hua•You are sure to succeed!

资料: 29.3万


